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Name: Allen Miguel Y.

Section: BSCpE 202
Subject: Purposive Communication
Date: March 2, 2022

Checkpoint 03

What type of communication is appropriate for each of the situations? Then,

justify your answer

Situation 1

Mr. Fukuda works as a train traffic controller in one of the busiest railways in
Japan. One (1) afternoon, he noticed that Train A should slow down immediately
and change its track to avoid collision with Train B. He tried to radio the train
operator but all he got was static noise.

Answer: In this situation, Mr. Fukuda used the radio to communicate where we
needed to speech or speak to be heard from the other side. As an alternative
way in this scenario, I suggest to use hand sign. A non-verbal communication, a
type of communication using body language; or text message, type of written
communication, to inform the operator.

Situation 2

Melvin, after waiting for more than a year, decided to man-up and profess his
feelings to Nicole. He is baffled on how he will say it to her.

Answer: I suggest to Melvin try to wrote a love letter to express his feelings for
Nicole. Love letter is a kind of written type of communication, the way we
communicate to others or a person through emails, letters, text, or chats.

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