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Vocabulary reading

1. Peat : a dark brown substance like soil that was formed by plants dying
and becoming buried. It is sometimes added to ordinary garden soil to
improve it and is sometimes used as fuel.
2. Biofuel : a fuel that is made from living things or their waste
3. Biomass : -noun [ U  ]
 /ˈbaɪ.oʊˌmæs/ dead plant and animal material suitable for using as fuel:
biomass fuel/energy
4. Ethanol : a chemical compound that is a type of alcohol
5. Hydroelectric: producing electricity by
the force of fast moving water such as rivers or waterfalls
6.  at source : at the place where something comes from:
Tax is deducted from my income at source.
7. energy drink : a cold drink that contains a lot of sugar and caffeine and
that is said to give you energy
8. green energy: energy that can be produced in a way
that protects the natural environment, for example by using wind, water,
or the sun
9. solar energy: energy that uses the power of the sun to produce electricity
10.seam: a long, thin layer of a substance such as coal that
has formed between layers of other rocks
11.brine: water with salt in it, especially when used to preserve food
12.civil: not military or religious, or relating to the ordinary people of
a country
13.plausible: seeming likely to be true, or able to be believed
14.favourable: giving you an advantage or more chance of success
15.ore: rock or soil from which metal can be obtained
16.gear sth for/to/towards sb/sth:to design or organize something so that it
is suitable for a particular purpose, situation, or group of people accordance with a rule, law, wish :
following or obeying a rule, law, wish, etc.
18.forecast : a statement of what is judged likely to happen in
the future, especially in connection with a particular situation, or
the expected weather conditions
19.turn (someone) against someone/something : to start not to like
or agree with someone or something, or to make someone do this
20.shortfall: an amount that is less than the level that was expected or needed
21.something goes without saying: something is obviously true
22.apocalyptic: showing or describing the total destruction and end of
the world, or extremely bad future events
23.catalyst: something that makes
a chemical reaction happen more quickly without itself being changed
24.ideological: based on or relating to a particular set of ideas or beliefs
25.gas-guzzling: (of a car or other vehicle) using a lot of fuel
26.four-by-four: a vehicle whose engine supplies power to all
four wheels instead of the usual two, so that it
can travel easily over difficult ground
27.stark : empty, simple, or obvious, especially without decoration or
anything that is not necessary
28.allotment: a small piece of ground in or just outside a town that
a person rents for growing vegetables, fruits, or flowers
Vocabulary builder 2
1. a bright spark – an intellegent person
2. full of beans – has a lot of energy
3. taking coal to Newcastle – supplying something where it is not needed
4. let off stream – release (nervous ) energy
5. full steam ahead – time to go with a top speed
6. buring the midnight oil –woring late at night
7. adding fuel to the fire – making a situation bad
spotlight on exam skills 2
1. cite : to praise someone in the armed forces publicly because
of their brave actions
2. in a bid to : an attempt to achieve or get something
3. practitioner: someone who works in
a job that involves long training and high levels of skill
4. desperate : very serious or bad
Our energy requirements
1. basal metabolism :
2. heat-dissipating
3. absorbtion
4. transport
5. interconversion
6. oxidation
7. deposition
8. discretionary
9. synthesize
12.maternal tissues
Natural gas in the transportation sector
1. The transportation sector – ngành giao thông vận tải

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