Accommodation Theory Handouts

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Republic of the Philippines


Nabua, Camarines Sur

Giles was born on December 22, 1946 in

ELS 102 – Theories of Language and Language Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom; the son of
Acquisition Alexander Clifford Giles and Muriel Irene
(Wyle) Giles. He came to the United States in
Group 3- Accommodation Theory (April 3, 2023) 1989.

Accommodation Theory in Linguistics Giles is known for developing communication

Accommodation Theory.
Have you ever noticed how other people can
change their speech and communicative style In 1973, the sociolinguist Howard Giles first
based on where they are or who they're talking introduced the communication accommodation
to? Have you ever found yourself doing this? We theory in his article Accent mobility: A model and
often change our speech to bring ourselves some data1. The theory provides a framework to
closer to or further apart from others – this predict and explain changes in human
process is called accommodation. communication.

This article will introduce Howard Giles' Giles believed that individuals adjust their speech
communication accommodation theory, explain to create, maintain, or decrease social bonds and
the different ways we accommodate and our interactions. For example, matching your speech
motives, and provide some examples. patterns to your interlocutor can strengthen your
social bond.
Howard Giles' Accommodation Theory
Interlocutor – A person taking part in a
Who is Howard Giles? conversation or communicative act.

Origins of Communication Accommodation


Howard Giles, who was a professor of linguistics

and psychology at the University of California,
Santa Barbara (UCSB), developed
Communication Accommodation Theory. He was
trying to find the reason for the shifts he
observed in the speech of most people as they
spoke to different people and to detail the
consequences of this behavior. Giles was
particularly interested in the underlying thought
processes and emotions that are involved in the
use of convergence and divergence during
Howard Giles is a British-American he is an Giles's communication accommodation theory
educator, author, social psychologist and a began life as a sociopsychological model that
Distinguished Research Professor of looked at accent and speech pattern changes in
Communication at the Department of
intercultural communications.
Communication, University of California, Santa
Two main types of accommodation

Interpersonal and intergroup communication

Giles suggested that communication happens Types of Definiton

on two levels; interpersonal and intergroup. accommodation

 Interpersonal communication
– Communication that is driven by our
personalities. When we communicate on Convergence When individuals
an interpersonal level, we communicate change their speech to
for ourselves and our interests. sound more like their
 Intergroup communication – This is interlocutor
communication that is driven by our
identities as members of a wider social
group. For example, a teacher may feel
they are representing all teachers in Divergence When individuals
certain situations and will adjust their emphasize a difference
communication accordingly. How they in communication style
talk around students, parents, and peers
will likely differ from how they speak to
friends or family.
Fig. 1 - Our speech can change when we feel
we are representing a wider social group. Convergence is when an individual, changes
their communicative style to sound and appear
more like their interlocutor. This usually happens
when the individual respects the person they are
Accommodation theory: types of talking to and wishes to seek their approval or
accommodation seem more like them. For example, when
students talk to a teacher they like, they will likely
Communication accommodation theory use less slang and match their speech to the
suggests that, during social interactions, we use teacher.
accommodation to bring us closer together or
further apart from each other. Accommodation Convergence can happen on a conscious and
can be a good way to express our feelings and subconscious level. This means people can
attitudes towards one another. accommodate their speech on purpose, or it
happens without them realizing it.

Howard Giles's accommodation theory states Typically speaking, converging speakers are
that there are two main types of viewed more positively than diverging speakers
accommodation; convergence and divergence. and are deemed better communicators. Think
about it; convergence suggests that the speaker
respects you!

However, convergence can also lead to a loss of

personal identity. Additionally, if speech change
is deemed too much, individuals could be
ostracised by their peers.

Ostracised - excluded from a group.

Motives for convergence  External pressures the speaker may be
under to speak a certain way
There are several reasons why people
converge. Here are a few;
Accommodation and social status
 To seek approval and respect from others
 To show respect to others Social status can play an important role in
 Increase social reward accommodation. There are two ways we can
 Improve communication converge and diverge related to socioeconomic
 Reduce uncertainty and anxiety status; upwards and downwards.
Upwards convergence would see a person
trying to match their interlocutor by making their
speech sound more upper-class. In contrast,
downward convergence would see them
Divergence is the act of changing
adjusting their communication to downplay their
communication style to emphasize and
social status.
accentuate a difference or distinctiveness from
an interlocutor. For example, someone from a
Upwards divergence, on the other hand,
working-class background might emphasize
involves an individual accentuating their social
their accent when talking to someone from a
status (i.e. speaking a little more posh) to
more upper-class background to draw attention
distance themselves from others. Downward
to their different social status and vice-versa.
divergence is the opposite of this (i.e. an
individual accentuating a working-class
Motives for divergence accent/dialect).
Here are some potential motives behind
divergence; Upwards divergence can be used to assert
dominance and superiority over others, and there
 To emphasize difference and are often societal expectations regarding who
distinctiveness from others should converge to whom. For example, there is
 To shape others' feelings, e.g. making a general consensus that someone with a lower
others feel left out social status should upwards converge.
 To show belonging to a specific group,
e.g. speaking with a stronger
native accent References:
 To influence others' speech, e.g. talking
quietly in hopes others will too. Howard Giles. (n.d.).
Wikipedia contributors. (2023, March 17).
Maintenance is when a speaker refuses to
change their communication style in any way - Howard Giles. Wikipedia.
they maintain their own communication style
It is worth noting that divergence and
Accommodation Theory. (n.d.).
convergence can be received negatively.
Generally, receivers of accommodation will StudySmarterUK.
assess the following three things when judging
how to perceive accommodation: exnations/english/language-and-social-

 The speakers' language competence, e.g. groups/accommodation-theory/

is it their first language?
 The effort the speaker is making Communication Accommodation Theory. (2012,

September 10). Communication Studies.




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