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Training Management System (TMS)

User Manual

Accessing the TMS ........................................................................................................................................ 2
Trainee Access........................................................................................................................................... 2
Training Director, Training Manager, and Course Director Access........................................................... 3
Trainee .......................................................................................................................................................... 3
Complete an Online Training .................................................................................................................... 3
Register for an In-Person training ............................................................................................................. 4
Print Training Certificates ......................................................................................................................... 5
Training Manager .......................................................................................................................................... 5
Hazard Profile set-up ................................................................................................................................ 5
Add Personnel to a Roster ........................................................................................................................ 7
View/Change the Profile of a Trainee ....................................................................................................... 8
Remove Personnel .................................................................................................................................... 9
Send Email Feature ................................................................................................................................. 10
Authorized Users..................................................................................................................................... 10
Training Director ......................................................................................................................................... 11
Send Email to Training Managers ........................................................................................................... 12
Accessing Rosters as a Training Director ................................................................................................ 12
Course Director ........................................................................................................................................... 12
Create a Training Event ........................................................................................................................... 13
View/Edit Training Registration .............................................................................................................. 13
Send Email to Registrants ....................................................................................................................... 14
Assigning Credit to Attendees................................................................................................................. 15

Revised June 2014

Accessing the TMS
Before accessing the Training Management System you must know your Harvard
University PIN credentials.

You can manage your PIN associated with your 8-digit Harvard ID by
visiting www.pin.harvard.edu where you can:

Request a new PIN:

• If you are a new user and have a Harvard University ID number (HUID).
• If you have forgotten your current PIN.
• If you received a paper letter with a temporary PIN or a PIN activation email, but it
expired before you had a chance to set a permanent PIN.

Change your existing PIN:

• If you know your current PIN and wish to change it.

• If you received a paper letter with a temporary PIN and wish to change it to a
permanent PIN.
Affiliates and visiting personnel are issued an HUID upon arrival through their Harvard
department. If you have not received an HUID,
visit http://www.campusservicecenter.harvard.edu/services/id-cards for more

Can I access the TMS without a Harvard email address?

Yes, an account in the TMS is created with your issued HUID number. An email that is not
Harvard issued still functions within the system.

Trainee Access
If you are working in a lab under a Principal Investigator or a staff member associated with
Harvard Facilities there are certain trainings you are required to take in order to carry out
your role.

Training requirements vary amongst departments and are set by your designated Training

To access your training profile you must be added to a roster by your PI or manager.

Once you have access to your training profile you will be able to:
• Launch online training modules
• Register for in class trainings
• Access your training history
• Print certificates from all of you completed trainings

Training Director, Training Manager, and Course Director Access
Training Directors, Training Managers, and Course Directors must be appointed to their
roles by a System Administrator.

A Training Director is the individual who oversees the training management of an entire
department. They can access the profiles of all Training Managers within their department
and can view all rosters associated with their Training Managers.

There can be multiple Training Managers in a department. A Training Manager is either

the Principal Investigator of a lab or the manager of a group within the university that
requires training. Training managers oversee the training requirements for those working
under them. Training rosters can be edited by Training Managers and their appointed
Authorized Users.

A Trainee is responsible for fulfilling the training requirements set by their PI or Training
Manager. In order for a trainee to complete training they must be on a roster where their
training requirements are set according to their role.

Once you’ve been added to a roster you can log into your trainee account and fulfill your

Complete an Online Training

1. Log into your account to access your trainee profile
2. Look for a course indicating that you are DUE
3. Select the ‘Launch’ hyperlink to begin an online training module

4. An additional window will open on the Traincaster website

5. Click ‘Web-Based Training’ and complete the module

6. Once the online course is complete, your profile will no longer show DUE for this
training and will list the date on which you completed the course.

Register for an In-Person training

1. If a training requirement requires completion of an in-person course there will be a
drop down menu in the ‘Available Sessions’ column
2. Select a date/time from the drop down menu
3. Select ‘Register’

4. Make sure all your information on the next page is listed correctly
5. Click the ‘Register’ button. You will receive a message at the top of the page
indicating that you have successfully registered for the class.

6. Click ‘Home’ to return to your Trainee homepage

7. Check the top of the homepage and make sure the course you registered for is listed
in the ‘Upcoming Classroom Training’ section

8. Space for classroom trainings is limited. If, for any reason, you cannot attend the
training event you are registered for sign into your account and ‘Cancel Registration’
so that someone else can attend.

Print Training Certificates

1. Select the ‘Training History’ tab at the top of your profile
2. All completed trainings will be listed next to their completion date
3. Click ‘Print’ to print a training certificate

Training Manager
You will be notified once a Training Manager account has been created for you in the TMS.
As a Training Manager you directly manage or oversee a group of people who need
training. Training Managers are responsible for establishing a roster of individuals that
report to you and creating a Hazard Profile to indicate the required training for this group.

Hazard Profile set-up

1. Access the TMS from http://ehs.harvard.edu/training. Select your name followed by
‘(Training Manager User)’ as your login entity.

(NOTE: If this is your first time logging in as a Training Manager you will only see your
name listed on your roster.)

2. Select the ‘Hazard Profile’ tab in the manager’s toolbar.

3. Select the checkboxes that correspond with the training requirements you wish
to assign to your personnel.
4. ‘Save Changes.’

After successfully creating a Hazard Profile you are ready to add personnel to your roster.
All individuals added to your roster will automatically assume this hazard profile.

Add Personnel to a Roster
Upon signing into your Training Manger account you will see a list of personnel. These
individuals are all trainees on your roster. Use the red arrows to sort your roster by any of
the columns listed.

1. Click the ‘Add Personnel’ button

Type in trainee’s last name

2. Select the correct trainee account. If your search generates too many results you
may use the HUID search feature.

3. Assign their Position by choosing from the drop down menu

4. Check that their training requirements are set correctly

(NOTE: you can change the requirements for an individual trainee if they differ from those
listed in the hazard profile)

5. Click ‘Save Changes’

View/Change the Profile of a Trainee

1. On your roster select ‘Profile’ next to a trainee’s name.

2. Scroll to the bottom if you wish to see what trainings they are due for.
3. To add/remove training requirement select or deselect the checkbox next to the
training requirement.

4. ‘Save Changes’

Remove Personnel
As a Training Manager you are responsible for overseeing all of the individuals working in your group.
Your roster should reflect all active members of your staff. If personnel leave, this change needs to be
made to your roster.

1. Select the checkbox to the left of the trainee’s name. To delete the entire roster
select the checkbox in the first row.

2. Click the ‘Delete’ button above the roster.

Send Email Feature

TMS has a ‘Send Email’ feature that allows you to email individual personal or your entire roster.

1. Select the checkbox to the right of the trainee’s name. To email the entire roster
select the checkbox in the first row.
2. Click the ‘Send Email’ button above the roster.

3. An Outlook email window will appear listing selected individuals as email

4. Compose a custom message to your staff and send.

Authorized Users
Training managers can request Authorized Users which gives additional personnel
permission to view and edit your roster.

Authorized Users can:

• Add/Remove personnel
• View Trainee profiles to see individual training requirements and ‘DUE’
• Change Trainee profiles and training requirements
• Send emails to personnel
• Receive system generated emails regarding trainees who are overdue on
their required training.

To add an authorized user to your account you must send an email to

ehs_training@harvard.edu listing the name and email of the person you wish to appoint
Authorized User capabilities to.

An authorized user does not have to be someone on your roster. Please notify this person
that as an Authorized User they will receive system automated emails regarding overdue
training on your roster.

1. View all of your assigned Authorized Users from your profile by clicking the tab at
the top of the page called ‘Authorized Users’.

2. As the Training Manager, make sure your name is selected as the primary contact.
3. ‘Remove Contact’ will delete an authorized user from you list. You have the
capability to delete these users, but you cannot add them.

Training Director
Entering your Training Director profile gives you access to a complete list of Training
Managers affiliated with your department.

Send Email to Training Managers
As a Training Director you may email your entire roster of Training Managers or select
recipients by using the ‘Send Email’ feature.

1. Under ‘Send Email’ select the checkbox next to individuals you wish to email. If
you wish to email your entire list select the checkbox in the first column.

2. Once desired email recipients are selected click the ‘Send Email’ button.
3. In the next window select ‘Click here to send email.’
4. An Outlook email will appear with all desired recipients in the ‘To’ field.You can
now compose an email to these individuals.

Accessing Rosters as a Training Director

As a Training Director your home screen is set to list all of the Training Managers you
oversee. Access a specific roster by selecting the ‘Roster’ hyperlink next to the Training
Manager who oversees it.

Course Director
This is a role assigned to anyone who is a course instructor and holds in-classroom

Upon signing into your Course Director account you will see the list of courses you are
affiliated with. Your homepage will look like this:

Create a Training Event
1. Next to the course you wish to create a training event for click ‘Classes.’
2. On the next page click the ‘Add Training Event’ button to add an upcoming training.
3. Fill out the Training Event form completely.
4. Click ‘Save Changes’ at the bottom of the form.

5. Your new training event will appear. Select the + sign if you wish to change any of
the information listed for the event

6. To remove the training event, select the checkbox next to the event and then click ‘Delete’

View/Edit Training Registration

1. Select the ‘Attendees’ link next to a specific training event
2. Anyone listed here is registered for your upcoming class
3. Click ‘Add Training Registration’ to add more trainees to this class

4. Fill out the Training Registration form with the appropriate information OR type in
the last name and select ‘LDAP Lookup.’
5. After using the LDAP search select the correct trainee.
6. When the Training Registration form is completely filled out select ‘Register’ at the
bottom of the page.

7. Click ‘Close this window’ when finished to return to your updates list of attendees.

Send Email to Registrants

As a course director you have the ability to send an email to trainees who are registered for
an upcoming course. This is helpful when you need to send out an announcement regarding
a location change, class cancellation, or update.

1. Click ‘classes’ next to a specific course

2. Click ‘attendees’ next to the specific training event you wish to send an
announcement about
3. Select the checkboxes to the right of attendees’ names that are listed
4. Select ‘Send Email’ at the top right side of the page
5. On the next page select ‘click here to send email’

6. Compose your email announcement in the Outlook email window that appears. All
recipients will be listed in the ‘To’ field.

Assigning Credit to Attendees
1. During your in-class training keep an attendance sheet to record all individuals who
need credit for attending your class.
2. After the class log into your account and open the Training Event you just facilitated
3. Click ‘attendees.’ Add any new training registrations if necessary (See: View/Edit
Training Registration)
4. Check the box ‘Status | Attended’ next to the names of all trainees who attended the
training event

5. Select ‘Save Changes’. This will indicate that the training requirement has been
completed and will be reflected on your trainees’ profiles.


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