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1. A retaining wall with a smooth vertical back retains a sand backfill for a depth
of 6 m. The backfill has a horizontal back and has the following properties: c’ = 0,
φ’= 28˚, γ = 16 kN/m3, γsat = 20 kN/m3. Calculate the magnitude and point of
application of the total pressure against the wall for the conditions given below.
a. Back fill fully drained but the top of the wall is restrained against yielding.
b. Back fill fully drained and the wall is free to yield.
c. Wall is free to yield and the water table is at 3 m depth. There is no drainage
through the wall.



2. A retaining wall of 8 m high with a smooth vertical back retains a clay backfill.
The backfill has the following properties: c’ = 15 kN/m2, φ’= 15˚, γ = 18 kN/m3.
Calculate the total active pressure against the wall ignoring the depth of the
tension crack.

3. A retaining wall with a smooth vertical back is 10 m high and retains two
layers of backfill soil. The backfill has the following properties:
a. 0 to 5 m : φ’= 30˚, γ = 18 kN/m3. b. Below 5 m : φ’= 35˚, γ = 19 kN/m3.
Draw the active earth pressure distribution.


4. Find the factor of safety of the cantilever retaining wall shown in the figure
against overturning. The backfill has the following properties: φ’= 25˚, γ = 16 kN/m3.
Take unit weight of R.C.C. as 25 kN/m3.

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