Idiom Test

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Idioms test 1

Name: ____________
Group: ____________

1. What does the idiom "a friend in need is a friend indeed" mean? a) A true friend
will always be there for you when you need them. b) A friend who only shows up
when they need something is not a real friend. c) A friend who shares your interests is
the best kind of friend.
2. What does the idiom "bite off more than one can chew" mean? a) To take on too
many responsibilities or tasks b) To take a big risk or chance c) To achieve something
difficult or impressive
3. What does the idiom "blow away" mean? a) To be physically blown away by wind or
a force b) To be impressed or amazed by something c) To become angry or frustrated
4. What does the idiom "blow smoke" mean? a) To waste time or procrastinate b) To
cause something to explode c) To make empty or exaggerated promises or statements
5. What does the idiom "break a leg" mean? a) To wish someone good luck before a
performance b) To intentionally harm oneself c) To fail or make a mistake
6. What does the idiom "bring home the bacon" mean? a) To cook a delicious meal b)
To earn a living or provide for one's family c) To receive a reward or prize
7. What does the idiom "chilled out" mean? a) To be cold or shivering b) To be relaxed
or calm c) To be angry or upset
8. What does the idiom "cost an arm and a leg" mean? a) To be very cheap or
affordable b) To be very expensive c) To require a physical sacrifice or effort
9. What does the idiom "couldn't care less" mean? a) To care deeply about something
b) To not care at all about something c) To feel indifferent or uncertain about
10. What does the idiom "fed up" mean? a) To be physically full after eating b) To be
angry or annoyed with a situation c) To be satisfied or content with something
11. What does the idiom "feel under the weather" mean? a) To feel physically ill or
unwell b) To feel emotionally distressed or upset c) To feel tired or fatigued
12. What does the idiom "freak out" mean? a) To become extremely angry or upset b) To
become scared or anxious c) To become very excited or happy
13. What does the idiom "get out of hand" mean? a) To become physically violent b) To
become unmanageable or uncontrollable c) To become extremely popular or
14. What does the idiom "get your head around" mean? a) To understand something
difficult or complex b) To become physically disoriented or dizzy c) To lose your train
of thought
15. What does the idiom "go bananas" mean? a) To become angry or upset b) To become
very excited or happy c) To become insane or crazy
16. What does the idiom "head in the clouds" mean? a) To be very short in height b) To
be very tall in height c) To be unaware of one's surroundings or situation
17. What does the idiom "head over heels" mean? a) To feel sick or dizzy b) To be
completely in love c) To be confused or disoriented
18. What does the idiom "in the red" mean? a) To be financially successful b) To be in
debt or owe money c) To be angry or upset
19. What does the idiom "keep something for a rainy day" mean? a) To save something
for a future time of need b) To waste or use something unnecessarily c) To give away
something valuable or important
20. What does the idiom "money to burn" mean? a) To have more money than necessary
b) To spend money carelessly or frivolously c) To be unable to afford necessary
21. What does the idiom "nest egg" mean? a) A sum of money saved for a specific
purpose b) A bird's home built from twigs and leaves c) A valuable possession or item
22. What does the idiom "on cloud nine" mean? a) To be extremely happy or elated b) To
be extremely angry or upset c) To be in a state of confusion or disorientation
23. What does the idiom "on pins and needles" mean? a) To be anxious or nervous b) To
be physically uncomfortable c) To be happy and carefree
24. What does the idiom "pull yourself together" mean? a) To become more organized
or focused b) To physically move something closer together c) To stop crying or
acting emotional
25. What does the idiom "sell someone out" mean? a) To support and help someone
through a difficult situation b) To betray someone by revealing their secrets or plans c)
To give someone something for free
26. What does the idiom "storm in a teacup" mean? a) To create a large commotion or
problem out of a small issue b) To remain calm and composed during a difficult
situation c) To have a relaxing or peaceful time
27. What does the idiom "tar someone with the same brush" mean? a) To accuse
someone of something they didn't do. b) To treat everyone the same, regardless of
their individual differences. c) To unfairly associate someone with a group or
28. What does the idiom "tie the knot" mean? a) To get married b) To complete a
difficult task c) To be tied up or restrained
29. What does the idiom "to feel blue" mean? a) To feel sad or depressed b) To feel happy
or elated c) To feel anxious or nervous
30. What does the idiom "to keep the bowl boiling" mean? a) To maintain a steady
income or financial stability b) To always have food or resources available c) To stir
or mix ingredients together in a bowl
31. What does the idiom "walk a mile in someone's shoes" mean? a) To experience
someone else's life or perspective b) To judge someone without knowing their
situation c) To physically walk a long distance
32. What does the idiom "with foam at the mouth" mean? a) To be very angry or upset
b) To be excessively happy or excited c) To have a physical ailment or illness

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