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What we kept where we are, I told you without proof, that with linear transformations, any linear
transformation scales, every object the, the same as every other object. Different linear transformations
do different, different trans scalings, but each sense linear transformation determines a scaling. It does
for every object. Okay? So the other thing we said is that the determinant is the scaling for that
transformation or then the matrix that determines that transformation, right? Okay. So that's what the
determinant is. It's the scaling factor, right? The other thing we said is, well, one way of getting the
scaling factor is to, to take something of length one or size, size one, and see what you get to and where
you get to, I is going to be the size of the determinant. The area's gonna be the area, the volume,
whatever it is, is it's the determinant.
Okay? We looked at that with lines and we took it the line from zero to one and where you get the
where that ends up is it gives you the determinant. Here. We're keep doing something, same idea, but in
the next dimension, we're taking a square whose vertices are 0, 0 1 0, sorry, is that 0 1 1 0 1 11. And
we're mapping it onto something and we want to know where the area of that something is. Now, we
talked about what that something is. It is a parallelogram now. So what we need to do is find the area of
that parallelogram, and it's the parallelogram that is zero zero. And where one zero gets put is AC and
then bd and then A plus B, C plus D. That's the parallelogram. I'll see it in a picture in a minute. And we
want to find the area of that, that parallelogram.
That's the determinant. Now, I spent a long time trying to do this and I and I did this using use using the
formula based time site. It's easiest, the easiest way to do it is to use a cross product. But the, but that's
seemed to me to be circular because you define this, the cross product is defined in terms of the, in
terms of the parallelogram and area. So it's, it's just, it just was seemed to be telling me no information.
So what I wanted to do was do this from fresh principles. So I looked at this just as a question of base
times height, which is probably what you'll find first. If you look up what's the area of parallelogram as
formula and in a rectangle, that's really easy, right? Cuz you have a right angle and it's quite clear what
the base height is.
Parallelogram not so easy cuz you can make one side the base, but then the height, to get the height,
you have to find a, a perpendicular to the base. And then you have to work out what the, that point is
and then what that the, the the, once you even know the point you can, you, you, you need to find out
what that length is and it's quite difficult. Now, in the notes, I'll do a special case of that and I will point
you in how you might do it yourself in, in, in algebraically, but the algebra's pretty hairy and I was
thinking this is not gonna work as a lecturer. And so I, I mentioned this to my brother, brilliant son. I
said, Hey, I want to prove this and I want to determine the determinate two dimensions, and I'm finding
it harder to find the area that parallelogram in a simple way.
And he said, well, yeah, you're doing it all wrong. You, you, and he's telling me that a lot. This is pretty
standard anyway. So Sid, what you wanna do is you just need to, you wanna look at shapes that are
difficult. You just wanna look at shapes with, with have a, an access on that, have a, that's just there,
there's there hide and, and, and and bases are parallel to a axis. Hmm. So I thought of it bit about what
he meant and I worked it out and it's brilliant, I think. So I'm very pleased with this. I'm very happy with
this and I'm, I'm very, and I'm thrilled with this idea and I'm, I'm very excited about giving you this
lecture. So let's get through it. And we're computing the area of the parallelogram and we're gonna use,
when I'm calling the Michelangelo or possibly the Michelangelo Sebastian method.
Sebastian, when I told them I was calling the Michelangelo said, Hey, I'm the one who came up with this,
okay, <laugh>. So here's, here's the re the parallelogram. I'm trying to find the area of right now. As I
said, the, in a way the obvious thing to do is to, to to to to make some, some, some, some kind of per
perpendicular and get a height on a base. But that really is pretty difficult. So we've, what we're coming
through is what I'm calling the Michelangelo method because of the following quotation from Michel
Angel. Michelangelos once asked, how do you com how do you sculpt a, an elephant? And he said, well,
quite easy. You take a big piece of granite, a marble, I guess marble really, you take a big piece of marble
and you just cut away the bits that don't look like an elephant.
Now this is often quoted as a very deep thing about the creative process. I says, suspect that what he
was really saying is off. I'm not telling you anything about how you've sculpt an elephant, but it's the, it's
it, it is what we're gonna do here because what we're gonna do is we're going to put the, put put our,
our parallelogram in a, in a big piece of marble and cut away the bits that aren't the parallelogram. So
here, here's my big piece of marble. It's very colorful and notice everything. My parallelogram is all the
stuff that is in colored. In fact, the way I drew this is I didn't draw a parallelogram. I drew all these other
shapes. You can see I didn't do it perfectly, but again, I spent quite a long time on this. This is not my
forte drawing shapes.
So, okay, now this, so what I'm going to say, what I'm saying here is all of these shapes are very easy to
find. The areas of, and the area of the parallelogram is what's left over from the area of the whole big
piece of marble when you've taken away all these chipped away, all this other bit. So the parallelogram
area is going to be the area of the big box minus the area of all these other things put together. So let's
get to it. What's area of the big box? Well, the big box is just the base is A plus B. The height is C plus D.
So the rectangle is just a base, I'm sorry, it's A plus B term C plus D. You do this a first, A plus C, outer A
plus B, a plus a times the A, a ac first outer ad, inner BC last bd.
And you, that, that's where you get that big box. That's easy. What about the blue box? And I'll, I'm not
as I, you can see that I'm do these the same color because they're the same, but I'm not assuming
they're the same. I gonna do both and you'll see they're both bc. So what about this one here? Well so
with the, the height of this box here is just the height of this point, which is C. The width of this box is C
plus is A plus B minus A, which is B. So it's B for the, for that, for for this, for this width and C times it's by
this height. So it's B C here. Similarly the width of this is just with the X coordinate. This point is B. The
height of this is C plus D minus the Y corner plus this point which is D.
So it's C, so it's BC again. Okay, what about the green triangle? Well this one's quite easy. It's just this
point is just the point, right? This is, no, you don't have to worry about anything else. So it's just the A
one half cuz that's the way you get the rec, right triangles one half and it's this X is A and this and this Y
is, or this base is all the spaces A and this height is C, so it's one half a C. Similarly here, a little bit more
complicatedly. The X bit is A plus B minus B is A and the Y bit is C plus D minus D is C. Okay, think, let me
just say that again. The expert is, I take this whole exp bit and I subtract.

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