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Complete the sentences with appropriate words.

1 The smell of the dish was so nasty it turned my ____________.
2 I hadn’t eaten anything since the morning, so I ate like a ____________ at
3 My little brother is a really ____________ eater. He complains about half the
things our parents make him eat.
4 That’s a huge portion! I think your ____________ are bigger than your
stomach. You’ll never eat that much at once!
5 You must have been as hungry as a ____________! I didn’t expect you to eat
that much!
6 When he moved to live in Japan, he quickly acquired a ____________ for the
local seafood.

2 Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box.

cope prevent get turn

1 We’re planning to ____________ rid of the microwave oven. The food prepared
in it tastes bland.
2 My brother’s gym exercise programme didn’t work very well, so he decided to
____________ to paleo diet to try to lose some weight.
3 Rhonda finds it difficult to ____________ with the stress and unsocial hours
connected with working in a busy restaurant, so she’s currently looking for a new
4 An arm injury may ____________ Jack from taking part in cookery lessons
next week.
approve depends provide differ

1 This recipe you’ve found doesn’t ____________ much from the one I know.
They’re very similar.
2 My eating routine usually ____________ on the day of the week. For example,
on Mondays, I start work earlier, so I hardly ever have time to eat breakfast at
3 I don’t ____________ of your decision to follow such
a strict diet because of the possible negative effects on your health.
4 The cookery programmes on TV often ____________ me with good inspiration
for trying out new meals.
3 Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.
1 This restaurant reminds me of / from a similar one I used to visit with my
parents as a child.
2 I’m planning on / with cutting down on sweets.
3 My sister was so disappointed with the fact she hadn’t been promoted that she
decided to resign to / from her job.
4 While learning to cook, it’s a good idea to begin of / with some simple meals.
5 You turned up over an hour late for work this morning!
I wonder how you’ll explain this from / to the chef.
6 My flatmate accused me of / at eating all her chocolates, but it wasn’t true!
She’d finished them all by herself.
Translate the words or phrases in brackets to complete the sentences.
1 The vegetables were slightly ______________ (niedogotowane), but the chef
explained that was the way they were supposed to be served.
2 She made several ___________________ (bochenki chleba) and froze some of
them to keep them fresh and crispy.
3 The basic ingredients for this delicious salad are: 250 grams of tuna chunks, 1
cup of halved cherry tomatoes and a _______________ (puszka) of sweetcorn.
4 Why don’t you _______________ (posypiesz) some cheese on your pasta?
5 I need a glass of water! This curry was really _______________ ( ostre)!
6 The new chef specialises in both local and international _______________ ( da-
____ / 6
2 Complete the dialogues with the words from the box. There are three extra

adopt fussy looking recipe pour set starve tablecloth topping


A: How would you like your steak?

B: 1_______________, please.
A: This duck is delicious! How do you cook it?
B: It’s my grandma’s 2_______________, but I know it by heart. First you need to
rub some salt into the duck …
A: Who are you making these poached eggs for?
B: My sister. She is such a 3_______________ eater. There are very few things
she likes.
A: Why does she want to 4_______________ a vegetarian diet?
B: Well, she believes it’s better both for her health and the environment.
A: Are you ready to order?
B: Not yet. We are still 5_______________ through the menu.
A: How do I 6_______________ the table properly?
B: Put a white 7_______________ on it. Place the dinner plate in the centre, the
fork to the left of it and the knife to the right.

1 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie trzy teksty. Które z podanych odpowiedzi A–C są

właściwe i zgodne z treścią nagrań? (Repetytorium wyd. Pearson)

1 Which country did the speaker visit first?

A Mexico
B Costa Rica
C Chile
2 What does the woman compare?
A Two different ways of cooking fish.
B Chips served with fish and chips served with burgers.
C Fish and chips served with salt and fish and chips served with vinegar.
3 The woman says that Malaysian food
A is completely different to other Far-Eastern food.
B has influenced the food in other countries of the region.
C reflects the multicultural nature of the population.
4 The speaker mentions a Malaysian dish that
A can be eaten by anyone.
B she doesn’t like to eat.
C contains an unusual ingredient.
5 From what the speaker says, if we went to Thailand we could expect to find
A some dishes not served in Britain.
B different kinds of meat than in Britain.
C food which is spicier than in Britain.

Przeczytaj tekst. Które nagłówki A–G pasują do części tekstu 1–5? Dwa
nagłówki zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnej części tekstu.

A Cooking to impress
B Saving the environment
C A lack of choice
D An increase in fussy eaters
E Rejecting unhealthy options
F Quick and easy
G An escape from reality


1 _____
Eating habits change over time. After World War 2, some food was still hard to find and supermarkets hadn’t yet
arrived in Britain. People generally ate healthy food because they had to. as vegetables were cheaper to buy than
meat. It was still rare to find food from distant countries in the shops so people ate what was growing locally.

2 _____
In the 1960s and 1970s new products started appearing in the supermarkets of Britain. There were tins of food in
all sorts of interesting sauces and a popular packet of potato powder which you just mixed with boiling water. A
meal could be on the table in just a few minutes with no peeling or other work required.

3 _____
After a few years of food which was convenient but not exactly mouth-watering or natural, people wanted
something more tasty again. TV chefs became popular with their easy-to-follow recipes full of interesting
ingredients. People became food lovers, wanting to discover previously unknown dishes, perfect their cooking
technique and show off their amazing creations to guests.

4 _____
In the 1970s and 1980s, overseas travel wasn’t as easy or cheap as it is now but immigration brought foreign
foods to Britain. A trip to a Chinese or Indian restaurant allowed customers to try curries and sweet and sour
dishes in beautifully decorated rooms where they could imagine they had swapped their dull hometown for an
exotic foreign country.

5 _____
In the new millennium, it seems that everyone now has different demands. Some are on a diet, others want to
become vegetarian or vegan. They may want to know what the food is high in or low in or whether the
vegetables were locally grown or not. Others only eat gluten-free, dairy-free or sugar-free products, even if there
is no medical need to do so.

Razem ze swoim anglojęzycznym kolegą planujecie zorganizować wieczór kulinarny

polegający na degustacji potraw z różnych krajów.
W e-mailu do kolegi:
 napisz, jaką potrawę przygotujesz i opisz ją krótko,
 wyjaśnij, dlaczego wybrałeś właśnie tę potrawę,
 zapytaj kolegę, czy zdecydował już, co przygotuje i zaproponuj wspólne
 zasugeruj, w jaki sposób możecie się upewnić, że każda zaproszona osoba
przyniesie inne danie.

Hi Jordan,
I’m writing about the food tasting evening.

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