Assignment & Project # 7: Mariane Joyce D. Miano

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Cognitive Development of Infants and Toddlers


GROUP 3 – Language Development

Guide Questions:

1. Do all toddlers leam language at the same pace? NO

2. Are there toddlers that engage in telegraphic speech immediately without passing through one-
word stage and two-word stage in language development? YES
3. Do infants have an innate capacity to learn language? Even if they are not taught a language, can
infants and toilers learn that language? YES


1. Observe one 1) 0-6 months infant; 2) 7-12 months infant; 3) 13. 18 months infant and 4) 19-24
month old infant. Refer to “What Infants and Toddlers Can Do Cognitively” from Childhood
Care and Development (ECCD). Put a check (✔) on those items that you observed the
infants/toddler demonstrated.
2. Share your observations in class.
a) What did you observe that they can do? Cannot do? Why so?
● I observed that all of the changes or development in the cognitive dimension of
an infant and toddlerhood listed in the summary can do by the infant and
toddlerhood that was able to observed in my neighbor. They have now the ability
and skills to perform those simple to difficult activities. That’s why I marked
checked all the listed activities of infant and toddler in the cognitive dimension.


1. Organize a talk show. Three of your classmates who will play the roles of experts in
sensorimotor development, memory development and language development during infancy
will serve as panel of discussants. After each expert has delivered his/her piece, one will
serve as moderator. A question that should not be forgotten is: What are some applications of
these concepts/theories in child care and parenting?
2. What is your stand on the issue of brain stimulation? You may want to review "pruning" of
the brain discussed in several references including internet to arrive at more informed stand.
● Synaptic pruning is an essential part of the brain development. By getting rid of the
synapses that are no longer used, the brain becomes more efficient as you age. The
process of synaptic pruning may be a promising target for treatments for people with
conditions like schizophrenia and autism
3. Language learning
Studies show that when parents, teachers and caregivers talk more to children and ask any
questions, they create more stimulating language environments for their children. What
recommendations can you give to parents for them to provide stimulating language
environments? You may want to do some further research on this.
● Creating a positive and stimulating environment for your child is a goal that every
parent strives for. Stimulating environment could mean more than giving your child
things to do.
Five ways that parents can provide a stimulating environment for their children.
1. Organization
⮚ Preparing a stimulating and learning environment for your child should have
some form of organization. Get bins for each set of toys that your kids will
want a different bin for cars and another bin for action figure. You should
also make sure that the bins are easily accessible to your children for a
stimulating environment. Especially if your kids are younger, then you want
the bins to be at a lower level so they will have access to them. This will
make it so that they can play with them whenever they want too. When
organizing and reorganizing be sure to change out the toys that are readily
accessible to your children. This way they will get to play with new things
and expand their imagination even more.
2. Decorations
⮚ When thinking about your childcare setting and making sure that it is a
stimulating place for your child to grow up, you should take special care in
the decorations. The thing about creating a stimulating environment with
decorations is that you can have fun with it. Be sure to hang up any artwork
that your children have created. This is a fun way to help bring out the
creativity in kids. If they see their artwork on the walls, then they’re going to
want to create even more artwork. You can also buy fun professional prints
that will add stimulation to the environment. Wild patterns, fun colors, or
obscure drawing are great to hang on the walls.
3. Music
⮚ Music can help to expand the brain. It helps to develop the memory and
vocabulary muscles in our brains. Using music isn’t only good when our
babies are newborns, but when they’re growing and developing at all ages
too. Music can also help with their emotional health. Giving your children
access to music in their environments is going to be great for their
imagination, creativity, and development. Whether you let them listen to
educational music that is fun or play soothing music in the background while
they’re playing, all music is beneficial to your children’s growth.
4. Safety
⮚ If you want to bring out the imagination in kids, then you need to make sure
that their play areas are safe for exploration. Early in your child’s life, you
should make sure that you childproof your home. This means blocking off
any areas they shouldn’t go in, covering electrical outlets, removing unsafe
items, and so much more.
5. Take them places
⮚ Creating a stimulating environment doesn’t need to be done only in your
home. Think of all the other places your child can go to be exposed to new
activities as well.




● Early childhood cognitive development ● As part of the Etiology, Risk Factors, and
is affected by interactions among Interactions of Enteric Infections and
illness, diet, enteropathogens and the Malnutrition and the Consequences for
home environment: findings from the Child Health and Development (MAL-
MAL-ED birth cohort study ED) longitudinal birth cohort study,
children from eight LMICs were followed
from birth to 24 months to understand the
influence of repeated enteric infections on
child growth and development. Here, data
from six sites were employed to evaluate
associations between infection, illness,
the home environment, micronutrient
intake and status, maternal reasoning, and
cognitive development at 24 months.


● Higher rates of enteropathogen detection ● Enteropathogens were negatively related

and days with illness were associated with to child cognitive development. However,
lower haemoglobin concentrations, which other factors were more strongly
in turn were associated with lower associated with child cognition. Targeting
cognitive scores at 24 months. Children of interventions to improve cognitive
with lower environmental health/safety development should include a focus on
scores and lower intakes of vitamin B6 reducing frequency of illness, improving
and folate had more enteropathogen the safety and healthfulness of the child’s
detections and illness. Strength of environment, and improving dietary
associations varied by weight-for-age in intake.
the first 17 days of life; lower weight
infants were more susceptible to the
negative effects of enteropathogens and



● As a future mother/ nursery teacher what I can do could be like exposing children to good
music, literature, conversation, and play all enhance a child’s cognitive development. The
child must also have plenty of rest, good nutrition, and must feel safe and be loved.
Having caregivers who pay lots of positive, loving attention is a must. Socialization is
also very important and probably something that will be studied in the future because this
pandemic has hurt so many people of different ages. Isolation is not good for a baby or
toddler. They need to interact with their world.

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