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Nowadays, living in a city has become more and more popular.

People think that

urban life can ensure a lot of advantages and opportunities for a better life .Despite
these facts ,many people prefer living in the country for a long time . Both options
have advantages and disadvantages .
Living in the countryside has a lot of benefits .Firstly, it is obviously better for your
health, especially if you live near the sea or forest . The feeling when you wake up
and breathe fresh air (instead of smoke, if you are in a town or city ) is
incredible.Secondly , singing of birds must be better than a traffic noise.In the village
people know each other and usually are more friendly , help without asking anything
in return . Equally , the level of crime is smaller . One of the most persuasive
arguments for living in countryside is a cost for living , it is not a problem to find a
place for living and price of big house in village the same to small flour in big city.
There is also plenty of high-quality homemade food .
In spite of the cost and quality of living , there are numerous drawbacks . For
instance, people can't visit cinemas ,museums , cafes and other kinds of
entertainment . If something happens, the police or emergency can't ride as quickly
as in the city .The strongest argument against country life is social and cultural life , it
is very important for a lot of people .
All in all, there are both advantages and disadvantages to living in the countryside.
Life in the countryside is slower and calmer than urban life . So ,it is more suitable for
children and old people. Personally, I prefer living in the city ,but there are so many
things about living in the countryside that I enjoy .

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