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I. Objectives
At the end of 50 minutes, 90% of students with 85% proficiency level, the learners
should able to:

a. Formulate the rule in finding the next term in a sequence.

b. Understanding the importance of number sequence in a real life.
II. Subject Matter
A. Number Sequence
B. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages: 122-133
2. Learners Materials Pages: Pp. 250 -257
3. Textbook: 21st Century MATHletecs 5
C. Other Learning Resources:
1. Cut-out Pictures
2. Activity sheets
III. Procedures
Teacher’s Activities Pupil’s Activities
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Prayer
May I request everybody to please All pupils will stand and pray.
stand for our prayer.

Who will lead the prayer? Yes! Dalisay, Dear Lord………………….Amen.

lead the prayer.

2. Greetings Good morning, teacher.

Good morning class

3. Checking of Attendance None, teacher.

Who are absent?

Very good.

4. Setting of Classroom Standards

Class, what will you do if the class begin? Sit properly.

Very good!

What will you do if the teacher is Talking in

front of you? Keep silent and listen carefully.

If you want to answer, what will you do? Just raise your right hand if you want to answer.

Can I expect that from you class? Yes, teacher.

5. Assignment
Okay class kindly pass your assignment. Yes, teacher.

6. Review
What is our previous lesson? Teacher, our previous lesson is all about “Solid

-What is Solid Figures? are the three-dimensional figures.

- What is Three-dimensional figure? a three-dimensional objects has length, width and


-Very good.

B. Developmental Activities

we see shapes and colors

what do you see?

They have different color and shapes. we observe that they have in pattern in colors.
What did you observe?

Very Good! They have patterns in color and


B. Engagement

Class read the situation on your textbook

page 250.

Direction: Read the situation silently and


The pupil will read the situation

Seven days before his mother’s birthday,
clack planned to give her gift. On the first
day, he sent one gift. On the second day, he
sent three gift. On the third day, he sent five Clark sent 13 gift on the seventh day
gifts, and so on.

How many gift did Clark send his mother

on the seventh day?

C. Exploration

Upon observing the number of gifts. If we add 2 each numbers in the set, we can
have determined the next number in 7, 9, 11, 13
1, 3, 5, ___, ___, ___, ___ on the seventh day.

What is the next term if we add 2 in each


1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13

D. Explanation
Teacher, the next three terms of the sequence
Sequence is a list of numbers or object in a are 11, 14, and 17 by adding 3 in each number,
defined or logical order,

Ex. 1: The next three terms of the sequence are the 48,
Find the next three terms of the sequence 2, 96, 192 by multiple by 2.
5, 8, __, __, __, __, . . .

Ex. 2:
Find the next three terms of the sequence 3,
6, 12, 24, __, __, __, . . .
Activity 6, 7, 8.
35, 42, 49
Direction: Find the next three terms of the 405, 1215, 3,645
sequence. 10,000, 100,000, 1,000,000.
16, 24, 34
1. 2, 3, 4, 5, __, __, __.
2. 7, 14, 21, 28, __, __, __.
3. 5, 15, 45, 135, __, __, __.
4. 1, 10, 100, 1000, __, __, __.
5. 3, 4, 6, 10. __, __, __.

E. Elaboration

Read the situation below, and answer the

following question according to the given

Sheila is receiving Php. 100.00 from her

parents as her weekly allowance. Her Sheila received a Php. 100.00 allowance.
parents told her that they would increase her
Php. 100.00 allowance by Php. 30.00 every Her parents increase by Php. 30.00 every year.
year. Sheila computed the amount of
allowance she would receive after 5 years. Sheila received a Php. 250.00.

1. How much allowance is Sheila

receiving at the start? None Sir
2. How much will the increase of her
allowance per year?
3. How much will be Sheila’s
allowance after five years?

Do you have any question?

IV. Evaluation
Direction: Look at the set of figures below. Analyze the missing term. Write the letter of
the correct answer in your notebook.
1. 81, 78, 75, 72, 69, ___,
a. 65 b. 66 c. 67 d. 68
2. 7, 12, 24, 29, 58, ___, ___,
a. 63 and 126
b. 53 and 126
c. 63 and 116
d. 53 and 116
3. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, ___
a. 12 b. 11 c. 10, d. 9
4. 2, 8, 32, 128, ___
a. 512 b. 412 c. 312 d. 212
5. 6, 12, 14, 28, 30, 60, ___, ___
a. 61 and 124
b. 62 and 114
c. 62 and 124
d. 61 and 114

V. Assignment
Direction: Answer each sequence below. Write the letter of the correct answer in your
1. 2, 3, 5, 8, 12, 17, ….
a. By adding counting numbers in each term, the number increase as the sequence
b. By adding odd numbers in each term, the numbers increase as the sequence
c. By adding counting numbers in each term, the numbers decrease as the sequence
d. By adding even numbers in each term, the numbers increase as the sequence

Prepared by: Aljon A. Ortega

Pre-Service Teacher

Submitted to: Mrs. Pilar B. Setera

Cooperating Teacher

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