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WED +)! 13.30. SOLUTION OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS BY LAPLACE TRANSFORMS Ordinary linear differential equations with constant coefficients can be easily solved by the Laplace Transform method, without finding the general solution and the arbitrary constants, ‘The method will be clear from the following examples: Example 47, Using Laplace transforms, find the solution of the initial value problem y"—4y'+ dy = 64 sin2t Scanned with CamScanner Laplace Transformation 917 y (0) = 0 yO) Solution. y’—4y+4y = 64sin 2 () yO) = 0, y= 1 ‘Taking Laplace transform of both sides of (1), we have [Ie ¥—sy(0)—y O)]—4 [v¥—yO)] +49 On putting the values of y (Q) and y’ (0) in (2), we get —4sy +45 ea 128 44 1 128 (84944) ¥ = 1+ CHEM OH geet 17 ~8e% 417 e+ 8 cos 2 Ans. Example 48. Using the Laplace transfors, find the solution of the initial value problem y“+25y = 1casSt yO =2, y@=a Solution. Taking Laplace transform of the given differential equation, we get [sy —sy (0) —¥ (0) +25¥ 105, (4257 —l0s— | = 20s 51+ +257 2e -d[_-s nrensei ff 55] 2eosSi+rsin St Example 49, Applying convolution, solve the following yi+y = sind, y)=0, y'O=0. itial value problem Solution. y’+y =sin31 ‘Taking Laplace transform of both the sides, we have a 3 Is? F— sy (0) —y’ (O)] + [°y—sy(0)—y CO) 49 On putting the values of y (0), y (0) in (1) we get Scanned with CamScanner Laplace Transformation Ans, Example 50. Solve [¢D? + (1-2) D-2]y = 0, where y(O)=1, y“(0) (R.G.PV. June, 2002) Solution. Here,1D*y+(1-2)Dy-2y=0 9 => ty" +y'-2 ry’ ‘Taking Laplace transform of given differential equation, we get Lity’) + LO')-2Mty)-2L) =0 = -41 Y{+L W142 £10/)-240)=0 d yO) | +27, Putting the values of y (0) and y’ (0), we get Ie y-sy@-yYOl+1s (Separating the variables) =0 = logy + log (s—2) = log = Putting y(0) = 1 in (1), we get Putting C= 1 in (1), we get_y = e ‘This is the required solution. Ans, Example $1. Using Laplace transform technique solve the following initial value problem fy 4dv y . Pvi2Weoyas J =y@= dete dete) = S8int where y (0) = y’(0) = 0. Solution. y/+2y +2y = Ssins y@ =y¥@ =0 ‘Taking the Laplace Transform of both sides, we have 1 =5xz— endl s+ 7 5 or [4254217 = , 1 = B63 Scanned with CamScanner Laplace Transformation 19 Taking the inverse transform, we get 2s+H+t : i Greed } wy Bae |e ‘| eeaaa | eet (lpel (+P +l = 2e-'cos + e~!sint—2cos r+ sin t Ans. Example $2. Solve the initial value problem 2y“+Sy'+2 “2, yO, yO=s, using the Laplace transforms. (AMLES Summer 1995) Solution. 2y"+Sy't2y =e 74 yO LY Oat ‘Taking the Laplace Transform of both sides, we get 2[s°F-sy O)-y O+5[sF-yO14+27 = A) 42 On substituting the values of y (0) and y’ (0) in (1), we get =. 1 i F-14272 s—1]+S[sy-1]+2 ai [28 +5e+217-29 a ai 1 25d _ 142 Tet dst ld 2st tS *(FDAMESVH2) | IHS HHP ~ QP eSs+DW+2) ~ Ave hw+2? 4919 | a41 ~ Fst¥ 542 “oz yedeball es solve #242 4 5y = =0. y= Example $3, Solve T5+2 7 +5y = nx where y(0)= 0, y"(0) = Fe We sy = o-si Solution, TT+27.+5y = en'sinx ‘Taking the Laplace Transform of both the sides, we get Ie ¥- sy) -y' ()] +2 [s¥—y()] +57 = L(e™* sina) a 1 Fy (0)—y' (Oy) +2 — [F y—syO)-y¥ O)] +2 [6y~y ON + Gat oD On substituting the values of y (0) and y’ (0) in (1), we get -N420457 +2543 +2542 (2 42545)7 Scanned with CamScanner 920 Laplace Transformation 42945) (8 +2942) c On resolving the R.H.S. into partial fractions, we get On inversion, we obtain or 1 3s gil or y= ye tsin2xty Ans, Example 54. Using Laplace transforms, find the solution of the initial value problem y+ 9y = 9u(t—3), yO) = y'"(0) = 0 where u (1 ~ 3) iy the unit step function. (AMEE, Winter 1998) Solution. y+ 9y = 9u(t=3). od) ‘Taking Laplace transform of (1), we have (0) ~ ¥ (0) +99 .Q) PY+9V (8497 ge™ s(2+9) sin3y ox 3 = ; Ps aL aa = af sin 3rdt = - [cos 31], = 1 cos 3 atte - (849) y = [1~cos 3 (1~3)] w(t—3) Ans. Example 55. A resistance R in series with inductance L is connected with e.m. The current é is given by L 4 +Ri = E(o), If the switch is connected att = 0 and disconnected at t = a, find the current i in terms oft. (U.P, I Semester, Summer 2001) Solution, Conditions under which current i flows are i = 0 at «= 0, _[E& Oa R wa-a)=1) k k 2 BR eer -ffeter_ us. Example 56. Using the Laplace transform, find the current (1) in the LC-cireuit. Assuming L = I henry, C = 1 farad, zero initial current and charge on the capacitor, and c iB Scanned with CamScanner Laplace Transformation twhend

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