Education and Economic Growth A Meta Regression Analysis

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World Development Vol. 64, pp.

669–689, 2014
0305-750X/Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Education and Economic Growth: A Meta-Regression Analysis


University of Ioannina, Greece
Summary. — This paper surveys the literature which examines the effect of education on economic growth. Specifically, we apply meta-
regression analysis to 57 studies with 989 estimates and show that there is substantial publication selection bias toward a positive impact
of education on growth. Once we account for this, the genuine growth effect of education is not homogeneous across studies, but varies
according to several factors. Specifically, it is attributed to differences in education measurement and study characteristics, mainly model
specification as well as type of data used, and the quality of research outlets where studies are published, e.g., academic journals vs. work-
ing papers.
Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Key words — education, human capital, economic growth, meta-regression analysis, world sample

1. INTRODUCTION impact of education on economic growth remains controver-

sial, due to a number of conceptual and methodological prob-
The study of the role of human capital in economic growth lems, such as the measurement of education and growth, as
has been a very fruitful line in economic research. Following well as differences in education coefficients across countries
Schultz (1961) and Becker (1964), we define human capital or regions. In our opinion, the most important issue is educa-
as the set of knowledge, skills, competencies, and abilities tion measurement. Ideally the best measures would be based
embodied in individuals and acquired, for example, through on education output, but they are very difficult to obtain, so
education, training, medical care, and migration. Education input measures are employed. These use information on
is considered as one of the most significant human capital formal education attainment, ignoring on-the-job training,
investments. It plays a vital role in the process of economic experience and learning-by-doing, usually they do not account
growth and a significant amount of research has been devoted for education quality and focus on academic education, over-
to the education–growth nexus. looking vocational education. Moreover, data quality varies
From a theoretical point of view, there is an important dis- widely across countries, implying measurement error,
tinction between neo-classical and endogenous growth theo- especially for changes in education, which may severely bias
ries regarding the linkage between human capital and estimates.
economic growth. The former argue that a one-off permanent This study surveys the empirical literature on the education–
increase in the stock of human capital results in a one-off economic growth relationship. We distinguish between three
increase in the economy’s growth rate until the economy categories of empirical approaches: cross-section, panel data,
reaches the new higher steady-state. Moreover, there are two and time-series ones. The first category attempts to explain
strands of new growth theories, which focus on the impact cross-section (country or region) differences in growth, while
of (a) human capital accumulation and (b) human capital the second one examines both cross-section growth differences
stock respectively. A one-off rise in human capital causes a as well as the performance over time in each cross-section. The
one-off output increase in case (a) and a permanent increase third group focuses on country-specific growth experiences.
in growth in case (b). Consequently, the social benefits of edu- We account for differences in empirical findings due to the
cation are much greater in the latter case (Sianesi & Van use of all available education (quantity and quality) variables
Reenen, 2003). and we are fully aware that, being imperfect proxies, they all
Theoretical contributions emphasize different mechanisms suffer from weaknesses. However, this is the only way to con-
through which education affects economic growth. First, edu- duct a quantitative review of the education–growth literature.
cation increases the human capital of the labor force, which Given the diversity of findings on the link between educa-
increases labor productivity and transitional growth toward tion and growth, we conduct meta-regression analysis
a higher equilibrium output level. Second, in endogenous (MRA). MRA is a subset of meta-analysis. Meta-analysis
growth theories, education increases the innovative capacity combines and integrates the results of several studies that
of the economy, knowledge of new technologies, products share a common aspect so as to be combinable in a statistical
and processes, and thus promotes growth (Hanushek & manner (Harmon, Oosterbeek, & Walker, 2003). MRA is a
Woessmann, 2008). quantitative literature review of the estimates obtained from
From an empirical point of view, the macroeconomic litera- previous regression analyses and attempts to explain the
ture on the relationship between education and economic
growth attempts to test empirically various model specifica-
tions. The early empirical approaches usually employ cross- * We thank especially the Editor and two anonymous referees for very
section data. Most recent research combines cross-section data constructive remarks and suggestions. The paper has also benefited
with time-series information using panel data sets. Finally, a greatly from comments received by A. Adam, P. Kammas, A. Lagou,
few studies adopt time-series analysis for specific countries, D. Mavridis, and G. Salanti on earlier drafts. The usual disclaimer
where annual education data are available. However, the applies. Final revision accepted: June 30, 2014.

variation in their results (Stanley & Jarrell, 1989). It aims at associated with labor force education attainment in 98 coun-
explaining the excess study-to-study variation typically found tries for 1960–85. Collins and Bosworth (1996) find the same
in empirical results and investigates the presence of publica- relationship using schooling years for 1960–94 in 88 countries.
tion selection bias (Stanley, 2005). Publication bias arises On the contrary, Bloom, Sachs, Collier, and Udry (1998)
when editors, reviewers, and researchers prefer to report find- report an insignificant association of secondary schooling
ings, which are statistically significant and/or satisfy certain years and growth in 77 countries for 1965–90. Temple (1999)
theoretical expectations (Doucouliagos, 2005; Stanley, 2008). reveals a positive schooling–growth relationship in 1965–85
As a result, it biases the literature’s average reported effect and 78 countries.
away from zero. An additional advantage of MRA is that it Furthermore, Hanushek and Kimko (2000) show that labor
allows the researcher to include aggregate data, e.g., data on force quality measured by mathematics and science test scores
aggregate labor supply that cannot be included in individual is growth-enhancing, while schooling years are not growth
studies (Groot & Maassen van den Brink, 2000). MRA allows determinants for 1960–90 in 80 countries. Bils and Klenow
us to examine factors, which are likely to explain the heteroge- (2000) conclude that the cross-country schooling–growth asso-
neity of findings in the education–economic growth literature ciation reported in the literature does not primarily reflect the
and the potential impact of study characteristics on the esti- growth effect of schooling, but may partially due to the impact
mated relationship between education and growth. of growth on schooling using enrollments for 93 countries in
We provide evidence in favor of substantial publication 1960–90. Ranis, Stewart, and Ramirez (2000) find a positive
selection bias toward a positive impact of education on literacy–growth relationship for 1970–92 in 79 LDCs, while
growth. Also, we do not find a representative genuine growth Krueger and Lindahl (2001) show that schooling years have
impact of education, since different education measures give no growth impact, when estimated with high-frequency
rise to varying coefficients of the size effect of education on changes (i.e., five years), but a strong positive effect over peri-
economic growth. The variation in empirical estimates can ods of 10 or 20 years in 110 countries for 1960–90.
also be explained by the type of data, model specification, Kalaitzidakis, Mamuneas, Savvides, and Stengos (2001) find
and quality of the research outlets, where studies are pub- a nonlinear schooling years–growth association in 93 econo-
lished. mies during 1960–90, while Pritchett (2001), an insignificant
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 growth influence of schooling years in 91 countries for 1960–
reviews the empirical studies on the role of education in eco- 87. Moreover, Knowles, Lorgelly, and Owen (2002) show a
nomic growth used in our analysis. Section 3 presents the positive relationship between female schooling years and
proxies employed to measure education and growth. Section 4 growth in 1960–90 and 73 countries. Furthermore, Bosworth
describes the construction methodology of our meta-data set, and Collins (2003) find a stronger positive correlation between
Section 5 discusses the meta-analysis estimation methodology, growth and schooling years than between growth and change
and Section 6 analyzes the meta-regression results. Finally, in schooling, as well as a positive correlation with education
Section 7 summarizes our main findings and concludes. quality measured by scores in mathematics and science tests
in 84 countries during 1960–2000. Papageorgiou (2003) pro-
vides evidence for a positive role of schooling years in growth
2. REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE in 80 countries during 1960–87. Chakraborty (2004) shows
that secondary enrollments exhibit a positive relation with
The empirical literature starts with cross-section studies. growth, but not jointly with initial life expectancy, in 94 coun-
Two of the earliest works have been those by Romer (1989), tries for 1970–89. Finally, Lee (2010) reports a positive
and Azariadis and Drazen (1990), who find that literacy is pos- growth–schooling years relation, in 75 countries during
itively associated with growth. The former uses data on 112 1960–2000.
economies for 1960–85 and the latter on 71 low- and mid- Panel data analysis becomes common later than cross-sec-
dle-income countries during 1960–80. Barro (1991) shows that tion analysis due to the availability of more complete data sets.
growth is positively related to primary and secondary enroll- Barro (1996, 2001) shows that male secondary and higher
ments and negatively associated with student–teacher ratios schooling years are positively related to growth for 91 coun-
in 98 countries for 1960–85. Murphy, Shleifer, and Vishny tries in 1965–90 and 84 countries in 1965–95 respectively.
(1991) report a positive relation between growth and primary However, these relations weaken considerably, once growth-
education as well as engineering enrollments and a negative promoting test scores are incorporated in the regressions.
one between growth and law school enrollments in 91 coun- Barro and Sala-i-Martin (2004) confirm the positive school-
tries for 1970–85. Levine and Renelt (1992) also suggest a posi- ing–growth nexus, but in the presence of scores, which exert
tive, though non-robust, link between primary, secondary a highly significant positive growth impact, male upper-level
enrollment as well as literacy rates and growth in 1960–89 schooling becomes insignificant in 1965–2000 for 87 econo-
and 103 countries, while Mankiw, Romer, and Weil (1992) mies. Bassanini and Scarpetta (2001) find that growth is posi-
find a positive relationship between growth and working-age tively associated with schooling years in 21 OECD countries
population in secondary school for 1960–85 in 121 countries. for 1971–98. Appiah and McMahon (2002) show that the pri-
However, Benhabib and Spiegel (1994) reveal that growth in mary/secondary enrollments–growth association is not signif-
schooling years and literacy rates are not growth-related, but icant in 52 African countries during 1965–90. Furthermore,
schooling years in levels display a positive association with Gyimah-Brempong, Paddison, and Mitiku (2006) find a stron-
growth in 78 economies for 1965–85. According to Durlauf ger association between growth and tertiary schooling than
and Johnson (1995), there is positive nexus between growth primary and secondary schooling years in 34 African countries
and working-age population in secondary school only for during 1960–2000. Keller (2006) shows a positive relation
intermediate initial income/low initial literacy countries and between secondary education enrollments as well as primary
high initial income countries in 1960–85 for 119 countries. education expenditure and growth in 40 Asian countries dur-
Moreover, Lee and Lee (1995) report a positive growth influ- ing 1971–2000. The opposite holds for secondary as well as
ence of secondary school test scores during 1970–85 in 17 tertiary education spending. Siddiqui (2006) finds that school-
countries. Gemmell (1996) concludes that growth is positively ing years display a positive relation with growth, whereas

schooling growth is not related to output growth in five South 3. ALTERNATIVE MEASURES OF EDUCATION AND
Asian economies in 1960–2000. Female and male education ECONOMIC GROWTH
are associated with growth positively and negatively respec-
tively, while current education spending is positively related As it is evident from the previous section, education mea-
to growth. sures used in the empirical literature vary. Most proxies con-
Bose, Haque, and Osborn (2007) find a positive growth cern measures of formal education and include literacy rates,
impact of government total education expenditure and educa- enrollment rates, and years of schooling. Literacy rates are
tion investment in 30 LDCs during 1970–90, while school typically defined as the proportion of the population aged 15
enrollments inhibit growth. Jamison, Jamison, and and older who are able to read and write a simple statement
Hanushek (2007), Hanushek and Woessmann (2008), on his/her everyday life (UNESCO, 1993). However, literacy
Hanushek and Woessmann (2011) show that schooling quan- rates are not objectively and consistently defined across coun-
tity (schooling years) has a strong positive association with tries and omit important components of human capital (Le,
growth, which becomes insignificant once education quality Gibson, & Oxley, 2005). Enrollment rates measure the number
(mathematics, science, and reading test scores) is considered of students enrolled at a given level of education relative to the
in 62, 50 countries respectively during 1960–2000. The latter population that, according to legislation, should be attending
has a robust positive relation with growth. Cohen and Soto school at that level. Enrollment rates measure the current
(2007) show that growth estimates of schooling are positive investment in human capital which will be reflected in the
for 1960–2000 in 95 national economies. Sterlacchini (2008) future human capital stock. Nevertheless, they are poor prox-
reports a positive relationship between growth and population ies for the present stock of human capital for many reasons.
with tertiary education in 197 NUTS II EU regions during For instance, enrollment rates can be at best satisfactory prox-
1995–2002. Baldacci, Clements, Gupta, and Cui (2008) find ies for human capital only in some countries. Judson (2002)
that primary and secondary enrollments are positively related argues that secondary enrollment rates will be good indicators
to growth in 118 LDCs for 1971–2000. for human capital accumulation only in countries where sec-
Costantini and Monni (2008) find a negative secondary ondary education is expanding rapidly.
enrollments–growth relationship for 1970–2003 in 95 coun- The deficiencies of literacy and enrollment rates as measures
tries. Bhattacharyya (2009) and Seetanah (2009) report also of human capital have motivated researchers to look for a
a positive growth effect of schooling years and secondary more powerful human capital proxy, namely years of school-
enrollments respectively. Their datasets concern 95 countries ing of the workforce. Schooling years quantify the accumu-
for 1980–2004 and 40 African countries for 1980–2000 respec- lated educational investment in the current workforce and
tively. Sandar and Macdonald (2009) find that tertiary educa- assume that human capital embodied in workers is propor-
tion has a positive growth impact in low-income, lower middle tional to the years of schooling they have attained. With
income and upper-middle income countries in 1985–2002 for respect to literacy and enrollment rates, schooling years take
126 LDCs. Chen and Gupta (2009) provide controversial into account the total amount of formal education acquired
results regarding the growth influence of secondary enroll- by the workforce, that is, schooling years proxy more accu-
ments in 13 African countries in 1990–2003. Lee and Kim rately the existing human capital stock in a country
(2009) suggest that secondary and tertiary education enroll- (Bassetti, 2007). In this context, some studies use the percent-
ments are important for growth in 1965–2002 and 63 coun- age of the working age population with primary, secondary,
tries. Földvári and Van Leeuwen (2009) find that an inverse and tertiary education.
U-shaped education years–growth relation, while schooling Here we should note the differences in the way education
growth is negatively associated with 21 OECD countries’ attainment is measured. There are five main data sets, i.e.
growth during 1960–95. Benos and Karagiannis (2010) show Barro and Lee (1993), Barro and Lee (2001 BL, from now
that secondary enrollments and student–teacher ratios have onward), Cohen and Soto (2007, CS), De la Fuente and
positive and negative growth effects respectively in 51 Greek Doménech (2006, DD), Nehru, Swanson, and Dubey (1995)
regions during 1981–2003. Tsai, Hung, and Harriott (2010) and Kyriacou (1991). There are important differences in the
suggest that secondary enrollment is more important for construction of these data sets. For instance, BL do not
growth in developing than developed countries, while tertiary account for differences in mortality across age groups, while
education is significant for both, in 1996–2006 for 60 coun- CS do. CS employ different censuses than BL in some cases
tries. Suri, Boozer, Ranis, and Stewart (2011) find a positive for reasons of consistency, due to differences in the classifica-
growth–secondary enrollment relationship for 1960–2001 in tion of education levels between censuses across time in some
79 nations during 1960–2001, while Phillips and Chen (2011) countries. Moreover, DD build a data set for 21 high-income
report a negative secondary education teacher–growth correla- OECD countries, while the other three data sets correspond to
tion in 30 Chinese regions for 1978–1997. many more countries. Also, DD do not use enrollment data
The least common type of analyses uses time-series data. employed by CS to fill in missing census values. The former
Musila and Belassi (2004) and Dauda (2010) report a positive assume full completion of all schooling levels in contrast to
public education expenditure–growth nexus in Uganda in BL and CS. Nehru et al. (1995) have not used census data,
1965–99 and Nigeria for 1977–2007, while Ndiyo (2007) and but only enrollment data from Mitchell (1993, 1998a,
Nurudeen and Usman (2010) conclude exactly the opposite 1998b). Finally, Kyriacou (1991) uses data from
for Nigeria in 1970–2000 and 1970–2008 respectively. Ndiyo Psacharopoulos and Ariagada (1986) and lagged enrollments
(2007) finds also a negative effect of university graduates. Fur- rates from UNESCO Statistical Yearbooks assuming no dif-
thermore, Lawal and Iyiola (2011) conclude that primary and ferences across countries and over time in the duration of
tertiary education enrollments exhibit a negative and positive schooling levels, the dropout, and class repetition ratios. Con-
relation with growth respectively in Nigeria for 1980–2008. sequently, there are noticeable differences between the above
Nketiah-Amponsah (2009) shows no public education expen- series in terms of levels and much larger differences in their
ditures–growth relation in Ghana during 1970–2004. Finally, growth rates, which may create divergences in the estimated
Odit, Dookhan, and Fauzel (2010) report a positive schooling growth effects of education depending on which data set is
years–growth nexus in Mauritius during 1990–2006. used.

All the above measures reflect the quantity of human capi- to find English-written articles in academic journals and work-
tal, but they do not give an indication of the skill level of ing papers, estimating the education–growth nexus. The key-
the workforce. Here comes the issue of education quality. words used in the search process were: human capital,
The lack of education quality data in most studies considering education, and economic growth and our last search was con-
the relationship between education and growth may be the ducted on September 29, 2011. We included all these research
biggest challenge in this area of research. The quantity of edu- papers in our meta-sample.
cation is an inadequate measure of human capital differences, In particular, we perform meta-regression analysis using
since school systems vary across countries in terms of data from 57 empirical studies. As we include all reported esti-
resources, organization, and duration. One solution in order mates in each study, any potential dependence among esti-
to account for qualitative differences across education systems, mates is best captured by using study identifiers. Given that
is to focus on education quality measures, such as educational most studies include plenty of estimations, we use all of them
expenditure, student–teacher ratios, and test scores. These as independent regressions and as a result, we report a total of
indicators can be measured at different levels of education. 989 observations. For comparison, Nelson and Kennedy
However, using education quality measures as human capital (2009) in a survey of 140 meta-analyses conducted in environ-
proxies, it is very difficult to get a measure that can be reliably mental economics since 1989, report that an average meta-
extrapolated for the entire workforce. The above discussion analysis employs 92 estimates (Irsova & Havranek, 2013).
shows that all available education measures have advantages Therefore, our dataset is large relative to that of conventional
and disadvantages, and this must be taken into account when economics meta-analyses.
the effect of education on economic growth is estimated. Table 1 presents all studies employed in our meta-regression
Finally, the output measures used to construct the economic analysis and descriptive statistics of the estimated coefficient of
growth variables vary across studies, being Gross Domestic education on economic growth. There is large variation in
Product (GDP), GDP per-capita, GDP per worker, or GDP findings across as well as within studies. For instance, each
per labor-force aged person in real terms. 1 Overall, we can study has a different mean value of the education coefficients
argue that the coefficients estimating the relationship between and a different number of coefficients, which may be positive
education and economic growth may vary across studies or negative. We employ meta-regression analysis, in order to
partly due to differences in the type of the education and out- explain the excess study-to-study variation. Our empirical
put variables used. research environment suggests using the following meta-
regression model to integrate and explain the above-men-
tioned diverse findings:
bj ¼ b0 þ ak Z jk þ b1 sej þ uj ðj ¼ 1; 2; . . . 57Þ ð1Þ
Following Stanley (2001), we proceed in two steps for con- k¼1
ducting meta-regression analysis. First, we construct the meta-
data set, collecting empirical studies examining the link where bj is the reported estimate of the education coefficient
between education and economic growth. Second, we define of the jth study, b0 is the true value of the education coeffi-
a meta-regression model. In this context, we examine particu- cient, Zjk are the moderator variables which influence the
lar independent meta-variables in order to distinguish between magnitude of the published results and explain variation in
numerous factors, which influence the estimated education coefficients bj, ak are the meta-regression coefficients which
effect on economic growth. Meta-regression analysis allows reflect the effect of particular study characteristics, sej is the
us to synthesize all empirical results in a common framework. standard error of the coefficient of the jth study and uj is
The adopted expression for MRA is similar to the relation the meta-regression disturbance term. We introduce sej
described by Stanley and Jarrell (1989). because if there is publication selection, authors of small-
At this point, we should note that the empirical studies on sample studies search for larger estimates because these stud-
the relationship between education and income growth can ies tend to have large standard errors. On the contrary,
be attributed to two theoretical approaches: the first is the large-sample studies typically find statistically significant esti-
micro literature based on the Mincer approach implying a mates and can be published with smaller estimated effects.
positive relation between individual education and private Therefore, the reported effect will be proportional to its stan-
earnings (private returns), and the second is the macro liter- dard error, ceteris paribus (Stanley, Doucouliagos, & Jarrell,
ature, which studies the relation between education and 2008).
economy-wide growth (social returns). We proceed by In economics, empirical studies use varying sample sizes,
including only macro studies in our meta-sample, which esti- econometric specifications, and estimation procedures. Hence,
mate the coefficient of the size effect of education on eco- the random estimation errors of the previous MRA model (uj),
nomic growth. Therefore, only studies providing regression are likely to be heteroscedastic. 3 Thus, the above equation is
results where a measure of growth is the dependent variable rarely estimated. Rather, its Weighted Least Squares (WLS)
and at least one education measure is among the explanatory version, which divides this equation by sej, becomes the obvi-
variables are included in our meta-data set. We exclude from ous method of obtaining efficient estimates:
the analysis papers focusing on education as a private human X X
tj ¼ b1 þ ci K ij þ b0 ð1=sej Þ þ ak Z jk =sej þ vj ð2Þ
capital investment estimating the rate of return to this invest-
ment (Harmon et al., 2003). 2 This selection process does not where tj is the t-statistic which corresponds to the estimate bj.
imply bias for our results, since our study examines the Because publication selection is a complex phenomenon, we
impact of education on economic growth. have replaced b1 in (1) by b1 + RciKij in (2), where Kij are addi-
The empirical literature investigating the impact of educa- tional factors correlated with the publication process itself,
tion on growth includes estimates reported in academic jour- e.g., socio-economic variables thought to affect publication
nals as well as working papers, such as the NBER or selection (Doucouliagos & Stanley, 2009). That is, we control
MPRA series. We have searched on the internet, the EconLit for heterogeneity in the Z variables, but not the K variables.
database, as well as the Google Scholar search engine, in order Eqn. (2) can be used as a valid test for both the presence of

Table 1. Summary statistics of the studies included in meta-regression analysis

Authors (publication year) Number of coefficients Minimum Maximum Median Standard deviation Mean
Romer (1989) 3 0.0062 0.0386 0.0155 0.0166826 0.0201
Azariadis and Drazen (1990) 3 0.0025 0.0122 0.0103 0.0051404 0.0083333
Barro (1991) 48 0.0171 0.0385 0.02365 0.01288 0.0197125
Murphy et al. (1991) 10 0.078 0.125 0.001 0.0611763 0.0059
Levine and Renelt (1992) 10 0.63 3.71 1.5 1.128315 1.915
Mankiw et al. (1992) 3 0.223 0.271 0.233 0.0253246 0.2423333
Benhabib and Spiegel (1994) 23 0.092 0.167 0.028 0.0755928 0.0051522
Durlauf and Johnson (1995) 7 0.114 0.469 0.209 0.2028804 0.1748571
Lee and Lee (1995) 11 0.0042 0.0128 0.0016 0.0040339 0.0019455
Barro (1996) 9 0.0032 0.11 0.0116 0.0337612 0.0209889
Gemmell (1996) 30 2.21 6.07 1.11 2.016531 1.619
Collins and Bosworth (1996) 7 0.04 0.25 0.15 0.0759072 0.1457143
Bloom et al. (1998) 2 0.087 0.37 0.2285 0.2001112 0.2285
Temple (1999) 4 0.063 0.165 0.109 0.0417732 0.1115
Bils and Klenow (2000) 2 0.213 0.3 0.2565 0.0615183 0.2565
Hanushek and Kimko (2000) 24 0.034 0.548 0.105 0.1244175 0.1368333
Ranis et al. (2000) 2 0.03 0.03 0.03 – 0.03
Bassanini and Scarpetta (2001) 16 0.41 1.76 0.9 0.3266235 0.898125
Kalaitzidakis et al. (2001) 64 2.19 0.288 0.007 0.2965526 0.0371875
Pritchett (2001) 7 0.12 0.058 0.049 0.0629085 0.0448571
Krueger and Lindahl (2001) 58 0.072 0.614 0.006 0.0921753 0.0317914
Barro (2001) 22 0.025 0.129 0.0032 0.0435263 0.0305091
Appiah and McMahon (2002) 2 0.0003 0.0016 0.00095 0.0009192 0.00095
Knowles et al. (2002) 4 0.076 0.23 0.149 0.084998 0.151
Papageorgiou (2003) 48 0.4087 0.3415 0.0405 0.1243565 0.0588646
Bosworth and Collins (2003) 10 0.07 1.55 0.33 0.4817618 0.465
Chakraborty (2004) 5 0.27 4.45 1.43 1.64963 2.124
Barro and Sala-i-Martin (2004) 14 0.057 0.121 0.00235 0.0366192 0.0071143
Musila and Belassi (2004) 1 0.036 0.036 0.036 – 0.036
Gyimah-Brempong et al. (2006) 10 0.0299 0.1281 0.05915 0.051956 0.05392
Keller (2006) 63 5.545 4.675 0.009 1.630914 0.2065714
Siddiqui, 2006 18 0.78 0.4475 0.063 0.2993191 0.0020222
Bose et al. (2007) 11 0.016 1.582 0.012 0.5026619 0.1931818
Cohen and Soto (2007) 25 0.049 0.123 0.017 0.0471837 0.029068
Ndiyo (2007) 1 0.327 0.327 0.327 – 0.327
Jamison et al. (2007) 10 0.0078 0.459 0.0855 0.1599448 0.15661
Sterlacchini (2008) 7 0.052 0.394 0.321 0.1297701 0.2664286
Costantini and Monni (2008) 6 2.537 1.568 1.9605 0.3449232 2.021
Baldacci et al. (2008) 10 0.011 0.135 0.0875 0.0531931 0.0718
Hanushek and Woessmann (2008) 20 0.031 2.286 0.2605 0.8501372 0.76135
Bhattacharyya (2009) 30 0.0007 0.01 0.006 0.0020144 0.0054767
Nketiah-Amponsah (2009) 1 0.3 0.3 0.3 – 0.3
Seetanah (2009) 2 0.01 0.08 0.045 0.0494975 0.045
Sandar and Macdonald (2009) 23 0.001 0.019 0.0007 0.0041933 0.0019522
Chen and Gupta (2009) 12 0.007 0.1429 0.01575 0.0457068 0.0318833
Lee and Kim (2009) 20 0.001 0.033 0.013 0.0086876 0.013
Földvári and Van Leeuwen (2009) 10 0.305 0.0612 0.00395 0.1330808 0.05692
Lee (2010) 6 0.0006 0.0032 0.00115 0.0011321 0.0015833
Dauda (2010) 1 14.155 14.155 14.155 – 14.155
Benos and Karagiannis (2010) 132 0.086 0.783 0.001 0.113151 0.0431742
Odit et al. (2010) 3 0.0985 16.547 13.378 8.726787 10.00783
Tsai et al. (2010) 24 0.0029 0.0969 0.0024 0.0322937 0.0225917
Nurudeen and Usman (2010) 1 0.0667 0.0667 0.0667 – 0.0667
Suri et al. (2011) 2 0.0183 0.0282 0.02325 0.0070004 0.02325
Phillips and Chen (2011) 16 44.663 35.154 0.3519 18.90251 0.1446999
Lawal and Iyiola (2011) 6 2.643 1.984 0.4365 1.799473 0.1031666
Hanushek and Woessmann (2011) 70 0.012 2.35 0.161 0.8422545 0.8147143
Total 989 44.663 35.154 0.0181 2.586951 0.2138548

publication selection bias (variables not divided by sej) and Stanley 2008). We follow Efendic, Pugh, and Adnett (2011)
genuine education effects on economic growth corrected for and use the Funnel Asymmetry Test (FAT) to formally test
publication selection (variables divided by sej) (Stanley 2005; for the presence of publication bias. 4

We estimate our meta-regression model, in order to exam- listed in Mamuneas, Kalaitzidakis, and Stengos (2010), the
ine the extent to which the variables, with values defined for top 65 journals included in the ESA classification (2008) as
each study in our analysis, explain heterogeneity in the edu- well as the top two tiers in the ABS Economics journals clas-
cation effect on growth. Our meta-regression analysis focuses sification (2010), which consists of 65 journals. 5 We include
on the results of general-to-specific modeling, applied to the the same number of the “best” journals in the latter three
complete set of 989 estimates. That is, all Z and K variables cases so that results are comparable in the sense that we
were included in a general meta-regression model estimated, embody the same quality level of publication outlets using
and then the statistically insignificant ones were removed, different indicators. We also incorporate a dummy variable
one at a time, to derive the specific model. In this frame- equal to one if a study has been published in a journal
work, both genuine effect and publication bias are more belonging to the top tier of the ABS classification, which
complicated. Genuine effects (and/or large-sample biases) includes only 17 journals, in order to identify the impact
are now captured by the combination of all the Z-variables of publication in the very top research outlets on the esti-
(divided by se), while the K-variables (not divided by se), mated growth effects of the education variables. Moreover,
along with the intercept, together represent publication selec- we introduce the publication year of each study to investi-
tion (Doucouliagos & Stanley, 2009). gate the existence of a time pattern in research output.
We introduce variables expected to have a systematic Furthermore, we include a dummy equal to one if coeffi-
impact on the reported effect of education on economic cient estimates are obtained by OLS and zero otherwise, to
growth. At the same time, we must limit the number of account for differences due to estimation methodology. Here
covariates relative to the number of studies in order to avoid we should note that the majority of our meta-sample esti-
false positive results (Thompson & Higgins, 2002). Specifi- mates are obtained by OLS. Almost all remaining coefficients
cally, we examine whether differences across studies can be are estimated via IV methods (2SLS, 3SLS, and dynamic
attributed to differences in the measurement of education GMM estimators (Arellano & Bond, 1991, AB from now
and economic growth. Among the most popular proxies on, Arellano & Bover, 1995; Blundell & Bond, 1998,
for education quantity are literacy rates, school enrollment AB-BB from now onward) to control for endogeneity and
rates, and educational attainment, measured in years of reverse causality in the education–growth nexus. The AB
schooling of the working-age population. Also, three mea- estimator requires first differencing, lags of the dependent
sures are used in order to account for qualitative differences as well as explanatory variables and current values of the
across education systems, namely student–teacher ratios, exogenous variables as instruments, since they are correlated
educational expenditures, and international test scores. Over- with the endogenous regressors, but not the error terms.
all, in order to examine the impact of alternative education First differencing removes country-specific effects, a potential
proxies we use six dummy variables. The first three dummies source of omitted variable bias, and deals with series’
(literacy, enrollment, and schooling years) equal one, if the non-stationarity. The AB-BB system GMM estimator was
study uses the literacy rate, the school enrollment rate, and developed because Blundell and Bond (1998) showed that
years of schooling as proxies of the quantity of educational the lagged level instruments of the Arellano and Bond
human capital respectively. The remaining three dummies (1991) estimator become weak as the autoregressive process
(student–teacher ratios, educational expenditure, and scores), becomes too persistent or the ratio of the variance of the
equal one, if the study uses student–teacher ratios, expendi- panel-level effects to the variance of the idiosyncratic error
ture on education and international test scores as alternative becomes too large. So, Blundell and Bond (1998) building
measures of its quality. We omit the percentage of working- on Arellano and Bover (1995), proposed this estimator,
age population with primary, secondary or tertiary education which uses moment conditions in which lagged differences
as a proxy for the quantity of education, in order to avoid are used as instruments for the level equation in addition
multicollinearity. We also include a dummy variable equal to the moment conditions of lagged levels as instruments
to one if education variables have been used in levels and for the differenced equation. Therefore, our OLS dummy
zero if they are employed in first differences to account for essentially captures any potential difference in the estimated
the fact that authors incorporate them in two different ways education impact on growth due to the use of IV vs.
in the estimated equations and this may affect the corre- non-IV techniques. However, we should also note that the
sponding coefficients (Földvári & van Leeuwen, 2009). Fur- vast majority of studies using OLS acknowledges the
thermore, the output measure employed as dependent potential endogeneity and reverse causality problems and
variable varies across studies. In order to study the effect employs initial values of the education variables to mitigate
of alternative economic growth measures on the reported them.
findings, we include one dummy variable in our meta-regres- Moreover, we use a dummy indicating whether estimates
sion model which equals one, if the study uses the real GDP are obtained by cross-section or panel data, with time series
growth as a proxy for economic growth and zero if real per as the base, in order to control for differences in the type of
capita growth measures (GDP growth per-capita, per data employed. Also, since most studies use the BL and CS
worker, or per labor force-aged person) are employed. data sets, we employ two corresponding dummies, with the
We adopt additional moderator variables in order to estimates obtained by other data sets represented by both
examine whether particular characteristics of empirical dummies being equal to zero. We do not introduce separate
approaches explain the variation in the findings. These vari- dummies for studies using the DD (2006), Nehru et al. (1995)
ables were chosen on the basis of theoretical literature con- and Kyriacou (1991) data sets, because the corresponding
cerning the importance of each variable for the estimation estimates are very few and we would not be able to conduct
results (Adam, Kammas, & Lagou, 2013; Doucouliagos & meaningful inference regarding the influence of each of these
Stanley, 2009). In particular, we include five dummy vari- data sets separately on the growth effect of education. So, we
ables to account for the quality of the outlets, where research distinguish between education data sources to the extent pos-
articles included in our study were published. We incorporate sible, because there are important differences in data con-
dummies indicating whether a study has been published in an struction which may affect the estimation results (see
academic journal vs. working paper, the top 65 journals discussion in Section 3).

Additionally, we investigate whether econometric specifica- variance component estimates produced by ordinary maxi-
tion affects parameter estimates. Specifically, we incorporate mum likelihood (ML) estimation, because ML estimates of
three dummies reflecting whether estimates are obtained from variance components do account for the degrees of freedom
a log specification, linear specification with respect to param- used in estimating effect size in fixed effects. So, REML
eters and models in which levels, not growth rates, of educa- avoids downward biased estimates of the between-study var-
tion variables are employed. Also, we investigate if the iance, underestimated standard errors as well as anticonser-
inclusion of specific explanatory variables matters. Since there vative inference (Thompson & Sharp, 1999). The MM
are a huge number of alternative variables, we select only vari- estimator, the only non-iterative method, has the advantages
ables widely used in the literature. In particular, we employ of speed and robustness. It does not require numerical max-
dummies reflecting whether estimated equations include open- imization or iteration, is not time consuming and performs
ness, political measures, government spending, population relatively well in comparison with likelihood methods with
growth, inflation, and investment. Additionally, we use dum- both simulated and real data sets. Results are expected to
mies indicating if estimations incorporate initial output to con- be similar to those obtained by likelihood methods when
trol for convergence effects and health variables to measure an there is moderate to large heterogeneity. However, ML are
additional dimension of human capital besides education. often preferred to MM methods as the former have higher
Furthermore, we account for sample characteristics using a probability of being close to the quantities to be estimated
dummy for inclusion of developed countries as well as the ear- (Mavridis & Salanti, 2012). From another point of view,
liest and latest sample years in each study to explore if sample the main advantage of the Bayesian framework is that exter-
period influences the estimated education coefficient due to nal evidence or information from historical data can be eas-
structural change. We also insert a dummy showing if a paper ily incorporated in the model via informative priors. When
develops a theoretical growth model, the implications of which the number of studies is large, the choice of prior distribu-
are later tested empirically. We do that, because some papers, tion affects the results less, since data play the dominant role;
which contain estimates of the growth effects of education, however, when there are a few studies, priors’ selection is
focus mainly on the development of theoretical frameworks important. Both REML and EB estimators, being iterative
linking education and growth, while their empirical analysis methods, use the MM estimator as starting value.
is only supplementary. Finally, since most studies in our sample report more than
All the above variables are used as Z moderator variables, one regression, it is likely that observations (education coeffi-
which explain variation in the education coefficients. As a K cients) are correlated within studies. In light of that, we also
variable correlated with the publication process itself, we estimate our model by OLS with heteroscedasticity cluster-
employ sample size. We do that, because we expect that robust standard errors, which allow for error term correlation
reviewers and editors tend to be suspicious and less favorable within each cluster (study), 6 assuming only that they are not
toward small-sample studies, reducing the chances for them to correlated across studies (Baum, 2006). 7 We use this estima-
be published. All potential Z and K moderator variables tion method as a benchmark, because it is the simplest one
employed in our meta-regression analysis are presented in and is used in many meta-regression works (e.g.,
Table 2. Doucouliagos & Stanley, 2009; Efendic et al., 2011), although
it is less appropriate for meta-regression analysis compared to
the methods described previously. This is because, it does not
5. ESTIMATION METHODOLOGY account for the role of the between-study variance in the esti-
mation of the coefficients in the meta-regression equation.
Meta-regression analysis, or meta-regression, is an extension Overall, we apply cluster data analysis, REML, MM and
to standard meta-analysis that investigates the extent to which EB throughout our investigation, but we trust more the find-
statistical heterogeneity between results of multiple studies can ings of the last three estimators for reasons explained above.
be related to one or more study characteristics (Thompson &
Higgins, 2002). It is very unlikely that all heterogeneity will be
explained, so there will be “residual heterogeneity”, therefore 6. META-REGRESSION RESULTS
random effects rather than fixed effects meta-regression is
appropriate. All algorithms for random-effects meta-regres- (a) Publication selection
sion first estimate the between-study variance and then esti-
mate the coefficients by weighted least squares, using as Publication bias has been a primary concern for meta-ana-
weights the inverse sum of the standard error of the estimated lysts, as journals are more likely to publish studies reporting
effect in each study and the between-study variance. So, more statistically significant results. Papers reporting insignificant
accurate studies have more weight in the analysis. In our case, results are either not submitted for publication or routinely
the between-study variance represents the excess variation in rejected by the editors/referees (Bom & Ligthart, 2008). Thus,
observed growth effects of education expected from the impre- authors treat statistically significant results more favorably,
cision of results within each study. because they are more likely to be published. In light of these,
Several methods have been proposed for the estimation of we initially test whether there is publication bias in the educa-
the between-study variance in meta-regressions. As suggested tion-growth literature.
by Thompson and Sharp (1999), the unknown variance of The simplest method to detect publication selection is a
the random-effect model can be computed by an iterative visual examination of a funnel plot, which depicts the esti-
residual (restricted) maximum likelihood process (REML), mates of the coefficient in question on the horizontal axis
the Empirical Bayes (EB) method (Morris, 1983), or a and the inverse of their standard errors on the vertical axis.
moment-estimator (MM). The main problem of likelihood In the absence of publication selection, the expected shape is
methods is that they become computationally intensive and an inverted funnel, i.e. estimates should vary randomly and
time consuming as the number of studies increases. The symmetrically around the true population effect. In Figure 1,
benchmark method for estimating the between-study vari- we see that in our case the funnel graph is asymmetric, as
ance is REML. It was developed in order to avoid the biased the plot is overweighed on the right side. Thus, we visually

Table 2. K and Z variables for meta-regression analysis

Variable name Variable description
t-Statistic The t-statistic of the coefficient of interest
Sample size Sample size used
Antse = 1/stand. error 1/standard error of the coefficient of interest
Education variables
Literacy =1, if literacy rate is human capital proxy (quantity)
Enrollment =1, if school enrollment rate is human capital proxy (quantity)
Schooling years =1, if schooling years is human capital proxy (quantity)
Student–teacher ratios =1, if student–teacher ratio is human capital proxy (quality)
Educational expenditure =1, if educational expenditure is human capital proxy (quality)
Scores =1, if international test scores is human capital proxy (quality)
Output variables
Real GDP growth =1, if GDP growth is economic growth proxy
Publication characteristics
Journal =1, if study has been published in an academic journal
Mamuneas et al. =1, if study has been published in journal listed in Mamuneas et al.
ESA =1, if study has been published in journal listed in ESA
ABS3&4grade =1, if study has been published in journal with grade 3&4 listed in ABS
ABS4grade =1, if study has been published in journal with grade 4 listed in ABS
Publication year Year the study was published
Estimation and data
Ols =1, if study employs OLS method of estimation
Cross =1, if estimate uses cross-sectional data, with time series as the base
Panel =1, if estimate uses panel data, with time series as the base
Barro–Lee =1, if study employs Barro–Lee dataset
Cohen–Soto =1, if study employs Cohen–Soto dataset
Empirical specification
Log specification =1, if study employs log specification
Linear specification =1, if study employs linear specification
Level of education =1, if study employs level of education as explanatory variable
Openness =1, if study uses openness as explanatory variable
Political =1, if study uses a political measure as explanatory variable
Government spending =1, if study uses government spending as explanatory variable
Population growth =1, if study uses population growth as explanatory variable
Initial output =1, if study uses initial output as explanatory variable
Inflation =1, if study uses inflation as explanatory variable
Health =1, if study uses health as explanatory variable
Investment =1, if study uses investment as explanatory variable
Developed =1, if study employs sample of developed countries
Earliest year the earliest year of the sample
Latest year the latest year of the sample
Paper structure
Theoretical =1, if study develops a theoretical approach
All variables are included as Z and K variables in a general-to-specific modeling approach.
K variables may affect the likelihood of being selected for publication.
Z variables may affect the magnitude of the education coefficient.

inspect the presence of publication selection bias toward posi- free of publication bias, the constant term should not be statis-
tive values of the growth effect of education. tically significant (accept H0: b1 = 0). On the contrary, a non-
However, graphs are only subjective tests for examining zero constant implies upward or downward bias on the effects
publication bias. For this reason, we employ an objective sta- estimated in the literature. In Table 3, the constant term is
tistical test for publication selection, assuming that all ak and positive and statistically significant for all estimators, so the
ci are zero (there is no heterogeneity effect), that is the conven- FAT test confirms the existence of “substantial” upward pub-
tional t-test of the intercept of the equation: lication bias, since the estimate of b1 is between 1 and 2
(Doucouliagos & Stanley, 2013). This model can also be used
tj ¼ b1 þ b0 ð1=sej Þ þ ej ð3Þ
to test for a genuine effect beyond publication selection. The
i.e. the Funnel Asymmetry Test or FAT (Egger, Smith, coefficient on precision, b0, is an estimate of the empirical
Scheider, & Minder, 1997; Stanley, 2005). If the literature is effect corrected for publication selection. Applying this

Looking at Tables 4–8, we have evidence of substantial pub-

lication selection in our specific MRA model for the whole
sample. The constant term is positive, large, and statistically
significant at all levels. However, the constant itself is no
longer a measure of the magnitude of the average publication
bias. Rather, publication bias is the combination of the inter-
cept and the K variables, sample size in our case, which, how-
ever, is insignificant in all estimations. Therefore, there is
strong upward publication selection bias in the education–eco-
nomic growth literature. This confirms the results obtained
from the initial FAT-PET MRA, as well as visual examination
of the funnel plot, although the magnitude of the bias is
slightly smaller now.
-9467 Excluding 5% of the extreme values of the education effect on
-4.663 3.154 economic growth (Tables 9–11), our main results remain quali-
tatively and quantitatively very similar. The constant term con-
tinues to be positive, large and statistically significant at all
Figure 1. Funnel graph. Note: The variables bhc and antse represent the
levels. Publication bias is the combination of the intercept and
education coefficient and the inverse of the standard error (antse = 1/
the K variable (sample size), which is again always insignificant.
standard error) respectively.
Therefore, all findings imply substantial upward publication
selection bias in the education-economic growth literature.
precision-effect test (PET), REML, MM and EB imply no (b) Effects on education coefficients
authentic education effect on growth. On the contrary, cluster
data analysis suggests a negative education growth effect. (i) Whole sample estimations
However, even in this case the impact is small. For reasons dis- In our specific meta-analysis regression of the whole sample
cussed above (see Section 5), we trust the findings of the first with a dummy for publications in academic journals vs. working
three estimators. papers in Table 4 the overall fit of the regression is quite high for
Table 4 presents the empirical results of our complete MRA a meta-regression (R2 = 0.16–0.78). Overall, the education
model with a dummy for publications in academic journals vs. impact on growth corrected for publication selection is not
working papers as the indicator of publication outlet quality. 8 homogeneous across studies, but varies depending on several
Table 5 presents the empirical findings including a dummy for factors. If all Z-variables were zero, 9 the estimated coefficient
publications in journals listed in Mamuneas et al. (2010), while of the inverse of the standard error (b0) shows that education,
Table 6 presents the empirical evidence with a dummy for pub- measured by the percentage of the working-age population with
lications in journals listed in Economic Society of Australia primary, secondary, or tertiary education, would have a statis-
(ESA) (2008). Tables 7 and 8 present the findings with dum- tically insignificant growth impact in all cases, except cluster
mies for publications in grades 3–4 and grade 4 respectively data analysis, where the effect would be negative, albeit small. 10
of the ABS Economics journals rankings. In this way, we Also, specifications using education proxies based on enroll-
check the robustness of our baseline results to alternative qual- ment rates and education expenditure increase the education
ity measures of publication outlets. effect on economic growth by 0.01 and 0.02 respectively com-
We proceed by estimating our meta-analysis regression sep- pared to studies using working-age population with a certain
arately with a dummy for publications in academic journals, education level as an education measure. On the contrary, the
journals listed in Mamuneas et al. (2010), and journals use of student–teacher ratios does not have a robustly different
included in Economic Society of Australia (ESA) (2008), growth impact. Literacy rates, schooling years, and test scores
respectively, excluding 5% of the most extreme values of the do not seem to affect the estimated education impact on growth
education effect on economic growth in Tables 9–11. We do relative to educated working-age population. Moreover, the
these robustness checks in order to examine the influence of type of output measure does not influence estimated
extreme estimates on our findings. coefficients. Regarding publication outlets, research published

Table 3. Funnel Asymmetry Test

Variables Cluster data analysisa REMLc MMd EBe
Antse 0.022 0.089 0.063 0.088
(3.88) (0.44) (0.022) (0.045)
Constant 1.887*** 1.908*** 1.901*** 1.908***
(7.97) (17.29) (4.97) (17.48)
R-squared 0.016 0.020 0.023 0.080
Ramsey RESET test F(3, 972) = 12.36
Prob > F = 0.0038b
t-Values are reported in parentheses (dependent variable: t-statistic).
Cluster data analysis presents the FAT results with cluster-robust standard errors.
The Ramsey RESET test rejects the null at all levels of statistical significance, indicating incorrect specification of the model.
REML presents the FAT results with restricted maximum likelihood.
MM presents the FAT results with the moment estimator.
EB presents the FAT results with the empirical Bayes iterative procedure.
Statistical significance at 1% level.

Table 4. Meta-analysis regression with dummy for publications in academic journals

Moderator variables Cluster data analysisa REMLc MMd EBe
Sample size
Antse 0.0168*** 0.0694 0.0126 0.0798
(3.268) (0.352) (0.0545) (0.406)
Enrollment/se 0.0103*** 0.0112*** 0.00921*** 0.0110***
(6.128) (9.833) (4.622) (7.228)
Schooling years/se
Student–teacher ratios/se 0.00238** 0.0280***
(2.624) (4.501)
Educational expenditure/se 0.0212*** 0.0204*** 0.000352**
(6.954) (3.698) (2.545)
Real GDP growth/se
Journal/se 0.00569*** 0.00706*** 0.00528*** 0.0119***
(9.379) (7.249) (3.104) (4.740)
Publication year/se 0.000119** 0.00196***
(2.565) (2.924)
Cross/se 0.00813*** 0.00636*** 0.00453** 0.00566***
(5.447) (6.102) (2.478) (4.585)
Barro–Lee/se 0.0176***
Cohen–Soto/se 0.00962*** 0.00630*** 0.00447** 0.00416***
(4.926) (4.991) (1.973) (2.698)
Log specification/se
Linear specification/se 0.00180** 0.0129***
(2.514) (7.763)
Level of education/se
Openness/se 0.00553*** 0.00477*** 0.00458** 0.0102***
(8.074) (4.912) (2.511) (8.169)
Political/se 0.0105*** 0.0100*** 0.00820*** 0.0128***
(8.510) (10.06) (4.715) (3.334)
Government spending/se 0.0125** 0.0138*** 0.00534**
(2.624) (3.653) (2.554)
Population growth/se 0.00231** 0.000349**
(2.205) (2.540)
Initial output/se 0.00188*** 0.00134*** 0.00135** 0.00292**
(3.619) (4.045) (2.174) (2.057)
Inflation/se 0.0123*** 0.0131*** 0.0112***
(13.85) (9.519) (4.499)
Health/se 0.0105*** 0.0124*** 0.0104*** 0.0110***
(12.81) (11.46) (5.523) (7.825)
Developed/se 0.0478***
Earliest year/se 0.000120** 0.00718***
(2.568) (6.884)
Latest year/se
Constant 1.592*** 1.605*** 1.648*** 1.565***
(6.329) (14.70) (8.367) (13.91)
R-squared 0.222 0.2063 0.777 0.1579
Ramsey RESET test F(3, 975) = 1.60
Prob > F = 0.1881b
t-Values are reported in parentheses (dependent variable: t-statistic).
Cluster data analysis presents the MRA results with cluster-robust standard errors.
The Ramsey RESET test accepts the null at all levels of statistical significance, indicating correct specification of the model.
REML presents the MRA results with restricted maximum likelihood.
MM presents the MRA results with the moment estimator.
EB presents the MRA results with the empirical Bayes iterative procedure.
Statistical significance at 5% level.
Statistical significance at 1% level.

Table 5. Meta-analysis regression with dummy for publications in journals listed in Mamuneas et al.
Moderator variables Cluster data analysisa REMLc MMd EBe
Sample size
Antse 0.0179*** 0.0858 0.0116 0.0750
(3.517) (0.435) (0.0498) (0.382)
Enrollment/se 0.0146*** 0.0143*** 0.0136*** 0.0143***
(5.007) (7.948) (4.020) (7.204)
Schooling years/se
Student–teacher ratios/se 0.00332***
Educational expenditure/se 0.0307*** 0.0269*** 0.0285** 0.0318***
(5.310) (4.464) (2.514) (5.352)
Real GDP growth/se
Mamuneas et al./se 0.00121** 0.000974** 0.00299* 0.00266*
(1.982) (2.334) (1.878) (1.913)
Publication year/se 8.03e-05*** 9.77e-05***
(6.356) (4.478)
Cross/se 0.00165**
Panel/se 0.0147*** 0.0124*** 0.0121*** 0.0173***
(5.050) (7.393) (3.775) (9.189)
Barro–Lee/se 0.00206*** 0.00276***
(11.18) (3.778)
Cohen–Soto/se 0.0142*** 0.0116*** 0.0216***
(4.895) (3.357) (6.951)
Log specification/se 0.00158*** 0.00195**
(3.892) (2.094)
Linear specification/se 0.0112*** 0.00506***
(6.056) (2.890)
Level of education/se
Political/se 0.0140*** 0.0145*** 0.0131*** 0.0152***
(4.868) (8.667) (4.108) (8.954)
Government spending/se 0.0172*** 0.0195*** 0.0153** 0.0198***
(4.511) (4.972) (2.058) (5.094)
Population growth/se
Initial output/se 0.000757***
Inflation/se 0.0141*** 0.0131*** 0.0130*** 0.0166***
(4.820) (7.645) (4.111) (8.914)
Health/se 0.0161*** 0.0147*** 0.0152*** 0.0171***
(5.518) (8.064) (4.671) (9.583)
Developed/se 0.0560*** 0.0559***
(3.255) (3.297)
Earliest year/se 8.16e05*** 0.000103***
(6.338) (4.614)
Latest year/se
Constant 1.646*** 1.535*** 1.641*** 1.567***
(6.868) (13.68) (8.128) (14.19)
R-squared 0.2160 0.2122 0.7753 0.2156
Ramsey RESET test F(3, 975) = 2.33
Prob > F = 0.0740b
t-Values are reported in parentheses (dependent variable: t-statistic).
Cluster data analysis presents the MRA results with cluster-robust standard errors.
The Ramsey RESET test accepts the null at the 1% and 5% levels of statistical significance, indicating correct specification of the model.
REML presents the MRA results with restricted maximum likelihood.
MM presents the MRA results with the moment estimator.
EB presents the MRA results with the empirical Bayes iterative procedure.
Statistical significance at 10% level.
Statistical significance at 5% level.
Statistical significance at 1% level.
Table 6. Meta-analysis regression with dummy for publications in journals listed in ESA
Moderator variables Cluster data analysisa REMLc MMd EBe
Sample size
Antse 0.0174*** 0.0844 0.0205 0.0848
(3.392) (0.428) (0.0881) (0.432)
Enrollment/se 0.0121*** 0.0143*** 0.0161*** 0.0139***
(4.105) (7.944) (4.961) (7.805)
Schooling years/se
Student–teacher ratios/se 0.00223*** 0.00331*** 0.00340***
(2.820) (4.508) (4.674)
Educational expenditure/se 0.0272*** 0.0269*** 0.0304*** 0.0264***
(5.165) (4.458) (2.685) (4.437)
Real GDP growth/se
ESA/se 0.00171** 0.000947** 0.00264** 0.00121***
(2.047) (2.275) (2.191) (3.806)
Publication year/se 9.26e05*** 9.79e05**
(10.21) (2.360)
Cross/se 0.00485*** 0.00177***
(3.150) (4.346)
Panel/se 0.0100*** 0.0124*** 0.0143*** 0.0112***
(3.465) (7.385) (4.497) (6.643)
Barro–Lee/se 0.00294*** 0.00196*
(4.912) (1.823)
Cohen–Soto/se 0.0145*** 0.0112*** 0.0150*** 0.0120***
(5.961) (6.071) (4.102) (6.598)
Log specification/se 0.00399***
Linear specification/se
Level of education/se
Openness/se 0.00278**
Political/se 0.0131*** 0.0145*** 0.0145*** 0.0135***
(5.615) (8.675) (4.633) (8.093)
Government spending/se 0.0140*** 0.0196*** 0.0183** 0.0184***
(3.069) (4.976) (2.481) (4.752)
Population growth/se
Initial output/se 0.000761***
Inflation/se 0.0121*** 0.0131*** 0.0138*** 0.0119***
(5.150) (7.641) (4.389) (7.010)
Health/se 0.0131*** 0.0147*** 0.0169*** 0.0132***
(5.207) (8.064) (5.189) (7.301)
Developed/se 0.0562*** 0.0551***
(3.262) (3.253)
Earliest year/se
9.26e05*** 9.98e05**
Latest year/se (10.55) (2.366)
Constant 1.618*** 1.538*** 1.677*** 1.543***
(6.522) (13.72) (8.382) (13.97)
R-squared 0.223 0.2120 0.7768 0.2150
Ramsey RESET test F(3, 975) = 1.67
Prob > F = 0.1723b
t-Values are reported in parentheses (dependent variable: t-statistic).
Cluster data analysis presents the MRA results with cluster-robust standard errors.
The Ramsey RESET test accepts the null at all levels of statistical significance, indicating correct specification of the model.
REML presents the MRA results with restricted maximum likelihood.
MM presents the MRA results with the moment estimator.
EB presents the MRA results with the empirical Bayes iterative procedure.
Statistical significance at 10% level.
Statistical significance at 5% level.
Statistical significance at 1% level.

Table 7. Meta-analysis regression with dummy for publications in journals listed in ABS with grades 3&4
Moderator variables Cluster data analysisa REMLc MMd EBe
Sample size
Antse 0.0175*** 0.0780 0.0152 0.0805
(3.473) (0.397) (0.0655) (0.411)
Enrollment/se 0.0115*** 0.0123*** 0.0140*** 0.0123***
(4.450) (6.574) (4.135) (6.654)
Schooling years/se 0.00314***
Student–teacher ratios/se 0.00196*** 0.00202** 0.00335** 0.00202**
(5.045) (2.326) (2.418) (2.355)
Educational expenditure/se 0.0282*** 0.0294*** 0.0259** 0.0294***
(5.563) (4.832) (2.275) (4.891)
Real GDP growth/se
ABS3&4grade/se 0.00220*** 0.00291*** 0.00143* 0.00291***
(2.675) (3.467) (1.893) (3.509)
Publication year/se
Panel/se 0.0141*** 0.0144*** 0.0122*** 0.0144***
(5.729) (7.982) (3.884) (8.080)
Barro–Lee/se 0.00256*** 0.00241*** 0.00241***
(4.009) (3.239) (3.279)
Cohen–Soto/se 0.0132*** 0.0137*** 0.0125*** 0.0137***
(5.277) (6.875) (3.612) (6.959)
Log specification/se 0.00329*** 0.00303*** 0.00303***
(5.244) (3.834) (3.882)
Linear specification/se
Level of education/se
Political/se 0.0145*** 0.0150*** 0.0139*** 0.0150***
(5.860) (9.042) (4.397) (9.153)
Government spending/se 0.0167*** 0.0189*** 0.0177** 0.0189***
(5.249) (4.802) (2.413) (4.860)
Population growth/se
Initial output/se 0.00117*** 0.00113*** 0.00113***
(10.47) (3.730) (3.776)
Inflation/se 0.0150*** 0.0153*** 0.0124*** 0.0153***
(6.140) (8.422) (3.839) (8.526)
Health/se 0.0156*** 0.0160*** 0.0138*** 0.0160***
(6.339) (8.695) (4.010) (8.802)
Developed/se 0.0555*** 0.0555***
(3.239) (3.279)
Earliest year/se
Latest year/se
Constant 1.627*** 1.555*** 1.655*** 1.554***
(6.813) (14.15) (8.190) (14.31)
R-squared 0.223 0.2194 0.7767 0.2197
Ramsey RESET test F(3, 975) = 2.02
Prob > F = 0.1093b
t-Values are reported in parentheses (dependent variable: t-statistic).
Cluster data analysis presents the MRA results with cluster-robust standard errors.
The Ramsey RESET test accepts the null at all levels of statistical significance, indicating correct specification of the model.
REML presents the MRA results with restricted maximum likelihood.
MM presents the MRA results with the moment estimator.
EB presents the MRA results with the empirical Bayes iterative procedure.
Statistical significance at 10% level.
Statistical significance at 5% level.
Statistical significance at 1% level.

Table 8. Meta-analysis regression with dummy for publications in journals listed in ABS with grade 4
Moderator variables Cluster data analysisa REMLc MMd EBe
Sample size
Antse 0.0175*** 0.0780 0.0154 0.0805
(3.473) (0.397) (0.0663) (0.411)
Enrollment/se 0.0115*** 0.0123*** 0.0169*** 0.0123***
(4.450) (6.574) (5.183) (6.654)
Schooling years/se
Student–teacher ratios/se 0.00314*** 0.00202** 0.00202**
(4.430) (2.326) (2.355)
Educational expenditure/se 0.0282*** 0.0297*** 0.0294***
(5.563) (2.619) (4.891)
Real GDP growth/se
ABS4grade/se 0.00220*** 0.00291*** 0.00197* 0.00291***
(2.675) (3.467) (1.699) (3.509)
Publication year/se
Panel/se 0.0141*** 0.0144*** 0.0129*** 0.0144***
(5.729) (7.982) (4.115) (8.080)
Barro–Lee/se 0.00256*** 0.00241*** 0.00241***
(4.009) (3.239) (3.279)
Cohen–Soto/se 0.0132*** 0.0137*** 0.0132*** 0.0137***
(5.277) (6.875) (3.834) (6.959)
Log specification/se 0.00329*** 0.00303*** 0.00303***
(5.244) (3.834) (3.882)
Linear specification/se
Level of education/se
Political/se 0.0145*** 0.0150*** 0.0157*** 0.0150***
(5.860) (9.042) (5.002) (9.153)
Government spending/se 0.0167*** 0.0189*** 0.0204*** 0.0189***
(5.249) (4.802) (2.723) (4.860)
Population growth/se
Initial output/se 0.00117*** 0.00113*** 0.00113***
(10.47) (3.730) (3.776)
Inflation/se 0.0150*** 0.0153*** 0.0135*** 0.0153***
(6.140) (8.422) (4.267) (8.526)
Health/se 0.0156*** 0.0160*** 0.0172*** 0.0160***
(6.339) (8.695) (5.338) (8.802)
Developed/se 0.0555*** 0.0551* 0.0555***
(3.239) (1.685) (3.279)
Earliest year/se 0.00196***
Latest year/se
Constant 1.627*** 1.555*** 1.623*** 1.554***
(6.813) (14.15) (7.847) (14.31)
R-squared 0.223 0.2194 0.7751 0.2197
Ramsey RESET test F(3, 975) = 2.02
Prob > F = 0.1093b
t-Values are reported in parentheses (dependent variable: t-statistic).
Cluster data analysis presents the MRA results with cluster-robust standard errors.
The Ramsey RESET test accepts the null at all levels of statistical significance, indicating correct specification of the model.
REML presents the MRA results with restricted maximum likelihood.
MM presents the MRA results with the moment estimator.
EB presents the MRA results with the empirical Bayes iterative procedure.
Statistical significance at 10% level.
Statistical significance at 5% level.
Statistical significance at 1% level.
Table 9. Meta-analysis regression with dummy for publications in academic journals, excluding 5% of extreme values
Moderator Variables Cluster data analysisa REMLc MMd EBe
Sample size
Antse 0.0114 0.0711 0.00989 0.0914
(1.471) (0.282) (0.0322) (0.362)
Literacy/se 0.00369***
Enrollment/se 0.0123*** 0.0128*** 0.0113*** 0.0114***
(5.932) (6.834) (5.183) (7.264)
Schooling years/se 0.00321** 0.00246***
(2.657) (2.803)
Student–teacher ratios/se 0.00166** 0.00221*
(2.096) (1.703)
Educational expenditure/se 0.0257*** 0.0306*** 0.0200* 0.0270***
(7.683) (4.777) (1.800) (3.995)
Real GDP growth/se
Journal/se 0.00662*** 0.000837* 0.00716*** 0.00580***
(7.522) (1.821) (3.793) (4.039)
Publication year/se 0.000202*** 0.000381***
(6.079) (2.603)
Cross/se 0.0138*** 0.00646*** 0.0129***
(8.185) (3.204) (4.795)
Barro–Lee/se 0.00405*** 0.00272*** 0.00303**
(4.525) (3.623) (1.968)
Cohen–Soto/se 0.0139*** 0.0138*** 0.00641*** 0.0189***
(7.168) (6.792) (2.648) (3.759)
Log specification/se 0.00502*** 0.00339***
(5.051) (4.380)
Linear specification/se 0.00437***
Level of education/se
Openness/se 0.00509*** 0.00469** 0.00585***
(4.415) (2.479) (4.316)
Political/se 0.00945*** 0.0148*** 0.0101*** 0.0107***
(7.530) (8.743) (5.262) (8.229)
Government spending/se 0.00974** 0.0187*** 0.0138* 0.0127***
(2.025) (4.686) (1.934) (3.249)
Population growth/se
Initial output/se 0.00122*** 0.00134** 0.00197***
(3.585) (2.146) (2.829)
Inflation/se 0.0112*** 0.0164*** 0.0131*** 0.0114***
(8.301) (9.164) (5.050) (6.181)
Health/se 0.0111*** 0.0170*** 0.0125*** 0.00944***
(11.11) (9.594) (6.019) (5.734)
Developed/se 0.0561*** 0.0504***
(3.206) (2.906)
Earliest year/se 5.67e05*** 0.000384***
(3.913) (2.602)
Latest year/se 0.000143***
Constant 1.549*** 1.541*** 1.586*** 1.523***
(6.314) (13.42) (7.671) (12.90)
R-squared 0.229 0.2208 0.7774 0.2206
Ramsey RESET test F(3, 914) = 1.40
Prob > F = 0.2414b
t-Values are reported in parentheses (dependent variable: t-statistic).
Cluster data analysis presents the MRA results with cluster-robust standard errors.
The Ramsey RESET test accepts the null at all levels of statistical significance, indicating correct specification of the model.
REML presents the MRA results with restricted maximum likelihood.
MM presents the MRA results with the moment estimator.
EB presents the MRA results with the empirical Bayes iterative procedure.
Statistical significance at 10% level.
Statistical significance at 5% level.
Statistical significance at 1% level.

Table 10. Meta-analysis regression with dummy for publications in journals listed in Mamuneas et al., excluding 5% of extreme values
a c d e
Moderator Variables Cluster data analysis REML MM EB
Sample size
Antse 0.0131 0.0787 0.0138 0.0893
(1.591) (0.312) (0.0449) (0.354)
Enrollment/se 0.0146*** 0.0145*** 0.0138*** 0.0139***
(5.036) (8.030) (4.000) (7.619)
Schooling years/se
Student–teacher ratios/se 0.00315**
Educational expenditure/se 0.0303*** 0.0303*** 0.0251** 0.0259***
(5.271) (4.760) (2.081) (4.061)
Real GDP growth/se
Mamuneas et al./se 0.00347*** 0.00081*** 0.00128**
(4.653) (6.506) (2.099)
Publication year/se
Panel/se 0.0148*** 0.0138*** 0.0107*** 0.0112***
(5.069) (8.090) (3.317) (6.501)
Barro–Lee/se 0.00208*** 0.00203***
(11.39) (3.691)
Cohen–Soto/se 0.0143*** 0.0131*** 0.0123*** 0.0119***
(4.939) (6.816) (3.521) (6.454)
Log specification/se 0.00160*** 0.00275***
(3.897) (4.988)
Linear specification/se
Level of education/se
Political/se 0.0140*** 0.0148*** 0.0137*** 0.0135***
(4.874) (8.784) (4.280) (7.917)
Government spending/se 0.0170*** 0.0187*** 0.0183** 0.0184***
(4.520) (4.681) (2.443) (4.644)
Population growth/se
Initial output/se
Inflation/se 0.0141*** 0.0147*** 0.0115*** 0.0119***
(4.816) (8.673) (3.515) (6.842)
Health/se 0.0160*** 0.0154*** 0.0131*** 0.0147***
(5.532) (8.656) (3.739) (8.673)
Developed/se 0.0582*** 0.0550* 0.0131***
(3.325) (1.672) (6.816)
Earliest year/se 8.26e05*** 1.31e06***
(6.488) (3.574)
Latest year/se
Constant 1.617*** 1.527*** 1.559*** 0.0154***
(6.782) (13.30) (7.411) (8.656)
R-squared 0.2189 0.2217 0.7754 0.2181
Ramsey RESET test F(3, 914) = 2.06
Prob > F = 0.1021b
t-Values are reported in parentheses (dependent variable: t-statistic).
Cluster data analysis presents the MRA results with cluster-robust standard errors.
The Ramsey RESET test accepts the null at all levels of statistical significance, indicating correct specification of the model.
REML presents the MRA results with restricted maximum likelihood.
MM presents the MRA results with the moment estimator.
EB presents the MRA results with the empirical Bayes iterative procedure.
Statistical significance at 10% level.
Statistical significance at 5% level.
Statistical significance at 1% level.

Table 11. Meta-analysis regression with dummy for publications in journals listed in ESA, excluding 5% of extreme values
Moderator Variables Cluster data analysisa REMLc MMd EBe
Sample size
Antse 0.0123 0.0761 0.0434 0.0664
(1.534) (0.301) (0.140) (0.264)
Enrollment/se 0.0121*** 0.0145*** 0.0159*** 0.0151***
(4.140) (7.233) (4.714) (8.372)
Schooling years/se 0.00266** 0.00278*
(2.200) (1.839)
Student–teacher ratios/se 0.00228***
Educational expenditure/se 0.0265*** 0.0314*** 0.0278** 0.0317***
(5.004) (4.882) (2.253) (4.994)
Real GDP growth/se
ESA/se 0.00173* 0.00250* 0.00486***
(1.997) (1.901) (2.926)
Publication year/se 9.43e05*** 9.88e05*** 8.24e05***
(11.01) (4.404) (3.600)
Cross/se 0.00501***
Panel/se 0.00986*** 0.0172*** 0.0128*** 0.0153***
(3.348) (9.022) (3.953) (8.983)
Barro–Lee/se 0.00298*** 0.00272*** 0.00213***
(4.977) (3.679) (3.701)
Cohen–Soto/se 0.0145*** 0.0213*** 0.0123*** 0.0149***
(5.957) (7.042) (3.451) (7.549)
Log specification/se 0.00407*** 0.00162***
(3.736) (2.941)
Linear specification/se
Level of education/se
Openness/se 0.00284*
Political/se 0.0131*** 0.0151*** 0.0148*** 0.0145***
(5.597) (8.712) (4.552) (8.636)
Government spending/se 0.0138*** 0.0197*** 0.0176** 0.0191***
(3.018) (4.938) (2.307) (4.801)
Population growth/se
Initial output/se
Inflation/se 0.0120*** 0.0165*** 0.0135*** 0.0146***
(5.030) (8.732) (4.128) (8.656)
Health/se 0.0130*** 0.0170*** 0.0170*** 0.0166***
(5.113) (9.304) (5.107) (9.409)
Developed/se 0.0566*** 0.0569***
(3.228) (3.274)
Earliest year/se 9.43e05*** 0.000104*** 4.20e07* 8.38e05***
(11.41) (4.533) (1.862) (3.595)
Latest year/se
Constant 1.585*** 1.534*** 1.679*** 1.549***
(6.432) (13.21) (7.912) (13.59)
R-squared 0.226 0.2186 0.7598 0.2172
Ramsey RESET test F(3, 914) = 1.53
Prob > F = 0.2044b
t-Values are reported in parentheses (dependent variable: t-statistic).
Cluster data analysis presents the MRA results with cluster-robust standard errors.
The Ramsey RESET test accepts the null at all levels of statistical significance, indicating correct specification of the model.
REML presents the MRA results with restricted maximum likelihood.
MM presents the MRA results with the moment estimator.
EB presents the MRA results with the empirical Bayes iterative procedure.
Statistical significance at 10% level.
Statistical significance at 5% level.
Statistical significance at 1% level.

in academic journals tends to report lower coefficients by about capital levels, because currently developed countries are usu-
0.005 compared to research published in working papers, while ally characterized by higher initial human capital relative to
publication year does not affect the findings in a consistent way. poor countries (e.g., Azariadis & Drazen, 1990). Finally,
As far as the estimation methodology is concerned, OLS when we use a log specification and employ the ABS journal
does not imply different estimates compared to non-OLS rankings to control for publication quality (Tables 7 and 8),
(IV) estimation. This seemingly unexpected result is due to the estimated coefficients are higher by 0.003, which was not
the high correlation between the OLS and cross-section dum- the case in the baseline estimations. On the contrary, the
mies, because most cross-sectional studies employ OLS. Con- inclusion of openness indicators cannot explain the variation
sequently, the upward bias of the OLS estimates shows up via in reported estimates, while it reduced the estimated growth
the positive impact of the cross-section dummy, which boosts impact of education in the benchmark case.
the education coefficient by 0.006 relative to the case where
time-series data are used. On the contrary, panel data, for (ii) Estimations excluding the most extreme values of the
which IV methods are usually employed, do not influence edu- education effect on growth
cation coefficients, therefore provide lower estimates relative If we exclude 5% of the most extreme values of the education
to cross-section data. The use of CS data for education attain- effect on economic growth, when we use dummies for journals
ment increases estimates by around 0.006 relative to DD, vs. working papers, inclusion in Mamuneas et al. and ESA jour-
Nehru et al. (1995) and Kyriacou (1991) data sets, while BL nal rankings, our main results remain qualitatively and quanti-
data do not influence them in most cases. So, data construc- tatively intact (compare Tables 9–11 with Tables 4–6
tion has an impact on the results. respectively). In particular, there is still a positive upward pub-
Certain aspects of the empirical specification exert an influ- lication selection bias and the genuine impact of education on
ence on the research findings. Specifically, the variation in economic growth is a combination of several factors. Specifi-
reported estimates can be explained by the inclusion of polit- cally, differences in the measurement of education, publication
ical, openness, and government spending variables. The for- outlet, data set, and model specification employed give rise to
mer variable increases the education growth effect by 0.01, different findings concerning the growth effect of education.
while the latter two reduce it by 0.005 and 0.01. The incor- There are only minor differences. Specifically, the use of log
poration of initial output and inflation variables boosts coef- specification boosts the education coefficients estimated when
ficient estimates by 0.001 and 0.01 respectively, while health extreme observations are not taken into account, while this is
variables decrease the education coefficients by 0.01. How- not true when all observations are utilized, in the case where a
ever, the use of log specification, education variables in lev- dummy for publication in academic journals vs. working papers
els, investment, the latest sample year as well as the is employed (see Tables 4 and 9). Also, BL data are associated
development of a theoretical model prior to empirical estima- with stronger positive education effects on growth (see Tables
tion do not exert any influence on the findings. Finally, lin- 4 and 9). Finally, when a dummy for publication in the ESA
ear specification, population growth, the presence of rich journal list (2008) is employed, the inclusion of student–teacher
countries in the sample and the first sample year do not have ratios does not influence negatively the estimated education
a robust impact on the results. coefficients if outliers are omitted from the estimations. The
Similar findings are obtained if we replace the dummy indi- new results, which are robust to outliers, are in line with the find-
cating publication in academic journals vs. working papers ings obtained when publication in the journal list of Mamuneas
with dummies for publications in journals listed in et al. (2010) is used as indicator of publication quality.
Mamuneas et al. (2010), Economic Society of Australia Overall, our findings point toward a strong upward publica-
(ESA) (2008), ABS Economics grades 3–4 and grade 4 journal tion bias in the empirical literature, which examines the educa-
rankings (see Tables 5–8). Again, differences in the estimated tion–growth nexus and the absence of a representative authentic
education coefficients across studies can be attributed to differ- growth effect of education. Specifically, research using enroll-
ences in the measurement of education, publication outlet, ments and education spending is characterized by higher educa-
type of data, and model specification. tion coefficients of the growth impact of education relative to
However, in these regressions, where we control in a stric- studies employing the percentage of working-age population
ter way than before for the quality of publication outlets, the with primary, secondary, or tertiary education. The same holds
use of student–teacher ratios and panel data reduces the with studies using political variables, initial output, and infla-
magnitude of the education coefficients by 0.003 and 0.01 tion as regressors. On the contrary, the inclusion of openness,
respectively, which was not the case in the baseline estima- public spending, and health variables in empirical research
tions. So, when research accounts for education quality implies a lower estimated education impact on growth. More-
and employs panel data, the estimated education impact on over, the use of cross-section data, partially reflecting OLS esti-
growth is lower compared to the cases where education mation bias, and CS education data raises the estimated
quantity and time-series data respectively are used. Given education coefficients. These findings help explain why early
that the dummy for cross-section data is still positive or studies, which mainly use cross-section data on school enroll-
insignificant, there exists an even larger positive differential ments and OLS methodology, obtain higher estimates of the
than in the baseline estimations in favor of the education education impact on growth, relative to recent research, that
coefficients coming from cross-sectional studies, mostly usually employs panel data on the percentage of the working-
OLS, relative to estimated parameters from panel studies, age population with a certain education level and IV estimation.
mainly IV. Therefore, there is stronger evidence than before, Finally, higher quality research outlets publish more conserva-
although indirect, of upward bias of OLS relative to IV esti- tive education effects on economic growth.
mates. Moreover, the use of data from BL and developed
countries boosts the estimated education coefficients by
0.002 and 0.005, while these factors did not play any role 7. CONCLUSIONS
in the benchmark estimations. The latter finding accords
with theoretical models, which predict a stronger growth In this paper we review a large body of empirical macroeco-
impact of human capital in countries with high initial human nomic literature which has focused on the relationship

between education and economic growth. Research findings of unexplained heterogeneity. Second, all methods do not indi-
on this link are controversial. Their interpretation must take cate a representative genuine education effect on growth after
into account several conceptual and methodological problems. correction for publication selection, because this effect
Most importantly, educational attainment, commonly used in depends on several factors. Third, differences across studies
empirical studies, is a crude measure of human capital, since it regarding the above impact can be partially attributed to dif-
measures education quantity, while education quality varies ferences in terms of their characteristics. Specifically, the inclu-
widely across countries and time periods. Also, low data qual- sion of education enrollment, education spending, political
ity for educational attainment as well as important economet- measures, initial output, and inflation tend to make the impact
ric issues, such as omitted variable bias, parameter of education on growth, corrected for publication bias, posi-
heterogeneity, reverse causality, and non-linearity, are factors tive. The same is true when cross-section instead of panel data
responsible for the non-robustness of the results. In light of and CS data relative to other data sets are employed. Here, we
these, we make an attempt to evaluate the empirical literature should note that the positive bias of the OLS estimations
on the effect of education on growth and explain the wide var- shows up via the impact of the cross-sectional estimates of
iation in reported estimates. the growth effect of education. On the contrary, the use of
Specifically, we analyze the findings of 57 empirical studies openness, public spending, health indicators, and publication
and apply meta-regression analysis using four estimators, cor- in high-quality journals tend to lower the estimated growth
recting for possible publication selection bias in the literature. impact of education.
We investigate the impact of several factors on the variation Thus, it seems safe to conclude that the education–economic
of estimates of the growth impact of education. Our MRA growth empirical research, exhibits substantial publication
analysis produces interesting results, which are robust to dif- selection toward positive growth effects of education, while
ferent estimators, the inclusion of various controls for the the growth impact of education after taking into account pub-
quality of research outlets and the presence of outliers in lication bias hinges upon the specific features of each study. In
our data set. any case, our paper provides important information for future
First, we confirm the presence of substantial upward publi- empirical studies evaluating the role of education in the pro-
cation selection bias in the empirical education-economic cess of economic growth.
growth literature, while we find no evidence of a large amount


1. We do not consider studies which include other measures of growth or variables that we should use in the model. So, we employ a link test for
output level as dependent variables, e.g., TFP growth and real GDP per cluster data analysis, in order to detect a specification error in the model
capita respectively. and the model appeared correctly specified (Adam et al., 2013, p. 206).

2. In several studies the authors do not report t-statistics. These studies

7. With regard to cluster data analysis, we perform a regression
were either excluded from the analysis or, if they provide standard errors
specification error test for omitted variables, namely the Ramsey Reset
or p-values, the missing t-statistics were retrieved.
test, which does not reject the null hypothesis (Ho: the model has no
omitted variables), indicating correct specification of our model (see
3. We employed a Cook–Weisberg test in order to test the residuals for Efendic et al., 2011, p. 593).
heteroscedasticity. We obtained a significant test statistic implying
heteroscedasticity in the residual series of regression (1) in the text.
8. Empty spaces corresponding to variables in all tables indicate that
the respective variables were omitted in successive rounds of estimations,
4. Monte Carlo simulations have shown FAT to perform reasonably well because they were not statistically significant (see discussion in Section 4).
even when publication selection is severe (see Stanley, 2008, p.106).

5. The ranking of Mamuneas et al. (2010) is an update of the well-known

ranking of economics journals by Kalaitzidakis, Mamuneas, and Stengos 9. Testing H0: b0 = 0 may provide a valid and powerful test for genuine
(2003). In contrast with their earlier ranking, in the more recent work they effect beyond publication selection bias. However, the validity of this test
use a rolling window of years for 2003–08, i.e., for each year they count the needs to be qualified. Simulations show that PET can be relied upon if the
number of article citations published in the previous ten years. This allows heterogeneity (or the magnitude of misspecification biases) is not too large.
them to attain a smoother longer view of the evolution of rankings in the If there is large unexplained heterogeneity and a high incidence of
examined period and thus avoid the possible randomness at any specific publication selection, the above test can suffer from type I error inflation.
year. The ranking by Economic Society of Australia (ESA) (2008) is the The failure to reject H0: r2m 6 2 serves as an effective means to limit these
latest ranking conducted by the Economic Society of Australia and it is potential type I errors (Stanley, 2008, p. 117), where r2m is the error
used for the evaluation of economics research output in Australia. The variance in the MRA model. Regarding cluster data analysis results, we
ABS ranking (Academic Journal Quality Guide, 2010) is the latest have no evidence of a large amount of unexplained heterogeneity (accept
academic journal quality guide of the UK Association of Business Schools H0: r2m 6 2) at any significance level. As a result, we can rule out a type I
and is used widely in the UK for the evaluation of research quality in error as a likely cause of this significant PET result (see Stanley et al.,
economics, management, and social sciences. It contains ratings for 2008, p. 282). Thereby, we can rely upon PET to determine the genuine
various sub-fields, of which we use the ranking of Economics journals for effect.
reasons of comparability with the above-mentioned rankings.
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variable is a linear combination of the independent variables and assume positive numbers by definition, on the estimated growth effect of
that this function is the correct one to use. Moreover, on the right-hand education.
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