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Przetłumacz słowa:

Dom handlowy –
Warzywniak –
Bazarek –
Okazja –
Zbyt drogi –
Oszczędzać pieniądze –
Wydawać pieniądze –
Pozwalać sobie na coś-

1 Do zdań z kolumny A dobierz ich poprawne i logiczne kontynuacje

z kolumny B. Jedno zdanie z kolumny B zostało podane dodatkowo.
1 We need to buy some meat for dinner. a We can buy it 50% cheaper.
2 The jumper is half price this week. b Water’s coming out from the
kitchen sink.
3 They have to give us a full refund. c There’s a butcher’s over there.
4 Why don’t we go window shopping? d So, let’s find a newsagent’s.
5 We have to call in a plumber. e We can just look at the items.
f We need to get all our money back.

1 I think the cat is feeling sick. a Let’s try the greengrocer’s over there.
2 The MP4 player is faulty. b The changing room is over there.
3 I’d like to try it on. c Is there a chemist’s near here?
4 I need to buy some shampoo. d Let’s take him to a vet.
5 They only accept payment in cash. e We can’t pay by credit card.
f I have to return it.
2 Zaznacz poprawne opcje.
1 These trousers are too big for me. They don’t wrap / fit.
2 I haven’t got much money now, so I can’t demand / afford to buy such
expensive shoes.
3 We waited for a long time in the long row / queue to the checkout.
4 When you buy something, you should keep the receipt / bill in case you need
to return the item.
1 It’s a good idea to shop away / around before buying something so you can
check the price
2 The sweatshirt had a hole in it, so I took it back to the shop and asked for a
full refund / demand.
3 It’s a gift, so could you drop / wrap it in some nice paper, please?
4 I ordered the speakers yesterday, so we can expect the receipt / delivery in
a few days.
5 There was a sale in the shop and we got a really good discount / credit on
the clothes we bought.
5 I spend most of my pocket money on / for computer games.

3 Uzupełnij definicje poprawnymi wyrazami. Pierwsze litery brakujących

wyrazów zostały podane.
1 A chance to buy something at a really low price is a b____________.
2 A new item which doesn’t work properly is f____________.
3 A person who gives legal help to people is a l____________.
4 When you buy something that another person has used, you buy it
5 You keep your money in a bank a____________.
1 A person who repairs water installations is a p_____________.
2 An item which costs too much is o_____________.
3 A shop where you can buy meat is a b_____________.
4 A line of people waiting in a shop is a q___________.
5 The rest of the money you get when you pay is your c___________.

1 43 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie cztery wypowiedzi na temat korzystania z

usług. Na podstawie informacji zawartych w nagraniu do każdej wypowiedzi
(1–4) dopasuj właściwe zdanie (A–E). Uwaga! Jedno zdanie zostało podane
dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej wypowiedzi.
This speaker …

A didn’t know that the service was cancelled.

B complained about the cost of the service.

C had to use the same service twice.

D used the service of someone he/she knew well.

E was positively surprised with the service.

Speaker 1 ___ Speaker 2 ___ Speaker 3 ___ Speaker 4 ___

2 44 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie rozmowę na temat wycieczki na zakupy do
Francji. Uzupełnij luki w 1–4 w poniższej ulotce zgodnie z treścią nagrania.
We are organising a day shopping trip to Boulogne on May (1) ______________.
Travel by bus.
Leaving time: 6 a.m.
Return time: (2) ______________.
Find a lot of fantastic bargains in one of the shopping centres in and around
Boulogne. Also, visit the (3) _____________ to get some local produce like
cheese and wine.
Even if you are not a keen shopper, you’ll find plenty of interesting things to do.
Enjoy a good meal in a restaurant or visit one of the local attractions, including
the aquarium, (4) _______________ or the cathedral.
Join us for the trip! Book now!

Kolega z USA zapytał Cię w e-mailu, czy lubisz robić zakupy przez
Internet. Napisz do niego wiadomość. W e-mailu do niego:
 napisz, jak często robisz zakupy przez Internet i jakie produkty
najczęściej kupujesz w ten sposób;
 przedstaw zalety robienia zakupów online;
 napisz, co ostatnio kupiłeś/kupiłaś przez Internet, i czy jesteś
zadowolony/zadowolona z tego zakupu.
1 Zaznacz poprawne opcje.
1 The castle built / was built in the 12th century.
2 Time travel hasn’t invented / hasn’t been invented yet.
3 They didn’t / weren’t stopped by the police.
4 You / One have to be 16 to ride a motorbike in our country.
1 Our car hasn’t repaired / hasn’t been repaired yet.
2 The film made / was made by Steven Spielberg.
3 I wasn’t / didn’t informed about the accident.
5 You / One needs a visa to enter this country.

2 Uzupełnij luki w zdaniach 1–8 w stronie biernej tak, aby zachować

znaczenie zdania wyjściowego.
1 They’ll do it tomorrow.
It _______________ tomorrow.
2 They haven’t used the room for years.
This room _______________ for years.
3 When did they take the photo?
When _______________?
4 Do they clean the rooms every morning?
_______________ every morning?
5 Nobody informed us about the event.
We _______________ about the event.
6 Why have they cancelled the trip?
Why _______________?
7 They won’t send the items this week.
The items _______________ this week.
8 We don’t sell these jackets at a discount.
These jackets _______________ at a discount.
1 They don’t organise the competition every year.
The competition _______________ every year.
2 Did they invite Caroline to the party?
_______________ to the party.
3 How often do they check the system?
How often _______________?
4 They will pay the bills next week.
The bills _______________ next week.
5 Nobody uses those old machines any more.
Those old machines _______________ any more.
6 Someone has stolen my new trainers!
My new trainers _______________!
7 They won’t deliver our order today.
Our order _______________ today.
8 Where did they find the painting?
Where _______________?

3 Wykorzystując wyrazy podane drukowanymi literami, uzupełnij każde zdanie z luką,

tak aby zachować sens zdania wyjściowego 1–3. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność
ortograficzna i gramatyczna wpisywanych fragmentów zdań.
Uwaga! Nie zmieniaj formy podanych wyrazów. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać
maksymalnie trzy wyrazy, wliczając w to wyraz już podany.

1 The course is a chance to learn a lot. CAN

_______________ a lot during the course.
2 Who painted it? BY
Who was _______________?
3 It is necessary to pay to see the exhibition. NEEDS
_______________ pay to see the exhibition.
1 Who wrote it? BY
Who was _______________?
2 It’s necessary to be 18 to drive a car in this country. HAS
_______________ be 18 to drive a car in this country.
3 The trip is a great chance to visit some historic places. CAN
_______________ some historic places during the trip.

Uzupełnij każde zdanie z luką czasownikiem w stronie biernej w czasie

Present Simple lub Past Simple.

Przykład: Gutenberg invented the printing press in the 15th century.

The printing press _was invented_ in the 15th century by Gutenberg.

1 In the museum, visitors use headphones to listen to the audio guide.

In the museum, headphones ______________________________ to listen to
the audio guide.
2 An anti-virus program removes computer viruses.
Computer viruses ______________________________ by an anti-virus
3 I create a new folder for every subject.
A new folder ______________________________ for every subject.
4 They downloaded the game very quickly.
The game ______________________________ very quickly.
5 This company made 10,000 computers last year.
10,000 computers ______________________________ by this company last
1 Astronomers study the stars and planets.
The stars and planets _____________________ by astronomers.
2 Fortunately, he restarted the computer with no problem.
Fortunately, the computer ______________________________ with no
3 Students develop new software in their IT classes.
New software ______________________________ in the students’ IT
4 The company designed a robot to help elderly people with the housework.
A robot ______________________________ to help elderly people with the
5 They build two rockets every year.
Two rockets ______________________________ every year.

Zadanie 4. Uzupełnij zdania czasownikami w nawiasach, stosując stronę

bierną w czasach Present Simple, Past Simple, Present Perfect, Future
Simple lub z czasownikami modalnymi.

Przykład: My new smartphone (damage) _was damaged_ yesterday.

1 This machine (fix) ______________________ every month.
2 This attachment (not / send) ________________________ last week.
3 A new photocopier (buy) ________________________ next year.
4 This email (can / not / read) ________________________ now.
5 (experiment / conduct) ________________________________ yet?

Zadanie 1. Przekształć podane niżej zdania w stronie czynnej na zdania w

stronie biernej.

1 What time do you serve lunch?

2 They grow rice in Vietnam.
3 Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876.
4 When did the postman deliver this package?
5 We haven’t downloaded the files yet.

Zadanie 3. Uzupełnij każde zdanie z luką czasownikiem w stronie biernej w

czasie Present Simple lub Past Simple
1 In the museum, visitors use headphones to listen to the audio guide.
In the museum, headphones ______________________________ to listen to
the audio guide.
2 An anti-virus program removes computer viruses.
Computer viruses ______________________________ by an anti-virus
3 I create a new folder for every subject.
A new folder ______________________________ for every subject.
4 They downloaded the game very quickly.
The game ______________________________ very quickly.
5 This company made 10,000 computers last year.
10,000 computers ______________________________ by this company last

Zadanie 4. Uzupełnij zdania czasownikami w nawiasach, stosując stronę
bierną w czasach Present Simple, Past Simple, Present Perfect, Future
Simple lub z czasownikami modalnymi.
Przykład: My new smartphone (damage) _was damaged_ yesterday.
6 This machine (fix) ______________________ every month.
7 This attachment (not / send) ________________________ last week.
8 A new photocopier (buy) ________________________ next year.
9 This email (can / not / read) ________________________ now.
10 (experiment / conduct) ________________________________ yet?

Zadanie 2. Uzupełnij zdania, używając strony biernej czasowników podanych

w nawiasach.

Przykład: The photocopier was repaired (repair) yesterday.

1 You can’t access the website because you ____________________ (not /

connected) to the Internet.
2 When ____________________ (that statue / build)?
3 Can you believe it? My luggage ____________________ (lose) at the
airport! Now I have to wait here until they find it.
4 ____________________ (tests / print) yet?
5 There was a serious car accident early this morning and two people
____________________ (take) to hospital.

Zadanie 1. Przekształć podane niżej zdania w stronie czynnej na zdania w

stronie biernej.

Przykład: They collect rubbish twice a week.

The rubbish is collected twice a week.

1 What time do you serve lunch?

2 They grow rice in Vietnam.
3 Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876.
4 When did the postman deliver this package?
5 We haven’t downloaded the files yet.
1 They don’t produce coffee in Germany.
2 Do they show this film every Christmas?
3 They have played five songs so far.
4 I uploaded the photos two days ago.
5 Did Alexander Fleming discover penicillin?

Zadanie 2.Uzupełnij zdania, używając strony biernej czasowników podanych

w nawiasach.

Przykład: The photocopier was repaired (repair) yesterday.

1 You can’t access the website because you ____________________ (not /

connected) to the Internet.
2 When ____________________ (that statue / build)?
3 Can you believe it? My luggage ____________________ (lose) at the
airport! Now I have to wait here until they find it.
4 ____________________ (tests / print) yet?
5 There was a serious car accident early this morning and two people
____________________ (take) to hospital.
1 The app ______________________ (update) once a week automatically.
2 Breakfast ______________________ (not / serve) yet.
3 In 2012, the film ______________________ (nominate) for Best Picture.
4 At our school, children ______________________ (not / give) homework
every day so they have more time for their hobbies.
5 When ______________________ (this package / deliver)? Yesterday or
this morning?

3 Do każdej z opisanych sytuacji (1–4) dobierz właściwą reakcję (A–C).
1 Kolega wybiera się na zakupy. Jak zaproponujesz, że możesz pójść z nim?
A Would you like to go shopping?
B Shall we go shopping together?
C Why don’t you go shopping?
2 Jesteś u koleżanki, która proponuje Ci poczęstunek. Nie jesteś jednak
głodny/głodna. Jak grzecznie odmówisz?
A Thanks, that’s very kind of you.
B Thanks, that would be lovely.
C Thanks, but I’m really fine.
3 Kolega proponuje wyjście do pizzerii. Jak zaakceptujesz ten pomysł?
A Great idea.
B Yes, please.
C OK, thanks.
4 Spotykasz koleżankę, która niesie kilka toreb z zakupami. Chcesz zaproponować
jej pomoc. Co powiesz?
A I’d like your help.
B Need a hand?
C Can you help me?
1 Koleżanka proponuje wspólne wyjście na zakupy. Jak zaakceptujesz ten pomysł?
A That would be great.
B I’m fine, thanks.
C You’re doing great.
2 Widzisz sąsiadkę, która wypakowuje z samochodu torby z zakupami. Chcesz
zaproponować jej pomoc. Co powiesz?
A Do you like carrying bags inside?
B Shall I carry the bags inside?
C Could you carry the bags inside?
3 Kolega proponuje Ci pomoc w projekcie szkolnym. Co powiesz, żeby pokazać, że
poradzisz sobie samodzielnie?
A Yes, please.
B Sorry, I can’t.
C No, really, I’m fine.
4 Kolega doradza Ci zakup butów, które niezbyt Ci się podobają. Co powiesz?
A I’m not so sure.
B Why don’t you like them?
I couldn’t agree with you more.

4 Uzupełnij minidialogi 1–4. Wpisz w każdą lukę brakujący fragment wypowiedzi

tak, aby otrzymać logiczne i spójne teksty.

1 X: How about going to the new shopping centre tomorrow?

Y: ___________________________________.
2 X: Are you hungry? __________________________________________
Y: Thanks, that would be nice.
3 X: I’ll lend you some money if you like.
Y: ______________________. Really, I’m fine.
4 X: It’s such a nice day. _____________________________________
Y: Sure. It’s a really good idea!

1 X: It’s hot. You must be thirsty.

Y: Thanks. That’s very kind of you.
2 X: How about going to the new pizza place this afternoon?
Y: ___________________________________________.
3 X: There are some sales in the shopping centre.
Y: Sure. It’s a good idea.
4 X: I’ll give you a hand with your essay if you like.
Y: __________________________. I’ll do it myself.

5 Przeczytaj teksty A–C. Uzupełnij luki w zdaniach 1–4. Luki należy uzupełnić w
języku polskim. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie cztery wyrazy.


Saturday 10th May will be the last day when our Sports Shop in Church Street is open to

customers. Do not waste the excellent chance to save 70–90% on all items in the shop.

We open at 9 a.m. on Saturday and close at 3 p.m.



June 11th (Friday afternoon), 2–7 p.m.

Communal Park Greens (west side of the park)

A great opportunity to both sell and buy sports equipment at low prices!

Space for sellers is limited – book now for only £15! Call 40125964.

Sellers can arrive from 11.30 a.m.


I’m selling my son’s skiing equipment. The set includes: 150 cm skis (ideal for beginners),

ski boots, sticks, and skiwear. Suitable for children aged 5–8. All items are in very good

condition. I’m not selling individual items, only the whole set.

My total price is £300. You can contact me at 320948587 or write to
1 Tekst A informuje o wyprzedaży zorganizowanej z powodu


2 Tekst B podaje cenę, za którą sprzedawcy mogą


3 Tekst C został napisany przez osobę, która chce sprzedać sprzęt narciarski


4 Wszystkie ogłoszenia dotyczą _______________________.

6 Przeczytaj tekst. Na podstawie informacji w nim zawartych zdecyduj, czy zdania

1–4 są prawdziwe (P), czy fałszywe (F).

From: Julie
To: Ben
Hi Ben,
I’m writing to tell you about a car boot sale which will be held in our Communal Park
Greens this Friday afternoon. I saw a poster in the street about it and told my mum,
who immediately liked the idea. She told dad, my brother Robby and me to clear up the
garage and the basement. We did and we found so much stuff that we no longer use! My
dad wasn’t happy about the whole idea from the very start. First, he complained that
the seller’s space is expensive. The real problem started when we found his old tennis
racket (he no longer plays because of a bad knee) and he didn’t want to sell it. Anyway,
we’ve got two bikes, mine and Robby’s which are too small for us. Robby’s will go but I’ve
promised to give mine to my cousin, Annie. Plus, we’ve got lots of smaller stuff like
Robby’s old skates or my rollerblades.
Look, why don’t you come there on Friday? Maybe you can find something useful at a
good price. Let me know if you’re going to be there.

1 Julie’s mum was the first to find out about the car boot sale. P / F

2 Julie’s dad was keen on selling their old sports stuff. P / F

3 Julie isn’t going to sell her old bike at the sale. P / F

4 Julie invites Ben to come to the sale. P / F

5 Przeczytaj tekst. Wybierz odpowiedź A, B lub C, aby poprawnie uzupełnić luki


Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing about the hi-fi system which I bought from your online store last Monday.
It (1) ___ yesterday, which is almost a week late. Your website says that in this
situation customers (2) ___ a 20% discount. Another problem is that one of the
speakers is (3) ___ – it doesn’t work. I am going to return it to your shop and I expect
that you will (4) ___ it for a good one.
With kind regards,
Peter Whetstone
1 A delivered B was delivering C was delivered

2 A are given B give C are giving

3 A overpriced B faulty C refund

4 A afford B order C exchange

8 Przetłumacz na język angielski fragmenty podane w nawiasach, tak aby otrzymać

zdania logiczne
i gramatycznie poprawne. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna
wpisywanych fragmentów zdań.
Uwaga! W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie trzy wyrazy.

1 (Można kupić) ______________________ some interesting items in this gift shop.

2 How much do you (zwykle wydajesz na) ____________________ new clothes?

3 The flat next door (został kupiony przez) _____________________ a young

couple last week.

4 How often (są organizowane koncerty) ____________________________ in this


5 (Nie stać mnie) I ______________________ to buy such an expensive jacket.

6 During the car boot sale (można sprzedać) ____________________ some items

that are no longer needed.

7 Unfortunately, the car (nie został naprawiony) _____________________


8 These short stories (są pisane przez) ____________________________


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