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A: Hi Tom, where are you going?

B: Hello Katrine, at present I’m going to the supermarket and you? (At present = attualmente)

A: Actually nothing! I think I’m going to visit my grandmother in the hospital. (Actually = effettivamente)

B: All right, see you around.

A: Have a good day Tom!

R: Stop it now! You’re annoying me! (To annoy = seccare, infastidire → Sin: to bother, to disturb, to

J: Okay, but you’re boring me with your stupid conversations! (To bore = annoiare)

R: Shut up! I’m not going to hear you anymore. You’ve annoyed me enough! Bye.

J: As you want friend. You instead have bored me excessively. Have a good one.

T: In middle school Tom was really brave. Look at him now, he’s sick and thin, this means that he’s no longer
practicing rock climbing. (Brave = coraggioso)

D: Yes, you’re right Teddy, but now he’s good at PC games! (Good at = bravo in)

T: Wow, however everyone is able to play videogames closed all day in a room (Room = camera)

D: I know what you mean. If he wanted, he could exit outside with the camera to make beautiful photos.
(Camera = macchina fotografica)

T: I wish he would do it. He isn’t sympathetic as you think, Donald. (Sympathetic = comprensivo → Sin:

D: Yes, I see. You’re right because even his mother said to me/told me in a comprehensive argument that Tom
is always depressed and pessimistic about life in general. (Comprehensive = esauriente)

A: Bobby has got confidence just with his owner Tom. (Confidence = fiducia)

B: Yes, but it doesn’t have enough familiarity with Tom’s house. (Familiarity = confidenza)

A: Of course it not! Tom has just changed house.

R: This sofa is really convenient, John. Let’s buy it! (Convenient = comodo)

J: How much is it? No, no let’s not buy it Rita. It isn’t cheap! (Cheap = conveniente → Sin: good value)

W: I have to bring up my dog to be much more docile. (To bring up = educare, allevare)
P: You’re lucky William because you have only a dog! I have two kids to educate. (To educate = istruire)

W: Are they still kids? Last night you said they’re fifteen and eighteen, so they are already educated. Don’t you

P: Yes, maybe I’m wrong, but I’m sure they aren’t as polite as you think William. (Polite = educato)

M: Homer eventually went/has gone fishing with Boe. (Eventually = alla fine)

B: All right, in case you’ve got problems in kitchen, I’ll be in the treehouse. (In case = eventualmente → Sin: if

X: Did you see what the hell kind of supercar has Chris Brown bought?

A: Yes, I saw it! A really extravagant man, isn’t he? (Extravagant = che non bada a spese)

X: Definitely. What about his house? Isn’t it too odd? (Odd = stravagante → Sin: bizarre, particular, strange)

1) Tom works in a metal factory (fabbrica) and lives in a farm (fattoria).

2) Katrine ran a small advertising firm (ditta, azienda) in Podecello, Italy. She had to do so many signatures

3) Our home still hasn’t got all the furniture (mobili) we’ve ordered. The housepainter said yesterday that they
haven’t received enough paint supply (fornitura) for all pieces of furniture.

4) Let’s go to study in the library (biblioteca). But first, let’s buy this book about modern history at bookshop

5) Tom is not miserable (depresso, infelice). His friend Maicol instead is lascivious and wretched (miserabile),
because he’s a drug addict.

6) Carlo is always nervous (agitato, inquieto) and I do not know how to reassure him. You cannot do anything
for him. He’s irritable (nervoso di carattere).

7) I’ve never written a novel (romanzo) but last year I’ve published my first short story (novella).

8) Pay attention when you’re walking on that narrow pavement (marciapiede) because bicycles run fast and
you can’t see them come towards you.

9) We have lived on the third floor (piano/pavimento) for a long time, since 1999.

10) What do you mean with the phrase (espressione, locuzione) “I don’t know”? Now, you have to explain me
everything you did to Bobby, okay? Not a few words clauses, you have to use comprehensive sentences
(clause = frase), alright?

11) Yesterday I realized/realised (rendersi conto) I wasn’t strong enough to carry on (continuare, proseguire)
suffering. Nonetheless I’ve carry out (realizzare un progetto) my life plan of no more pain.
A: Where’s Tom?

B: He’s in bed (è a letto).

A: Has he read the updates in the newspaper (sul giornale)?

B: I don’t think so, because he stayed in bed all day long.

A: Why? Is he sick?

B: No, he isn’t. He’s just tired because of work. Yesterday he has been working in the rain (sotto la pioggia) all

A: Why did he do that? I always work in the dark (al buio) because I’m a night watchman.

B: He works in a caravan because some paintings have to stay in the sun (al sole) and others in the shade

Jay: My father is a butcher’s and works in the centre of Downsvillage.

Lil: In Downsvillage, in front of the greengrocer’s there’s a shoe shop. There works my father Tim. He orders
the shoes from Canada. The factory which produces shoes for my father is located in the mountains.

Jay: Is there through the mountains so many people?

Lil: Yes, there is. People come from all over the World. Some of them haven’t got used to work in the cold (al
freddo) during winter and in the heat (al caldo) during summer, when they work inside without air-
conditioning and with windows locked.

Jay: Do they work in the open air during winter?

Lil: No, they don’t. They always work inside the factory but some people sometimes work outside.

Trendom family lives in a huge house on the West coast (sulla costa Ovest) of California. They also have a
large flat on the 3rd floor (al terzo piano) of an amazing building on the outskirts (in periferia) of Jacksonville,
Florida. They often go to Brazil on summer holiday (in vacanza d’estate) and on all occasions they change the
location booking the hotel on the internet (in/su internet). They love to listen the news on the radio (alla
radio) during their journey.

T: Students you can find the essay on Shakespeare on page 19 (a pagina 19) and on page 20, on the right (a
destra) of the text, you can see the pictures of the Globe Theatre, Blackfriars Bridge, London.

S1: And on the left (a sinistra) of the text, on page 21, there’s a photo of Shakespeare.

S2: Last week there was a documentary on History channel/on the TV (alla/in televisione) that talked about
William Shakespeare’s life.
Tom was at home (a casa) while Katrine was at work (al lavoro). Joseph is at a Rock concert (a un concerto)
instead being at the theatre (al teatro).

Jim woke up late that morning and got dressed quickly to go to work. That day the sky was getting dark and
soon after started to rain but it wasn’t a regular rain. At one time it began to rail suddenly rose up a massive
storm. Jim got in his car and rapidly left. All the way was awfully swarthy because of the fog which had
combined with the storm. At a certain moment Jim couldn’t see anything around him. He got lost. He stopped
the car somewhere and waited until the gale ended. Given that he was tired he fell asleep. In the meantime
he slept he had dreamt a unique scene: he was getting married with an ugly woman, whom moreover was his
classmate at high school; luckily they got divorced and Jim finally got engaged with Emily, a wonderful woman
whom he fell in love when they were in elementary school. All of a sudden a powerful strike woke Jim up.
Someone had bumped into his car but he still couldn’t see a thing. The fog was even worse than before. Jim
didn’t do anything.

1) The cat was in the garden and the ball was in the garage.

2) Italy is in the north of Europe/in northern Europe.

3) London is in England and it’s the capital city of the United Kingdom.

4) Obama lives in Oak Street, near the Red Square.

5) I’m waiting for Emily at the bus stop. She’s told me she was at the traffic light in Wellington Street.

6) I live at 34 William S. Street. It’s behind the Garibaldi Square.

7) Jim is at the office (he works there) and Katrine’s at supermarket (she works as bank clerk).

8) The book is on the shelf and the paint is on the wall.

9) The dog is behind the tree.

10) Bobby is near the house but it isn’t next to the house.

11) Emily is between the cars (two cars).

12) Tom was among the people in the Garibaldi Square.

13) The lamp is over/above the table (sopra e sulla stessa verticale del tavolo).

14) The mountains rise above the lake (sopra ma non sulla stessa verticale).

15) The cat is under the table (sotto sulla tessa verticale).

16) I can see fish below the boat (sotto ma non necessariamente sulla stessa verticale).

17) John is in front of Tom in the room.

18) My house is opposite the cinema (di fronte dall’altro lato).

 TO = a, in (moto a luogo)

Jim went to the cinema last night. His father, John, often come (viene) to Italy.

 FROM = da (moto da luogo)

Tom comes from Ireland and his father, John, came from Scotland.

 INTO = in, dentro (moto verso l’interno di un luogo)

Martin is running into the library because it started to rain.

 OUT OF = fuori da (moto dall’interno di un luogo verso l’esterno)

Tom was thirsty so he took the bottle of milk out of the fridge.

 ONTO = su di (movimento di salita o di discesa su una superficie)

Jim clibed onto the roof of the car by the time he went astray.

The vase fell onto the floor = Il vaso è caduto per terra.

 OFF = giù da

Tom jumped off the wall = Tom saltò giù dal muro.


John is getting in/into the car = John sta salendo in macchina.


The driver got out of the lorry = Il camionista scese dal camion.


Molly got on/onto the bus = Molly salì sull’autobus.

Dave got on his motorbike = Dave salì sulla sua moto.


Get off the train here = Scendete dal treno qui.

Get off that bike! It’s mine = Scendi da quella bici! È mia.

1) It was Saturday evening when the builders had completed the house by the end of june (entro la fine di

2) Jim needs the tourist report by Monday (entro lunedì). Mrs. Scarlett has given us this homework last week.

3) Can you complete this job in three days? = Puoi completare questo lavoro entro/nel giro di tre giorni?
4) Candidates will receive the results within three weeks = I candidati riceveranno i risultati entro/nel giro di
tre settimane.

5) I’ll see you in an hour = Ci vediamo tra un’ora.

6) I’m going on holiday in two days’ time = Vado in vacanza tra due giorni.

7) Tom is going to Hawaii in a week’s = Tom va alle Hawaii tra una settimana.

8) Mary is going to give birth in ten days’ time = Mary partorirà tra dieci giorni.

9) We waited for John Smith for an hour and half = Abbiamo aspettato John Smith per un’ora e mezza.

10) Steve Jobs lived following the Zen Buddhism for ten years = Steve Jobs vise seguendo il buddismo zen per
dieci anni.

11) Unite team’s joying the party over the weekend = Unite team parteciperà alla festa per il weekend.

12) Grandmother is staying with us over Christmas = La nonna si fermerà da noi per Natale.

13) Grandmother is staying until Friday = La nonna si fermerà fino a venerdì.

14) We lived in Brazil from 1997 to 2008 = Abbiamo vissuto in Brasile dal 1997 al 2008. (from … to = da … fino

15) The plane will have left by now = L’aereo sarà partito a quest’ora.

16) I got home at ten thirty. The children were in bed by then = Sono arrivato a casa alle dieci e mezzo. I
bambini erano a letto a quel punto.

17) By the time I answered the phone it had stopped ringing = Ora che/Quando ho risposto al telefono aveva
smesso di squillare.

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