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1. Without an explicit constitutional provision allowing it, the State, as the

sovereign, may impose contributions (tax) on its inhabitants.
Thesis 1: This is true because the State has the absolute authority to
demand and compel that those under its control submit to its will.
Statement 2: Every tax-related clause in the Constitution just imposes
restrictions on the supremacy of the taxing authority, not rights for the
sovereignty to have the ability to tax.

A. Only assertion 1 is true.

B. Only assertion 2 is true.
C. Both claims are accurate.
D. Both assertions are false.

2. The following claims, with one exception, accurately represented the

state's ability to tax.
A. Every sovereign state has the authority to impose a fee or burden on
people, things, or rights in order to generate funds for the use and
support of the government and to enable it to carry out its duties.
B. Only if it is specifically stated in the Constitution may the state use
its right to tax.
C. It establishes a legislative mandate through the adoption of
legislation by Congress, which will be carried out by the Executive
Branch of the government through the Bureau of Internal Revenue, in
order to generate income from the populace to cover government

3. They exist independently of the constitution, which is the state's

foundational law, with the exception of

A. power to impose taxes

B. Police Authority
C. Eminent domain authority
D. ability to recall

4. Statement 1: The constitution is the source of the State's taxing power.

Statement 2: The police power of the government may be exercised
through taxation

A. Only statement 1 is correct

B. Only statement 2 is correct
C. Both statements are correct
D. Both statements are incorrect

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