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When was the Tehran Conference?

When were the Yalta and Potsdam Conferences? 1945
Why were there already bad relations betwen the west and the soviets The soviets
resented the west for trying to prevent the communist revolution in Russia.
Who were the leaders of the big three in 1943? Franklin Roosevelt- USA Winston
Churchill- UK Stalin- USSR
What was decided at the Tehran conference? Strat for winnning the war
Opening a new front against germany in the west
What was decided at the Yalta conference? Plans for division of Germany
What did Stalin want? Keep territoy in east to use a buffer-states
How much reparations did Germany have to pay? 20 billion
how was germany split intially? "4 zones- britian, france, USA, USSR"
Why was the potsdam conference different ? Roosevelt died some months before-
replaced by Truman
Winston had been replaced in election by Clement Atlee
Why was this conference harder Both replacements were new to negotiations with
What did George Kennan's telegram entail? Feb 1946 -Soviets seek to destroy western
way of life
What did Nikolai Novikov's telegram entail? US want world domination
What did Winston's iron curtain speech entail? March 1946 USSR controlled eastern
europe states completely
What was the Truman Doctrine? It provide aid to anyone who was resisting communism
What was the Marshall Plan? extension of Truman Doctrine- 13.7 billion aid
What did Stalin call the marshall plan? Dollar Imperialism
Wht was COMINFORM? Association of communist countries in europe- allowed for
direct control of satellite states.
When was Cominform set up? 1947
What was COMECON? Mutual ecenomic aid for eastern europe countries. Stalin's
version of marshall plan
When was Comecon set up? 1949
"What was the name of the combined French, US, UK zones of berlin?" Trizonia
What sparked the Berlin Blockade? West implemented new currency in Trizonia-
Deutschmark. Creates separate ecenomic unit in Germany
When was the Berlin Blockade? June 1948 - May 1949
What was the Berlin blockade? Stalin shuts of all land routes into Berlin to starve
West Berlin population for an intended propoganda success.
What was the Berlin Airlift? Where American and British planes flew food and
supplies into west Berlin to keep them from starving.
What was Trizonia renamed? The federal republic of Germany- 8th may 1949
What was NATO? Formal military alliance against Russia
When was it created? Apr-49
What type of warefare occured in korea between the US and the soviets? Proxy
When was the Korean War? 20th June 1950
who headed the American side during the Korean War General Douglas MacArthur
When was the ICBM developed? 1957
Impact of Korean War SEATO created
More nations forced to join war saw pact
What was the Warsaw Pact? A military alliance of communist nations in eastern
When was the Hungarian Uprising? Oct-56
Who replaced Rakosi? Imre Nagy
Why did Hungarian uprising occur "cos of public discontent imre nagy proposes
leaving warsaw pact, becoming neutral country, having dealings with the west"
Consequences of the Hungarian Uprising Krushchev = new stalin
West look bad because of radio free europe- they did not intervene.
When was the Berlin Wall built? 1961
What happened in Cuba Dictator batista overthrown fidel and che.
When was bay of pigs Apr-61
What was the Bay of Pigs invasion? Kennedy sent cuban exiles back to cuba to
overthrow fidel and che. this fails.
Consequences of the bay of pigs Humiliated kennedy
Close relations between cuba and ussr
What was the Cuban Missile Crisis? Soviets placed nuclear missiles in Cuba. Big
stalemate occurs.
What happened during CMC Kennedy implements naval blockade around cuba
Military hawks want war- pressure kennedy
Soviets want removal of Nukes in Turkey and Italy
How is CMC ended US agree to not invade cuba
What happened in Czechoslovakia - prague spring Democracy became communist
Klement gotwald is leader= many purges etc
Replaced by Alexander Dubcek
Dubcek= pro communism
"Dubcek proposed freedom of speech, elections, trade with the west."
Why did Brezhnev invade Czechoslovakia? Feared another hungary
When did the Prague Spring occur ? Apr-68
Consequences of prague spring Worsened relations between other communists who saw
it as a unwarranted attack.
Grip reaper brezhnev- tighter control over warsaw pact states.
What was detente? policy to reduce Cold War tensions as a consequence of the CMC.
Many treaties signed
What's happening in china town "After death of stalin relations between russia
and china decline, china rizzes up USA due to mutual hatred of USSR"
What was Ping-Pong diplomacy? "China invited the US to play ping pong and then
trade was opened- overseen by henry Kissinger- Shanghai Communique (one china no
Taiwan), etc."
What was peaceful coexistence? Kruschev's policy to avoid military
entaglements- he thought every country would soon fall to communism.

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