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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
3rd Periodical Test
TLE 10 (Irrigation Works)
Name: ______________________________ Score: ______________
Grade/Level: ______________ Date: ______________

I. Multiple Choice. Choose the correct answer from the given choices. Write your answer in the space provided.

____1. What are hollow tubes with circular cross-section designed to carry fluids from one location to another?
a. Drainage b. filters c. hoses and pipes d. pumps

____2. What type of fitting has opening on four of its end?

a. cross b. tee c. coupling d. wire

____3. What type of fittings makes a flow smaller and thus reduces it?
a. elbow b. plug and cup c. reducer d. valves

____4. What irrigation device is used to control the flow of water by partially or fully obstructing the flow of
a. elbow b. plug and cup c. reducer d. valves

____5. What material used to connect sections of irrigation tubing?

a. filters b. fittings c. hoses and pipes d. adhesive

____6. What type of of fittings is used to join two hoses, pipes or tapes of the same diameter and type.
a. elbow b. wie c. coupling d. union

____7. These are irrigation used to eliminate debris from clogging pipes, nozzles and damaging water pump
a. hoses and pipes b. fittings c. filters d. sealants and adhesives

____8. Substances applied to one surfaces or both surfaces of materials to be joined together and resist their
a. sealants b. fittings c. adhesives d. valves

____9. What material or substance is used to prevent the flow of fluids?

a. sealants b. fittings c. adhesives d. valves

____10. This is objects which are operated by hand to carry out task with ease making work efficient and safe.
a. Hand tools b. Shovel c. Spade d. Pipe cutter

____11. What hand tool material is used in digging irrigation structures such as canals, water reservoirs etc.
a. Spade b. Shovel c. digging bar d. hack saw

____12. Which of the following tools will give you a more precise measurement of a pipe diameter?
a. ruler b. square rule c. steel tape measure d. vernier caliper

____13. A measuring tool that can remain stiff and straight when extended, but retracts into a coil for
convenient storage.
a. a. ruler b. square rule c. steel tape measure d. vernier caliper

____14. Common farm equipment used in various farm activities including efficient installation of irrigation
pipes, hoses, and drip tapes.
a. tractor b. excavator c. water pump d. rotovator

____15. Which of the following is a water lifting device?

a. adhesives b. filters c. pump d. none of the above

____16. Clean tools every after use and apply oil to moving parts and wipe oil on surfaces to prevent rust.
a. True b. False
____17.Faulty tools and equipment are still safe to use.
a. True b. False

____18. Hand tools are designed for tough work however they are not indestructible. What are the simple guide
to prolong the service life of tools?
a. Check tools regularly. Defective tools should be tagged properly or disposed.
b. Replace replaceable parts of tools if needed.
c. Always keep tools properly and well organized.
d. All of the above.

____19. It is the potential for harm, or adverse effect on an employee’s health. Anything which may cause
injury or ill health to anyone at or near a workplace.
a. chemical b. exposure c. risk d. hazard

____20. It is a likelihood that a hazard will cause injury or ill health to anyone at or near a workplace.
a. chemical b. exposure c. risk d. hazard

____21. It is the practices related to production and work process.

a. occupational safety b. safety
c. psychosocial environment d.physical

____22. It refers to specialized equipment or clothing worn by workers for protection against health and safety
a. PPE b. PEE c. PEP d. EPE

____ 23. If you are working with chemical which of the following protection is not needed?
a. hard hat b. ear plugs c. gloves d.goggles

____24.What eye protection used when working in a sunny day?

a. google b. face shield c. face mask d. sunglasses

____25. What protection is used during night time so that workers will be visible?
a. Reflection b. Reflectorized coverall c. Neon coverall d. Bright coverall

____26. Why is irrigation important?

a. It supplies crops with fertilizer and nurture struggles to replenish the nutrients in the soil.
b. It supplies crops with nutrients.
c. It supplies crops with sunlight and provides the energy of plants.
d. It supplies crops with water and helps the general growth of the plants.

____27. It is an irrigation system type that relies upon water accessibility. Water is stored at the highest place
on the land.
a. Check basin method b. Strip irrigation method
c. Furrow irrigation method d. Basin irrigation

____28.The farming land is separated into various strips. Such strips are isolated by made the length of each
strip relies on the land’s point of slope to an area of supply.
a. Check basin method b. Strip irrigation method
c. Furrow irrigation method d. Basin irrigation

____29. Water is distributed over and across land by gravity, no mechanical pump involved.
a. Surface irrigation b. Drip irrigation
c. Sprinkler irrigation d. Furrow irrigation

____30. A type of localized irrigation in which drops of water are delivered at or near the roots of plants.
a. Surface irrigation b. Drip irrigation
c. Sprinkler irrigation d. Furrow irrigation

II. Identification. Identify the external parts of a four-wheel tractor.




31. Any material added to the front of tractor for the purpose of enhancing
fraction and stability.
32. The hinge covers over the engine of the tractor.
33. Use to protect the seat belt operator from being crush in case the
machine rolls over.
34. Found on the exterior of the tractor outside the drivers peripheral
35. Used for steering. They are usually designed to be smaller than the other
36. They are usually bigger than the front wheels. Act as the drive wheel.

37-40. Enumerate the factors that can cause risk of injury in manual handling. Example is the weight of
the item.

37. __________________________________________________________

38. __________________________________________________________

39. __________________________________________________________

40. __________________________________________________________

III. Fill in the Blanks. Fill-in the blank the word that complete the sentence. Write your answer in the
space provided.

Waste Management Agricultural Waste Plant Waste

Animal Waste Commercial Fertilizer Natural Fertilizer

41. _______________________________________ is composed of organic waste. Include: Natural Waste,

42.__________________________________________, 43 ______________________________________.

44. _____________________________________________ helps maintain healthy environment for farm

animals and can reduce the need for 45. ____________________________________________.

IV. Essay Writing.

46-50. How do you handle when a customer has a problem?

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