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Answers - Questions Subjective 5.

(BOS) is an integrated part of the

Battlespace Visualisation, where it involves all
elements of the forces in operation. List the 8
1. The Strength should be considered when elements of BOS:
employing the infantry. List 4 of the
consideration of the strength. a. Manoeuvre.
b. Fire Support (FS).
a. Effectively manoeuvre in areas that restrict c.Information Operations (IO).
mechanized forces. d.Reconnaissance, Surveillance and
b. Seize, occupy and hold terrain. Intelligence (RSI).
c. Rapid redeployment in any forms of mobility e. Mobility and Survivability (MS).
such as trucks, helicopters and aircraft. f. Air Defence (AD).
d. Operate under limited visibility, with or g. Command and Control (C2).
without Night Vision Equipment (NVE). h. Combat Service Support (CSS).
e. Close with the en to destroy or capture him.
f. Employ organic and supporting fire to defeat 6. Other Type Off Op
light enemy forces.
g. Able to infiltrate enemy positions. a. Passage of lines
b. Airborne aslt
c. Linkup op
2.Review the Situation is a sub-step in Mission d. Breaching and crossing obs
Analysis, list down all of the sub-step in the e. Raids
Mission Analysis: f. Amph aslt/Op
g. Coup-de-Main
a. Analyse superior comd’s intent and identify h. Seaborn Aslt
and identify the mission
b. Analyse tasks 7. Priciple Of War
c. Determine the freedom of action
d. Identify critical fact and assumptions a. Selection & maintenance of the aim
e. Confirm the mission b. Maint of Morale
f. Analyse own task c. Off action
g. Consolidate IPOE and MA d. Sy
h. MA and comd’s guidance e. Surprise
f. Cooperation
g. Econ of effort
3. A delay defence is a form of withdrawal in h. Flexibility
which a force under pressure trades space for i. Concentration of force
time by slowing the enemy's momentum and j. Admin
inflicting maximum damage on the enemy
without, in principle, becoming decisively 8. JIPOE Steps
engaged. Delay defences gain time for friendly
forces to: Provide 6 a. Define the OE
b. Describe the impact of the OE
a. Establish defences. c. Evaluate the threat
b. Cover defending or withdrawing units. d. Determine threat COA
c. Protect friendly unit flanks.
d. Contribute to economy of force.
e. Draw the enemy into unfavourable
f. Determine the enemy main effort.

4.List 6 characteristics of Combined Arms.

a. Fire power
b. Mobility.
c. Manoeuvre.
d. Interoperability.
e. Intelligence.
f. Combat Service Support.

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