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Received: 3 September 2021    Revised: 9 January 2023    Accepted: 17 January 2023

DOI: 10.1111/petr.14486


Potential of neonatal organ donation and outcome after


Emil Bluhme1,2  | Ewa Henckel1,3 | Carl Jorns1,2

Department of Clinical Science,
Intervention and Technology, CLINTEC, Abstract
Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
Organ transplantation is limited by access to suitable organs. Infant recipient waitlist
Department of Transplantation,
Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm,
mortality is increased due to the scarcity of size-­matched organs. Neonatal organ
Sweden donors have been proposed as an underutilized source of donor organs. However,
Department of Neonatology, Astrid the literature on the actual prevalence and outcome of neonatal organ donation and
Lindgren Children's Hospital, Karolinska
University Hospital, Karolinska Institutet, transplantation is fragmented and not well analyzed. This literature review aims to
Stockholm, Sweden summarize the available literature on the potential of neonatal organ donation and to
Correspondence analyze published cases of neonatal organ transplantation. A systematic search of the
Emil Bluhme and Carl Jorns, Department Medline and Cochrane databases yielded 2964 articles, which were screened for eli-
of Clinical Science, Intervention and
Technology, CLINTEC, Karolinska gibility. In total, 86 articles were considered eligible, of which 34 were included in the
Institutet, Karolinska University Hospital, literature review: 8 articles describing the potential of neonatal organ donation pro-
Stockholm, Sweden.
Email:; grams, and 26 articles describing clinical transplantation. Current evidence suggests
there is a large pool of potential neonatal organ donors. In contrast, the literature on
Funding information
CIMED research grant; Region Stockholm/ neonatal organ donor utilization is sparse. However, case series of successful kidney,
Karolinska Institutet, forskar-­AT; Stiftelsen heart, liver, hepatocyte, and multivisceral transplantation using organs from neonatal
Tornspiran; Stockholm county council,
post doc/ALF donors are summarized. Although good posttransplant organ function was achieved,
the use of neonatal organs is associated with increased risk of thrombosis in both
kidney and liver transplantation. Neonatal organ donation is a promising alternative
for expanding the current donor pool. Experience is limited, but reported patient and
graft survival are acceptable and more research on the subject is warranted.

infant, neonate, newborn, organ donation, organ transplantation

1  |  I NTRO D U C TI O N need for organs for transplantation is increasing, and availability is in-
sufficient to meet the increasing demand. In comparison with adults,
Liver, heart, and intestinal transplantation are lifesaving treatments pediatric patients are at a significantly increased risk of mortality when
for end-­stage organ failure. Kidney transplantation is a life-­enhancing, waiting for an organ transplant. Mortality reaches over 31% and 10%
cost-­effective treatment for end-­stage renal disease and is associated for pediatric patients awaiting heart and liver transplantation, respec-
with lower mortality and morbidity in comparison with dialysis.1 The tively.2,3 Increased mortality is largely attributed to the scarcity of

Abbreviations: DBD, Donation after brain death; DCD, Donation after circulatory death; DNC, Death according to neurological criteria; NICU, Neonatal intensive care unit; TPN, Total
parenteral nutrition.

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction
in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited and is not used for commercial purposes.
© 2023 The Authors. Pediatric Transplantation published by Wiley Periodicals LLC.

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2 of 9       BLUHME et al.

size-­matched organs.4 Pediatric mortality is highest in the neonatal

period, ranging between 3 and 30.2 deaths per 1000 live births.5,6 2964 Articles found
Consequently, neonatal organ donation is a possibility that has been ex-
plored in certain countries to increase the availability of donor organs.
During 1970–­1990, selected transplantation centers utilized 2746
Excluded by title
organs procured from neonatal anencephalic donors as they were
thought to meet death according to neurologic criteria (DNC).
Anencephalic organ donation was discontinued in the early 1990 218
due to ethical and practical issues.7 Neonatal organ donation was Articles read
abandoned in most centers following the introduction of donation
after brain death (DBD) in 19688,9 and the fact that neonates were
excluded from pediatric DNC guidelines.10 However, neonatal organ Excluded after reading
donation was still practiced to a limited extent within certain dona-
tion after circulatory death (DCD) programs. In 2011, an American
task force was assembled to re-­evaluate pediatric DNC guidelines
Eligible articles
published in 1987 that introduced DNC in neonates born at term.
Issues relating to neonatal organ donation are multifaceted,
with concerns regarding anatomical size, organ maturity, and ethics. 52
Although transplantation using neonatal organs from both DCD and Articles not included
DBD donors is possible in some countries, practices and legislation
vary internationally and literature on the subject is scarce. This re- 34
view aims to summarize the current literature on the donation and Articles included
use of organs procured from neonatal donors and to describe pub-
lished information on the potential for neonatal organ donation. F I G U R E 1  Flowchart describing inclusion process of articles
included in literature review.

1.1  |  Search strategy 126 articles on Cochrane reviews and 36 articles on trials. Of these,
no reviews were related to the field and one trial was relevant and
To acquire relevant literature, searches were done in the Cochrane also included in the PubMed search. The 86 articles were sorted into
Library and Medline databases using PubMed through June 2021. nine different categories (Figure 2).
The search term used was “(infant, newborn [MeSH] OR neona*) Of the 86 eligible articles, 34 met the inclusion criteria. Eight ar-
AND (hepatocyte transplantation OR Organ Transplantation [MeSH] ticles met the inclusion criteria for articles investigating the potential
OR Tissue and Organ Procurement [MeSH])”. For PubMed, the fol- of neonatal organ donation (summarized in Table 1), and 26 articles
lowing filters were used (Species; Humans. Age; Infant: newborn- concerned the use of neonatal organs: heart n = 4, kidney n = 11,
­23 months. Available abstract or full article). liver n  = 4, multivisceral n  = 2, and hepatocyte n  =  5. Four of the
All studies pertaining to neonatal organ donation were consid- articles describing kidney transplantation were from an earlier era
ered eligible and assessed further for inclusion. Inclusion criteria (1978–­1987), using grafts procured from anencephalic donors, and
were (1) articles that described clinical use of organs obtained from are not detailed in the synopsis.12–­15
neonatal donors, and (2) articles that explored the potential contri- Of the remaining 52 eligible articles not included, the majority
bution of neonatal organ donation. Articles merely describing do- (n = 26) discussed anencephalic neonatal organ donation as either
nors on a group level (i.e., under a certain weight or age) from which case reports or discussions of ethical aspects.7,16–­40 Utilization of
results for neonatal donors could not be extracted were excluded. neonatal anencephalic DBD donors ceased in the early 1990s after
Initial eligibility assessment was done by screening article titles. a study at Loma Linda University Children's Hospital found that an-
In ambiguous or unclear cases, abstracts and/or entire articles were encephalic patients seldom, if ever, met DNC criteria.7 Other areas
read. The screening process was done by one individual. The neona- were represented by articles discussing the theoretical advantage of
tal period was defined as the first 28-­days following birth. possible neonatal tolerance or the possibility of ABO-­incompatible
transplants (n = 8).41–­47 There were articles discussing ethical aspects
of neonatal organ donation (n = 3),48–­50 and there were discussions
1.2  |  Review of the literature of difficulties in DNC in neonates (n = 3).51–­53 Others concerned the
donation of neonatal organs for research purposes (n  =  3)54–­56 or
The Medline search generated 2964 articles; 2746 articles were ex- protocols relating to neonatal organ donation (n  =  4).57–­60 Of the
cluded based on the title, and 130 were excluded after they were reviews found (n = 5), 2 discussed hepatocyte transplantation,61,62
read. In total, 86 articles pertaining to neonatal organ donation were 2 reviewed neonatal heart transplantation,63,64 and 1 discussed
deemed eligible (Figure 1). The Cochrane Library search generated pediatric donation after circulatory death.65 None of the reviews

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BLUHME et al.       3 of 9

F I G U R E 2  Eligible articles found

through systematic search86 sorted
into 9 categories. ABOi, blood group

TA B L E 1  Total result of potential neonatal donor in respective study, divided by organ if applicable. Rates are provided in relation to
deceased neonates within the study period.

Time period Total
Author Country (year) deaths Heart Kidney Liver Hepatoc-­y tes Heart valves DBD
Labrecque et al. U.S. 3 192 5.2% (10) 9.4% (18) 7.3% (14) –­ –­ –­
Mathur et al. U.S. 5 266 1.9% (5) –­ –­ –­ –­ –­
Hanley et al.72 U.S. 10 609 –­ 9.4% (57) –­ –­ –­ –­
Stiers et al. U.S. 2.5 136 –­ 33.1% (45) –­ 33.1% (45) 41.9% (57) –­
Bennett et al.66 U.S. 2 72 9.7% (7)a –­
Saha et al.67 ASTL 9 117 6% (7)a –­
Pregernig et al. SWTZ 10 –­ –­ % (7)b –­
69 a
Charles et al. U.K. 5 84 40% (34) 13% (11)a
Overall donation, specific organ not investigated/specified.
Total deceased neonatal patients not specified; 14 patients passed away following withdrawal of life-­sustaining treatment.

primarily detailed neonatal organ donation or the transplantation of evaluated across 8 studies (Table 1). Four studies evaluated poten-
procured organs from neonatal donors. tial DCD eligibility without considering organ-­specific criteria and
found a potential donation rate ranging from 6% to 86% of neonatal
patients who died in an NICU.66–­69 Only one study evaluated the po-
1.3  |  The potential for neonatal organ donation tential for neonatal DBD donation and reported a potential donation
rate of 13% of deceased neonates.69
All studies included were retrospective, from four different coun- Four studies included organ-­specific criteria in their methodol-
tries (Australia, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United ogy.70–­73 When assessing potential DCD heart donation, Labrecque
States). All evaluated potential neonatal DCD donation to some ex- et al reported that 5% of decedents were potential donors, and
tent, and one study evaluated potential neonatal DBD. The evalu- Mathur et al reported 1.9% of total deaths as eligible.70,71 Similarly,
ated period was 2–­10 years. In total, 1526 deceased neonates were three studies applied criteria for potential DCD kidney donation.

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4 of 9       BLUHME et al.

Labrecque et al reported that 9.4% of deceased patients met criteria, requiring a heart transplant. The other twin died following peri-
Henley et al reported a potential donation rate of 9.4% of deceased natal asphyxia and subsequently met DNC criteria. The twin with
patients, and Stiers et al found that 33.1% of deceased neonates hypoplastic left heart syndrome received a transplant utilizing the
met criteria.70,72,73 Only Labrecque et al. applied specific criteria for heart from the deceased sibling. The article describes the 25-­year
potential DCD liver donation, and they reported that 7.2% of de- follow-­up of the recipient, who is clinically doing well with no rejec-
ceased neonates met criteria. Additionally, Stiers et al. evaluated tion episodes.
potential DCD donation of heart valves and hepatocytes and found In 2008, Boucek et al. published a series of three infants who
rates of potential donation of 41.9% and 33.1% of total deaths, received heart transplants from neonatal DCD donors.77 Cause of
respectively.73 death was birth asphyxia, mean donor weight was 3.2 kg, and mean
Two studies concurrently reported on the time elapsed from the age was 3.7 days. During the study period, 17 infants received heart
end of life-­sustaining treatment until the declaration of death.66,67 transplants from size-­matched DBD donors. On echocardiographic
In the cohort presented by Saha and Kent, the median time from follow-­up, no significant difference was observed between DBD and
extubation until confirmed cardiorespiratory death was 30 (1–­2880) DCD recipients.
min. Bennett et al reported that following withdrawal of life-­
sustaining treatment, 26% of patients expired within 20 min and
57% within 60 min, with a median time of 57 min.66 1.4.2  |  Kidneys
Two studies evaluated the referral protocols at their respective
units. 66,73 Stiers et al showed that 11 out of 136 (8.7%) patients An article from 2018 compared outcomes after en bloc kidney trans-
were adequately referred for organ donation and therefore eval- plantation from donors weighing <10 kg, comparing DCD and DBD
uated, of which 3 resulted in organ donation, allowing procure- donors in a matched-­pair analysis.78 Although their numbers were
ment of kidneys as well as tissue. Bennett et al investigated a not specified, the compared groups both included neonatal donors.
cohort of 72 deceased neonates and reported that 42 (65%) po- No difference could be observed in primary nonfunction or graft
tential donors were adequately referred for assessment, of which thrombosis. At long-­term follow-­up, no difference in graft survival or
seven met criteria and four underwent successful DCD dona- function could be observed when comparing DBD with DCD recipi-
tion. 66 Comparatively, in older age groups at the respective insti- ents. Two other studies performed by the same group likely included
tutions, proper referral rates ranged from 80% to 95% of deceased the same patient population.79,80
patients. Another study analyzed a series of 30 en block kidney trans-
plantations, comparing outcomes of recipients receiving organs
from donors weighing either <5 or >5 kg. 81 The <5-­k g group con-
1.4  |  Transplantation using organs from stituted of 8 donors, 7 of whom were in the neonatal period. In
neonatal donors this group, two cases of thrombosis and one case of primary non-
function occurred. In comparison, in the >5-­k g group, one case
1.4.1  |  Heart of thrombosis was reported. No statistical difference in graft sur-
vival or kidney function could be shown at one-­year follow-­up.
Two studies were identified describing heart transplantation from The same authors also published a case report describing bilateral
anencephalic neonatal donors. An article from 1990 by Boucek et al. adrenal hemorrhage in a neonatal donor. 82 Kidneys were procured
described a cohort of infants who underwent cardiac transplanta- en bloc and transplanted into a 20-­year-­old recipient, with a func-
tion at Loma Linda Hospital where one of the donors was described tioning graft at 1-­year follow-­up.
as an anencephalic neonatal donor.74 However, the outcome follow- A study from 2017 analyzed a series of 8 en bloc kidney trans-
ing transplantation was not further described nor assessed. Another plantations from donors with low body weight, 5 of whom were
article by Parisi et al describes a neonate with hypoplastic left heart neonatal donors.83 An alternative surgical technique was used to
syndrome who received a heart transplant on his first day of life.75 reduce the risk of thrombosis. The thoracic aorta was used as an
Despite initially doing well, the patient died after 10 days, and au- inflow tract and, instead of leaving the distal aorta closed blindly,
topsy revealed thrombosis of the inferior vena cava and diffuse an outflow tract was established, anastomosing the common iliac
necrotizing enterocolitis. Both donors were anencephalic neonates or the external iliac to the recipient's external iliac artery. At 1-­year
who were described as meeting DNC criteria. This practice was dis- follow-­up, no vessel thrombosis had been reported, with patients
continued in the early 1990s due to ethical and practical issues sur- showing normal serum creatinine.
rounding anencephalic organ donation, as anencephalic neonates Renal function and kidney growth were assessed in pediatric pa-
seldom if ever fulfilled DNC criteria.7 tients receiving en bloc renal transplants between 2001 and 2017.84
In an article published in 2017, Blitzer et al. describe a unique The study compared recipients receiving allografts from 11 infant
occurrence from 1991. Two dizygotic twins were delivered using and neonatal donors weighing <10  kg to 17 patients receiving al-
emergency caesarean section due to fetal distress.76 One twin was lografts from donors weighing >10 kg. The study does not specify
born with a previously undiagnosed hypoplastic left heart syndrome how many of the donors weighing <10 kg were in the neonatal period.

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BLUHME et al.       5 of 9

Mean kidney size as assessed by ultrasound was significantly different Two studies analyzed hepatocytes isolated from neonatal do-
at transplantation. From 3-­weeks posttransplantation, no significant nors and compared them with hepatocytes isolated from adult do-
difference was observed. After 1 year, the size of allografts from do- nors.91,92 In both studies, hepatocytes could be isolated in high yield
nors weighing under 10 kg had on average increased 3.1 times com- and viability from neonatal donors, and they tended to show greater
pared with 2.1 times in the larger group. Thrombosis occurred in one resilience to cryopreservation than did adult hepatocytes. Although
graft procured from a smaller (4 kg) donor. Neither posttransplanta- phase 1 and 2 metabolism were present, neonatal hepatocytes dis-
tion creatinine nor graft survival differed significantly between the played lower enzyme maturity.

1.4.5  |  Multivisceral transplantation

1.4.3  |  Liver
Two articles described multivisceral transplantation from neona-
A study from 1991 described liver allografts from neonatal donors tal donors. In 1999, an article describing a series of combined liver
transplanted into pediatric recipients (n = 16) compared with donors and intestine grafts including the pancreas was published.93 Of
aged >32 days (n = 114). A significant increase in the incidence of the 8 patients included in the series, one patient received a graft
artery thrombosis in the group receiving neonatal allografts was ob- from a 7-­day-­old neonate. Unfortunately, the patient died follow-
served: 31.3% compared with 8.8%. Biochemical liver function tests ing an episode of sepsis after 47 days. The authors do not explicitly
were slower to stabilize in recipients receiving neonatal allografts, discuss details or conclusions concerning the use of the neonatal
reaching normal levels within 8–­30 days. graft. In 2012, a case report was published describing a multivis-
In 2019, a series of 48 pediatric liver transplantations was as- ceral transplant in a 3-­month-­old baby diagnosed with gastroschi-
sessed, comparing outcomes after transplantation using allografts sis who suffered midgut volvulus at the second day of life.94 The
from infant donors.86 Outcome was compared among three groups patient underwent extensive bowel resection, ultimately developing
stratified according to donor age: <1 month (n  =  8), 1–­3 months total parentral nutrition–­induced liver disease. Due to the small size
(n = 18), and 3–­12 months (n = 22). The study included both DCD (3.2 kg) of the patient, the transplant team opted to use a multivis-
and DBD donors. The authors reported high incidences of hepatic ceral graft (stomach, duodenum, liver, pancreas, and spleen). Organs
artery thrombosis—­50.5%, 33.3%, and 26.1%, respectively—­in the were procured from a neonatal donor weighing 2.9 kg at 10 days of
three age groups. In the neonatal group, thrombosis led to graft loss life. At the time of publication, 6-­years posttransplantation, the pa-
in 2 patients, of which one was retransplanted, and the other patient tient was doing well.
died. No significant difference in survival between the groups could
be observed at 2-­year follow-­up. Our search strategy yielded two
additional articles published by the same group, likely including the 2  |  D I S C U S S I O N
same neonatal donors.87,88
In this literature review, we identified studies from four different
countries describing a relatively large potential for neonatal organ
1.4.4  |  Hepatocytes donation. Cases of successful heart, kidney, liver, hepatocyte, and
multivisceral transplantation have been identified.
Three studies described clinical transplantation using neonatal Although studies have shown the potential for neonatal DCD
hepatocytes. In 2009, 4 pediatric patients suffering from urea cycle organ donation, this potential has yet to be realized, likely for mul-
disorders received neonatal hepatocytes; they achieved transient tiple reasons. Primarily, although excellent organ function can be
metabolic stabilization and were ultimately listed for solid organ achieved, the use of neonatal grafts is challenging and associated
transplantation. 89 In 2012, an infant suffering from infantile oxa- with an increased risk of thrombosis. Second, successful DCD re-
losis received infusions with neonatal hepatocytes, after which quires that donors are identified and referred to organ procurement
a significant decrease in plasma oxalate was seen; however, no en- organizations in a proper and timely manner. Stiers et al. and Bennett
grafted cells could be shown in liver biopsies. The patient received et al. both found a low rate of proper referrals of potential neonatal
a combined liver and kidney transplant 1 year later. In 2018, a study donors to local organ procurement organizations.66,73 This is likely
describing 3 cases of hepatocyte transplantation using neonatal a reflection of limited knowledge and organization concerning neo-
donors was published.91 Two patients suffering from acute liver natal organ donation. Education and awareness are essential for a
failure received intraperitoneal injections of hepatocytes imbed- functional organ procurement program, primarily so that clinicians
ded in alginate microbeads. Biochemical stabilization was achieved, successfully identify potential donors, but also within the public.
and the patients were successfully bridged to liver transplantation. Studies have previously shown that major factors limiting organ do-
The third child had a metabolic disease, with an inability to me- nation are the knowledge and attitudes of healthcare professionals,
tabolize sulfites. The patient received portal infusion of neonatal and that proper education on the subject will aid in promoting organ
hepatocytes and was reported to be biochemically stable. donation and increasing donation rates.95

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6 of 9       BLUHME et al.

Only one of the studies we found addressed the potential for Unlike heart and liver, kidney transplantation is considered life
neonatal DBD donation. Although determining DNC in neonatal enhancing, prolongs survival in patients suffering from CKD, and
patients is possible, it is a rare occurrence. Due to the spatial ana- does not require organs to be size matched. Hence, the risk–­benefit
tomical relationship, with patent cranial sutures accommodating in- consideration differs, and a more conservative reasoning regarding
creased intracranial pressure, neonates seldom fulfill DNC. Although complications such as primary nonfunction and graft thrombosis is
an important source that should not be overlooked, neonatal DBD therefore prudent. Moreover, neonatal kidneys can be used for adult
is unlikely to significantly increase donation rates, and a more likely recipients and therefore do not directly benefit pediatric patients.
donation route for neonatal donors is DCD. However, there is a growing discrepancy between the availability of
In the transplantation of solid organs from neonatal donors, liv- and demand for kidney allografts that is motivating consideration
ers and hearts differ from kidneys. Liver and heart transplantations of potential sources of additional allografts. Although the literature
in small recipients are often, if not always, lifesaving procedures and concerning transplantation of neonatal kidneys is scarce, the stud-
require the organs to be size matched between donor and recipient. ies reviewed here show this to be a feasible alternative. Excellent
Fortunately, pediatric heart transplantation is a rare occurrence. kidney function can be achieved using neonatal kidney allografts.
However, patients <1 year of age listed for heart transplantation are Additionally, grafts from small donors seem to grow rapidly to ac-
at a significantly increased risk of mortality compared with older commodate the recipient's physiology.84 Despite this, there seems
children. The increased mortality rate is largely due to the scarcity of to be an increased rate of thrombosis associated with smaller donors
size-­matched donor hearts.96 Although advances in technical alter- that needs to be considered. Determining whether this increased
natives such as the Berlin heart can delay the need for transplanta- risk can be mitigated with alternative surgical techniques or more
tion, results indicate that it is advantageous to receive a transplant at aggressive anticoagulation therapy will require additional studies.
an earlier age, as this increases long-­term survival.97 Consequently, A limitation of this literature review is that many of the studies
there is an unmet need for heart allografts from small donors. found concerned neonatal or infant recipients of organ transplants
Boucek et al. showed neonatal heart donation to be feasible, even and were often registry-­based studies where donors are grouped
in a DCD setting.77 However, an important limitation reported by in weight classes or below a certain age. Undoubtedly, there may
the authors was the availability of suitable recipients. Most neonatal be neonatal donors included in these groups, although this is not
patients who underwent withdrawal of life-­sustaining treatment at possible to determine. Hence, such articles were not included in this
their institution could not be considered for DCD as there was no review, which covers only articles explicitly describing cases of neo-
available recipient locally, highlighting the importance of organ shar- natal organ donation or transplantation using organs procured from
ing programs within a wider network. neonatal donors.
Likewise, liver transplantation requires size matching between An important consideration is that many of the difficulties in
donor and recipient. It is thus often difficult to locate a suitable transplanting neonatal organs are associated with the weight of the
donor in time for smaller recipients. Our search strategy identi- donor, not the mere classification of the donor as a neonatal patient.
fied only two individual series of neonatal liver transplantations, However, there is a logical rationale for this division in organ trans-
both reporting high incidences of hepatic artery thrombosis of plantation. Neonates and infants are often treated in different units,
31%–­5 0%. 85,86 Artery thrombosis is associated with a marked the NICU and pediatric ICU, respectively. Traditionally, there has
decrease in patient and graft survival.98 Although there are only been a difference in awareness of organ donation between these
limited data from using livers procured from neonatal donors, the different units, as reflected by the findings on proper referral rates.
literature on livers procured from small pediatric donors (infants) A proposed strategy moving forward is to improve age stratification
shows similar results, with an inverse relationship between body in registry reporting. Registries commonly report donors as aged
weight and the risk of hepatic artery thrombosis.99 Considering younger than 1 year or as pediatric donors. More detailed age strat-
solid organ transplantation with livers from neonatal donors, cau- ification could affect donation on multiple levels. It would primarily
tion is warranted; however, when successful, the long-­term out- increase awareness of the possibility of neonatal organ donation. It
come is excellent. would also enable the pooling of data for studies exploring poten-
A potential alternative is hepatocyte transplantation. Although tial benefits or risks. Acknowledging the difficulties associated with
only transient stabilization has been achieved, successful cases neonatal grafts, their use ought to be restricted to selected high-­
using hepatocyte transplantation as a bridging therapy to liver volume centers.
transplantation have been reported. Neonatal livers seem to carry In summary, kidneys and hearts from neonatal donors can be a
an increased risk of thrombosis when used for solid organ transplan- valuable contribution to the current donor pool. Transplantation of
tation. Additionally, one of the main hurdles facing the advancement livers procured from neonates seems to be associated with a marked
of hepatocyte transplantation is the lack of good-­quality adult liv- increase in hepatic artery thrombosis, but excellent function can be
ers, as these are primarily used for solid organ transplantation. This achieved. Advancements in surgical techniques and alternative an-
may motivate further exploration of the use of neonatal livers for tithrombotic regimens are possible avenues that should be further
hepatocyte transplantation, as neonatal hepatocytes show greater explored. Alternatively, neonatal livers are a valuable source of he-
tolerance to cryopreservation injury.100 patocytes for transplantation.

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BLUHME et al.       7 of 9

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How to cite this article: Bluhme E, Henckel E, Jorns C.
91. Lee CA, Sinha S, Fitzpatrick E, Dhawan A. Hepatocyte transplan- Potential of neonatal organ donation and outcome after
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