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CHAPTER 5, pavkm set 5 5:45.3, $4 Cokes 0/54, 516 5.23 ,531, 565 f problem (Bap The fallowiny inpnt-oudpt pecirs have been observed o 10 Various systems; Defermin e Patir frequenc clung Fre operation of 0 4 ee (a) xen) a+)* xX, yore ae rome 4 NE Cea 8) =p faviier tamsferm f Xi) 4 yen) does not east. A also yn) = Btn) = system His none linecer t Jur) By yen) =(4)aer) XOv)= YO) = pee foe Hi) = = pe 3 jr be +) WS (2) xen) € wey By yin) 2 Se Hews 3 fa ot Wy 7 jas 4) ja T : (d) Kn)e ed utr) —ts yond = 5 7 Ree WR )3 f wos Ber” N,N, q (2) Kn) = Xe N) 3S gen gent Nad, Nt Na 1 MM 06 for ETE sgitmnic period of fe inprt signed shendd be Fhe seme ab Pre period of the ont pel signalBNj=Nz bal ¢ since, MAN, Me ays lela ae Moen Consider an ETL system with impilse response , na) = (YH uta) (a) Determine omd sketeh the magnitude and phase spectre for Phe iapnt and — ontprnt signeds for the following dapat (a) Deter mine and sketch the magnitude cmd phase fesporrse (HO) ane ZH») p respective lg. hen)= (4 )"uen) S A jen co ye ea" aCe 2 (4) e = ZF (he) ten we jw = ~ 1-fer pak cose 4b itinw PHO) 2 Cid osm) eb siaw)* I ~ Last bbese 4 psints) = (4 4 7 a \ Cir d (teste Sin") L cos) { a (ay - wh problem 5.4) Determine ancl sketch Pu magnitude and phase res pone ei Phe follorsive systems . @) yor= tlm eAGn-1) wy Xo) yeay- [i+ ¢ Ie jw jh Modo LUO dade (e +e ) Hl = Feo aje/2 en = jb ves (Be 7 cos(#) .€ LAC) LHe aye kn) J L [ee ae) ZL) yod= 7 au A Cle & ) : 2 aA yee = sin (#) © 7 (b) yin) = HOw) W (OD grr = AL xtnh +) Xai) J Yuu) = fe". ed Zw) : . 7 Ae pee Hos) = (eo -e ) = shore HGs) Hea? A) olde LL xenen) + x6n-0 J yusy = + [es oo] kl) H(w) = + (ee = Cos () “ Lie or ) p \ [NZ] Ae ie Om) yen) = 7 [xen) = 24Cn=1 D+ aCn-2) ] ye pea a Yoo [Me a 1) 2 po) eb 8 By je) Srrsio. (2) é content eterminn Fhe frauen free of Pu ont pats of Fe follorsieg systems fo Fhe ingot signal KOn)! Sb Ascas H&A zy © yr) = x (Qn) = Aces (Zn) {sel 2 (6) yld= Remy s A costa) = AC e052 Ba)tl) (e-Bo)s a dat, g Arc (Er) p eee z ©) yen) = (eos BM) xO). = x = A. cos (En). es (*") = & cos (S29) + AB cos -) 3K a petumine the magnitesde aud phase respons’ a he multipath channel yon= xta) + xin- A) at what «frequencies doe How) =e yo) = Xn) a ACA M) jm yu) e(ise ) EO ajeM iw) = 1+ © Hlo)=0 5 wie x tii ee = ¢ wM eee: Hy a merece 2 2 le) Ee eae © LHcwle [reset The fiequency ceapanse ff an ded bound pouss fitter is given by 0, Wis F Melee, Beioie & °, 3f ay Ose ce) a ty ei. weld leey ee i+? (5) Detecmins Fea ont pnt lr) off Hoe systora (Hints Pole cometllatien increases the originod ROC) 7 Bat = = yay< G2 __ «sy a Ci bey 27) ede") (t+ EI (1% Gn-\) BES yo= (4) “aeny a Consider Fhe system yin)= xin) - 0.45 xtn-6) (2) sketch ts poe - Zee patten (D) sketch its magnitude respoure yurey fhe pole- (©) Determine Fe system function of its fousel inverse system (a) Sketch Fhe mognitucle rspenre of fhe Inverse sptem using, Fra pole 2 plot. Zero plot, Ww cny= xu) - 0.45 ae) ye) = X02) Cle 243 2 ) -6 » H2)< je 045 2 = / 260.48 =e a 2-85 e y be Oh -® ane 6M other pole 2 220. (b) sketch its 79 np 5 ie oh (© Hin. C2) cers 7 r=@45yé Zz O95 LHW): -tow! = i Zetey , 3an (jot Xin) = oS TG ae en zi a 7] Toys 7 [ 02-32) +5 +45 )1, [ol ot Yee!) = — i 2H (28) 4 [5 Co- BD + bow 35) ] , apes yen) = [ACS £)) cos [5S +6 (22) ] 691011 1% Ltt 3 2. k(n) = = onde AG - find X00) nels KCAL e [ob beat ; for) = wea ~ Ken) > XC) = 2 4 ie Bros) < Zane Ca HOI o [Rede TY] es hE Yi) 2 HCW). X03) ©

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