Secondary Data

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Research design

The research process used for the study is descriptive in nature

The study Was BASED on questioner method. The aim of the study is to find the
satisfaction level of customer

method of data collection

Primary data
Primary data are those, which are collected as fresh and for the first time and
happen to be original in nature. Primary data was collected using a questionnaire. The
questionnaire was given to customer of the import of madicine product in the company to get
information regarding services rendered by the freight forwarder, with different modes of
services and business levels of the company which were collected with the questionnaire.

Secondary data

Secondary data is collected from the number of standard textbooks; journals and
reports were referred to formulate the theoretical model for the study.

Questionnaire Design

A structured questionnaire is used to collect data from respondents; various types of questions are
prepared to collect the information from the respondents. The questionnaire contains a few
questions which are multiple, open-ended, and close-ended types of questions.

sampling technique

data analysis tools

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