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Chemical Hazard – an occupational hazard where potentially harmful chemicals are involved.
Chemical hazards are also chemicals that can cause destruction to anyone. It is not only found in workplaces
but in other places as well. It can be from chemical burns to accidental inhaling. Chemical hazards include
materials that are flammable, reactive, and corrosive. At work, you are likely to see chemicals such as cleaning
products, pesticides, and gasoline. So make sure to be trained and ready before using any chemicals.

Hazardous Chemicals – are substances that are dangerous to people, wildlife, and the environment at any
stage of their lifecycle, from production to use to disposal.

Characteristics of Hazardous Chemicals

1. They are persistent.

Hazardous chemicals stay in the environment for long periods of time and do not biodegrade or break down
easily. Because hazardous chemicals are slow to break down, they can remain in the soil, water, or ice for
many years after they have been banned. DDT, one (1) of the most notorious toxic pesticides, is still found
in the environment today, even though it was banned in many nations in the 70s and 80s.

2. They are bioaccumulative.

Hazardous chemicals can build up in the bodies of organisms over time, and they can be spread via the
food chain. For example, a factory may discharge perfluorinated compounds (PFCs), an extremely
persistent pollutant, into the river. The PFCs may then be absorbed by small fish and other aquatic
organisms. As they are eaten by bigger animals, the PFCs are passed on as well, moving up to the next
level of the food chain.

As the PFCs travel up the food chain, they become more concentrated – thus, the largest quantity of
chemicals are usually found in top-level predators such as polar bears or people. Numerous studies have
found PFCs throughout the food chain, from aquatic invertebrates, fish, and amphibians to large mammals
such as whales and polar bears. Polar bears especially face many health threats from hazardous
chemicals, not just PFCs.

3. They are toxic to organisms.

Hazardous chemicals have a range of toxic effects on animals and people. Depending on the type of
chemical, they can cause cancer, damage the nervous system, disrupt the reproductive system, or alter the
function of hormones, just to name a few negative effects.

4. Endocrine-disrupting chemicals.
A special group of hazardous chemicals is called endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs). Also known
as hormone disruptors, they are particularly harmful due to their ability to disrupt the proper function of
the body’s hormones. Hormones act as the body’s chemical messengers, passing along critical information.
The system of hormones is called the endocrine system, and it is crucial to the body’s healthy functioning.

Exposure to EDCs is the most dangerous for developing fetuses. The chemicals can impact – sometimes
severely – the development of the brain, nervous system, and reproductive system. EDC exposure in adults
has also been linked to various cancers, decreased sperm count, thyroid disease, lowered fertility, and

EDCs encompass many different kinds of hazardous chemicals, such as drugs, pesticides, industrial
pollutants, and persistent organic pollutants. Some examples include DDT, phthalates (plasticizers),
alkylphenols, bisphenol A, and some types of brominated fire retardants.


The Globally Harmonized System (GHS) was developed by the United Nations for international standardization

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of hazard classification and communication. The United States’ Occupational Safety and Health Administration
(OSHA) has adopted GHS. Since June 2015, all manufacturers are required to prepare labels and SDS,
according to GHS. Some manufacturers already comply with this regulation.
Chemical Hazard Classifications of the GHS
The Hazard Communication Standard (29CFR 1910.1200) requires all manufacturers or distributors of any
products containing chemicals to evaluate the chemical hazards of the product. The evaluation is performed by
classifying each chemical based on published toxicological or other data to determine its physical and health

The identified hazards have to be communicated on the container label and in documents called Safety Data
Sheets (SDS). Manufacturers and distributors are required to provide safety data sheets to their clients that
describe the results of the classification and all known hazards of a chemical.


The main health and physical hazards have to be indicated on the product label by using pictograms, signal
words, and standardized hazard statements. The pictograms are explained in the next paragraph. The signal
word "Danger" is used for severe hazards, and "Warning" is used for less severe hazards. Based on the
classification of the product, the hazards are described in standardized phrases called "hazard statements". For
example, a highly toxic chemical requires a statement "Fatal if inhaled or swallowed".


The GHS classification further divides health and physical hazards into separate classes such as toxicity,
irritation, sensitization, flammability, etc. The severity of the hazard within each class is described by the
category. Some classes have five (5) categories; other classes have only one (1) category. Category 1 or A
always represents the highest hazard within that class. The higher the category number, the lower the hazard.
The classes, their categories, and pictograms are as follows:
Hazard Type Pictogram Definition
• Causes poisoning depending on the mode
of exposure
• Has five (5) categories, but two (2) are
Category 1: Severe Toxicity
Category 2: High Toxicity
Category 3: Moderate Toxicity
• Causes severe skin damage, from burns to
cellular destruction, to complete organ
• Metal corrosion (a physical hazard) is
Corrosion / Irritation classified here as well
• Has three (3) categories, with two (2) being
Category 1: Severe Corrosive Property

• Causes respiratory or other organ

• Cancer-causing materials can also be
Sensitization classified as such
Mutagenicity – can cause heritable mutations
in human cells

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Carcinogenicity – can cause malignant

tumors to develop over time with enough
Reproductive Toxicity – debilitates
reproductive development and functions
Target Organ Toxicity – causes significant
health effects upon singular, or repetitive,
exposure that impairs organ function
(aspiration hazards are included)
• Chemicals that can cause adverse
environmental damage to the environment
Environmental in either short-term or long-term exposure
• Has four (4) categories, with two (2) being
• Chemicals capable of causing a sudden,
almost instantaneous release of pressure,
gas, and heat when subjected to sudden
shock, pressure, or high temperature
Explosive Material • Organic peroxides, be in liquid or solid that
contains the bivalent O=O structure are
also classified here
• Has one (1) category, with six (6)
• Chemicals capable of spontaneously
igniting depending on the material’s
• Organic peroxides are also classified here
• Classified as either flammable or
combustible depending on the material’s
Pyrophoric Liquid – a liquid that ignites within
five (5) minutes after contact with air
Flammable Material Self-heating Substance – a substance that
heats itself by reacting with air, which ignites
and combusts after a very long time
Self-reacting Substance – a thermally
unstable liquid or solid that can undergo an
exothermic decomposition without oxygen
Liquid-contact Flammable Substance – a
solid or liquid that gives off flammable gases in
dangerous quantities when brought in contact
with water
Classification Flash Point Boiling Point
Flammable Liquid
𝑇𝑓 < 100℉
Class IA
𝑇𝑓 < 73℉ (𝑇𝑓 < 37.78℃)
(𝑇𝑓 < 22.78℃) 𝑇𝑓 ≥ 100℉
Class IB
(𝑇𝑓 ≥ 37.78℃)

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100℉ < 𝑇𝑓 ≥ 73℉ 𝑇𝑓 > 100℉

Class IC
(37.78℃ < 𝑇𝑓 ≥ 22.78℃) (𝑇𝑓 > 37.78℃)
Combustible Liquid
140℉ < 𝑇𝑓 ≥ 100℉
Class II --
(60℃ < 𝑇𝑓 ≥ 37.78℃)
200℉ < 𝑇𝑓 ≥ 140℉
Class IIIA --
(93.33℃ < 𝑇𝑓 ≥ 60℃)
𝑇𝑓 ≥ 200℉
Class IIIB --
(𝑇𝑓 ≥ 93.33℃)
• Chemicals stored in pressurized
receptacles, at pressures not lower than
280 Pa at 20 ℃, or as a refrigerated liquid
Gases under Pressure • Some pressurized fluids are classified in
other hazards due to their nature once the
pressure or the temperature increases (in
one way or another)

• Chemicals that, in itself, may contribute to

Oxidizing Material the combustion – or explosion – of other

• Shows that adverse substance reactions
are reversible
• Lower categories and/or other minor
General Warning adverse effects of every other Hazard are
classified here
• Also shows that substances can also harm
the ozone layer

• Explosives • Skin Corrosion/Burns • Carcinogenicity

• Self-Reactives • Eye Damage • Mutagenicity
• Organic Peroxides • Metal Corrosion • Reproductive Toxicity
• Respiratory Sensitizer
• Target Organ Toxicity
• Aspiration Toxicity

• Aquatic Toxicity • Acute Toxicity (fatal) • Gases under Pressure

• Flammable • Oxidizers • Irritant (Skin and Eye)

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• Pyrophoric • Skin Sensitizer

• Self-Heating • Acute Toxicity
• Emits Flammable Gas • Narcotic Effect
• Self-Reactives • Respiratory Tract Irritant
• Organic Peroxides • Hazardous to Ozone Layer

Major Groups of Hazardous Chemicals in Australia

Currently, there are three (3) major groups of hazardous chemicals in Australia - dangerous goods, scheduled
drugs & poisons, hazardous substances, and chemicals of security concern.

Dangerous Goods
These are materials listed in the Australian Dangerous Goods Code or the state or territory dangerous goods
legislation. The term dangerous goods generally apply to chemicals and materials used in the industry that have
the potential to be a safety hazard. To some extent, the classification of a ‘dangerous good’ depends on its
quantity, since the major concern with ‘dangerous goods’ is the risk associated with their bulk transport and

There are nine (9) classes of dangerous goods, each with a characteristic class number and symbol. Some of
these classes are divided into divisions. The classes of dangerous goods can be considered to be listed in the
order from most hazardous to least hazardous. A chemical may belong to more than one (1) of these classes,
for example, glacial acetic acid is classed as both a flammable liquid and a corrosive substance.

Class 1 Explosives
Class 2 Gases - compressed, liquefied or dissolved under pressure.
Class 3 Flammable Liquids
Class 4 Flammable Solids, Substances liable to spontaneous combustion and Substances which
in contact with water emit flammable gases
Class 5 Oxidizing Agents and Organic Peroxides
Class 6 Toxic and Infectious Substances
Class 7 Radioactive Substances
Class 8 Corrosive Substances
Class 9 Miscellaneous Dangerous Goods

Classes of Dangerous Goods

Class 1 - Explosives
Explosives pose a major hazard because of the destruction of people and property
caused by their detonation. An explosive, on detonation, undergoes a rapid chemical
change with the production of a large gas volume relative to the volume of explosives.
It is this rapidly expanding pressure wave that produces the devastating destruction
characteristic of explosives. Explosives include explosive substances, pyrotechnic
substances, and explosive articles.

The explosive class of dangerous goods is divided into six (6) divisions. These sub-
classes do not include those explosives that are too hazardous to transport or
substances that are not intrinsically explosive but can form an explosive atmosphere of gas, vapor, or dust.

Division 1.1 Substances that have a mass explosion hazard.

Division 1.2 Substances and articles that have a projection hazard, but not a mass explosion hazard.
Division 1.3 Substances or articles that have a fire hazard and either a minor blast hazard or minor
projection hazard, or both, but not a mass explosion hazard.
Division 1.4 Substances and articles that present no significant hazard. The effect would be confined
to the package, and no projection of fragments of size or range is expected.
Division 1.5 Very insensitive substances that have a mass explosion hazard. These substances have
a low probability of initiation or of transition from burning to detonation under normal
conditions of transport.

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Division 1.6 Extremely insensitive articles that do not have a mass explosion hazard.

There are a number of potentially explosive chemicals that may be found in the laboratory, which are either
chemicals that are intrinsically explosive or may become explosive on deterioration. Intrinsically explosive
chemicals should NOT be used by staff or students (i.e., ordered, stored, handled or disposed of) unless expert
advice is received and appropriate practices are in place. Examples are as follows:
• SHOCK-SENSITIVE EXPLOSIVES – acetylides, azides, nitrogen triiodide (𝑁𝐼3 ), organic nitrates, nitro
compounds, perchlorate salts, organic peroxides
• SENSITIVE DRIED EXPLOSIVES – perchloric acid (if dried on wood or other combustibles), picric acid,
picrates, ethers

Class 2 - Gases
Gases pose a hazard because of their ability to diffuse over a large volume to exert a flammable, asphyxiating,
toxic, or oxidizing effect.
A gas is defined as a dangerous good if:
• at 50 ˚C has a vapor pressure greater than 300 kPa, or
• it is completely gaseous at 20 ˚C at standard pressure (101.3 kPa).
Gases can be stored compressed, liquefied, or dissolved under pressure. Dangerous goods, class 2 is divided
into four (4) sub-classes:

Division 2.1. Flammable gases

Examples of flammable gases are hydrogen, methane, acetylene

Division 2.2. Non-flammable, non-toxic gases

Examples of Division 2.2 gases are nitrogen, compressed air, helium, argon.

Division 2.3. Toxic gases.

Toxic gases include carbon monoxide, chlorine, phosgene.

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Division 2.4. Subsidiary Risk 5.1 (Oxidising Gases)

Two (2) oxidizing gases are oxygen and nitrous oxide.

Class 3 - Flammable Liquids

Flammable liquids are liquids that are capable of being ignited and burned. They may
also be mixtures of liquids containing solids in solution or suspension (e.g., paints).
Ignition of the flammable liquid and production of fire is a major hazard here. The
flammable liquids (Class 3) are considered higher risk than flammable solids (Class 4)
because of the:
• generally higher vapor pressure exhibited by liquid compounds; and the
• the ability of the liquid to flow under gravity and collect in low points or flow into
drains and waterways.

Flammable liquids are further divided into three (3) Packing Groups (PG) according to the degree of danger
they present.

Packing Degree of Flash Point (closed Initial Boiling

Group Danger cup)* Point
I High --- ≤ 35℃
II Medium < 23℃ > 35℃
III Low ≥ 23℃ to ≤ 60.5℃ > 35℃
Packing group allocation of flammable liquids
* Liquids that will ignite and burn with a flash point above 60.5 C are classified as combustible liquids.
Examples are diphosphane, metalorganics (e.g., aluminum, gallium, indium, zinc, cadmium), triethylborane,
tert-Butyllithium, diethylzinc, and triethylaluminum.
Class 4 - Flammable Solids
Class 4 dangerous goods are flammable solids, and their major hazard is their flammable nature.
Class 4 is divided into three divisions, and the substances within each division are assigned to packing group I
(highest danger), II (moderate danger), or III (minor danger).
Division 4.1 - Flammable solids
There are three (3) further sub-divisions of class 4.1, which are flammable solids, self-
reactive and related substances, and desensitized explosives.

Flammable solids are solids that, under conditions encountered in transport, are
readily combustible or may cause or contribute to fire through friction. They can also
be a powder or paste. An added danger can be from toxic combustion products (e.g.,
metal powders, naphthalene).

Self-reactive and related substances are substances that are liable to undergo a strong exothermic reaction
(e.g., aliphatic azo-compounds, organic azides).

Desensitized explosives are substances that may explode if not diluted sufficiently (e.g., ammonium picrate,
wetted; dinitrophenol, wetted; barium azide, wetted; nitrocellulose with alcohol).

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Division 4.2. Substances liable to spontaneous combustion

This division is comprised of substances that are liable to spontaneous heating under
normal conditions encountered in transport or heating up in contact with air, and being
able to catch fire due to such heating (e.g., white phosphorus).

Division 4.3. Substances that in contact with water emit flammable gases
These are substances that, by interaction with water, are liable to become
spontaneously flammable or to give off flammable gases in dangerous quantities (e.g.,
lithium, sodium metal, potassium, rubidium, caesium, francium, aluminum bromide,
calcium oxide, sulfur trioxide, and phosphorus pentachloride).

Class 5 - Oxidizing Substances and Organic Peroxides

Oxidizing substances and organic peroxide pose a hazard because of their ability to chemically oxidize matter,
including living tissue. Strong oxidizers can greatly enhance the flammability of material with the production of
heat, fire, and dangerous reaction products.

Class 5 dangerous goods are divided into two (2) divisions, with substances within each sub-class being
assigned to packing group I (great danger), II (moderate danger), or III (minor danger).

Division 5.1. Oxidizing Substances

Although these substances are not necessarily combustible, they may:
• readily liberate oxygen; or
• be the cause of, or contribute to the combustion of other materials.

Examples of oxidizing agents are hydrogen peroxide, copper chlorate, and fluorine.

Division 5.2. Organic Peroxides

Organic peroxides all contain the bivalent -O-O- (O22-) structure. They are thermally
unstable substances that may undergo exothermic, self-accelerating decomposition,
and most substances of this class are combustible. In addition, they may have one (1)
or more of the following properties - be liable to:
• explosive decomposition;
• burn rapidly;
• be sensitive to impact or friction;
• react dangerously with other materials; or
• cause damage to the eyes.
Examples of organic peroxides are dibenzoyl peroxide, peracetic acid, and perbenzoic acid.

Class 6 – Toxic and Infectious Substances

Class 6 dangerous goods are hazardous because of their chemical toxicity or biological infectivity to people,
animals, or the environment. The words "toxic" and "poisonous" are synonyms. Class 6 is divided into two (2)
divisions, with the substances in each division being assigned to packing group I (great danger), II (moderate
danger), or III (minor danger).

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Division 6.1. Toxic Substances

These are substances that, if swallowed, inhaled, come into contact with skin, are
liable to cause death, serious injury, or to harm human health. Examples are as
• NEUROTOXINS (nerves) – mercury (in metallic, organic, and inorganic forms),
xylene, carbon disulfide, n-hexane, trichloroethylene
• HEMATOTOXINS (blood) – carbon monoxide, nitrates, aromatic amine
• HEPATOTOXINS (liver) – chloroform, dinitrobenzene
• NEPHROTOXINS (kidney) – cadmium, mercury, carbon tetrachloride
• DERMATOTOXINS (skin) – organic solvents

Division 6.2. Infectious Substances

Infectious substances are materials known or reasonably expected to contain
pathogens. Pathogens are defined as microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses,
rickettsia, parasites, fungi, or are genetically modified microorganisms that are known,
or reasonably believed, to cause disease in humans or animals. Genetically Modified
Microorganisms which do not meet the criteria of an infectious substance should be
considered for classification in Class 9.

Class 7 - Radioactive Substances

Class 7 dangerous goods spontaneously emit ionizing radiation. For packaging and
transport requirements, this class is divided into three (3) categories:
• Category I - the maximum radiation level at the surface of the package does not
exceed five (5) Sieverts-per-hour (Sv/hr).
• Category II - the radiation level at the surface of the package is more than five (5)
Sv/hr, but the maximum does not exceed 500 Sv/hr.
• Category III - the radiation level at the surface of the package is more than 500
Sv/hr, but the maximum does not exceed 2000 Sv/hr.

Class 8 – Corrosives
Class 8 dangerous goods are corrosive substances that, by chemical action, will cause
severe damage when in contact with living tissue, or in the case of leakage, will
damage or destroy other materials.

Corrosive substances are assigned to packing group I (great danger), II (moderate

danger), or III (minor danger).

Class 9 - Miscellaneous Dangerous Goods

Class 9 dangerous goods are substances and articles that during transport present a
danger not covered in other classes. This class includes substances that are
transported or offered for transport at temperatures  100 ºC in a liquid state, or
temperatures  240 ºC in a solid state. Examples of Class 9 dangerous goods – dry
ice, strong magnets.

Class 9 dangerous goods are assigned to packing group I (great danger), II (moderate
danger), or III (minor danger).

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Comparison of Hazard Pictograms from the Classification Criteria and ADG Code Class Labels
Hazard Dangerous Goods class labels Dangerous goods
GHS Hazard
Pictograms (pictograms) classes
• Explosives Explosive
• Self-reactive
• Organic

• Flammables • Flammability
• Self-reactive (Liquid, Solid or

• Self-heating
• Pyrophoric
3 4 4
• Emits Flammable
• Emits flammable Gas
gas on contact
with water
4 2

• Oxidizers • Oxidizer
• Organic • Organic Peroxide
peroxides OXIDIZING
• Oxidizing gas
5.1 5.2 2

Gases under Non-toxic, non-

pressure flammable gas

Acute toxicity • Acute toxicity

• Acute Toxic gas
6 2

• Acute toxicity No equivalent

• Skin irritation
• Eye irritation
• Skin sensitizers

• Carcinogens No equivalent
• Respiratory
• Reproductive

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• Target organ
• Germ cell

• Eye corrosion Corrosive to

• Skin corrosion Metals
• Corrosive to CORROSIVE

metal 8

Aquatic toxicity Environmental


No Misc. Dangerous
equivalent Goods
pictogram GOODS

Not covered within the scope of Infectious

workplace hazardous chemicals

Not covered within the scope of Radioactive

workplace hazardous chemicals
CONTENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ACTIVITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

There are chemicals labeled as high-consequence dangerous goods, which are dangerous goods that are of
security concern due to their potential to cause mass casualties and/or destruction. Deep concentrations (i.e.,
at least above 45% concentration) of ammonium nitrate (𝑁𝐻4 𝑁𝑂3 ) and calcium ammonium nitrate
(𝐶𝑎(𝑁𝐻4 𝑁𝑂3 )) are examples.

The NFPA Diamond

The National Fire Prevention Association’s (NFPA) diamond of the United States Fire Department is designed
to give general hazard information for chemicals. The NFPA system is characterized by the "diamond shape"
that is actually a "square-on-point" shape. It identifies the hazards of a material and the degree of severity of
the health, flammability, and instability hazards. Hazard severity is indicated by a numerical rating that ranges
from zero (0), indicating a minimal hazard, to four (4) indicating a severe hazard. The hazards are arranged
spatially as follows: health at nine o'clock position, flammability at twelve o'clock position, and instability at three
(3) o'clock position. In addition to the spatial orientation that can be used to distinguish the hazards, they are
also color-coded as follows: blue for health, red for flammability, and yellow for instability.

RED: Flammability
The top diamond has a red background and lets people know whether the chemical being labeled is flammable.
Chemicals that cannot burn will have a zero in this diamond, and those that are extremely flammable will have

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a four. Most chemicals will have a rating somewhere in between. If a fireman responding to an emergency sees
that a chemical barrel has a flammability level above zero, they will immediately know they need to take
precautions to keep sparks, flames, or heat away from that chemical. The specific standards followed for the
ground-level state (i.e., zero [0]) is that the material will not burn while in the air and must be exposed to a
temperature of at least 1500 ℉ for five (5) minutes.
0 Will not burn, even in typical fire conditions
Must be preheated (𝑇𝐹 ≥ 200℉) before
ignition can occur
Must be heated or high ambient
temperature (200℉ < 𝑇𝐹 ≥ 100℉) to burn
Can be ignited under almost all ambient
temperatures (100℉ ≤ 𝑇𝐹 ≤ 73℉)
Will vaporize and readily burn at normal
temperatures (𝑇𝐹 < 73℉)

BLUE: Health Hazard

The small diamond on the left side of the larger
diamond has a blue background and is used to
alert people to health hazards. Health hazards can
include skin reactions, diseases such as cancer,
respiratory issues, or any number of other health-
related issues. The higher the number, the more
precautions someone should take when working
with the chemical, and the more protective
equipment needs to be used when dealing with an
0 No hazard
1 Can cause significant irritation
Can cause temporary incapacitation or
residual injury
3 Can cause serious or permanent injury
4 Can be lethal
YELLOW: Reactivity / Instability
The right diamond has a yellow background and lets people 0 Stable
know how unstable the chemical is. Instability refers to how Normally stable; high temperatures make it
easily the chemical can change or have some type of 1
reaction. Highly unstable chemicals can react from Violent chemical change at high
something as simple as being exposed to air or being 2
temperatures or pressures
shaken. This particular box on the label does not generally 3 May explode at high temperature or shock
provide any information about what causes the chemical to
May explode at normal temperatures and
be unstable. Emergency responders are required to look 4 pressures
further on the label to learn this, and if chemicals are really
unstable, responders should take extreme precaution to
avoid any type of reaction.

WHITE: Special Hazards, Precautions, and Non-standard Symbols

The white diamond, which is at the bottom, does not contain a number of the others because it does not list the
severity of a particular type of hazard. Instead, this diamond contains symbols that convey special precautions
or hazards that exist. There are also several “non-standard” symbols commonly used by facilities. While not
officially a part of the NFPA 704 system, it is a good idea to be aware of their existence because of their
widespread use.
W Indicates that the chemical has a strong reaction to water. This is an important warning to
firefighters and other emergency responders not to use water on or around this chemical.

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OX Indicates that the chemical will have a violent reaction if exposed to oxygen.
SA Simple Asphyxiate gases. These gases reduce or displace the oxygen in the area, which can
be extremely dangerous for people nearby, as they could suffocate from having no access to
COR Any corrosive chemical, including strong acids and bases
BIO Any chemical that presents a biological hazard (biohazard)

POI Any poisonous chemicals

RA Any radioactive chemicals

CRY Any cryogenic chemicals
CRYO A cryogenic substance can bring other substances to extremely low temperatures, at least
CYL −150℃


The substance shown here is a substance that violently

reacts with water, does not burn, is generally unstable,
and can cause serious to permanent injuries.

0 This substance is the NFPA classification for 𝑯𝟐 𝑺𝑶𝟒 ,

commonly called Sulfuric acid.

Sulfuric acid is generally unstable when subjected to high

3 2 temperature and pressure, undergoing a violent chemical

change. It can burn (called charring) any organic matter
through oxidation, but it does not create fire upon doing
so. When mixed with water, it dissolves, but it releases
heat in the process.

First Aid Kit
Minimum contents of laboratory first aid kits (may need to increase based on the number of lab staff):
• 1 absorbent compress (32 sq. in. with no side smaller than 4 in.)
• 16 adhesive bandages (1 x 3 in.)
• adhesive medical tape (total of 5 yd.)
• 10 individual-use antiseptic applications (wipes) (0.5 g each)
• 6 individual-use burn treatment applications (dressing) (0.5 g each)
• 2 pairs of medical exam gloves
• 4 sterile pads (3 x 3 in.)
• 1 triangular bandage (40 x 40 x 56 in.)

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Chemical First Aid

There are hazards out there that are quite specific to the chemical industry. Chemical companies put strict
measures in place to prevent exposure to toxic substances. Most standard sources recommend that water
rinsing/flushing following skin or eye contact with a chemical should continue for 15 or 20 minutes. However, all
chemicals do not cause the same degree of effects (some are non-irritant, while others can cause severe
corrosive injury). At present, there is insufficient scientific evidence available to address the question of how
long flushing should continue properly. However, it makes sense to tailor the duration of flushing to the known
effects of the chemical or product, as follows:

• Remove contaminated clothing.
• Flush skin with water for at least 10 minutes, depending on the irritant:
o Five (5) minutes for non-irritant or mild irritants;
o 15-20 minutes for moderate to severe irritants and chemicals that cause acute toxicity if
absorbed through the skin;
o 30 minutes for most corrosives; or
o One (1) hour for strong alkalis (e.g., sodium, potassium, or calcium hydroxide).
• Seek medical treatment.

• Flush the eyes with water for several minutes.
• After the eyes have been rinsed, ask the affected to close both eyes, and cover the eyes with a
clean cloth.
• Seek medical treatment.


• Move the affected person to a safe area.
• Apply CPR if breathing has stopped.
• Send for immediate medical help.

• Wash mouth with water.
• Do not induce vomiting unless required.
• Call 911** or send the affected person to the nearest hospital.


Unless the SDS indicates otherwise, flush the injured area with gently running water for at least 15
minutes. If the larger area, immerse the burned area in cold water or apply ice packs to the affected
area. If available, wrap the burn with Water Jel or place burn gel on the burn. Do not apply butter, oil,
or cream to a burn. Cover the burned area with a clean cloth. Seek medical attention. Treat the
employee for shock, if necessary. Remember, before handling a chemical, your employees need to
read the SDS sheet of each chemical to beware of the particular first aid procedures. In all cases, when
a patient is transported to the hospital, give the SDS sheet of contaminating chemicals to medical

** Note: The Philippine Emergency hotline was originally 117. Due to the proclamation of
President Rodrigo Duterte, 117 was replaced by 911, taking effectivity on August 1, 2016.

Oxygen Administration
In the past, emergency oxygen was commonly recommended as a first-aid procedure for almost any chemical
inhalation exposure. Later, concern was expressed that the administration of oxygen itself may be harmful if
carried out improperly or in the wrong circumstances. In particular, there was concern that administering oxygen
to people with chronic obstructive lung diseases, such as chronic bronchitis or emphysema, could cause the
person to stop breathing. However, recent reviews have concluded that, during an emergency, the lack of
oxygen is the most critical issue and there should be little concern over worsening the condition of people

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with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

The presence of oxygen cylinders in the workplace can introduce additional hazards. For example, since oxygen
supports combustion, the presence of oxygen cylinders could contribute to a fire hazard in the workplace. Also,
since oxygen is stored under high pressure, the cylinder can behave like a missile if the valve breaks or the tank
is punctured. Therefore, the risks and benefits of storing and maintaining an emergency oxygen supply in the
workplace must be weighed.

There are some situations where the benefits of emergency oxygen outweigh the potential risks associated with
maintaining and storing oxygen cylinders in the workplace. Emergency oxygen may be beneficial following
exposure to chemicals that interfere with the body getting the necessary levels of oxygen to sustain life and
health, including chemicals that:

• Displace oxygen in the air, reducing the amount of oxygen available for breathing (e.g., helium, argon,
methane, carbon dioxide or nitrogen);
• Reduce the ability of blood to transport oxygen [e.g., carbon monoxide poisoning, or
methemoglobinemia (presence of an oxidized form of hemoglobin in the blood that does not transport
• Compromise the use of oxygen by body tissue, as with cyanide or hydrogen sulfide toxicity;
• Interfere with the ability of oxygen to cross through the lungs to the bloodstream, as occurs with
pulmonary edema, a potentially fatal accumulation of fluid in the lungs. Ammonia, phosgene,
and chlorine are examples of chemicals that can cause pulmonary edema; and
• Provoke a severe asthma attack (e.g., toluene diisocyanate).

Additional training of first aid providers is required since basic first aid training courses do not include oxygen
administration. First aid providers must be familiar with the laws that govern the use of oxygen administration in
their workplace.

Vomit Inducement
Vomiting should NOT be induced following the ingestion of a chemical in an occupational setting unless advised
by a Poison Centre or doctor. Some of the arguments against inducing vomiting are:

• The amount of chemical accidentally ingested by an adult is generally estimated to be very small (14-
21 mL or about 0.5-0.75 oz);
• There is no conclusive evidence that people who swallow a chemical and who do have their stomachs
emptied have more successful outcomes than people who do not;
• There can be significant risks associated with inducing vomiting especially in emergencies;
• There does not seem to be a reliable and safe first-aid procedure for inducing vomiting in adults; and
• Medical attention is usually available quite quickly in most situations.

In the event of chemical ingestion, the best course of action is to call your local Poison Control Centre or a
doctor and follow their advice. They will ask you specific questions, such as the name of the product swallowed,
the amount swallowed, and the condition of the person who swallowed the chemical. This information will assist
them in determining the best course of action.

Milk as an Acid Neutralizer

Much of what we know about the benefits of diluting an ingested chemical with water or milk is based on in
vitro (test tube) and ex vivo (using harvested rat esophagi) studies. Based on their evaluation of the evidence
for dilution with milk or water, the American Heart Association and American Red Cross recommend that people
should not take anything by mouth for an ingested poison unless specifically told to do so by a doctor or the
Poison Control Center.

It is a common misperception that antidotes are available for most chemical poisonings. True antidotes are the
exception rather than the rule. Activated charcoal is sometimes considered to be an antidote. Activated charcoal

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works by binding the chemical in the stomach so it cannot be absorbed through the stomach. According to the
American Academy of Clinical Toxicology and the European Association of Poisons Centers, "the administration
of activated charcoal may be considered if a patient has ingested a potentially toxic amount of a poison (which
is known to be adsorbed to charcoal) up to 1 hour previously...".

In general, the administration of activated charcoal is NOT considered a first-aid procedure. Activated charcoal
may be administered in the emergency department or under medical supervision.

Some chemical classes do have true antidotes - cyanides and organophosphate pesticides are good examples.
You can determine which chemicals used in your workplace have antidotes by consulting with a doctor with
certification in medical toxicology or occupational medicine, or the manufacturer/supplier of your product. These
specialists can advise you on situations where it may be appropriate to store an antidote onsite. Special training
of first aid providers will be required. In some cases, it may be appropriate to request your local hospital to stock
an antidote that must be administered by a medical professional.

Proper First Aid Procedures for Chemical Incidents

In order to know what first aid procedures to follow, you must know what chemicals are present in your
workplace. Consult your chemical inventory and the First aid measures section on the Safety Data Sheets
(SDSs) for those products. Create a list of chemicals, their properties, and their corresponding first aid
requirements. Be sure that the emergency first aid providers in your workplace have the appropriate training
and authority (if necessary) to respond to the effects of chemicals used in your workplace.

Finally, make sure your local hospital is aware of any chemicals on your site that may require special first aid
procedures, antidotes, or medical follow-up.

• To prevent accidents caused by overreaching, do not store chemicals on shelves higher than 1.5 meters
(from floor level).
• Fix the shelf to the wall to prevent its fall.
• Store heavier or larger bottles on lower racks.
• Store flammable chemicals in approved safety cabinets.
• There must be a fixed storage place for each chemical, and the same must be returned to that location
after each use.
• Toxic or odoriferous chemicals must be stored in a ventilated cabinet.
• Chemicals must not be exposed to heat or direct sunlight.
• Heat and sunlight can degrade chemicals and deteriorate storage containers and labels.
• Chemicals must not be stored at locations where they can be knocked over.
• Rim guards must be fixed on the edge of shelves to prevent bottles from falling.
• Flammable chemicals must not be stored on benchtops.
• After use, chemicals must be immediately removed to a safety cabinet.
• Flammable solvents must not be left open in containers or beakers.
• Flammable substances must be stored and handled away from sources of ignition and oxidizers.
• Flammable chemicals must not be stored in domestic refrigerators.
• Vapors can leak out from the bottles and form a flammable vapor-air mixture.
• The bulb or thermostat can be a source of ignition.
• Flammable chemicals must be stored only in intrinsically safe lab purpose refrigerators.
• Chemicals must not be stored in drinking water bottles.

American Chemical Society. (2001). Chemical safety for teachers and their supervisors. Retrieved from
Australian National University. (2011). Classification of hazardous chemicals. Retrieved from

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CAMEO Chemicals. (n.d.). Sulfuric acid. Retrieved from https://cameochemicals.noaa.gov/chemical/5193

Canadian Center for Occupational Health and Safety. (2017). OSH answer fact sheets. Retrieved from
Center for Disease Control and Prevention. (n.d.). The national institute for occupational safety and health
(NIOSH). Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/chemicals/default.html
Chemical Hazards. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://workhazards.weebly.com/chemical-hazards.html
Cornell University (2017). Chapter 8 – chemical hazards. Retrieved from https://sp.ehs.cornell.edu/lab-
Creative Safety Supply. (2016). Understanding the NFPA labeling system. Retrieved from
Division of Research and Safety. (2016). Chemical hazard classification (GHS). Retrieved from
Greenpeace. (2012). What are hazardous chemicals? Retrieved from
Henderson State University. (n.d.). (1)NFPA hazard ratings. Retrieved from
IIT Bombay. (n.d.). Chemical safety. Retrieved from
Kemsley, J. (2013). Defining chemical safety, health, hygiene, and security. Retrieved from
University of South Carolina. (n.d.). Minimum contents of laboratory first-aid kits. Retrieved from
World Health Organization. (2018). Chemical hazards. Retrieved from

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