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1 Quarter: 4 Date: _______________ Teacher: __________________________

Name: __________________________________________ CN: _____ Grade & Section: ____________________

Equator, Prime Meridian and Hemispheres

1. MELC: Demonstrate how places on Earth may be located using a coordinate system
2. Content: The Philippine Environment
3. Formation Standard: A Filipino citizen takes pride in the cultural heritage of the Philippines and use it’s natural
resource properly (SOLIDARITY)

• Religioso, T., Vengco, L., & Cordero-Navaza, D. (2017). You and the Natural World 7. Phoenix Publishing
• DEPEd Science 7 Learner’s Material 2013
• Support Material for Independent Learning Engagement (SMILE) (2021). DEPEd Regional office XII Science 7
• Locating places of Earth using the coordinate system

 Great Circle are the two starting points in locating places and telling directions on Earth namely equator and
prime meridian.
 Latitude is also called as parallels which do not intersects as they circle around the globe
 Longitude is a line connecting all points of the same longitude is called meridian
 The closer the latitude is to the equator, the warmer the climate. The closer it is to the poles, the colder. Thus, it is
clear that there is a relationship between the latitude of a place and the climate it experiences.

Part 1
I. Objective: Describe the location of the Philippines using latitude and longitude
II. Materials: globe or world map and Figures 1, 2 and 3.

III. Procedure:
1. Study the image on figure 2 and 3. It shows the lines of latitude and longitude.
Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3

Guide Questions:
1. Describe the lines of latitude. What is the starting point of latitude?

2. Describe the lines of longitude. What is the starting point of longitude?

Part 2
I. Locating the lines of latitude
Directions: Trace and label the lines of latitude. Use color pens in tracing.

 Blue-Equator
 Green- tropics of Cancer and
 Red-Arctic and Antarctic Circles.

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