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Helwan University B.Sc.

Mataria Faculty of Engineering Course: Pipelines
Mechanical Power Department Sheet No.3

(2) It is required to convey water at a flow rate of 2000 m3/h through a long pipe line
from point (1) to point (2). The pipe line has a length of 5.0 km.The elevation of point
(2) is higher than the elevation of point (1) Z2-Z1=10 m.
Estimate the optimum water velocity & pipe inside diameter ID using the following

Fluid: water @ 20 C
Pipe material : PVC 6 bar
Pipe Cost function

= . ×

where D the pipe ID in mm and Y the pipe cost in EGP/m

Hazen William's C=140

pipe life time = 30 years
interest rate = 7.5%

wire to water pump efficiency = 0.64

daily operation = 24 h/day
yearly operation = 240 days/year
Electricity cost = 0.25 EGP/kWh

neglect all other costs

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