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What to know about having a thin penis

Average girth
Does size matter?
Sex tips
Enlargement techniques
Many people report dissatisfaction with either the length or size of their penis. Those with a thin penis
may worry that they cannot fully stimulate their partners. However, there are many more important
factors than penis size for sexual satisfaction.

People who feel anxious about penis size should consider that size may not be as relevant as they think.
Research shows that size is just one of many factors that affect sexual satisfaction.

Even when a thin penis does affect sexual performance, there are still options to have a fulfilling sex life.

In this article, we explore average penis girth, whether it affects sexual satisfaction, sex tips for more
pleasure, and penis enlargement methods.

Average girth
The size of a person’s penis does not usually affect their ability to stimulate a partner.
It is difficult to establish an average penis girth, because studies measure penis thickness differently.
Some papers look at erect penises and measure the penis across, while others look at only flaccid
penises, and measure the circumference.

According to a 2014 study, the average circumference of an erect penis is 12.2 centimeters (cm), or 4.8
inches. While the study relied on the men’s own measurements, these sizes are consistent with prior

Most people experience significant increases in size and thickness when they have an erection. Those
who worry they have a thin penis when it is flaccid, could have erect penises of average or above-
average thickness.

A 2012 study of men who had an experimental technique to thicken their penises had an average
circumference of 10.8 cm during an erection, and 8.1 cm when flaccid. As these men wanted
augmentation surgery, they perhaps represent a group who felt they had low penile girth.
Learn more about the average penis size.

Does size matter?

Whether size matters is an individual question. There is no definitive answer that can apply to every

A person’s penis size may matter if they:

find it difficult to have penetrative intercourse

cannot provide adequate stimulation to their partner
cannot penetrate their partner
make penetration painful or causes injuries
Most research suggests that beyond these cases, most people do not care about size.

For example, a 2006 study of heterosexual couples reports that 85% of women expressed satisfaction
with their partner’s size. This is despite 55% of men who say they were satisfied with their penis size.

A 2016 paper emphasizes that women do not report size is the most important part of sexual
satisfaction. Clitoral stimulation is critical to many women’s ability to orgasm, which suggests that sexual
skill—not size—is more important for female satisfaction.

A 2015 studyTrusted Source suggests that women do not have a preference for a large penis. Instead,
they prefer an average size penis for a long-term partner.

Researchers have not conducted as much research with men who have sex with other men.

A survey of more than 550 men who have sex with men by the Gay Men’s Health Project found that 49%
think size does not matter. However, 37% said size does matter. The survey also found that 51% said size
affected the kind of sex they had.

A 2014 study highlights that men with different penis sizes reported feeling shameful about their size.
Their size did not correlate with shame, which suggests even people with large or thick penises might
say they have size anxiety.

Penile dysmorphic disorder is a psychiatric condition where the size or shape of a man’s penis becomes
a focus of shame. This condition can occur independently of the penis size or appearance relative to
Sex tips to increase pleasure
Several strategies can help men who worry they have thin penises. Tips and suggestions include:

considering that their sexual partners may not care about penis size
knowing that penis thickness anxiety does not necessarily mean a person has a thin penis
focusing on other ways to please a partner, such as clitoral or penis stimulation
prioritizing oral sex
considering anal sex
experimenting with sex toys in foreplay and sex
practicing open communication with sex partners
sharing concerns about penis size with a partner, who may offer assurances
experimenting with different sex positions, such as entering a partner from behind
using furniture, pillows, or other props to try different ways of entering a partner
trying positions that keep a partner’s legs together, such as entering them from the side or behind,
which makes it feel like the penis is thicker.
Learn more about how men can improve their sexual performance.

Enlargement techniques
A person may wish to try exercises to stretch the penis. However, these techniques normally focus on
length rather than girth.

While these methods are generally inexpensive and low-risk, the Urology Care Foundation suggest they
are generally ineffective.

Learn more about penis stretching.

There are medical procedures available that may help enlarge the penisTrusted Source. For example, a
doctor may inject fat into the penis, or apply biodegradable frames that can temporarily increase penis

A 2012 study suggests fat injections could increase penis thickness by around 2 cm.

However, the American Urological Association do not recommend penis enlargement procedures, due
to the lack of scientific evidence in their effectiveness and safety.
Penile surgery also carries risks. Augmentation procedures could cause erectile dysfunction or damage
to the penis.

Learn more about penis enlargement methods.

Penis size anxiety is common. However, most people who have concerns about their penis shape or size
usually fall within normal ranges.

In many cases, a person’s partner may not care about their size. Anxiety, not size, may be the main
problem in these situations.

Open communication, support from a sex therapist, and a willingness to experiment can all make sex
more pleasurable, regardless of either partner’s size or shape.

There is limited evidence to suggest that enlargement methods are effective, and many come with
serious risksTrusted Source. Anyone who has concerns about the appearance or function of their penis
should speak to a doctor.

Accurate at-home STD test with treatment included
Get the same STD laboratory tests used by doctors or clinics, delivered to you. Receive online results in
2–5 days, with medication sent to you at no extra cost. Get free shipping and 25% off today.

Last medically reviewed on July 20, 2020

Men's HealthSexual Health / STDs

13 sourcescollapsed
When does the penis start and stop growing?
Medically reviewed by Meredith Goodwin, MD, FAAFP — Written by Jayne Leonard — Updated on June
15, 2022
Average size
Growth factors
Is further growth possible?
Common penis size myths
What is a micropenis?
Speaking with a doctor
During puberty, the penis will grow in both length and girth. Once puberty ends, there is unlikely to be
any further penile growth. However, some individuals may experience penis growth into their early 20s.

Christoph Hetzmannseder/Getty Images

Many people have concerns about the size of their penis at some point. However, research shows that
most have a penis size within typical ranges.

Studies also indicate that most people are happy with the length of their partner’s penis.

In this article, learn about penile growth during puberty, the average penis size, and the truth behind
some of the most common penis size myths.

Sex and gender exist on spectrums. This article will use the terms “male,” “female,” or both to refer to
sex assigned at birth. Click here to learn more.

Penis growth timeline

For males, puberty occurs on average between the ages of 9 and 14Trusted Source and usually lasts for
3–4 years.

During this time, the penis will get longer and thicker. The rate at which growth occurs varies from one
person to another.
Other changes that affect the penis and genitals during puberty include:

testicle growth
thinning and reddening of the scrotum
pubic hair growth around the penis
nocturnal emissions of semen, or “wet dreams“
more frequent erections and ejaculation
Average penis size
ResearchTrusted Source on 15,521 men worldwide reported that the average penis length is 3.61 inches
(in) or 9.16 centimeters (cm) when flaccid and 5.16 in (13.12 cm) when erect.

Additionally, the average girth, or circumference, is 3.67 in (9.31 cm) when flaccid and 4.59 in (11.66 cm)
when erect.

Studies show that most males who believe they have a short penis overestimate the average penis
length. Many people commonly estimate the length of their penis to be at least 6 in. However, in a
review of 21 studies in which researchers had measured the penis when erect, researchers found the
average length to be 5.1 to 5.5 in.Trusted Source

Factors that affect growth

A few different factors may play a role in determining the size of a person’s penis. Genetics may
predispose someone to a particular penis size. The level of testosterone in the body can also influence it.

Additionally, researchTrusted Source indicates that exposure to certain chemicals in the womb may
affect how genes and hormones manifest in the body, which can also affect penis size.

Similarly, not getting adequate nutrition in the womb can influence penile development.

In adulthood, having excess weight can make the penis look smaller, as can having a lot of public hair.

Learn more about factors that may affect penis size.

Increasing size
There are many products — including devices, pills, and creams — that claim to increase penis length
and girth. The internet also holds many claims that stretching exercises may have similar effects.
However, according to the Urology Care Foundation, almost none are effective. That said, there is some
limited scientific researchTrusted Source to suggest that penile extenders may increase length but not

For observable results, it may be necessary to use these devices for several hours per day over 3–6
months. Note that the studies showing benefits face criticismTrusted Source in terms of small sample
size and selection bias.

Instead of using unproven devices and techniques, some people may benefit from improving their self-
esteem and body confidence by seeking counseling and exercising as much as possible.

However, there are also a few tricks that individuals can try to make the penis appear bigger. These
include maintaining a moderate weightTrusted Source and trimming back pubic hair.

Common penis size myths

There are a number of myths about penis size and shape, and these can cause unnecessary stress and
feelings of inadequacy in people of all ages. The following are among the most common myths:

1. Shoe size correlates to penis size

There is a common belief that a male’s foot or hand size indicates the size of their penis. This is simply
untrue. There is no link between the size of the penis and that of another body part.

2. The size of a flaccid penis indicates its size when erect

There is no link between the size of a penis when flaccid and erect. The length of a flaccid penis varies
greatlyTrusted Source from person to person, and many factors can influence it, includingTrusted Source
room temperature.

3. Most people want their partner’s penis to be bigger

Many people seem to believe that their partner would like it if their penis were larger. However,
research seems to indicate that this is not the case.

One older study from 2006, for example, reports that only 55% of men were happy with their penis size,
while 85% of women expressed satisfaction with the size of their partner’s penis. No newer data
appears to be available. More research is necessary to understand the current preferences of partners.

4. A longer penis increases sexual satisfaction

Another concern for some males is that a longer penis increases sexual pleasure for one or both
partners. However, one study from 2015Trusted Source suggests that at least some females rate girth as
more important than length for satisfaction.
It is also important to note that several other factorsTrusted Source play a role in sexual satisfaction,
including individual-, partner-, and relationship-related factors.

For example, researchTrusted Source indicates that the level of arousal and previous ejaculation can
also play a role. Certain factors, such as the degree of communication with one’s partner and personal
life circumstances, can also play a roleTrusted Source in sexual satisfaction. This means that sexual
satisfaction is multifaceted and cannot be entirely dependent on penile size.

What is a micropenis?
A micropenis is a very small but typically structured penis. It results from either hormonal or genetic

Doctors usually diagnose this rare condition when the penis measures 2.5 standard deviationsTrusted
Source below the average stretched length.

Although there is no cure, hormone therapy may stimulate growth in children with a micropenis.
Surgery is another option, and early diagnosis and treatment tend to provide the best outlook.

It is important to remember that micropenis is very rare, occurring in 1.5 per 10,000 male
newbornsTrusted Source in North America.

Learn more about micropenis.

When to speak with a doctor

People who have concerns about the appearance of their penis or how it works can speak with a doctor.

A doctor can provide support and reassurance about penis size and shape. They can also investigate any
health issues that may be affecting the size or appearance of the penis, provide a diagnosis, and put
together a treatment plan.

For example, a person can have a disorder that causesTrusted Source the penis to bend or curve, such as
Peyronie disease.

Parents and caregivers who suspect their child has a micropenis should consult a doctor. Early treatment
often provides the best outcome.

Frequently asked questions

The following are common answers to questions about penile growth:

How many inches can a penis grow?

In rare cases, a person’s penis can grow much larger. According to an article, at least one person
reportedly has a 13.5-in penisTrusted Source. However, this is not a typical size. The average penis
length is 5.1 to 5.5 in.Trusted Source

How long does the penis keep growing?

Once puberty ends, the penis will stop growing. This typically occurs when a person reaches around 18
years of age.

Does circumcision affect penis size?

Circumcision should not affect penis size if the practitioner performs the procedure correctly. There are
only a fewTrusted Source studies indicating a possible relationship betweenTrusted Source circumcision
and lower penis length. However, the researchers may have looked at a population where circumcision
is not common and did not clearly account for all controls. Alternatively, they may have used a small
sample size.

Many people worry about the appearance of their penis at some point in their lives. Common myths
often fuel these concerns. Knowing the facts about average penis size can help individuals become more
confident about their bodies.

As research seems to suggest, most males overestimate the average penis size. Studies also indicate that
most females are happy with the size of their partner’s penis.

Those with persistent concerns about their penis size may benefit from seeing a doctor or mental health
professional for support and guidance.

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Get the same STD laboratory tests used by doctors or clinics, delivered to you. Receive online results in
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Last medically reviewed on June 15, 2022

Men's Health
17 sourcescollapsed
Masturbation and penis size: What's the link?
Medically reviewed by Debra Sullivan, Ph.D., MSN, R.N., CNE, COI — Written by Aaron Kandola on
January 3, 2020
Masturbation and penis size
Factors affecting size
Common myths
Penis size can cause concern in some people. Having a small penis might affect a person’s self-
confidence and lead to feelings of anxiety. One of the many myths surrounding masturbation is the idea
that it can make a person’s penis bigger or smaller.

However, these myths can worsen anxiety in people who already have issues with the size of their penis.
Several other myths suggest masturbation can lead to adverse effects on different aspects of health.

Keep reading to learn more about the relationship between masturbation and penis size, other factors
that may affect penis size, and the myths about masturbation.

Does masturbation make the penis bigger or smaller?

A person’s penis size is mainly determined by genetics.
There is no scientific evidence that masturbation has any permanent effect on penis size. Masturbation
does lead to an erection that increases the size of the penis, but this is only temporary. The penis will
return to normal size after ejaculation.

Penis size is mostly a result of genetic influences. The penis grows throughout puberty and sometimes
for a few years after. For most, the penis will stop growing around the ages of 18 or 19.
Learn more about when the penis stops and starts growing here.

Testosterone is an essential hormone for sexual functioning and development. During puberty,
testosterone levels increase and may contribute towards penis growth.

Testosterone levels also vary during masturbation. However, these changes are minimal and have no
long-term impact. Testosterone levels return to normal soon after ejaculation.

As both penis growth and masturbation have an association with testosterone levels, this could explain
the misconception that masturbation affects penis size. But that is all it is — a myth and misconception.

What factors could affect penis size?

Many companies sell lotions, ointments, and other products to increase penis size. However, there is
little evidence supporting these products.

A review in 2019 assessed 21 different methods to increase penis size in over 1,000 men. The study
included both surgical and non-surgical options. They found that there was little high-quality evidence
proving that these methods worked.

Penis surgery can extend the length or girth of the penis. This typically involves taking fat or other
tissues from different parts of the body and inserting them into the penis. The results of these surgeries
vary and can lead to complications, such as sexual dysfunction.

Read more about penis enlargement surgery here.

While it is difficult to increase penis size, it may be possible to make the penis appear larger by:

losing weight
shaving pubic hair
maintaining good physical fitness
Some factors can cause the penis to shrink in size, such as being cold. However, these effects are again
only temporary.

There are also several methods for treating erectile dysfunction. In some people, regaining the ability to
get erections may give the feeling of a larger penis. For example, penis pumps draw blood into the penis
and cause it to swell. Drugs, such as Viagra, can also help. It is a good idea to talk to a doctor or
healthcare professional before taking any medications.

Other common myths about masturbation

Many of the myths about the effects of masturbation relate to testosterone levels.

For example, one misconception suggests that masturbation limits growth in other areas during puberty.
However, because testosterone plays a crucial role in growth throughout the body, and masturbation
temporarily affects testosterone levels, this could be the source of this myth.

Another myth links masturbation with acne. It is unclear what causes acne, but it may relate to
hormonal changes during puberty.

Read more about the links between masturbation and acne here.

Other myths link masturbation to sperm count or infertility and impotence in later life.

Again, there is a lack of reliable evidence supporting these claims. One medical explanation for infertility
is that it results from a sperm disorder that may be due to:

chronic illness, such as kidney failure
heavy alcohol use
certain medications, such as antidepressants
Read more about the myths and side effects of masturbation here.

Masturbation does not cause changes in the size of a person’s penis. It is mainly genetics that
determines penis size.

However, testosterone may influence penis growth during puberty, and because masturbation causes
temporary changes in testosterone, some people may think that masturbation affects penis size.

While many products claim to have the ability to increase penis size, there is a lack of high quality
evidence supporting these claims.

There are many other myths about masturbation, including that it causes infertility and acne. However,
there is little scientific evidence behind these claims. Research suggests that masturbation does not
appear to have any serious health risks.
Having a small penis may cause anxiety and other mental or social issues. People who are worried about
the size of their penis should avoid using products that claim to increase penis size and seek help from a
therapist or talk to their doctor or another healthcare professional.

Accurate at-home STD test with treatment included
Get the same STD laboratory tests used by doctors or clinics, delivered to you. Receive online results in
2–5 days, with medication sent to you at no extra cost. Get free shipping and 25% off today.

Last medically reviewed on January 3, 2020

Men's HealthSexual Health / STDs

3 sourcescollapsed

Penis enlargement: Does it work?

Medically reviewed by Matt Coward, MD, FACS — Written by Amanda Barrell — Updated on May 4,
Does it work?
Average penis size
What partners think
Improving sex life
When to see a doctor
Marketers claim that extenders, vacuum devices, pills, and lotions can increase penis size. But do penis
enlargement methods work?

Penis size is a common source of anxiety. It has fueled a multimillion-dollar penis enlargement, or male
enhancement, industry. These include supplements, lotions, devices, and surgery.

However, there is no proven way to increase penis size, and some methods may have adverse effects.
This article will look at the types, effectiveness, and side effects of penis enlargement methods. It will
also discuss average penis length and girth and when a person may wish to see their doctor.

Sex and gender exist on spectrums. This article will use the terms “male,” “female,” or both to refer to
sex assigned at birth. Click here to learn more.

Can a person increase the size of their penis?

Colin Anderson/Stocksy
Many males seek treatment to increase their penis size. However, researchTrusted Source suggests that,
in most cases, their penis is already within the “normal” range.

Various manufacturers claim that products, including pills, creams, and stretching devices, can increase
penis size. Some people also consider surgery.

However, the Urology Care Foundation points out that none of these methods work.

A 2020 reviewTrusted Source found very little evidence to support penis enlargement in men with a
small penis but no other health problems. The participants had all undergone treatment. However, most
came to realize after the fact that their penis was a “normal” size. Most did not seek further treatment.

Surgery may help a person with a condition known as micropenis. However, it can be risky and is not
certain to improve sexual satisfaction.

Penis enlargement products

Here, we look at the evidence for various penis enlargement methods.

Traction devices
Traction devices aim to increase the length of the penis by stretching the penile tissue. A person places a
weight or small extending frame on the flaccid penis to gently lengthen it.

Several studies have investigated the effects of traction devices, with varying results. Some results
suggestTrusted Source that the devices can lengthen the penis by as much as 1–3 centimeters (cm) (0.4–
1.2 inches [in]).

It is worth noting that the participants in these studies had a health condition, such as Peyronie’s
disease, where there is a curvature of the penis, or prostate cancer.

In most of these trials, participants wore the devices for 4–6 hours a day. In one, they wore the devices
for 9 hours a day.
The evidence concerning traction devices is, however, limited. Determining their safety and
effectiveness will require more research, and the Urology Care Foundation currently does not support
their use.

Vacuum devices
A vacuum device, also known as a penis pump, contains a tube that fits over the penis. Pumping out air
creates a vacuum that draws blood into the penis, causing it to swell.

People usually use vacuum devices to treat erectile dysfunction. No scientific evidence suggests that
they can increase penis size.

A 2020 reviewTrusted Source concluded that vacuum devices do not increase penis size.

Learn about the best pumps for erectile dysfunction.

Pills and lotions

Various pills and creams promise to increase penis size. They usually contain vitamins, minerals, herbs,
or hormones.

However, there is no scientific evidence that any of these products can increase the size of the penis.

In fact, tests have shown that some of them contain harmful substances such as pesticides, lead, animal
feces, and E. coli.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA)Trusted Source has issued warnings about male enhancement
products that are contaminated or contain undeclared pharmaceutical ingredients.

Learn more about if supplements can help manage erectile dysfunction.

Jelqing is an exercise where a person repeatedly pulls the nonerect penis with their thumb and
forefinger. It aims to stimulate blood flow, which may increase penis size during an erection.

As with other methods, it may help a person feel more comfortable with their penis. However, it is
unlikely to increase in size. Possible adverse effects includeTrusted Source bruising, pain, and fibrosis, or
scarring, which could shorten the penis.

Learn more about jelqing and other penis stretching exercises.

Penis enlargement surgery
A number of surgical options can boost the appearance and possibly the size of the penis.

Injecting fat cells

Penile augmentation involves injecting fat cells from elsewhere in the body into the penis. The aim is to
increase girth, or width.

This can add an averageTrusted Source of 2.39–2.65 cm (0.94–1.04 in) after 12 months.

However, possible side effects include:

swelling and distortion of the penis

disfigurement and scarring
The graft can also lose 20–80%Trusted Source of the new volume within 1 year of surgery, so people
may need multiple surgeries to achieve the desired result.

A 2020 reviewTrusted Source concluded that injections may increase girth. However, this came with a
high complication rate.

Biodegradable frame
Another methodTrusted Source for increasing girth, still in the experimental stage, involves pulling back
the penis skin and wrapping a biodegradable scaffold, or frame, around the shaft.

The frame, which is biodegradable, uses substances derived from tissue cells.

Ligament release
The suspensory ligament anchors the penis to the pubic area and provides support during an erection.

In this surgery, the surgeon cuts the ligamentTrusted Source to increase the length of the penis. They
may also carry out a skin graft at the base of the penis to allow for the extra length.

However, cutting the ligament can lead to a lack of support for the penis during an erection. This can
make penetration difficult during sex.
On average, suspensory ligament release can increase flaccid penis length by 1–3 cmTrusted Source
(0.4–1.2 in). However, satisfaction rates for the individual and their partner range from only 30–
65%Trusted Source. The lack of support during an erection can make penetration difficult.

The American Urological Association considers penile augmentation surgery neither safe nor effective.

If a person has high levels of fat in the lower abdomen, removing fat through liposuction can
revealTrusted Source a buried penis or make the penis look bigger. Bariatric surgery and
abdominoplasty can also have this effect.

It can increase a person’s self-esteem. However, they will need to follow dietary and exercise
recommendations to prevent the fat from returning.

Who should have surgery?

The medical community only deems surgery necessary if a person has a condition called micropenis. This
is when an adult has a penis of 9.3 cmTrusted Source or shorter when stretched.

Micropenis usually results from hormonal factors, and it can occur with some genetic conditions.

A doctor will start by prescribing hormonal treatment. If this is not effective, they may suggest penile
reconstruction surgery.

Learn more about penis enlargement surgery.

Average penis size

ScientistsTrusted Source say that most men believe the average size of an erect penis is over 6 in.

However, a 2014 studyTrusted Source, which included 15,521 men from around the world, determined

The average flaccid penis was 9.16 cm (3.61 inches [in]) long and 9.31 cm (3.66 in) in girth.
The average erect penis was 13.12 cm (5.16 in) long and 11.66 cm (4.59 in) in girth.
The authors estimated that 5% of men have an erect penis longer than 16 cm. In another 5%, the erect
penis would be shorter than around 10 cm.
In 2019, a reviewTrusted Source of data found that the average erect penis measured 12.95–13.97 cm
(5.1-5.5 in). However, after adjusting for bias, they concluded that the true figure is probably nearer the
lower end.

The average stretched penis measured 12.98 cm (5.11 in).

What do partners think about penis size?

The authors of a 2015 studyTrusted Source found that, on average, females in cisgender relationships
would prefer a long-term partner to have a penis 16 cm (6.3 in) in length and 12.2 cm (4.8 in) in girth.

This is larger than average. However, the authors noted that these judgments may be based on
inaccurate memories of previous sexual partners.

Other researchers have suggested that the size of a male’s penis is not the most important factor for
females in determining sexual satisfaction.

Learn more about if genital size affects sexual compatibility.

Risks and side effects of penis enlargement

The risks of penis enlargement interventions vary according to the method.

They include:

distortion, swelling, and infection from surgery

damage to penile tissue, which may lead to weaker erections
a need to repeat the intervention to maintain girth, in the case of fat cell injections
an increase in concern and stress if the person does not see improvements
wasting money on products that do not work
Tips to improve sex life
Negative feelings about penis size can inhibit a person’s enjoyment of sex and quality of life.

Most penis enlargement methods do not increase penis size. However, the following tips may help
prevent anxiety or enhance a person’s sex life without increasing penis size:

seeking counselingTrusted Source to help build self-esteem and correct distorted ideas related to body
trimming the pubic hair to make the penis look larger
exercising regularly, which can help manage body weight and boost overall well-being, and may help
improveTrusted Source erectile function
managing weight
seeking helpTrusted Source for health conditions — such as depression or a heart condition — that may
affect libido or the physical ability to be sexually active
following a dietTrusted Source that is rich in fresh fruits and vegetables and low in processed foods and
added fat and sugar
sharing concerns with a partner
trying new ways of having sex, such as engaging in oral sex or using sex toys during foreplay
When to see a doctor
If concerns about penis size affect a person’s quality of life, it may be a good idea to see a doctor. They
can help decide if there is a health issue to address.

Excessive concern about penis size can lead to feelings of depression, sexual anxiety, and sexual
dysfunction. The person may have difficulty getting or maintaining an erection and experience a lack of
sexual satisfaction.

Small penis anxiety

People with this condition are often so concerned that others will consider their penis to be small that
they do not want to get undressed around people.

Penile dysmorphophobia disorder

A person with penile dysmorphophobia disorder (PDD) consistently underestimates the size of their
penis while overestimating the sizes of those belonging to others.

PDD is a form of body dysmorphic disorder (BDD).

Body dysmorphic disorder

Males with BDD are more likely to have anxiety about their penis size and to seek treatment for penis
enlargement than those without the disorder, researchTrusted Source shows.

A person should see a doctor if they notice they are doing the following, which could be signs of BDD:

worrying excessively about penis size

having a frequent urge to compare with other people’s penises
experiencing strong concern about a possible defect, which others may not notice
feeling distressed about work, social life, or other aspects of life
thinking about or attempting suicide
Suicide prevention
If you know someone at immediate risk of self-harm, suicide, or hurting another person:
Ask the tough question: “Are you considering suicide?”
Listen to the person without judgment.
Call 911 or the local emergency number, or text TALK to 741741 to communicate with a trained crisis
Stay with the person until professional help arrives.
Try to remove any weapons, medications, or other potentially harmful objects.
If you or someone you know is having thoughts of suicide, a prevention hotline can help. The National
Suicide Prevention Lifeline is available 24 hours per day at 800-273-8255. During a crisis, people who are
hard of hearing can use their preferred relay service or dial 711 then 800-273-8255.

Click here for more links and local resources.

Frequently asked questions

Here are some questions people often ask about penis enlargement.

Can you really enlarge your penis?

Various methods and products claim to enlarge the penis. However, there is no scientific evidence to
show they work. Some may have adverse effects.

Are penis enlargement pills safe?

The FDA warns that many male enhancement products contain unsafe ingredients. A person should
check with a doctor before using any vitamins, supplements, or other products for penis enlargement.

What are the risks of penis enlargement surgery?

Surgery is unlikely to significantly increase the size of the penis unless a person has a health condition,
such as micropenis. Risks include distortion of the penis, scarring, and infection.

Many males are anxious about their penis size. This has fueled a huge market for enlargement products
and techniques.

However, there is no scientific evidence that any of these methods are effective, and many come with
serious risks.

Anyone concerned about the size of their penis may wish to talk with a doctor or sex therapist.

Last medically reviewed on May 4, 2022

Men's Health
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Small penis syndrome: Everything you need to know

Medically reviewed by Elaine K. Luo, M.D. — Written by Zawn Villines on February 27, 2019
What is it?
Average penis size
Questions to ask
People with small penis syndrome do not have a physical condition but experience persistent anxiety
about the size of their penis. These individuals worry that their penis is too small or that others will
judge them for its size.

Some doctors refer to small penis syndrome as penile dysmorphic disorder (PDD)Trusted Source, but the
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) does not list PDD as a separate disorder.
Instead, it includes PDD as a variant of body dysmorphic disorder (BDD).

What is small penis syndrome?

Photo editing by Stephen Kelly; Mehdi Delpierre/EyeEm/Getty Images
People with small penis syndrome or PDD do not have an unusually small penis. Instead, they are
severely anxious about their penis size.

Having a small penis is not a medical diagnosis. Very rarely, a person’s penis is small enough to interfere
with sexual functioning, and doctors will refer to it as a micropenis. People with a micropenis have a
penis that is at least 2.5 standard deviationsTrusted Source smaller than the average penis.

PDD is a type of BDD, which is a disorder that distorts a person’s perception of their body. BDD can
trigger immense anxiety in a person about their appearance.

People with PDD feel shame and anxiety about penis size. They may mistakenly believe that they have a
micropenis, even when their penis size is normal.

Average penis size statistics

Estimates on average penis size vary. Many people believe that a typical penis is 6 inches (in) long, but
this is false and misleading, potentially triggering anxiety in those who worry about having a small penis.

A 2014 analysisTrusted Source of data from 15,521 men discovered the following about penis size:

The average non-erect penis is 9.16 centimeters (cm), or 3.61 in long.

The average erect penis is 13.12 cm (5.17 in) long.
Penises longer than 6 in when erect are rare, with this length of penis falling in the 90th percentile.
Other research has sought to quantify what counts as a micropenis. A 2014 study defined a micropenis
as a penis that is less than 7 cm (about 2.75 in) in length when flaccid and stretched.

Furthermore, researchTrusted Source on more than 52,000 heterosexual men and woman found that 85
percent of women were satisfied with the size of their partner’s penis. In comparison, only 55 percent of
men were satisfied with their penis size.

It is common for people to occasionally worry that their penis might not be large enough, especially
when they feel pressure from the media and from seeing larger male genitals in pornography.

However, people with small penis syndrome obsessively worry about penis size.

Some symptoms of small penis syndrome or PDD include:

constantly comparing their penis size to that of others, including those in the media
a belief that the penis is unusually small, in spite of evidence to the contrary
distorted perceptions of penis size
placing an unusually high value on penis size
feeling ashamed or embarrassed about penis size
difficulty having sex with a partner because of anxiety about penis size
reduced sexual function, including getting an erection or having an orgasm
Some people with small penis syndrome have other symptoms of BDD. These might include:

obsessive preoccupation with appearance

repetitive or compulsive behavior relating to appearance, such as grooming or buying clothes
chronic distress about appearance
depression or anxiety about appearance
Although small penis syndrome and BDD might appear to be the same condition, there are essential
differences. Small penis syndrome is not a medical diagnosis, whereas doctors can diagnose a person as
having BDD.

For people with mild-to-moderate anxiety about penis size, researching data on average penis sizes or
asking a doctor about what constitutes a micropenis may help.

If a person is concerned about sexual performance, they may find comfort from a partner’s reassurance
and support. ResearchTrusted Source suggests that the majority of heterosexual women are satisfied
with their partner’s penis size.

Medical treatment can help men with BDD or anxiety about penis size. Some treatment options include:

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT): This type of therapy helps people understand how their thoughts
affect their feelings and behavior, and it can help them find ways to reduce anxiety.
Understanding and addressing triggers. For some, specific triggers — such as pornography or
relationship problems — can cause penis size anxiety. Some people can reduce symptoms by identifying
their triggers and working to manage them.
Sex therapy or couples counseling. When penis size anxieties affect a person’s relationship or ability to
have sex, therapy can help a couple work together to overcome the anxiety.
Questions to ask a doctor
People who worry about the size of their penis or their feelings about penis size should see a doctor for
help and support.

Some questions to ask include:

Is the size of my penis within the average range?
Is it common to be anxious about penis size?
What can I do to overcome my anxiety?
Can you refer me to a therapist?
Do I have symptoms of BDD?
Are there effective strategies for managing sexual dysfunction relating to anxiety?
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Anxiety relating to penis size can be frustrating, and it may affect self-esteem and relationships.
Misconceptions about penis size can lead people to believe that their penis is smaller than most other
people’s, even when it is within the average range.

Sex education, support from a partner, and appropriate treatments can help people with small penis
syndrome and those with BDD manage their anxiety.

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