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(1) .

pdf file of the Capstone Project includes:

❏ individual assignment cover sheet
❏ title page + link to Capstone video presentation
❏ Table of contents
❏ 10 artifacts, each starting on a new page, each with title
(e.g. Homework 3: CRAAP test evaluation)
❏ text artifacts are fully copied & pasted texts from submitted HW
files (only COMPLETE homework is accepted)
❏ video artifacts are presented through a link + a screenshot
image. Double check that link sharing settings allow anyone with
the link to watch it! Points are deducted for any unavailable content.
❏ image of the poster is to be inserted fully (if chosen to be an
(2) link to your Capstone video presentation:
→ file should be stored on Google Drive (enable access for “Anyone
with the link” in the sharing settings). Length of video: 8-10 minutes.
Ensure access to your video! If unavailable, points will be deducted.
How will I be assessed?
→ check the rubrics on Canvas!
Reflection & analysis
(video presentation)

(video presentation + artifact portfolio)

(video presentation)
What do I talk about in the video presentation?
Build a case, an argument how these artifacts display your achievement of course
learning outcomes. In your video, convince me that these artifacts showcase
your progress and prove that you have gained the required skills!

In your speech, follow the presentation structure:

● Intro
● Outline
● Development of main points
● Conclusion
Decide on the structure ★ Organize artifacts based on
of the “body” part: the learning outcomes
What ARE your main ★ Organize artifacts based on
points? the level of progress you’ve
made (and comment on
relevant LOs)

★ Organize artifacts
chronologically (and
comment on relevant LOs)
Think about the following questions
and take notes.
1) Describe your image of a confident, effective,
impressive presenter. What do they do and not
2) Describe yourself as a presenter. How do you
see yourself? How do you think others see you?
Step 1: Understand anxiety
★ It’s natural.
★ “Fight or flight” stress response is normal.
★ Audience most often is not aware of your level of
★ Audiences respond best to most genuine
speakers, not necessarily most “polished”
Step 2: Cope with anxiety
★ Be prepared! Practice. Record yourself.
★ Accept that some tension is natural (and can be
★ Practice positive self-talk and visualization.
★ Have a strong intro!
YOU are the presenter = an expert on
this topic!
Assessment criteria for group presentation (also
uploaded on Canvas):
GROUP points:

❏ Content, Structure & Organization

❏ Visuals & Design


❏ Delivery
Delivery styles to avoid: Manuscript
& Memorized
★ What’s the problem with the “manuscript” style? →
Monotonous tone reading off the script → bored
★ What’s the problem with the “memorized” style? →
Can forget → lack fluency, break up the speech, freeze!
★ Form follows function! = consider your audience and
your own purposes.
★ Use white space to separate and emphasize points.
★ Use headings and subheadings. Parallel language structure!
★ Keep it simple and relevant.
★ Keep text to a minimum. Avoid complete sentences!
★ Change slides!
RULES for POWERFUL visuals
★ Effective visuals are memorable and understood quickly.
★ Simplify the data! Provide context to make sure the data is not
★ Cite your sources in the reference slide.
★ Follow the “tell-show-tell” principle:
- Tell what the audience will see
- Show what you promised
- Tell the audience the significance of the visual
Handling Q&A with confidence
(also see file on Canvas under “Materials”)
Image source:
Task 2: Reflective essay (15%)
Students will write an essay to reflect on and evaluate the experiences in acquiring and
practicing a particular soft and/or university skill gained from participating in the
activities of the BAS unit (e.g. collaboration, time-management, active learning). The
topics will be offered by the lecturer. The essay can be written from the first-person
perspective and should include appropriate use of research (minimum 3 references).
The four reflection components must be used to organize the essay into paragraphs.

Format: a .doc or .pdf file

Length: 800-1000 words (+/- 10%)
Due: One week after Session 12, on e-learning
Reflection component Prompts

The paragraph should introduce the focus skill of the essay, explain its choice
for the purpose of the essay, and evaluate the general importance of the skill
Evaluate the significance:
for university students and the value for the writer.
What is the value of the skill?
* It is suitable to use references in this paragraph.

The paragraph should include descriptions of particular experiences as related

to the focus skill of the essay. At least 3 specific examples of/experiences with
Reconstruct the experiences:
the focus skill should be described. Consider how much detail is truly
What happened?
necessary/helpful to give.

The paragraph should analyze the experiences and explain why they were
positive or negative. Consider various factors at play. Consider alternative
Analyse: actions that could have been taken. Consider your own role as well as the roles
Why did it happen that way? of the others involved.
* It is suitable to use references in this paragraph.

The paragraph should focus on the specific lessons learnt from the experiences
Distill & Apply:
described above, their positive and negative features. Consider identifying
What lessons can be learnt with the
areas for further practice and improvement, as well as outlining a specific plan
help of this reflection? What are some
of future action concerning the focus skill.
ways to prepare for future situations?
* It is suitable to use references in this paragraph.
Topics (also see the file on Canvas)

NO essays on public speaking

How will I be assessed? → check the rubrics
on Canvas!

Language & Format
Typical mistakes:

Analyzing in the description paragraph

Describing in the analysis paragraph
Reflective essay: formatting info
❏ Four paragraphs as per guidelines
❏ Plain text (no visuals, no subheadings) - this is an essay!
❏ INDIVIDUAL reflection
❏ Any outside sources you use must be cited and referenced
according to APA7
❏ Formal style BUT from first-person perspective
❏ Use the Formatting guidelines file on Canvas
Peer plagiarism

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