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MODULE 14: Socio-emotional Development of Infants and



Socio-emotional Development of Infants and Toddlers


1. Based on Nolte’s poem, which plays a very important role in the socio-emotional
development of children?
 Based on the poem, I learned that the child’s home environment plays a very important
role in the socio-emotional development of children. As it helps to develop and mold a
child’s personality or what he/she will become in the future.
2. From what kind of home environment do children who are well adjusted most probably
come? What about maladjusted children?
 A child’s level of adjustment or maladjustment cannot be determined solely by
environment. While there are home settings that are more likely to produce a well-
adjusted child; homes which offer structure, consistency, reliability, necessary resources
on which the child can depend, love, emotional support and guidance, appropriate
discipline, culture and education, and homes that are more likely to produce a
maladjusted child; such as homes where violence, dysfunction, depleted resources and
inconsistency prevail; where a child cannot trust that his or her health, wellbeing and
safety will be protected; these are not the only factors that will impact how the child
ultimately develops. I have seen phenomenally well-adjusted adults who have come out
of horrendously dysfunctional childhood homes and some pretty maladjusted adults
whose childhood homes seemed pretty healthy. Sometimes all it takes is a significant
trauma to throw an otherwise healthy person, completely off track because they may lack
those inner resources and/or supports to overcome the trauma. All that said, the question
was about probability, so loving, nurturing, stable, supportive, secure, consistent and
stimulating environments generally have a higher probability of producing well-adjusted
children than those that are unstable, inconsistent, lack love, nurturance, stimulation,
safety, supports and resources.
3. State in a sentence what the poem is saying about a child’s socio-emotional development.
 The social environment that parents provide for their children plays a very important role
in the development of a child’s social and emotional skills during the early and middle
childhood years.

1. Observe one 1) 0-6 months infant; 2) 7-12 months infant; 3) 13. 18 months infant and 4) 19-
24month old infant. Refer to “What Infants and Toddlers Can Do Socio-emotionally” from
Childhood Care and Development (ECCD). Put a check (✔) on those item that you
observed the infants/toddler demonstrated.

2. Share your observations in class.

a. What can the infants and toddlers do?

Baby and Adult caregiver
 As I have observed you should be gentle with babies as they are fragile: Infants require
constant watching. They depend completely on the caregiver for their care. Crying is the most
behavior challenge but there are lots of way to soothe Them The babysitter speak softly while
cuddling or gently rocking them or give them pacifier. In feeding and infant under 6 months
take bottles and or breastfeeding. To entertain the baby you can give a toy or an activity for
example, engaged them with peek-a-boo. When it comes to changing their diapers do it safe
and quick. Because as what I have observe, infants may wiggle around, the prevent danger talk
to The baby and hold Them in place. Put a baby to sleep by rocking gently singing or shushing.
Toddler and Adult Caregiver
 Toddler and caregiver's interaction is different from the first one. I discovered the it's requires a
lot of work but also can be quite fun if they behave. With my observation from my aunt and
her daughter, she always keep an eye on her all the time as you never know what she might try
to attempt. A toddler also needs to be disciplined at young age. My aunt give her child a
punishment, for example a spank. Its also better to check on their diaper regularly. And of
course at their age they are naturally talkative and curious, entertain them by giving trivias,
singing a nursery song, read a book, go on a walk for exercise, teach them colors, play
counting games and any other fun learning activities.
My interpretation in the context of Erikson’s theory
 The stages of Erikson’s psychosocial theory describe the growth of a child. His theory on trust
vs mistrust contains the trust of your infant and how you show your child you’re trusting.
Sense of trust needs to be develop by providing reliability care and affection. In my case I have
a very loving and caring parents to provide my emotional needs.

1. Compose your own version of Nolte’s “Children Learn What They Live.” Rap it or sing


1. C
2. A
3. A



 DYSFUNCTIONS IN THE  Integrative review carried out

SOCIO EMOTIONAL between April and August 2016
DEVELOPMENT OF with defined criteria for inclusion
INFANTS AND ITS and exclusion of studies, search
RELATED FACTORS: AN strategies, extraction and
INTEGRATIVE REVIEW synthesis of data. The exposure
factors underwent categorical
thematic analysis and
systematization according to the
levels of the context
(Microsystem, Mesosystem,
Exosystem and Macrosystem) of
the Bioecological Model of
Human Development.

 In the context of the Microsystem  The synthesis of evidence on

and Mesosystem, the factors exposure factors favors the
found were: limitations in care; construction of measurement
adversities in family relationships scales of the contextual elements
and in the social support and related to the social emotional
illness situation of the caregivers development of young children.
that influence the proximal Beyond the milestones, present or
processes. In the Exosystem and not, in the evaluation of a child,
the Macrosystem, they were: these technologies can be
social vulnerabilities of predictive, with great potential of
caregivers and fragilities of public anticipation of the factors of
policies that determine the exposure and prevention of
material and social conditions of developmental dysfunctions.
the family.



1. Based on stories you heard from your parents and grandparents about your first two years
in the world, reflect on the kind of micro system as explained by Bronfenbrenner that you
have had as an infant and as a child. How has it affected you?
 The microsystem refers to the institutions and environments with which a kid interacts on
a personal level. My Mom mentioned that am a very interactive child. Use to play around
and laugh when someone creates a funny gesture in front of me. Because of that,
personally believe that it enhances my ability to interact with others without any
hesitation because growing up in an open environment where don’t have to feel
restricted. Although there are times that felt pain during my first two years as well. For
example, that time where was crawling inside the cabinet underneath our kitchen sink and
wasn’t able to see that there were a lot of ants in there. So, I got bitten by a colony of ants
and that stimulated fear into my brain and I think that is the reason why I’m now cautious
in my decisions.
2. One theme of Erikson’s basic philosophy is that failure is cumulative. True, in many cases an
individual who has to deal with horrendous circumstances as a child may be unable to negotiate
later stages as easily as someone who didn’t have as many challenges early on. For example, we
know that orphans who weren’t held or stroked as infants have an extremely hard time connecting
with others when they become adults. Do you believe that there are exceptions? Reflect and, if
you can, cite concrete examples. Don’t forget to give yourself as an example if it can be!
 A lack of connection with a newborn during his or her growth and development period
will have an effect on him as an adult. The newborn is completely reliant on his or her
parents, particularly the mother, for feeding, nutrition, and comfort. That is why, as
children get older, they become more attached to their mothers. It is because of the
connection formed during the child's developmental stage. When a kid reaches the age of
two, he or she expresses feelings of guilt, embarrassment, and pride. All children and
adults experience emotional maturation, which contributes to their growth. That is why
do not believe there is an exception, because connection is required as newborns develop
and begin to feel different sorts of emotions.

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