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Entrepreneurship and Small Business in wine business Carolina Farré Marrot

Below the interview with the director and oenologist of the company "u mes u".
In the recorded interview, there was a failure in the videotaping of question 4, but it is included
in the transcript and in the presentation.


1. Who are you?

Good morning, my name is Josep Oriol Piñol, I am 37 years old and I live in Vilafranca del
Vilafranca is located 50km from Barcelona, in the wine region known as "el Penedès". I have a
degree in analytical chemistry and I studied a master's degree in oenology. I lead and work as
an oenologist in the cellar 1+1, we are a family business, dedicated to the production of wines
and cavas. Currently my sister and I are in charge of the company. My sister is in charge of the
commercial side and I am in charge of the technical side.

2. What do you know?

We come from a generation very close to the wine sector, and since we were very young we
know first-hand both the process of elaboration and commercialization. We deal with the whole
chain of the sector, from the grapes to the bottle and we also deal with the suppliers and the
final customer.

3. Whom do you know?

So many years of experience in our sector have allowed us to know our distributors perfectly.
We work mainly with the "Horeca" channel. Therefore, most of the interactions with our
customers take place at the time of tastings to present our wines and cavas.

4. Why did you start a company?

As I said before, my sister and I are the third generation of a family very involved in the world of
wine. We decided to start the company mainly because of our love for the wine world, the
beauty of our surroundings and the desire to contribute to the care of the vineyard, winemaking
and aging. The full knowledge and learning that we would live day by day was also one of the
Entrepreneurship and Small Business in wine business Carolina Farré Marrot

motivations, to know in more detail what is behind a wine or a cava. We wanted to design
products with personality and making our own decisions, of high quality and at the same time,
implementing sustainable agriculture.

5. How this idea has moved to innovation?

Speaking about innovation, since 2012 we have been producing a sparkling wine without
sulfites. After seeing the worldwide trend that was betting on more natural and healthy wines,
we decided to elaborate our first cava without sulfites, and it was a success. In fact, we won a
medal in innovation at the Barcelona Food Fair, one of the main wine and cava fairs in Spain.

6. What is your relationship to risk?

In relation to risks as an entrepreneur, we constantly have to make purchase forecasts and

sales estimates, especially in our sector, where we can only purchase the raw material, grapes,
once a year. Therefore, it is very important, in order to minimize the risk, to adjust to the
forecasts, otherwise we have to destroy the product that has not been sold the previous year.

7. What is your relationships to the stakeholders?

As for stakeholders, they deal with suppliers to be aware of the options and possibilities that are
appearing in the sector. On the other hand, contact with the customer to keep up to date with
the latest trends and fashions that are emerging.

Regarding the relationship with suppliers and customers, we deal with suppliers to be aware of
the options and possibilities that are appearing in the sector. On the other hand, the contact with
the customer is even more important, to be up to date with the latest trends and fashions that
are emerging.

8. How do you relate to the future?

The main objective for the future is to continue consolidating sales to the classic cava export
markets. But at the same time, open new countries and take advantage of the global increase in
sales of sparkling wines in the world.

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