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Binangonan, Rizal
A.Y. 2022 - 2023


English 10

DATE : Q2. Lesson 1 (Week 1)

UNIT TOPIC : Dealing with Inner Conflict

TOPIC : Rashomon

CONTENT STANDARD : The learner demonstrates understanding of how world

literature and other text types serve as vehicles of
expressing and resolving conflicts among individuals or
groups; also, how to use strategies in critical reading,
listening, and viewing, and affirmation and negation
markers to deliver impromptu and extemporaneous

PERFORMANCE STANDARD : The learner proficiently delivers an argumentative

speech emphasizing how to resolve conflicts among
individuals or groups.
LEARNING COMPETENCIES : EN10VC-IIa-3.8: Assess the effectiveness of the ideas
presented in the material viewed considering its purpose.
EN10LT-IIa-14.2: Explain how the elements, specific to
a selection, build its theme.
LEARNING TARGETS : - Engage in class discussions/activities to preview
concepts and ideas to be encountered in the main reading
- Recognize the Elements of the story.
- Construct and Carry out tasks from written or verbal

VALUES INTEGRATION : “You have to stand up against the inner conflict and
fight it. The world doesn’t care how you feel; the world
is only interested in what you have done and what you
are doing” -Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Snippet from the Spider-Man 2022 – Bridge Rescue Scene (7/10)
⮚ Why did the villain place Spider Man in such situation?
⮚ Would Spider Man do everything he could to save the people and Mary Jane? Why can’t he just

choose one?
⮚ Have you experienced making a difficult choice and you could only choose from limited options?
What did you do? And what factors did affect your decisions?
A. The learners will have a short ‘Vocabulary Boost’ this is some unfamiliar words
written in the story ‘Rashomon’
1. Ridgepole - a horizontal beam along the ridge of a roof, into which rafters
are fastened.
2. Crevices - narrow openings or fissures especially in a rock or wall.
3. Inexorable - impossible to stop or prevent.
4. Scabbard - a sheath for a sword, dagger, or another type of knife.
5. Ghoulish - an evil creature in frightening stories that robs graves and eats dead
6. Antipathy - a deep-seated feeling of dislike.
7. Scurry - move hurriedly with short quick steps.
8. Sheathed - put the weapon in the scabbard.
B. The Learners will be introduced to the author of the reading selection. (Page 69 of
Voyagers 10)

MOTIVE QUESTION: Does the end justify the means?

C. The learners will read “Rashomon” a short story written by Ryunosuke Akutagawa on
pp. 69-73 of their book.
D. The Learners’ will be introduced to a literary element called Macabre. This story is
characterized by the use of macabre, an element of literary work that displays grim or
depressing atmosphere. The images, the setting, the symbols, and the situations in the
story are all designed to highlight death, hopelessness, terror, and the inevitable
struggles of humankind or what we called inner conflict that we usually encounter in
our everyday lives. Other writers who use this effect or style are Edgar Allan Poe,
Stephen King and Fyodor Dostoevsky.

E. The learners will then answer the Process questions:

 Who are characters in the in the story?

 Where did the story happen? Describe what happened to the place.
 What was the servant pondering about?
 Why was the servant in that place? What happened to him?
 How did the servant’s encounter with the old lady affect the dilemma he
had been pondering?
 What do the following symbolize?
festering pimple


⮚ On a separate sheet of paper, the learners will answer questions

 What do you think will happen if all people make decisions like the
characters in the story or if the only value left in this world is survival?
 If you were the character in the story, would you pursue your needs even
if it means putting others in trouble?
 How is the literary element macabre useful in describing the setting of the
story including its mood? How does it help you determine the theme of the


⮚ The students will answer Process question B of their book.

On a piece of paper, write your answer to the question
“Which is a better choice for the servant, to starve to death or to rob the person he

CLOSURE: “You have to stand up against the inner conflict and fight it. The world doesn’t care how
you feel; the world is only interested in what you have done and what you are doing” -Gurudev Sri Sri
Ravi Shankar

Prepared by: Checked by: 


Student Teacher Cooperating Teacher

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