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Learner Requirements: Stationery

Equipment Requirement: None

This paper consists of: 120 Marks

1. Section A: Short Questions 30 Marks

2. Section B: Medium Questions 40 Marks
3. Section C: Long Questions 50 Marks

Unless otherwise stated, please answer ALL questions.


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Module: Documentation, Analysis & Page 1 of 11 2018
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Diploma: Information Technology Module code: SAD210

Module: Documentation, Analysis & Page 2 of 11 2018
Design 1A
Answer all questions

Question 1 (10)
MATCHING (match column A with column B)
Column A Column B ANS
1 Use case diagram A A way of gathering information which will be G √
used to develop or enhance information
2 Agile method B The identification, evaluation and monitoring of J √
risks to reduce threats that might have a
negative impact on the project.
3 Data Flow Diagram C A characteristic feature that systems analysts I √
must involve when developing systems to
satisfy business requirements so that it will be
acceptable to users.
4 Strategic planning D Refers to an analysis and evaluation of a F √
proposed plan or method.
5 System requirement E Defined as the horizontal bar chart that is used C √
to show the timing, duration, and progress of
each task.
6 Business case F Refers to the activity that is used to establish H √
long-term company’s objectives, resources and
7 Feasibility study G Used to show the interaction between the D √
information system and the users visually.
8 Fact finding H Refers to a written document that shows the A√
justification or reasons for developing an
information system.
9 Gantt chart I Used by developers to show the movement of E √
data through an information system. It provides
the tasks that are supposed to performed by the
10 Risk management J Very flexible and efficient in developing projects B √
that requires change or enhancement.

Diploma: Information Technology Module code: SAD210

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Design 1A
Question 2 (20)
Write the full name and define the following acronyms:
Systems Development Life Cycle √ is a methodology approach that is used to develop
various information systems. SDLC model uses policies and procedures to develop or enhance
information systems. √
b) TPS
Transaction Processing Systems √: refers to an information system that is used to store
process and retrieve data transactions that are carried out on daily basis. TPS are very efficient
in transaction processing because the job is done as a group rather than individually. √
Computer-Aided System Engineering (CASE) √ is the use of a specific software to design
and implement information systems. CASE is a very powerful software systems analyst use to
develop various applications. √
d) WBS
Work Breakdown Structure √: refers to the breakdown of a project into smaller tasks so that
it will be easy to manage. √
e) BSS
Business Support Systems √: refers to a system that gives enough support to users at all
levels of a company. √
f) ERP
Enterprise Resource Planning √: refers to the integration of the various core business
activities. Provides cost-effective support for users and managers. ERP support day to day
activities of a business. √
g) RAD
Rapid application development √: a methodology that is used to speed the development of
a project by eliminating some stages. √
h) UML
Unified Modeling Language √ is used to develop object models. √
i) SRD
System Requirement Document √ is a deliverable for system analysis and is presented to
the management and users for review and approval. √
j) CPM
Diploma: Information Technology Module code: SAD210
Module: Documentation, Analysis & Page 4 of 11 2018
Design 1A
Critical Path Method √ is used for scheduling the tasks of the project, monitoring the progress
of the project and controlling the projects. √


Answer all questions

Question 3 (10)
Discuss the benefits of Information Technology.
The benefits of Information Technology:
 Increases engenderment and preserves time. Businesses use technology to automate tasks. This
preserves the time and results into quality products. √√

 Information Technology amends communication ameliorates. Communication technology enhances

communication within organizations i.e. telephones, video conferencing and e-mail avail organizations
to carry out their processes. √√

 Ameliorates information storage and file management. The utilization of cloud hosting accommodations
to store and backup business data preserves on paper work and makes transfer and access of data
remote. √√

 Amends on business competitive advantage Companies have utilized technology to gain competitive
advantage over their competitors. A business will ameliorate on its technology and amend on its
services and products which will make its customers blissful; this will turn these blissful customers
allegiant to that business and additionally invite more friends to utilize that service or product. √√

 Improves business to consumer relationship. Businesses have embraced the convivial technology to
interact with their consumers. This engenders a very vigorous relationship between business and
consumers. As a result, there will be business magnification and expansion. √√

Diploma: Information Technology Module code: SAD210

Module: Documentation, Analysis & Page 5 of 11 2018
Design 1A
Question 4 (20)
With the aid of a diagram explain an organisational structure in an Information Systems environment.


Organizational Structure:
 Top Management √√√
o They design strategic plans that include company’s overall mission and goals.
o They source information from outside the company for instance technology development,
competitive threats, economic forecasts and governmental issues.
o Determines the amount to be invested in information technology

 Middle Management √√√

o Decides the right direction to be taken
o Identifies the necessary resources to be used
o Provides performance feedback to managers or supervisors.
o They require more detailed information than managers

 Knowledge workers √√√

They support the company’s basic functions. Examples of knowledge workers are:
o Systems analysts
o Programmers
Diploma: Information Technology Module code: SAD210
Module: Documentation, Analysis & Page 6 of 11 2018
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o Accountants
o Researchers
o Trainers

 Supervisors and Team Leaders √√√

o They are also known as the team leaders
o Manages operational employees
o Supervisors carries out day-to-day operational activities
o They area also responsible for decision making
o Team leaders provide adequate resources and conduct training to users.
o Knowledge management systems and decision support helps team leaders to carry out day-to-
day activities.

 Operational Employees √√√

o Transaction processing systems are used by operational employees to enter and receive data
that will be needed to carry out various tasks.
o Operational employees use information to complete certain jobs.
o Empowerment provides the users with more accountability and responsibility.
o Employee motivation and customer satisfaction can be improved through empowerment.

Question 5 (10)
Differentiate between the following:

a) Horizontal and vertical system

Horizontal system is a system that can be used in many different companies. It is mainly
designed to provide various tasks for users. Horizontal systems are one of the most common type
of system in many companies. Inventory and payroll application are examples of horizontal
systems. √
Vertical system is a system mainly designed to support specific business requirements. Vertical
systems target certain users who have got a better skill. It is a unique system. Medical practice and
auto dealership are examples of vertical systems. √
b) System software and application software
System software refers to the program that is responsible for managing computer. √

Diploma: Information Technology Module code: SAD210

Module: Documentation, Analysis & Page 7 of 11 2018
Design 1A
Application software refers to programs that support day-to-day business activities such as
payroll systems and processing systems. √
c) Business to consumer and Business to Business ecommerce.
B2B (Business to consumer): refers to the business transaction that is carried out between the
company and an individual consumer. √
B2B (Business to business): refers to those business activities that are done between business
to business. √
d) Systems planning and systems analysis
Systems planning: the main aim of this phase is to perform a preliminary investigation which
involves feasibility study. Feasibility helps systems analysts to evaluate if the project is viable or
not. It also evaluates the technicality of the proposed system to be developed. √
The purpose of the systems analysis phase is to understand document business requirements
and build a logical model of the new system. It involves requirement modeling which is a critical
stage that investigates the business processes and describes what the new system must do to
satisfy the users. √
e) Tangible and intangible benefits
Tangible Benefits are benefits that can be measured or estimated in terms of dollars and that
accrue to the organization. Example of tangible benefit is a new scheduling system that reduces
overtime. √
Intangible Benefits are benefits that accrue to the organization but that cannot be measured
quantitatively or estimated accurately. Example of intangible benefit is a user-friendly system that
improves employee job satisfaction. √
Answer all questions
Question 6 (15)
What is a feasibility study in Information Systems? Discuss the four types of feasibility studies.
Refers to an analysis and evaluation of a proposed plan or method. Feasibility study also determines if the
proposed project is viable or not. It also includes the constraints of the project and how they can be eliminated.
√√√ The four types of feasibility study are:
 Operational feasibility

 Technical feasibility

 Economic feasibility

Diploma: Information Technology Module code: SAD210

Module: Documentation, Analysis & Page 8 of 11 2018
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 Schedule feasibility
1) Operational Feasibility determines if the proposed system to be developed will be used effectively
after being developed. If the system is not user-friendly users will find it very difficult to operate and
might not produce the expected results. √√√
2) Technical feasibility refers to both the physical resources and software that will be used to build the
system. These resources are used to develop, purchase, install, or operate the system. All the
resources must be identified. √√√
3) Economic feasibility- means that the projected benefits of the proposed system out-weigh the
estimated costs usually considered the total cost of ownership (TCO).
This includes maintenance costs as well as acquisition costs. √√√
4) Schedule Feasibility refers to the time that will be taken to develop a complete system. When
developing information systems, time and costs must be considered. Various tools such as Gantt chart
can be used to meet deadlines for the project. √√√

Question 7 (15)
Discuss Joint Application Design (JAD), focusing on advantages and disadvantages.
Joint application development(JAD):
 It is a fact-finding technique that was developed in the 1970s. √
 Users are active participants in the development of the system. √
 JAD also focuses on requirements determination √
 JAD involves a project leader who have got good communication skills, organizational skills to be able
to supervise the JAD group. √
 The user’s requirements for the new system being developed must be documented. √
 System analysts also do provide support to all the members. √
 JAD allows discussions, asking questions and writing of important notes. √
Advantages of JAD
 There is user involvement in developing the information systems √
 JAD provides correct system requirements since it allows every participant to give ideas. √
 Allows open discussions among members. √
 Involvement of users give a sense of ownership in the results. √
Disadvantages of JAD
 It is a very costly method. √

Diploma: Information Technology Module code: SAD210

Module: Documentation, Analysis & Page 9 of 11 2018
Design 1A
 Might take longer if a large group is used when developing the new system. √
 It requires skilled and experienced professionals √
 It needs significant planning √
Question 8
Critically discuss the steps in a preliminary investigation.
Step 1: Understand the Problem or Opportunity √√√
o Includes business profile that describes business processes and functions.
o Determines if the modifications cannot affect business activities.
o Various departments and users are involved.

Step 2: Define the Project Scope and Constraints √√√

o Determines the boundaries.
o Project scope is defined.
o Constraints are defined.

Step 3: Perform Fact-Finding √√

o Used to gather information such as costs, benefits and schedules.
o Gather data about project usability, costs, benefits, and schedules.
o organization charts are analysed
o decides which people must be interviewed
o describe the functions of the system

Conduct Interviews – is the primary method of obtaining information during the preliminary investigation. √
Steps to be followed when conducting interview √√√
o Determine the people to interview
o Establish objectives for the interview
o Develop interview questions
o Prepare for the interview
o Conduct the interview
o Document the interview
o Evaluate the interview

Review Documentation √
o Investigate the current system documentation.
o Check with users to confirm that you are receiving accurate and complete information.

Observe Operations √
o See how workers carryout typical tasks
o Sample inputs and outputs of the system

Step 4: Analyze Project Usability, Cost, Benefit, and Schedule Data √√

o What information must you obtain, and how will you gather and analyse the information?

Diploma: Information Technology Module code: SAD210

Module: Documentation, Analysis & Page 10 of 11 2018
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Step 5: Evaluate Feasibility √
o Evaluate operational, technical, economic and schedule feasibility.

Step 6: Present Results and Recommendations to Management √√√

o Typical Report Includes:
o Introduction
o Systems Request Summary
o Findings.
o Case for Action


Diploma: Information Technology Module code: SAD210

Module: Documentation, Analysis & Page 11 of 11 2018
Design 1A

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