Reflections Galore - SABIO

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Sabio, Nathalie Gael P.

- K33
Reflections Galore


To brief, the following reiteration of important scenes will be serving as an example in relation to
the point being made. This is not to serve as a summary of the movie.

The following SDGs that Mirando Corporation in the movie entitled “Okja” went against were six
SDGs out of seventeen which makes it alarming that this fictional company takes remedial actions. The
first SDG being violated is SDG #3: Maintain good health and well-being of others at all ages. (United
Nations, n.d.) During the first half of the movie, it has been shown that Mija shares a deep connection and
relationship with Okja, a super pig being targeted by Mirando Corporation. The people working for the
said company are aware of how Mija deeply cares for Okja and yet they completely disregard this piece of
information. Second, SDG #8: productive employment and decent work are to be promoted. (United
Nations, n.d.) However, in the movie, it can be shown as the opposite of what this development goal
requires achieving. Dr. Johnny Wilcox is an individual who is facing the media to represent the company
and give inside scoops of how the research is going. Despite this, behind the camera, he is actually not
progressive and continuously commits unethical experiments and surrenders to the company’s orders in
order to get or maintain a certain position. Third, SDG #11: To make cities and human settlements safe
and sustainable was also violated in such a way that when the chase was initiated. The company should
have known better in such a way that they could have let them go in order to minimize and prevent
damages from occurring in the underground mall.

Fourth, SDG #12 pertains to maintaining sustainable consumption and production. (United
Nations, n.d.) Mirando Corporation was using harmful chemicals that could harm and affect the life cycle
of the pigs thus weakening and modifying their reproduction over time. This means that as time passes,
these pigs will no longer be as healthy as they were due to the constant chemical experiments being done
on them. Fifth, SDG #15 refers to the caretaking and responsibility for life on land and the ecosystems
related to it. (United Nations, n.d.) Sourcing these animals from all around the world just to be killed in
exchange for profit is what is being done to violate this particular developmental goal. Lastly, SDG #16 is
to promote peaceful and inclusive socities. (United Nations, n.d.) It was clear how the Mirando
Corporation slowly gave the cold shoulder to Mija towards the end since the company has already gotten
what they needed from the child. This is against maintaining peaceful societies as this clearly violates one
thought on something so valuable to them.
Finally, the organizational development intervention to be taken into consideration is the strategic
change intervention. This type of intervention will allow Mirando Corporation to modify the inner workings
of its current work design and align its values. Second, the company gains the opportunity to further
assess and analyze how to further enhance and correct their company’s actions in relation to the external
environment. (Singh, 2020) Given that the company is too focused on earning profit and making a name
for each of themselves, they are going to have to reassess their current state as to why they ended up the
way they did in the movie. Moreover, root cause analysis will highly be of use since harming wildlife was
the unethical course of action to take in the first place. To be specific, it does not necessarily mean that
animals are not to be made and produced as food for humans but it is to be able to distinct and identify
which is to be made into food and which is not. Going back, Strategic Change Intervention with the
thought in mind of reconnecting its external environment and its policies provided for them. With this, the
company is able to adjust their work design accordingly and correct what has been done to lead to its bad


United Nations. (n.d.). The 17 goals | sustainable development. United Nations. Retrieved December 11,
2022, from

Singh (2020). Strategic Interventions: Transformational Change. In: Leading Organizational Development
and Change. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

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