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Potential to
Using Personality Assessment to Identify, Develop, and Retain Future Leaders

ompetent leadership is crucial The Problem with Outside Hires
for a company’s success. To remedy the self-inflicted talent Companies with a well
Recent studies indicate that shortages they currently face, many
businesses with strong leadership
developed high-potential
companies look outside to find
are 13 times more likely to C-level talent. Unfortunately, recent
identification program:
outperform their competition, and history is rotten with examples of
three times more likely to retain their
most talented employees.1
failed external-hire CEOs: Robert
Nardelli alienated Home Depot’s 80%
better in developing
Yet, only 44% of HR professionals customer base and decimated its
stock value before leaving with a great leaders
report having formal processes
for identifying employees with $210 million severance package;2

leadership potential, and only 18% Jack Griffin oversaw the exodus
report having enough bench strength of some of Time, Inc.’s most
to meet the future requirements of respected editors;3 and HP has gone better at creating a pipeline
the company.1 through no fewer than seven chief of ready successors
executives since 1999, while its
Although these numbers are
stock value sinks accordingly.4
unsettling, they aren’t surprising.
Because there are no established Unfortunately, only a few stories
make the headlines; more than half
higher scores on
best practices for identifying
high-potential employees, current of outside hires fail, many in their employee engagement
processes are plagued by bias first 18 months on the job, and even

and politics, and produce mixed the most amicable of executive
results at best. Even if a company departures will be costly. Studies
does identify the right candidates, indicate that the average cost of a greater ability to plan for
what then? failed executive hire ranges from $1 future talent needs
million to $2.7 million.5
Companies can avoid common talent

management mistakes and produce “Outside hires face enormous
a more successful stable of leaders obstacles,” said Hogan VP of
to guarantee their future success by Global Alliances Ryan Ross. “They higher scores on
building their high-potential programs are unfamiliar with the business, developing employees
on a foundation of empirical data its employees, its culture, and
provided by personality assessment. the unique internal and external Source: Bersin & Associates, 2010

From Potential to Performance
challenges facing the business “That same bold, attention-grabbing debilitating career derailers. Dark
and its employees.” behavior we find attractive in side personality is measured by
our junior employees turns into the Hogan Development Survey.
Given these issues, it is little
recklessness in the C-suite,” he
wonder that outside hires tend Hogan also measures two
said. “We have seen some very
to underperform; a study from additional dimensions:
famous examples over the last
the Florida State and Mississippi few years.”
State Universities found that Values – Measured by the Motives,
internally promoted CEOs bring The key to successful high- Values, Preferences Inventory,
more than 25% greater total potential identification, Ross said, values are the drivers, beliefs,

That same bold, attention-grabbing behavior we find attractive in our junior

employees turns into recklessness in the C-suite.
financial performance than is to view traditional forms of and interests that determine what
external hires.6 data in the context of personality candidates’ are willing to work for
to gain a comprehensive view of and in what type of job, position,
Although most companies
each candidate. and organizational culture they are
recognize the importance of
having a stable of talented, Why Personality? likely to feel most satisfied.
succession-ready people in Personality is best defined in two Cognitive Ability – Using the
their ranks, less than 20% of parts: identity and reputation. Hogan Business Reasoning
U.S. companies have consistent, Identity is personality from the Inventory, Hogan evaluates
effective means of high-potential inside – how you see yourself. candidates’ ability to think
identification, development, Because you create your identity, tactically and strategically.
and retention.1 and it often changes, it is not
useful for predicting performance. This multi-dimensional approach
Identifying Potential As Freud said, the you that you to assessment paints a detailed
According to Ross, most know is hardly worth knowing. portrait of each applicant – his
companies rely on supervisor Reputation, on the other hand, is or her work habits, ideal job
nomination, performance personality from the outside – how type, leadership potential, and
reviews, and other traditional others see you. Reputation is probable derailers – far beyond
methods to identify candidates useful for predicting future job the information available in a
as high potentials. performance. traditional hiring process.
Hogan measures reputation along
“The idea is that the best “These are objectively measured,
two dimensions:
predictor of future performance enduring, stable characteristics
Bright-side personality – everyday that aren’t impacted by politics,
is past performance,” Ross said.
personality that determines
“That information is important, relationships, or context,” Ross
leadership style, judgment, and
but without proper context, none said. “From there, the more
candidates’ ability to get along and
of it is useful.” performance data you add, the
get ahead. Bright-side personality
better your process is going to be.”
Ross said these measures are is measured by the Hogan
Personality Inventory.
subjective, ignore the influence Turning Potential into
of politics, and, more importantly,
tend to reward behavior that
Dark-side personality – also called Performance
derailment personality, consists
becomes counterproductive at of characteristics that, under In addition to providing an
an organization’s upper levels. stress or boredom, can become empirical means of identifying
From Potential to Performance
high-potential employees, who leaves the company before narrow, businesses recognize the
personality assessment also your investment pays off,” Ross importance of quality leadership,
provides a strong foundation for said. “Letting these people know and spend millions grooming
developing an effective high- you value them by investing in their promising candidates.
potential workforce. future, assigning them stretch
However, the influence of
roles and mentors, and engaging
“The most power ful tool politics, bias, and situational
a coach helps keep high-potential
companies can give their context prevents conventional
employees engaged and interested
high-potential employees is high-potential programs from
in their work.”
the strategic self-awareness consistently producing and
gained through personality Extending the Investment retaining strong leaders.
assessment and feedback,” Warrenfeltz said because “Without some sort of empirical
said Hogan Managing Par tner personality tends to be stable over basis for selecting and developing
Dr. Rodney Warrenfeltz.
time, assessment results remain leaders, companies are basically
“For most people, there is a a powerful tool throughout the relying on luck,” Warrenfeltz said.
disparity between identity and employee life cycle. “Putting personality assessment
reputation,” Warrenfeltz said. and feedback at the center of
“The people who get the most out
This disparity can cause people of the assessment, feedback, and their high-potential program
to ignore feedback, deny their coaching process and perform the is a relatively low-cost way for
shortcomings, and, ultimately, best are those who are always companies to improve their return
stall or derail their careers. striving to improve themselves,” on investment.”

The most powerful tool companies can give their high-potential employees is
strategic self-awareness gained through personality assessment and feedback.
“Strategic self-awareness is he said. “They draw on their 1
DDI Global Leadership Forecast, 2011
about eliminating that disparity,” strategic self-awareness and 2
Barbaro, Michael. Home depot gets a
Warrenfeltz said. “Personality constantly reflect on the insights fresh coat of less-glossy paint. The
assessment and feedback they gained.” New York Times. February 8, 2007.
provide a clear understanding of At the highest level of engagement, 3
Wartzman, Rick. Why Jack Griffin’s
your strengths and weaknesses, leaders use their understanding of time expired. Bloomberg
and how those strengths and personality and their own results to Businessweek. March 4, 2011.
weaknesses compare to those help their employees develop.
of others.”
“They use their tendencies as a filter information/executive-team/
Retaining Top Talent to try to recognize those behaviors formerceos.html
in others and understand the 5
Hogan, R., & Hogan, J. (2001).
Built on a foundation of strategic
reasons behind why their employees Assessing leadership: A view from
self-awareness, Ross said
and peers do the things they do,” the dark side. International Journal
coaching, mentoring, and
Warrenfeltz said. of Selection and Assessment, 9,
continued learning opportunities
help keep high-potential Focus on the Bottom Line
employees engaged.
Ang, James S. and Nagel, Gregory
At a time when the difference Leo, Outside and Inside Hired
“There is nothing more frustrating between a growing company CEOs: A Performance Surprise
than investing in an employee and a struggling company is so November 6, 2009.

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