Manually Upgrading The P6 EPPM Database For Oracle

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Manually Upgrading the P6 EPPM Database for Oracle Release 8.

June 2011

Oracle Primavera Manually Upgrading the P6 EPPM Database for Oracle Copyright 1999, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. The Programs (which include both the software and documentation) contain proprietary information; they are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are also protected by copyright, patent, and other intellectual and industrial property laws. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of the Programs, except to the extent required to obtain interoperability with other independently created software or as specified by law, is prohibited. The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. If you find any problems in the documentation, please report them to us in writing. This document is not warranted to be error-free. Except as may be expressly permitted in your license agreement for these Programs, no part of these Programs may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose. The platform-specific hardware and software requirements included in this document were current when this document was published. However, because new platforms and operating system software versions might be certified after this document is published, review the certification matrix on the My Oracle Support (formerly OracleMetaLink) Web site for the most up-to-date list of certified hardware platforms and operating system versions. The My Oracle Support (formerly OracleMetaLink) Web site is available at the following URL: or If the Programs are delivered to the United States Government or anyone licensing or using the Programs on behalf of the United States Government, the following notice is applicable: U.S. GOVERNMENT RIGHTS Programs, software, databases, and related documentation and technical data delivered to U.S. Government customers are "commercial computer software" or "commercial technical data" pursuant to the applicable Federal Acquisition Regulation and agency-specific supplemental regulations. As such, use, duplication, disclosure, modification, and adaptation of the Programs, including documentation and technical data, shall be subject to the licensing restrictions set forth in the applicable Oracle license agreement, and, to the extent applicable, the additional rights set forth in FAR 52.227-19, Commercial Computer Software -Restricted Rights (June 1987). Oracle USA, Inc., 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood City, CA 94065. The Programs are not intended for use in any nuclear, aviation, mass transit, medical, or other inherently dangerous applications. It shall be the licensee's responsibility to take all appropriate fail-safe, backup, redundancy and other measures to ensure the safe use of such applications if the Programs are used for such purposes, and we disclaim liability for any damages caused by such use of the Programs.

Copyright Oracle and Primavera are registered trademarks of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. The Programs may provide links to Web sites and access to content, products, and services from third parties. Oracle is not responsible for the availability of, or any content provided on, third-party Web sites. You bear all risks associated with the use of such content. If you choose to purchase any products or services from a third party, the relationship is directly between you and the third party. Oracle is not responsible for: (a) the quality of third-party products or services; or (b) fulfilling any of the terms of the agreement with the third party, including delivery of products or services and warranty obligations related to purchased products or services. Oracle is not responsible for any loss or damage of any sort that you may incur from dealing with any third party. To view the list of third party technology disclosures related to this product, please see the Commercial Notices and Disclosures document for the release.

Copyright ........................................................................................................................................... 2 Preface.............................................................................................................................................. 7 Where to Get Documentation ........................................................................................................... 7 Where To Get Training .................................................................................................................... 10 Where to Get Support ..................................................................................................................... 10 Overview of Manually Upgrading a P6 Database to P6 EPPM R8.1 ............................................... 13 Database Upgrade Processes for P6 EPPM ................................................................................... 15 Manual Database Upgrade Process from R8 to R8.1 .................................................................. 15 Procedures to Manually Upgrade R8 to R8.1........................................................................... 15 Procedures to Perform After the Upgrade from P6 EPPM R8 to P6 EPPM R8.1 ................... 16 Tips to Consider When Manually Upgrading to P6 EPPM R8.1 ............................................... 16 Manual Database Upgrade Processes from Version 7.0 or Earlier to R8.1 ................................ 19 Requirements for Manually Upgrading P6 EPPM version 7.0 or earlier to P6 EPPM R8.1 ... 19
Run the Validate Tool for a 7.0 or Earlier Oracle Database ............................................. 20 Run the Validate Tool for an 8.0 Oracle Database ........................................................... 15

Procedures to Perform After the Upgrade to P6 EPPM R8.1 .................................................. 20 Tips to Consider When Manually Upgrading to P6 EPPM R8.1 ............................................... 21 Data that is Not Migrated during the P6 EPPM Database Upgrade ....................................... 22 Migrating Methodology Management to P6 Project Templates .............................................. 22
Converting Methodologies to Projects .............................................................................. 23 Creating a Project Template From Projects ...................................................................... 23

Risks Migration........................................................................................................................... 24 Run the Oracle Database Upgrade Scripts for the P6 EPPM Database ......................................... 27 Private Database Logins for P6 EPPM ............................................................................................ 29 Resetting Private Database Passwords to Use the New Encryption Algorithm ........................... 29

In This Chapter
Where to Get Documentation .................................................................................... 7 Where To Get Training ............................................................................................ 10 Where to Get Support ............................................................................................. 10

Where to Get Documentation

For the most up-to-date versions of all manuals and technical documents related to installing, administering, and using P6 EPPM, go to: Most documentation assumes a standard setup of the product, with full access rights to all features and functions. You can also access the versions of the product manuals and technical documents that were available at the time of the release from the P6 EPPM Documentation Center, located in the \Documentation\Documentation_library\<language> folder of the P6 EPPM physical media or download. The following table describes the core documents available for P6 EPPM and lists the recommended readers by role. P6 EPPM roles are described in the P6 EPPM Administrator's Guide.
Title Description

P6 EPPM Administrators Explains how to set up the P6 EPPM database, servers, and Guide modules; it also provides an overview of all the modules in the P6 EPPM solution. The guide describes the procedures required to administer P6 EPPM, including setting up security and configuring global preferences. The P6 EPPM network administrator/database administrator and P6 administrator should read this guide. Tested Configurations Lists the configurations that have been tested and verified to work with P6 EPPM. The network administrator/database administrator and P6 EPPM administrator should read this document.

Manually Upgrading the P6 EPPM Database for Oracle



P6 EPPM User's Guide

This guide explains how to plan, set up, and manage projects in a multiuser environment. If you are new to P6 EPPM, start with this guide to learn how to use the software effectively to plan and manage projects. When you need more detail, refer to the P6 Help. The program manager, project manager, resource/cost manager, and team leader should read this guide. This data dictionary defines fields used in P6.

P6 Data Dictionary

P6 Team Member for This guide explains how to update status using the P6 Team iPhone App User's Guide Member for iPhone app. P6 Optional Client Help Explains how to use P6 Optional Client to plan, set up, and manage projects in a multiuser environment. If you are new to P6 Optional Client, use this Help to learn how to use the software effectively to plan and manage projects. The P6 Optional Client administrator, program manager, project manager, resource/cost manager, and team leader should read this Help. Describes how to create, manage, plan, and schedule projects, group projects into portfolios, administer all enterprise data, application settings, user accounts, and security profiles, maintain both the organizational breakdown structure (OBS) and enterprise project structure (EPS), manage resources and roles, track risks, issues, and notebooks, create and reuse templates, evaluate budgets, analyze performance and ROI for project portfolios, participate in workflows and document reviews, approve timesheets, and generate reports. The operations executive, P6 EPPM and P6 administrator, program manager, project manager, resource/cost manager, and team leader should read this Help. Describes how to enter database connection information for the P6 Progress Reporter server and modify P6 Progress Reporter server and application settings. The P6 EPPM network administrator/database administrator should read this Help. Describes how to use P6 Progress Reporter to enter and update time spent on assignments. Team members should read this Help.

P6 Help

P6 Progress Reporter Administrator Help

P6 Progress Reporter Help




Primavera Timescaled Logic Diagram Help

Describes how to create, modify, and manage Timescaled Logic Diagrams. Timescaled Logic Diagrams condense the project schedule displayed in the Gantt Chart into a more readable, easier to understand format that provides a snapshot of the entire project plan and the chains of activities that drive the project schedule. The Timescaled Logic Diagram application can be used only with P6 Optional Client. Explains how to install and configure the P6 Integration API, which allows direct access to P6 EPPM via Java. Those creating client code in Java and needing direct access to the P6 EPPM database should read this guide. Explains how to install and configure P6 Web Services, which enables organizations to seamlessly integrate P6 EPPM functionality into other applications using web services standards. The P6 Web Services Programmers Guide, available as an HTML help system, describes how to invoke, use, and troubleshoot the available services/operations within supported environments. The P6 Web Services Reference Manual, also available as an HTML help system, describes all services and operations available in P6 Web Services in a comprehensive manner. Describes how to use the P6 SDK to connect to the P6 EPPM database. The tables, fields, and stored procedures that you can access through the P6 SDK are described. Examples are also provided to show how you can use the P6 SDK to perform several basic tasks, such as creating a new project or assigning a resource to a project activity. The P6 EPPM network administrator/database administrator and P6 administrator should read this documentation, which is available in local drive\Program Files\Oracle\Primavera P6\P6 Optional Client\PMSDK\Doc\ by default. Double-click the INDEX.HTML file to open the Table of Contents.

P6 Integration API Administrators Guide

P6 Web Services Administrators Guide, P6 Web Services Programmers Guide, and P6 Web Services Reference Manual

P6 SDK Web-based documentation

P3 to P6 EPPM Migration This guide provides best practices for migrating your P3 data Guide to P6 EPPM, and details how P3 functionality maps to P6 EPPM functionality. P6 Reporting Database Administrators Guide This document explains how to install and configure the P6 Reporting Database application, and generate the ODS and Star database. It describes how to install and configure the Oracle Gateway if the P6 Reporting Database is installed on a Microsoft SQL Server. It also provides information about how to run the Configuration Utility.

Manually Upgrading the P6 EPPM Database for Oracle



P6 Reporting Database Users Guide P6 Analytics Administrators Guide

Provides information about using ODS and Star with the P6 EPPM database to extract data that you can use to create reports. This guide is a step-by-step guide to installing and configuring P6 Analytics. This guide provides information about P6 Analytics administrative tasks. It also includes information for Star security configuration, OBI installation and configuration, Financial Periods installation and configuration, and for configuring the Secure Sockets layer. This guide explains how to use Star Schema Database (Star) to extract data for use in creating reports through the Oracle Business Intelligence Suite. Provides an overview of the P6 Extended Schema and Publication Services. Provides information about configuration, sizing, performance, reporting, and eventing.

P6 Analytics Users Guide P6 Extended Schema White Paper

Distributing Information to the Team You can copy the online documentation to a network drive for access by project participants. Each team member can then view or print those portions that specifically relate to his or her role in the organization. Throughout this documentation, the Security Guidance icon helps you to quickly identify security-related content to consider during the installation and configuration process.

Where To Get Training

To access comprehensive training for all Primavera products, go to:

Where to Get Support

If you have a question about using Oracle products that you or your network administrator cannot resolve with information in the documentation or help, go to: This page provides the latest information on contacting Oracle Global Customer Support and the support renewals process. Access to Oracle Support Oracle customers have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired.




Overview of Manually Upgrading a P6 Database to P6 EPPM R8.1

To manually convert your P6 version 6.0 or higher database to P6 EPPM R8.1, follow the procedures described in this document. These procedures should be performed by an experienced database administrator. This document contains the following sections, which should be completed in the order specified:

Back up the existing P6 database (also known as PMDB). If you are upgrading from Version 7.0 or earlier, migrate all your methodologies. You cannot
use Project Architect after you upgrade, so you will want to migrate your methodologies before you upgrade. (See Migrating Methodology Management to P6 Project Templates (on page 22).) Run the appropriate scripts to upgrade the P6 database structure to P6 EPPM R8.1. Perform required and recommended processes after the upgrade is complete. To configure the Oracle database server for SSL, please see the Advanced Security Administrator's Guide included with the Oracle Database Server Documentation for configuring the Oracle Server and Oracle Client(s) for SSL.


Database Upgrade Processes for P6 EPPM

You can upgrade your existing P6 EPPM database (version 6.0 and later) to P6 EPPM R8.1. You must upgrade your P6 EPPM database so it will work with the new version.

In This Section
Manual Database Upgrade Process from R8 to R8.1 .............................................. 15 Manual Database Upgrade Processes from Version 7.0 or Earlier to R8.1 .............. 19

Manual Database Upgrade Process from R8 to R8.1

Follow the procedures below to upgrade your existing P6 EPPM R8 database to P6 EPPM R8.1. You must upgrade your P6 EPPM database so it will work with the new version.

Procedures to Manually Upgrade R8 to R8.1

The following list summarizes the procedures required to upgrade from P6 EPPM R8 to P6 EPPM R8.1:

Back up your P6 EPPM database before beginning the upgrade process to ensure you will not
lose any data due to unexpected problems. You should back up your database before you perform any of the steps in this document since the upgrade is not reversible. If you are unsure how to back up your database, do not proceed with the upgrade. Contact your database administrator or database vendor for assistance with backing up your database before performing the database upgrade. Manually run all scripts required to upgrade your existing P6 EPPM database. See Run the Oracle Database Upgrade Scripts for the P6 EPPM Database (on page 27). Test the new database to ensure that the upgrade succeeded. Run the Validate Tool for an 8.0 Oracle Database Use the validate tool to ensure there are no missing objects in your database that could cause the database to fail to upgrade. You must perform the steps below before you download the 8.1 media pack. If you run the 8.1 validate tool against your 8.0 database, it will not work. 1) Double-click validate.bat ( for Linux) in the 8.0 Database folder of the P6 EPPM physical media or download to start the validate tool. Note: Ensure you use the validate file from your 8.0 Database folder, not the 8.1 database folder. 2) Provide the following: a. In the Username field, enter your administrative user name (for example, admuser).


Manually Upgrading the P6 EPPM Database for Oracle b. In the Database host address field, enter your database server name or TCP/IP address. c. In the Database host port field, enter the port number that Oracle is using. The default is 1521. d. In the Database name field, enter the Oracle Service Name. It can be found in the TNSNAMES.ORA file, which was created when you or your DBA set up the Oracle client. 3) View the HTML page that the tool creates to ensure your database is not missing objects. 4) In the 8.0 Database folder of the P6 EPPM physical media or download, go to \database\scripts\install\ to find the scripts you need to fix.

Procedures to Perform After the Upgrade from P6 EPPM R8 to P6 EPPM R8.1

The following list summarizes the procedures required and recommended to perform after the upgrade to P6 EPPM R8.1:

Oracle recommends that you make a backup of your newly upgraded database. Using the P6 EPPM Administrator's Guide:
For security reasons, Oracle strongly recommends that you replace the default database users' (admuser, privuser, pubuser, bgjobuser, and pxrptuser) passwords immediately after a manual database installation or an upgrade from P6 version 7.0 and earlier. Do not use special characters in the database name, privileged user, public user, or PX reporting user name, for example: { } [ ] : ; < > , . ? ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) - _ | / \ ~ ` For instructions on how to replace the private database login, follow the instructions in Modifying Private Database Logins for P6 EPPM. For all other database user names and passwords, use the tools included with Oracle Database. The background job user only has to be reset for manual installations. Oracle recommends using strong passwords. Strong passwords in P6 EPPM are defined as passwords containing between 8 and 20 characters and at least one numeric and one alpha character. To further strengthen the password, use a mixture of upper and lower case letters. Install the new P6 and P6 Progress Reporter servers, P6 Optional Client, and any additional components. Starting with P6 EPPM R8, all recurring job service functions are hosted by P6. Due to this change, after upgrading to P6 EPPM R8 or later, you must configure Scheduled Services settings in the P6 Administrator application to use this functionality. See Services Settings for details.

For security reasons, Oracle strongly recommends that you replace the default Admin Superuser (admin) immediately after a manual database installation or an upgrade from P6 version 7.0 and earlier. For guidelines on this process, see The Default Admin Superuser. Assign new or modified privileges to users, as needed. See Defining Global Security Profiles in P6 EPPM and Defining Project Security Profiles in P6 EPPM.

Tips to Consider When Manually Upgrading to P6 EPPM R8.1

Please consider the following tips before you manually upgrade to P6 EPPM R8.1:


Database Upgrade Processes for P6 EPPM

Summary-Only projects are not supported in P6 EPPM starting with R8. During the P6 EPPM
database upgrade, existing Summary-Only projects are converted to standard projects, but will lose all summary data. You can import the summary project from Microsoft Project into the converted blank project, and then summarize the data. See the P6 Optional Client Help. P6 EPPM R8.1 includes an encryption algorithm that provides enhanced security for private database logins; however, the encryption algorithm is not automatically enforced when you manually configure or upgrade your database. If you manually configure or upgrade your database, Oracle recommends that you use this encryption algorithm. To do so, you must reset the private database login. See Resetting Private Database Passwords to Use the New Encryption Algorithm (on page 29) for instructions. If automatically installing or upgrading your database, no configuration is needed after the upgrade to use the encryption algorithm. User logins and passwords are not affected. Starting with P6 EPPM R8, all user security and administration is performed in P6. Due to this change, all Admin Superusers will be granted Projects module access during the upgrade. Starting with P6 EPPM R8, all new users will be required to create a password with at least one character, regardless of whether Password Policy is enabled. Existing users will be prompted to follow the new requirement if they reset their password and Password Policy is disabled. Due to the removal of recurring job services for P6 Optional Client, use the Windows command line interface to run batch reports and export projects as a service. To view P6 Optional Client reports in P6, select the "Store report in Work Products and Documents" option when creating report batches or printing reports. See the P6 Optional Client Help for more information. To configure the Oracle database server for SSL, please see the Advanced Security Administrator's Guide included with the Oracle Database Server Documentation for configuring the Oracle Server and Oracle Client(s) for SSL.


Manual Database Upgrade Processes from Version 7.0 or Earlier to R8.1

Follow the procedures below to upgrade your existing P6 EPPM database (version 7.0 and earlier) to P6 EPPM R8.1. You must upgrade your P6 EPPM database so it will work with the new version. All risk data fields are migrated when upgrading; existing fields are mapped to new fields. See Risks Migration (on page 24) for more information. Cautions: If you are a current Apache JackRabbit user and upgrade to P6 EPPM R8.1, JackRabbit documents data will not migrate automatically. Refer to My Oracle Support's Knowledge Articles for information on manually migrating JackRabbit documents to Oracle Universal Content Management. Oracle recommends that you migrate the data before upgrading to R8.1. If you are a current jBPM user and upgrade to P6 EPPM R8.1, workflows and reviews data will not be available. You might want to close out all workflows and reviews that are in progress before upgrading to P6 EPPM R8.1.

In This Section
Requirements for Manually Upgrading P6 EPPM version 7.0 or earlier to P6 EPPM R8.1 ............................................................................................................................... 19 Procedures to Perform After the Upgrade to P6 EPPM R8.1................................... 20 Tips to Consider When Manually Upgrading to P6 EPPM R8.1 ............................... 21 Data that is Not Migrated during the P6 EPPM Database Upgrade ......................... 22 Migrating Methodology Management to P6 Project Templates................................ 22 Risks Migration ....................................................................................................... 24

Requirements for Manually Upgrading P6 EPPM version 7.0 or earlier to P6 EPPM R8.1
The following list summarizes the procedures required to manually upgrade your database from P6 EPPM version 7.0 or earlier to P6 EPPM R8.1:

Back up your P6 EPPM database before beginning the upgrade process to ensure you will not
lose any data due to unexpected problems. You should back up your database before you perform any of the steps in this document since the upgrade is not reversible. If you are unsure how to back up your database, do not proceed with the upgrade. Contact your database administrator or database vendor for assistance with backing up your database before performing the database upgrade. See Data that is Not Migrated during the P6 EPPM Database Upgrade (on page 22) for details on what information will not be upgraded. Convert your Methodology Management data to projects BEFORE you upgrade to P6 EPPM R8.1. See Migrating Methodology Management to P6 Project Templates (on page 22) for instructions on this process.


Manually Upgrading the P6 EPPM Database for Oracle

Manually run all scripts required to upgrade your existing P6 EPPM database. See Run the
Oracle Database Upgrade Scripts for the P6 EPPM Database (on page 27). Test the new database to ensure that the upgrade succeeded. Run the Validate Tool for a 7.0 or Earlier Oracle Database Use the validate tool to ensure there are no missing objects in your database that could cause the database to fail to upgrade. You must perform the steps below before you download the 8.1 media pack. If you run the 8.1 validate tool against your current database, it will not work. 1) Double-click validate.bat ( for Linux) in your current Database folder of the P6 EPPM physical media or download to start the validate tool. Note: Ensure you use the validate file from your current Database folder, not the 8.1 database folder. 2) Provide the following: a. In the Username field, enter your administrative user name (for example, admuser). b. In the Database host address field, enter your database server name or TCP/IP address. c. In the Database host port field, enter the port number that Oracle is using. The default is 1521. d. In the Database name field, enter the Oracle Service Name. It can be found in the TNSNAMES.ORA file, which was created when you or your DBA set up the Oracle client. 3) View the HTML page that the tool creates to ensure your database is not missing objects. 4) Go to the 'Client Application' media pack, then locate the \install\database\scripts\ folder to find the scripts you need to fix.

Procedures to Perform After the Upgrade to P6 EPPM R8.1

The following list summarizes the procedures required and recommended to perform after the upgrade to P6 EPPM R8.1:

Oracle recommends that you make a backup of your newly upgraded database. Using the P6 EPPM Administrator's Guide:
For security reasons, Oracle strongly recommends that you replace the default database users' (admuser, privuser, pubuser, bgjobuser, and pxrptuser) passwords immediately after a manual database installation or an upgrade from P6 version 7.0 and earlier. Do not use special characters in the database name, privileged user, public user, or PX reporting user name, for example: { } [ ] : ; < > , . ? ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) - _ | / \ ~ ` For instructions on how to replace the private database login, follow the instructions in Modifying Private Database Logins for P6 EPPM. For all other database user names and passwords, use the tools included with Oracle Database. The background job user only has to be reset for manual installations.

Oracle recommends using strong passwords. Strong passwords in P6 EPPM are defined as passwords containing between 8 and 20 characters and at least one numeric and one alpha character. To further strengthen the password, use a mixture of upper and lower case letters.


Database Upgrade Processes for P6 EPPM Install the new P6 and P6 Progress Reporter servers, P6 Optional Client, and any additional components. Starting with P6 EPPM R8, all recurring job service functions are hosted by P6. Due to this change, after upgrading to P6 EPPM R8 or later, you must configure Scheduled Services settings in the P6 Administrator application to use this functionality. See Services Settings for details. Also, you must RESUMMARIZE ALL PROJECTS to accurately reflect your summary data. See Configuring a Separate Server for Job Services for guidelines on setting up a dedicated server solely for job services.

For security reasons, Oracle strongly recommends that you replace the default Admin Superuser (admin) immediately after a manual database installation or an upgrade from P6 version 7.0 and earlier. For guidelines on this process, see The Default Admin Superuser. Assign new or modified privileges to users, as needed. See Defining Global Security Profiles in P6 EPPM and Defining Project Security Profiles in P6 EPPM. All previously defined module access, security profiles, OBS access, and resource security settings will still apply to existing users after the database upgrade, with the exception of Team Member module access. For users whose module access assignments include Team Member and only P6 Optional Client, both assignments will remain intact during the database upgrade; however, once these user accounts are edited post-upgrade, Team Member module access will be removed to comply with functionality implemented in P6 EPPM R8.1. For users whose module access assignments include Team Member and additional module access assignments other than only P6 Optional Client, Team Member module access will be cleared during the database upgrade; all other assignments will remain selected. See Configuring Users in P6 EPPM for information on defining module access, security profiles, OBS access, and resource security. During the upgrade to P6 EPPM R8.1, some P6 Activity Views settings will be reset. After the upgrade, use the Customize Detail Windows feature to modify the settings that should appear for each view. See the P6 Help for information on how to edit Activity Views. Starting with P6 EPPM R8, filter definitions are saved globally. Filters are still applied to Activity Views, but all standard filter assignments will be reset during the upgrade. Due to this change, views that had Standard Filters applied will show all activities after the upgrade. Reapply filters, as needed, after the upgrade is complete. See the P6 Help for information on how to edit Activity Views.

Tips to Consider When Manually Upgrading to P6 EPPM R8.1

Please consider the following tips before you manually upgrade to P6 EPPM R8.1:

Summary-Only projects are not supported in P6 EPPM starting with R8. During the P6 EPPM
database upgrade, existing Summary-Only projects are converted to standard projects, but will lose all summary data. You can import the summary project from Microsoft Project into the converted blank project, and then summarize the data. See the P6 Optional Client Help.


Manually Upgrading the P6 EPPM Database for Oracle

P6 EPPM R8.1 includes an encryption algorithm that provides enhanced security for private
database logins; however, the encryption algorithm is not automatically enforced when you manually configure or upgrade your database. If you manually configure or upgrade your database, Oracle recommends that you use this encryption algorithm. To do so, you must reset the private database login. See Resetting Private Database Passwords to Use the New Encryption Algorithm (on page 29) for instructions. If automatically installing or upgrading your database, no configuration is needed after the upgrade to use the encryption algorithm. User logins and passwords are not affected. Starting with P6 EPPM R8, all user security and administration is performed in P6. Due to this change, all Admin Superusers will be granted Projects module access during the upgrade. Starting with P6 EPPM R8, all new users will be required to create a password with at least one character, regardless of whether Password Policy is enabled. Existing users will be prompted to follow the new requirement if they reset their password and Password Policy is disabled. Due to the removal of recurring job services for P6 Optional Client, use the Windows command line interface to run batch reports and export projects as a service. To view P6 Optional Client reports in P6, select the "Store report in Work Products and Documents" option when creating report batches or printing reports. See the P6 Optional Client Help for more information. To configure the Oracle database server for SSL, please see the Advanced Security Administrator's Guide included with the Oracle Database Server Documentation for configuring the Oracle Server and Oracle Client(s) for SSL.

Data that is Not Migrated during the P6 EPPM Database Upgrade

When upgrading to P6 EPPM R8.1, the following data will not migrate from previous releases:

Workflows Repository (supported configuration changed from jBPM to Oracle BPM). Content Repository (if previously an Apache JackRabbit user). Refer to My Oracle Support's
Knowledge Articles for information on manually migrating JackRabbit documents to Oracle Universal Content Management. Top Down Estimation, including estimated weights (removed). Invited Users in the Project Workspace (removed). Issue Form Categories (removed). Summary Data (new summary tables incompatible with old summary tables). Refer to My Oracle Support's Knowledge Articles for information on manually migrating Scenarios data to the new summary tables. Methodology Management (replaced with Project Templates). See Migrating Methodology Management to P6 Project Templates (on page 22) for manual migration instructions.

Migrating Methodology Management to P6 Project Templates

Follow the steps below to migrate Methodology Management data to P6 Project Templates.

Related Topics
Converting Methodologies to Projects ..................................................................... 23 Creating a Project Template From Projects ............................................................. 23


Database Upgrade Processes for P6 EPPM

Converting Methodologies to Projects To migrate Methodology Management version 7.0 or earlier data to P6 R8.1 Project Templates, you must first use Project Architect in the Project Management module (version 7.0 or earlier) to convert the data from a methodology to a project. To convert Methodology Management data to a project: 1) Create a new EPS node in P6 Professional version 7.0 where you can store all your Methodology Management projects. 2) Use Project Architect in P6 Professional version 7.0 to create projects from Methodology Management data. For more information on using Project Architect, see version 7.0 of the Oracle Primavera P6 Project Management Reference Manual. Note: You can create only one project at a time. If you want all of your Methodology Management data moved to P6 Project Templates, contact Oracle Consulting to automate the process. 3) After you have converted all your Methodology Management data to projects, upgrade P6 EPPM to 8.1. 4) Launch P6. 5) Convert your upgraded projects (formerly methodologies) to project templates. See Creating a Project Template From Projects (on page 23). Creating a Project Template From Projects After you have converted your Methodology Management data to projects and upgraded your database to 8.1, you can create your project templates. To create a project template: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Click Projects. On the Projects navigation bar, click EPS. On the EPS page, click the Actions menu and select Add Add Project Template. In the Add Project Template dialog box, choose the General tab. On the General tab: a. In the Template ID field, type in a unique ID for the template. b. In the Template Name field, type in a unique name for the template. c. In the EPS field, click the corresponding and choose the EPS where you want to store the template. d. In the Responsible Manager field, click the corresponding and choose a responsible manager. e. In the Copy from existing project or template field, click the corresponding and choose the methodology project you created in Converting Methodologies to Projects (on page 23). f. Click Create.


Manually Upgrading the P6 EPPM Database for Oracle

Risks Migration
The following table illustrates the risks data field mapping when upgrading from P6 EPPM database (version 6.0, 7.0, 7.0 service packs) to P6 R8.1. Risks Fields Migration Table P6 EPPM database (version 6.0, 7.0, and 7.0 P6 EPPM R8.1 Risks Field service packs) Risks Fields Risk Id risk_name risk_descr status_code risk_type_id risk_control table_name wbs_id rsrc_id obs_id priority_type add_date impact_date prbly_pct impact_work_qty impact_equip_qty impact_mat_qty Impact_expense_cost id name description status category_id notes table_name cause, appended with 'Applies to WBS' <WBS name> cause, appended with 'Applies to Resource' <resource name> cause, appended with 'Responsible Manager' <OBS name> cause, appended with 'Priority' <priority type> cause, appended with 'Date Identified' <add_date in mmm-dd-yyyy format > cause, appended with 'Date Identified' <add_date in mmm-dd-yyyy format > cause, appended with 'Probability' <prbly_pct> cause, appended with 'Impact - Labor Units' <impact_work_qty> - 2 decimals cause, appended with 'Impact - Nonlabor Units' <impact_equip_qty> - 2 decimals cause, appended with 'Impact - Material Units' <impact_mat_qty> - 2 decimals cause, appended with 'Impact - Expenses' <impact_expense_cost> - 2 decimals


Database Upgrade Processes for P6 EPPM


Run the Oracle Database Upgrade Scripts for the P6 EPPM Database
1) Copy the "scripts" folder to a local drive. The folder can be found in the Database directory of the P6 EPPM physical media or download. 2) Log into the database as admuser, or use your custom administrative user name if you created one. 3) Go to \scripts\install\PM_08_01_00 and execute the orpm_init_px.sql script to create a PX tablespace. Executing this script will create the PMDB_PX_DAT1 tablespace, which will hold PX data. Note: Modify the tablespace name in this script if you changed the default tablespace name (PMDB_PX_DAT1). 4) Go to \scripts\install\PM_08_01_00 and execute the orpm_create_plus_users.sql script. Notes: Running the orpm_create_plus_users.sql script automatically creates the database user name: PxRptUser. If you have created another user name and wish to use that when running P6 EPPM database scripts, make sure to replace the PxrRtUser name with your custom user name in all applicable scripts before running them. Do not use special characters in the database name, privileged user, public user, or PX reporting user name, for example: { } [ ] : ; < > , . ? ! @#$%^&*()-_|/\~`

5) Go to \scripts\install\PM_08_01_00 and execute the orpm_create_bguser_upgrade.sql script. 6) Go to \scripts\install\PM_08_01_00 and execute the orpm_grantpriv_bguser_upgrade.sql script. 7) Go to \scripts\common and execute the or_disable_triggers.sql script. 8) Go to \scripts\upgrade\PM_08_01_00 and execute one of the following scripts: ORPM_50.sql, if upgrading from P5 ORPM_50sp1.sql, if upgrading from P5 service pack 1 ORPM_50sp2.sql, if upgrading from P5 service pack 2 ORPM_50sp3.sql, if upgrading from P5 service pack 3 ORPM_p6.sql, if upgrading from P6 version 6.0 ORPM_p61.sql, if upgrading from P6 version 6.1 ORPM_p62.sql, if upgrading from P6 version 6.2 or 6.2.1 ORPM_p621sp1.sql, if upgrading from P6 version 6.2.1 service pack 1


Manually Upgrading the P6 EPPM Database for Oracle ORPM_p70.sql, if upgrading from P6 version 7.0 ORPM_p70sp1.sql, if upgrading from P6 version 7.0 service pack 1 ORPM_p80.sql, if upgrading from P6 version 8.0 Note: If you did not execute the orpm_init_px.sql script to create a PX tablespace or you changed the name of the PMDB_PX_DAT1 tablespace, you need to modify all occurrences of PMDB_PX_DAT1 in the upgrade script with the name you used for the tablespace. 9) If you're using version ORPM_p70sp1.sql or later, skip to the next step. If you're using a version before ORPM_p70sp1.sql, go to \scripts\common and execute the or_update_usereng.sql script to grant all users with P6 Optional Client module access rights to the Projects section in P6. Note: Prior to P6 version 7.0, users with Project Management module access also had rights to the Projects section in P6 Web Access. For security reasons, beginning with P6 version 7.0, P6 Optional Client module access only grants rights to log into the P6 Optional Client module. 10) Go to \scripts\common and execute the or_post_upgrade script. 11) Go to \scripts\upgrade\PM_08_01_00 and execute the orpm_grants.sql script. Note: If you changed the default user names, you must update the privuser, pubuser, and PxRptUser names in this script with your custom user names. 12) Go to \scripts\upgrade\PM_08_01_00 and execute the orpm_synonyms.sql script. Caution: The orpm_synonyms.sql script contains a table called PUBUSER, do not replace it if you have to change the pubuser user name. Note: If you changed the default user names, you must update the admuser, privuser, pubuser, and pxrptuser names in this script with your custom user names. 13) Go to \scripts\source\PM_08_01_00 and execute the orpm_src.plb script. 14) Go to \scripts\source\PM_08_01_00 and execute the orpm_secpac.sql script. Note: If you changed the default user names, you must update the admuser and PxRptUser names in this script with your custom user names. 15) Go to \scripts\source\PM_08_01_00 and execute the orpm_logon_trigger.sql script. 16) Go to \scripts\install\PM_08_01_00 and execute the orpm_database_version.sql and orpm_querylib.sql scripts. 17) Go to \scripts\common and execute the or_enable_triggers.sql script.


Private Database Logins for P6 EPPM 18) Run the databaselogins.bat (on Windows) or (on Unix) to upgrade the encryption of privilege user passwords. 19) Log into the database as background job user. 20) Go to \scripts\install\PM_08_01_00 and execute the orpm_init_bgjobs.sql script. 21) Log into the P6 EPPM database as PxRptUser, or use your custom PX reporting user name if you created one. Follow steps a-c if you changed the default admuser name. If you did not change the default admuser name, skip a-c and go to the next step. a. Go to \scripts\source\PM_08_01_00 and edit the orpm_px_rpt_src.sql script. b. Replace the default admuser name with your custom admuser name. c. Save and close the script file. 22) Go to \scripts\source\PM_08_01_00 and execute the orpm_px_rpt_src.sql script.

Private Database Logins for P6 EPPM

Private database logins are used primarily by administrators to gain direct access to a database. For example, the privileged user login that you use to access the P6 EPPM database is a private database login. You can add, modify, or delete existing logins using the Database Logins tool. This can also be accomplished using the Administration Configuration tool. P6 EPPM R8.1 includes an encryption algorithm that provides enhanced security for private database logins; however, the encryption algorithm is not automatically enforced when you manually configure or upgrade your database. If you manually configure or upgrade your database, Oracle recommends that you use this encryption algorithm. To do so, you must reset the private database login. See Resetting Private Database Passwords to Use the New Encryption Algorithm (on page 29) for instructions. If automatically installing or upgrading your database, no configuration is needed after the upgrade to use the encryption algorithm. User logins and passwords are not affected.

Related Topics
Resetting Private Database Passwords to Use the New Encryption Algorithm ........ 29

Resetting Private Database Passwords to Use the New Encryption Algorithm

To reset private database passwords to use the new encryption algorithm: 1) Run databaselogins.bat ( for Linux) from the Database folder of the P6 EPPM physical media or download. 2) On the Database Connection dialog box: a. Select the database, Oracle.


Manually Upgrading the P6 EPPM Database for Oracle b. Type the user name and password of a privileged database user (for example, privuser). This login should have administrative rights on the database. c. Enter the host address, host port, and instance name specific to your Oracle installation. The Port field displays the default port for the database type you selected. d. Click Next. 3) On the Private Database Logins dialog box: a. Select the private database user name that you wish to reset. b. Highlight the password, and change it (or simply re-enter the existing password). c. Click the Update Password button. d. To reverse a change, click Undo. Undo will reverse any changes made during the current session. e. Click Save. f. Click OK to exit the Database Logins tool.


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