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2020 January (GCSE 9-1) Biology

Paper 1 B

(1) We all know that the producers are the ones who make food
available. They are always plants; thus, we can see that grass is a type of
plant, an oak tree is a type of plant, and a Cranberry bush is a type of
plant. so, we have three producers, and so we'll choose option b as the
correct answer.
(II) Secondary consumers are usually the ones that feed on the
primary consumers, so they're basically in the third level, and we can see
that coyote is a secondary consumer.
Because Blu-ray is a secondary consumer and wax wing is a secondary
consumer, we have four secondary consumers, hence our answer should
be c.

(b) (I)The coyote utilizes some of its senses to catch deer, therefore we
know that the retina is a part of the eye, and the eye is related to vision,
so the solution is visual senses, or simply vision.

(c) when it runs, we all know when we are running and it's an exercise
after a certain point our muscles do not get enough oxygen so they
cannot perform the aerobic respiration properly and as we are still
running, and we need to produce energy our muscles start producing
lactic acid. performing anaerobic respiration, which is a type of
respiration that does not use oxygen, and as a result of this process, an
acid called lactic acid is formed, which causes our muscles to fatigue
and makes them unable to run as efficiently after the lactic acid begins to
build up in the muscles.
How marks are awarded
An explanation that makes reference to two of the following
• anaerobic respiration (1)
• provide energy / ATP (1)
• less / need more/ without oxygen (1)

(3) (b) (I) It is responsible for peristalsis and it helps to move the food
along the intestine.
How marks are awarded
An explanation that makes reference to two of
the following points:
• peristalsis (1)
• move food along intestine /
prevent constipation / helps
bowel movement / eq (1)
• undigested material /
indigestible / cellulose (1)
(c ) Foxes are predators so they eat squirrels. Foxes also eat nuts, so less
food will be available for squirrels. From 2010 to 2018, the number of
trees have decreased, so squirrels, lost their shelters. Also other predators
might enter the woodland, When the squirrels were counted in 2018, it
could be a winter season and they might migrate to different places.
How marks are awarded
An explanation that makes reference to five of the following
• more foxes (to eat squirrels) / increased
predation (1)
• foxes eat nuts (so less food) (1)
• fewer trees (1)
• other species enter woods and feed on nuts /eq
• other predators entered woodland (1)
• disease / infection (1)
• migration / eq (1)
• time of year when numbers counted (1)
• cold weather / lower temperature (1)
• fox increase is more than tree decrease (1)
• human impact / hunting (by humans) / eq (1)

(b) (II) The O2 production increases with increase in enzyme
concentration because more enzyme molecules are available to form
enzyme-substrate complexes and break downH2O2. But the O2
production increases up to 8 discs only as after this, all the H2O2 are
combined with enzyme molecules.
How marks are awarded
An explanation that makes reference to the
following points:
• as enzyme concentration increases
so does oxygen production / rate / it
increases / eq (1)
• up to 8 (discs) / 8.2 (cm3 min-1) /
levels off after / from 8 (discs) / 8.2
(cm3 min-1) / eq (1)
• more enzyme (molecules) available
to react with / break down hydrogen
peroxide / substrate / form enzyme
substrate complexes / more
collisions / eq (1)
• until all substrate molecules /
hydrogen peroxide are combined
with enzyme molecules / substrate

(IV) Because these factors also affect the rate of reaction. So only one
variable. is changed to make it a fair test.
How marks are awarded
An explanation that makes
reference to the following points:
• only one variable is
changed / one
independent variable /
control variable / carry out
valid experiment / produce
accurate results / eq (1)
• these (also) affect /
change the rate (1)

(V) temperature / pH / type / eq of

potato / eq (1)

(5) Increased temperature increases the rate of collisions or the rate of

reactions that are controlled by photosynthesis or that are controlled by
enzymes, so we can say that increased temperature increases the rate of
enzyme controlled reactions, so photosynthesis increases, and as
photosynthesis increases, more foods are produced, and as more foods
are produced, so more growth occurs, ultimately crop yield increases.

Ans: As temperature increases rate of photosynthesis also increases.

Because at higher temperature the kinetic energy of molecules increases,
and the enzymes have their optimum temperature. So. More glucose is
produced which indicates higher crop yield.
How marks are awarded
An explanation that makes reference to two the following points:
• as temperature increases so does (rate of) photosynthesis (1)
• increased (kinetic) energy (of molecules) / molecules move
faster / more collisions (1)
• optimum temperature for enzymes (1)
• more glucose / starch / sugar / carbohydrate / eq produced

(II) When organic compounds are burned, carbon dioxide is released,

which is a reactant for photosynthesis. Thus, burning organic substances
such as grass produces carbon dioxide, which increases the carbon
dioxide concentration inside the glass house, and because the plants
require more carbon dioxide for photosynthesis, they take in the extra
increased carbon dioxide, which obviously increases the crop yield.

Ans: Burning grass release CO2 which is a reactant for photosynthesis.

Increase in rate of photosynthesis improve crop yield.
How marks are awarded
An explanation that makes reference to two the following points:
• it releases CO2 (1)
• CO2 a reactant / used in / needed in / for photosynthesis / eq
• as CO2 is limiting factor (1)

(b) (II) An answer that makes reference to five of the following points:
• increased soil concentration reduces water potential of soil (1)
• prevents water uptake / absorption by osmosis / causes water
loss (1)
• so plant wilts / eq (1)
• damaging effect of leaching / escaping / washing into rivers
lakes / eq (1)
• causes eutrophication (1)
• leads to algal bloom/ plant growth in river / lake / eq (1)
• loss of aquatic life / fish / water plants die /eq;
• (may prefer to) use natural fertiliser / manure (1)
• can produce organic earn more money (1)
• other factors limit growth / there is excess fertiliser / not all
fertiliser is used (1)

(6) (a) it neutralizes the acid from the stomach and it also has optimum
ph for the enzymes that emulsify the fats in to small droplets and
increases their surface.

How marks are awarded

An explanation that makes reference to four of
the following points:
• neutralise acid (from stomach) (1)
• optimum pH for enzymes (1)
• emulsify fat / lipid (1)
• small droplets / eq (1)
• increase surface area (1)

© (I) The glucose in hepatic vein is continuously removed by insulin,

which converts glucose to glycogen.
How marks are awarded
An explanation that makes reference three of the following
• glucose absorbed / taken in / stored / removed from
blood (1)
• insulin (1)
• (glucose to) glycogen (1)
• lowers blood glucose in hepatic vein / leaving liver (1)
(II) There might be less food available in the gut after 5 hours, and so no
insulin is released. So glycogen is converted back to glucose, thus
increasing concentration of glucose in hepatic veins.
How marks are awarded
An explanation that makes reference two of
the following points:
• less food in gut / not eaten in a while /
less absorption of glucose by gut / less
glucose coming from small intestine /
eq (1)
• no insulin (released) (1)
• glycogen to glucose (1)
• glucose released from liver/eq (1

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