Department of Management Studies Nabira Mahavidyalaya, Katol

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Department of Management Studies

Nabira Mahavidyalaya, Katol

Project Report On
“ Consumer preferences towards online and offline platforms for grocery shopping.”

Submitted To
Rashtrasant Tukdoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur
In the Partial Fulfilment for the Degree of Master of Business Administration

Submitted By
Shreya C. Vaishnav

Under the Guidance of

Dr .Atul Charde
Department of Management Studies
Nabira Mahavidyalaya, Katol


This is to Certify that Project Entitled “Consumer preferences towards online &
offline plateform for grocery shopping” Submitted by Shreya Vaishnav to Rashtrasant
Tukdoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur for the award of Master of Business
Administration is a bonafide research work carried out under my guidance and supervision.

Dr. Atul Charde Dr. S.K. Navin

Guide Principal
Department of Management Studies
Nabira Mahavidyalaya,


I hereby declare that the project entitled "Consumer preferences towards online & offline
plateform for grocery shopping.” any part this project has not been submitted earlier to any
institution or university for the award of any other diploma or degree, not the data has been
derived from any of the university. The sources of material and data usedin this study have
been duty acknowledge.

Date:15\04\2023 (Shreya C.Vaishnav)

Name of Student
Department of Management studies
Nabira Mahavidyalaya, Katol


I take an opportunity to acknowledge and extend my heartfelt gratitude to my guide and

the pivot this initiative. Dr. Atul Charde Department of Management Studies. Nabira
Mahavidyalaya Katol for his valuable guidance, encouragement and help for this work. His
useful suggestions for this whole work and co-operative behavior are gratefully acknowledge.

I am very thankful to. Dr. S.K. Navin Principal Department of Management Studies,
Nabira Mahavidyalaya, Katol and Dr. Hitesh Vaswani Head of Department for their support
and encouragement.

I am thankful to all the staff members of Department of Management Studies. for their
co-operation in my work.

I wish to thank one and all for the co-operation in completing this project.

(Shreya C.Vaishnav)






















5.3 CONCLUSION 27-28



Executive Summary
Shopping has changed as a result of the influence of technology with most people preferring online
shopping to the traditional physical store shopping. This trend took center stage in the past decade
with many retail giants integrating the two approaches to achieve maximum benefit. This research
aims to understand the comparison between online shopping & physical store shopping and consumer
behavior towards these modes of shopping. This paper identifies and discusses that male population
tend to shop more online shopping rather than physical shopping. For safety of payment more
preference is given to shopping malls related to physical shopping. People are slowly going for online
shopping but the majority mentality of people goes to physical shopping as it is having trust, feel and
touch of the product. In our research we have found out that FlipKart and Jabong are the major
players in the online retail and online shopping is here to stay and number of people favoring this
mode is growing day by day.

Many people are becoming more reliant on the Internet as a means of communication and education,
as well as a way to express themselves more freely. The obvious capabilities of the Internet include
the acquisition of data, the acquisition of goods, and the provision of services. It is now possible to
make purchases using Internet technology, rather of the more time-consuming traditional methods.
By eliminating the need for customers to physically collect information, offline shopping methods
allow them to make better use of their time. When comparing pricing, for example, a customer can
utilise the Internet to find and obtain useful information instead of actually visiting different locations
or relying on newspaper circulars .

The dawn of a new era in electronic technology has come with the rise of the Internet. Consumers can
now utilise the Internet for a wide range of purposes, including research, communication, online
banking, and even online purchasing in some instances. The Internet is rapidly replacing traditional
methods of communication and commerce because of its numerous advantages. There will be a need
for new technologi cal advancements to safeguard the security of online transactions as more and
more people use the Internet to buy, invest, make payments, as well as conduct online banking. Some
people are still reluctant to make purchases online because of the Internet's rapid growth. Some
clients are still unwilling to make the very same move as more firms establish an online presence, as
they find out as they expand their online presence

Instead, those non-participants may decide to abandon or complete the purchase offline. Therefore, it
is imperative for both online and offline businesses that are looking to expand into the internet market
to understand their consumers' impressions and the factors that influence their purchasing decisions
online as well as offline. A greater understanding of the factors that drive consumer decision-making
can help retailers and enterprises better serve their customers in any of shopping venues .

1. Introduction
“Consumer behavior is the study of individuals, groups, or organizations and the processes they use to
select, secure, and dispose of products, services, experiences, or ideas to satisfy needs and the impacts
that these processes have on the consumer and society.Shopping has changed as a result of the
influence of technology, with the advent of online shopping more options have been provided to the
consumers. This trend took centre stage in the past decade with many retail giants integrating the two
approaches to achieve maximum benefit. This research aims to understand the comparison between
online shopping& physical store shopping.
A critical understanding of consumer behaviour in the virtual environment, as in the physical world,
cannot be accomplished if the factors affecting the purchase decision are ignored or misunderstood.
For instance, online consumers’ concerns about lack of opportunity to examine products prior to
purchase are regarded as the specific factor affecting the buying decision.Internet is changing the way
consumers shop and buy goods and services, and has rapidly evolved into a global phenomenon.
Many companies have started using the Internet with the aim of cutting marketing costs, thereby
reducing the price of their products and services in order to stay ahead in highly competitive markets.

This study is expected to improve our understanding of online and physical consumer behaviour.
The topic "Consumer Preference towards online and offline platforms for grocery shopping" explores
the changing shopping behavior of consumers in the grocery market. The research aims to understand
the factors that influence consumers' preference for online and offline shopping platforms.

The study includes an analysis of various factors such as convenience, cost, trust, and product quality,
which impact consumers' purchasing decisions. It also discusses the advantages and disadvantages of
both online and offline shopping platforms for grocery shopping.

The research highlights that the Covid-19 pandemic has significantly impacted the shift towards
online grocery shopping, and it has become an essential channel for consumers. However, the
research also suggests that traditional brick-and-mortar stores still play a crucial role in the grocery
market, and consumers still prefer to shop offline for specific items.

Overall, the topic emphasizes the importance of understanding consumer behavior and preferences
towards online and offline platforms for grocery shopping, which can help retailers to cater to their
customers' needs effectively. The rise of e-commerce and digitalization has revolutionized the way
consumers shop for groceries.

With the convenience and flexibility of online grocery shopping, many consumers have turned to
digital platforms to purchase their groceries. However, traditional brick-and-mortar grocery stores
continue to remain popular among consumers who prefer to physically inspect and choose their
groceries.This has led to a debate on whether online or offline platforms are preferred for grocery

2. Conceptual Background & Literature review

Theoretical Background of the story

1. Retail mix :

Levi & Weitz (2001) states that retail is a business activity that adds value to products or services sold to
consumers for the family or the consumer itself. Retail management needs to build a retail mix that
accommodates the needs of the target market better than its competitors. Retail mix is a combination of retail
factors that meet consumer needs as the basis of consumer decisions to make purchases.

The elements of the retail mix consists of:

1. Consumer services:

According to Kotler (2000), service quality is the totality of the characteristic forms of goods and services that
demonstrate its ability to satisfy the needs of the customer, both visible and hidden. According to Zeithhaml,
Parasuraman & Berry (2011) to know the quality of service perceived significantly by consumers. There are
indicators of service quality that lies in the five dimensions of service quality, namely: tangible, reliability,
responsiveness, certainty , and empathy.

2. Product diversity :

Product diversity is a process of planning and controlling products in one group or number of product
groups that are in stock at a retail store. Kotler (1012) revealed that there are 4 indicators of product
diversity namely: variation of product brand, variation of product completeness, variation of product
size, and variation of product quality.

3. Price :

According to Engel, Blackwell & Miniard and Kotler (1996), price is one important factor for

consumers in making decisions to make transactions or not. There 5 indicators of price, namely:
affordable price, competitive price, compatibility price with quality, and information of a discount.

4. Promotion:

Promotion by Berman and Evans (2010) is an activity that influences perceptions, attitudes and
consumer behavior towards a retail store with all its offerings. There are 4 indicators of promotion,
namely: quantity of promotional activities, discount pricing, coupons with prizes, and discounts.

5. Store Atmosphere:

According to Levy and Weitz (2007), the atmosphere of a store refers to the design of an
environment through visual communication, lighting, color, music, and smell to stimulate consumer
perceptions and consumer emotional responses so as to influence their buying behavior. The store
atmosphere consists of 5 indicators, namely: exterior, interior, layout, security, and facilities.

2. Brand image:

Brand image is a collection of perceptions about a related interrelated brand that exists in the human
mind (Ouwersoot and Tudorica, 2001). According to Keller (2008), the brand image is a brand
perception represented by the brand associations that exist in human memory. Keller (2008) also
revealed that there are three dimensions of brand image: favorability of brand association, strength of
brand association, and uniqueness of brand association. While the indicator used to measure brand
image is indicator mentioned by Aaker (2010) which consist of 4 indicators namely recognition,
reputation, affinity, and domains.

3. Consumer Value Perceived:

Value according to Woo (1992) illustrates four common definitions. First, the value of the consumer
in life as the value of humanity and as living beings with one unified whole Second, the interpretation
of value that is collective and objective. Third, values isindividual and subjective. Fourth, value refers
to what is obtained from the activity of purchasing, consumption and disposition of products and
services. Zeithaml (1998), value is the result of consumer assessment of the whole product based on
perception of what is given and accepted. While Chen & Dubinsky (2003) define value as a basic
advantage that consumers get in return for the costs incurred to obtain the benefits expected by
consumers. 4. Desire to Buy Darden & Howell (1987), Gutman & Mills (1982) and Hawkins, Best &
Coney (1989), describe the buying desire as complex and multidimensional phenomena (such as
motives, needs, interests, economic conditions and social class) and dimensions market behavior
(choice of information sources, role models and store attributes). Babin, Darden & Griffin (1994)
define buying intentions as a comfort orientation that emphasizes value of useful spending, as task-
related, sensible, cautious and efficient.

Literature Review with reseach gap:

The method is comprised of five stages, each of which is analogous to stages often linked with
shopping behaviour. Most of the existing research on consumers' willingness to shop online and
offline has focused on determining the variables that influence this propensity. Male respondents are
more inclined to shop for technology related items online, while female respondents are more likely

to buy for clothing and accessories. Those above the age of 35 are less likely to make purchases from
internet merchants owing to a general lack of comfort with new technological

It was found that the desire of consumers to make the transition from traditional stores to online
marketplaces was moderated by gender. There is a positive and statistically significant correlation
between people's trust in online retailers and their propensity to avoid taking risks when making
purchases. It was determined that reliability was the single most influential factor when it came to
making online purchase .

One aspect that might influence a customer's decision to make the switch from traditional to online
purchasing is their perception of the inherent risks involved in making such a change. The delivery
cost affects how seriously one takes the danger. Privacy, the firm's reputation, and accurate product
information were found to be the three most important factors in a study of customers' opinions of

online buying. Repurchase intent is correlated with consumers' evaluations of the product's value and
One aspect that influences shoppers' decisions about whether or not to make the switch from in-store
to online shopping in Indonesia is the perceived difference in delivery time. Internet purchases may
be influenced by shoppers' reported levels of enjoyment. Cost considerations in making the transition
from traditional to online shopping might influence final purchases. Factors like ease of use
encourage online shopping. Researchers found that despite the convenience of online shopping,
consumers remain reluctant to make purchases from these sites.

After reading the relevant literature, we were able to identify a research gap, which assisted us in
defining the requirements, scope, and goals of the current study. It has been found that little study
work has been done on consumer buying behaviour towards online and offline shopping; nonetheless,
such work is required to be explored in view of increasing difficulties. The majority of research in
this field are connected to contexts other than as a result, there is a need to study shifting consumer
habits, behaviours, and patterns towards online and offline shopping. It would seem that just a few
studies have been conducted to evaluate the consumer buying behaviour towards online and offline
shopping .

3. Research Design

Statement of the Problem:

The statement of the problem for the topic "Consumer Preference towards online and offline
platforms for grocery shopping" is to understand the factors that influence consumers' preference
towards either online or offline platforms for grocery shopping. With the rise of e-commerce and
digitalization, online grocery shopping has become more prevalent, but traditional brick-and-mortar
grocery stores still remain popular among consumers. Thus, it is important to understand what factors
drive consumers' preferences towards each platform to enable retailers to provide an optimal shopping
experience and increase sales. Additionally, demographic and psychographic factors that affect
consumer preferences towards online and offline platforms for grocery shopping should be identified.

Need for the Study:

There are several reasons why the study of consumer preference towards online and offline platforms for
grocery shopping is important:

1. Increasing popularity of online grocery shopping: With the growth of e-commerce, online grocery shopping
has become increasingly popular. Understanding the factors that drive consumers towards online shopping can
help retailers to tailor their strategies to meet the evolving demands of customers.

2. Need for a seamless shopping experience: Retailers need to offer a seamless shopping experience that meets
the needs of customers. Identifying the factors that drive consumer preferences towards each platform can help
retailers to optimize their offerings and ensure that customers have a positive shopping experience.

3. Competition between online and offline retailers: With the increasing popularity of online grocery shopping,
traditional brick-and-mortar stores are facing increased competition. Understanding the factors that influence
consumer preferences towards each platform can help retailers to compete more effectively and retain

4. Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic: The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the adoption of online
grocery shopping as consumers seek to avoid physical stores. As such, understanding the factors that drive
consumer preferences towards each platform can help retailers to respond effectively to the changes in
consumer behavior brought about by the pandemic.

Overall, the study of consumer preference towards online and offline platforms for grocery shopping is
important for retailers to remain competitive, meet the changing demands of customers, and provide a positive
shopping experience.


The objectives of studying "Consumer Preference towards online and offline platforms for grocery shopping"

1. To understand the demographic and psychographic factors that affect consumer preferences towards online
and offline platforms for grocery shopping.

2 . To analyze the advantages and disadvantages of each platform in terms of convenience, accessibility,
product assortment, quality, price, and service quality.

3. To compare the shopping experience between online and offline platforms and identify the key drivers of
customer satisfaction.

4. To provide insights that can help retailers to optimize their offerings and enhance customer experience in
both online and offline platforms.

Scope of the studies:

The scope of the study "Consumer Preference towards online and offline platforms for grocery shopping"

1. The study will compare the shopping experience between online and offline platforms, including customer
satisfaction and loyalty.

2. The study will be conducted in a selected geographic area or country, and the findings may not be
generalizable to other regions or countries.

3. The study will consider the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on consumer preference towards online and
offline platforms for grocery shopping.

4. The study will provide recommendations for retailers on how to optimize their offerings and enhance
customer experience in both online and offline platforms.

Research Methodology:

The research methodology for studying "Consumer Preference towards online and offline platforms for
grocery shopping" may include the following steps:

1. Literature review: Conducting a comprehensive review of existing literature on consumer behavior, online
and offline grocery shopping, and factors that influence consumer preferences towards each platform.

2. Survey design: Designing a survey questionnaire to collect data from a representative sample of consumers
in the selected geographic area or country. The survey will include questions on consumer demographics,
shopping habits, and factors that influence their preference towards online or offline grocery shopping.

3. Sampling: Selecting a representative sample of consumers in the geographic area or country, ensuring that
the sample is diverse and includes consumers from different demographic groups.

4. Data collection: Conducting the survey through online or offline channels, such as email, social media, or
face-to-face interviews. The survey responses will be recorded and analyzed.

5. Data analysis: Analyzing the survey responses using statistical tools and techniques, such as regression
analysis, chi-square test, and factor analysis, to identify the factors that influence consumer preferences
towards online and offline grocery shopping.


1 H0: Advertisement mostly attracts shop offline

2 H0: Though there is trend of online shoping but some people still prefer to go offline for some

specific needs.

3 . 3 H0-: Selection of goods on internet is very broad as compared to the traditional market.


 For online Shopping:

One of the most annoying parts of online shopping is the time of delivery, you may experience some
delays as you have no control over the delivery process. There are several factors affecting the time of
delivery such as weather, damage, and more that lead to a delay. Since there is no salesperson nor the
actual product sample in front of you, the quality of the product is quite uncertain until it is handed
over to you. You will have to rely on the product details and reviews available on the site to make
sure you’re getting the best of what you desire. Another con is with cybercrimes increasing, you can
never really trust the internet fully. There are risks of credit card fraud and misuse. Lastly, online
shopping means more use of plastic packaging and gas, as this brings more convenience to you, it is
also bringing a negative impact on our environment.
 For Offline Shopping:

For the last part of the comparison of online and offline shopping, Offline shopping has its fair share
of cons too. Going from one shop or one aisle to another can be exhausting and time-consuming. You
could spend hours roaming around looking for something. There are also times, especially on payday
when malls and groceries get crowded that you can barely walk or navigate your cart. Imagine being
dragged along if you hate crowded places and less personal space. Lastly, the biggest drawback of
offline shopping is the lack of choices as physical stores have a limitation when it comes to the
variety of product choices. In simple words when it comes to a wide range of products and choices,
online shopping has an edge over offline shopping.
Wherever you are and whichever you prefer in shopping, either online or offline shopping, Vista
Residences has nearby and/or in-house All Day and All Home stores that gives their users both
onlineand offline shopping options! All Day Supermarket offers fresh essentials from food,
beverages, pharmacy, home wares, and even beauty products both online and offline. Their services
are availableon same-day grocery delivery with just one click!

Data Analysis &

Chart 1: Preference of the respondent for the shopping medium

Shopping Mode Percentage

Online Shopping Mode 73%
Offline Shopping Mode 27%

80% 73%



30% 27%



online shopping offline shopping

From the above graph it is clear that out of 50 respondent 73% respondent want to go for online
shopping as they find it more convenient and easier for them but 27% customer want to go through
the offline shopping because they are more comfortable in traditional market.

Chart 2. Type of advertisement mostly attracts shop offline

Type Of Advertisement Percentage

Discount Ads 23.00%
Sales Ads 36.00%
Festive Ads 38%
Others 3.00

Type Of Advertisement
40.00% 38%


25.00% 23.00%

Type Of Advertisement


5.00% 3.00%

Discounts Ads Sales Ads Festive Ads Other

There are various reasons why people are attracted to shop offline- most prominent reasons are
discounts ads, sales ads, festive ads and other miscellaneous ads attracts customers to shop
offline. India where festivals are regarded as most auspicious moments, ads play important role
in promoting offline shopping. festive ads plays the major role with 38% in attracting the
customers to go for offline shopping, followed by sales ads with 36% this type of ads are great
events to attract customers by showing ads to customers about sales for a limited period of time.
The discount ads which covers up 23 % comes next to sales ads in attracting customer for
offline shopping, While remaining 3% are other miscellaneous ads such as off season etc. Also
somewhat attracts people.

Chart 3.: Things you mostly prefer from offline shopping

Products Percentages

Clothes 60%

Electronic Items 20%

Footwear 12.70%

Others 7.30%




10% 7.30%

clothing electronic items footwear others

The clothing is the commodity which is mostly preferred for offline shopping i.e. about 60%,
customer like to feel the fabric of clothes, try it and like to see/try different types of clothing
that is why they purchase it from offline market/traditional shopping. The second commodity
which is most preferred for offline shopping is electronic items 20%, everyone wants to have
their hand on items which are in working good condition, the best way to do check the proper
functioning of electronic goods is to shop offline where you can use the gadget for trial and
24make sure that you don’t purchase malfunctioned items. Even footwear 12.70% is among the
list of the most preferred offline shopping items, sizes vary from customer to customer, so
people prefer to buy those footwear which fits them and they are comfortable with. Rest
7.30% are miscellaneous goods which people go for offline shopping such as groceries,
vegetables, consumer products etc.

Chart 4. Selection of goods on internet is very broad as compared to the traditional market?

Moves by Customers Percentages

Always 60.70%

Sometime 38.00%

Never 3.30%



40.00% 36%



alw sometime never

60.70% customers believe that online shopping you get more variety of goods as comparedto traditional shopping, which
in turn is less time consuming as you can explore many items/goods in just a click , while 36% customers think that the
online shopping doesn’t always give you variety of items to purchase , they still somewhat believe in traditional shopping.
Though online shopping has its own perks, but unavailability of internet connection causes the customers to go to
traditional shopping. 3.30 % customers never think that online shopping gives you more or better variety of product; they
still do traditional shopping in order to get the product.
From the above graph it is clear that out of 1 respondent 73% respondent want to go for online shopping as they find it
more convenient and easier for them but 27% customer want to go through the offline shopping because they are more
comfortable in traditional market.

4.Finding , Conclusion & Suggestions

Summary of Findings:

1 We have found that male population tend to shop more online shopping rather than physical shopping.

2 For safety of payment more preference is give to shopping malls related to physical shopping.

3 Flipkart is the best site used for online shopping as it gives more discounts and offers.

4 People are slowly going for online shopping but the majority mentality of people goes to physical shopping
as it is having trust, feel and touch of the product.

5 The choice of shopping differs from person to person, so it is difficult to determine the preference of
shopping with absolute certainty.

6 Online shopping has gained popularity recently as the people have been using this mode for less than a year.


Web based technologies upgrade creative conceptualization that improves the response from technology.
Internet environment has to improved in the area of art, dynamics and interactive techniques. This
improvement will give more visual appeal. One of the risks that the respondents have felt is no proper
returning policy to the product. Offline purchase products choosing the best products, and touch and feel good
one, but we buy only the pictures and videos available on the online shopping. Maybe we lose money if those
products are unfair. Online shopping, to develop the return option. Day to day lot of offers give the online
shoppers, lot of customer’s bur the products on online. It’s on the reason in developing the economy and
country. Quality as compare offline shopping better than online.


The customers had sufficient time visit the shopping centers, searching the various products, many customers
prefer the bargaining and decide the purchase after physical examinations of the commodities. The entire
process can change from a few hours to weeks depending the products, quality, quantity and source of
purchase. E - Commerce is exchange of information using net basedtechnologies. In current situation, E-
commerce can be used a competitive strategy. It successfully includes the entire online process of developing,
marketing, selling, delivering, servicing and paying for products and service. Online shopping is a growing
technology. If it is properly utilized wit assured safety and security for the transactions, it will thrive into a
highly competitive and dynamic environment. Salem city population is highly tech savvy, and the city is dotted
with the firms of many successful entrepreneurs. Many industries, hospitals, colleges in future, online shopping
is bound to grow in the big way, given the growing youth populations.
Online shopping is different from physical shopping since several aspects are absent. First-time online
shoppers may be hesitant. As people do it more, their hesitations diminish. The internet is a key commercial
resource, thus online shopping is important for both entrepreneurs and consumers. Most respondents are aware
of online shopping but don't shop online because they prefer offline shopping and don't like sharing personal
information. Online shopping is the future, but we must all learn how to buy securely and sensibly. This
research study has offered exact information about consumer buying behaviour towards online and offline
shopping, consumer preferences, risk perception, etc. which will be a vital contributor for retailers in the


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Annexure Questionnaire

1. Which mode for shopping you prefer most .

A. Online
B. Offline
C. Both
D. None

2. What kind Of Advertisement that attract you most.

A. Discount Ads
B. Sales Ads
C. Festive Ads
D. Other

3. Which Kind of product you still world like to buy offline.

A. Clothes
B. Electronic Items
C. Footwear’s
D. Other

4. Which kind of shopping gives you more variety.

A. Online
B. Offline


Date April 16, 2023

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Department of Management StudiesNabira

Mahavidyalaya, Katol

Project Report On

“ Consumer preferences towards online and offline platforms for grocery shopping.” Submitted To

Rashtrasant Tukdoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur

In the Partial Fulfilment for the Degree of Master of Business Administration(2022-


Submitted By Shreya

C. Vaishnav

Under the Guidance ofDr

.Atul Charde

Department of Management StudiesNabira

Mahavidyalaya, Katol CERTIFICATE

This is to Certify that Project Entitled “Consumer preferences towards online &

offline plateform for grocery shopping” Submitted by Shreya Vaishnav to Rashtrasant Tukdoji Maharaj

Nagpur University, Nagpur for the award of Master of Business Administration is a bonafide research

work carried out under my guidance and supervision.

Dr. Atul Charde Dr. S.K. NavinGuide


Department of Management StudiesNabira



I hereby declare that the project entitled "Consumer preferences towards online & offline plateform for

grocery shopping.” any part this project has not been submitted earlier to anyinstitution or university

for the award of any other diploma or degree, not the data has beenderived from any of the university.

The sources of material and data used in this study have been duty acknowledge.

Date:15\04\2023 (Shreya C.Vaishnav)Name of


Department of Management studiesNabira

Mahavidyalaya, Katol ACKNOWLEDGEMENT

I take an opportunity to acknowledge and extend my heartfelt gratitude to my guide and the pivot this

initiative. Dr. Atul Charde Department of Management Studies. Nabira Mahavidyalaya Katol for his

valuable guidance, encouragement and help for this work. His

usefulsuggestions for this whole work and co-operative behavior are gratefully acknowledge.I am very

thankful to. Dr. S.K. Navin Principal Department of Management Studies,

Nabira Mahavidyalaya, Katol and Dr. Hitesh Vaswani Head of Department for their supportand


I am thankful to all the staff members of Department of Management Studies. for theirco-

operation in my work.

I wish to thank one and all for the co-operation in completing this project.(Shreya




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