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Course: Linux Networking and Security


EC-Council University
ECCU 507 - Linux Networking and Security
Term 2/2023

Instructor: Warren Mack
University Email:
Office Hours: Prior appointment

This course explores the various tools and techniques commonly used by Linux system
administrators and is designed for students who have limited or no previous exposure to Linux.
Emphasis is placed on writing a simple bash script using a text editor and managing processes
within the Linux file system. Additional topics include data security, user security, and file
security. Students will be required to take on the role of problem solvers and apply the concepts
presented to situations that might occur in a work environment.

Upon successful completion of this course, the students will be able to:
1. Explore the fundamentals of the Linux platform and analyze the file system.
2. Identify the factors to consider while selecting Linux distribution and recognize various
stages in the Linux Boot Process.
3. Evaluate the Linux GUI desktop environment and the role of a package manager and
sources for obtaining packages.
4. Recall steps to view the user account and group membership information and share the
importance of planning disk partitioning before installing Linux.
5. Explain how to implement device drivers on a Linux system and generate a list of module
6. Define the various processor types, numbering, and process states and recall the steps to
synchronize the time on a Linux network.
7. Discuss the role of Linux Log files and various commands used to view log files.

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Copyright © 2023 EC-Council University. All rights reserved.
Course: Linux Networking and Security

8. Discuss the function of the IP protocol and the differences between a private IP address
and a public IP address.
9. Explain the purpose of the shell declaration and various methods used to run a script from
the command line.
10. Compare and contrast various tools to protect, test, and monitor the security of Linux
systems, specifying levels of security controls based on evidence, information, and

The program outcome is defined by the collaboration of the course outcomes. Each course content
is designed to meet the specific course outcomes. Below are the steps taken to ensure that the
content is largely guided by the course outcome principles.
• Each topic has introductions and instructions related to the tools and techniques for usage,
keeping in mind the target it is used towards.
• The content works as a guideline to ensure the dos and don’ts in a given scenario to ensure
ethical behavior.
• The content mentions reference(s) per topic to encourage research and understanding of
case studies.
• The labs provide a systematic approach towards problem-solving and approaching a
solution in a defined manner.
• The content not only covers implementation but also introduces policies and standards
thatgovern the practices related to the topic in the cybersecurity industry.

Course Material: Our material is available in Canvas. Students need to use their login credentials
to log into the My ECCU LMS to access the course.
Required Readings: Linux Pro 5 -TestOut.
Recommended Resources: All supplementary recommended resources are listed module-wise to
encourage research and understanding.

For all technology and course-related concerns, please contact our 24/7 Personal Support Center:
Copyright © 2023 EC-Council University. All rights reserved.
Course: Linux Networking and Security

The academic credit used by ECCU is based on ten module courses that constitute three credits
per course. All courses constitute approximately 135 hours of work per course (Readings,
Introduce Yourself Discussion, Discussion Threads, Case studies, Final Exam, Lab Assignments,
Quizzes, Research Project, Written Assignments, and Supplementary Requirements).

Category Grading Percentage
Case study 15%
Discussion Threads 20%
Final Exam 15%
Lab Assignments 20%
Research Project 10%
Written Assignment 15%
Live Session 5%
Course Total Points 100%
Letter Grades
The grading system used at EC-Council University is the A-F system. Unless otherwise stated, the
University awards letter grades in recognition of academic performance in each course. Grade
points are used to calculate grade point average (GPA).
Grade Point Average Calculation
Grade point average (GPA) is calculated by dividing the number of grade points by the number of
hours in which the grade has been earned. Transfer credits are not included in GPA calculations.

Letter grade Range of points Grade points

A 93-100 4.00
A- 90-92 3.75
B+ 87-89 3.50
B 83-86 3.00
B- 80-82 2.75
C+ 77-79 2.50
C 73-76 2.00
C- 70-72 1.75
F 0-69 0.00
W Withdrawal
AW Administrative

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Copyright © 2023 EC-Council University. All rights reserved.
Course: Linux Networking and Security


I Incomplete
IP In Progress
R Retaken Course
FD Failure Dropped
I - An Incomplete “I” is a temporary grade that may be given at EC-Council University’s discretion
to a student when illness, necessary absence, or other reasons beyond the control of the student
prevents completion of course requirements by the end of the academic term. (see Incomplete
Grade Policy)
IP - In Progress applies to currently enrolled courses.
R - Retaken course. An “R” grade is indicated on the transcript when a later grade has superseded
the course grade. Only the latter grade will be used in computing the GPA.
W - A student may withdraw from a course by notifying the Registrar in a documented manner
(mail, e-mail or Fax). If the withdrawal occurs during an active course, the student will receive a
refund as per the refund schedule in the refund policy. A “W” will appear on the student’s
transcript, and the credits for the course will be added to the cumulative credits attempted.
Withdrawals will not be included in the GPA Calculation. Refer to the published academic
calendar dates and deadlines section for dates when a withdrawal is allowed.
AW - Faculty members or ECCU staff may initiate an Administrative Withdrawal (AW) of a
student from a course based on lack of attendance or participation or lack of connectivity. Please
see the description of these items below. Depending on when the AW occurs, the student may be
eligible for a refund according to the refund schedule in the refund policy. AW will appear on the
student’s transcript, and the credits for the course will be added to the credits attempted. If the
student is administratively withdrawn from the class because of plagiarism, disciplinary action will
occur, resulting in the student receiving not an AW but an F on their transcript, and the protocol
described in the Academic Honesty Policy will be employed. Although students can be dropped
for lack of attendance or non-participation, the student should never assume that they will be
automatically withdrawn for any reason.
FD - A student will earn an FD grade when they have attended 60% of more of the term but have
not attended for at least 21 days. FD grades will count towards total credits attempted for the
cumulative credits attempted and will be included in the GPA calculation.
Lack of Connectivity
Students having connectivity problems/issues may be administratively withdrawn. It is the
student’s responsibility to ensure the equipment needed to complete the requirements of the course
is connected, current, and functional for class purposes. Faculty are not responsible for the
student’s lack of connectivity and are not obligated to allow students to make up work because the
student could not connect. Students should never assume that they will be automatically withdrawn
by staff for lack of connectivity.

For all technology and course-related concerns, please contact our 24/7 Personal Support Center:
Copyright © 2023 EC-Council University. All rights reserved.
Course: Linux Networking and Security

All credits awarded by EC-Council University are semester hour credits. Credits are awarded only
upon successful completion of a course or project requirements.
Students will graduate with honors if they have a cumulative GPA of:
• Cum Laude - for grade point averages of 3.50 through 3.669
• Magna Cum Laude - for grade point averages of 3.67 through 3.749
• Summa Cum Laude - for grade point averages of 3.75 and above
Honors Lists
After the end of each term, all students in degree-seeking programs who earned a high GPA for
the term will be recognized for their high achievement. Those students who have earned a 3.75 to
4.0 GPA for the term are placed on the President's List.
Those students who have earned a 3.50 to 3.749 GPA for the term are placed on the Dean's List.
For more details on the nomenclature, refer to the Grading System.


Point Assignments
Allocation Due (MST)
Module 1 – Opens on Monday at 12:00 am, Closes on Sunday at 11:59 pm.
Read the following chapters from the book - Linux Pro 5 - -
Chapter 00 - Linux Pro Introduction
Chapter 01 - Linux Overview
Discussion Thread 100 Wednesday
(11:59 pm)
Case Study 100 Sunday
(11:59 pm)
Lab Assignment 100 Sunday
(11:59 pm)
Written Assignment 100 Sunday
(11:59 pm)
Live Session 100 -

For all technology and course-related concerns, please contact our 24/7 Personal Support Center:
Copyright © 2023 EC-Council University. All rights reserved.
Course: Linux Networking and Security

Module 2 – Opens on Monday at 12:00 am, Closes on Sunday at 11:59 pm.

Read the following chapter from the book - Linux Pro 5 - - -
Chapter 02 - Using Linux
Discussion Thread 100 Wednesday
(11:59 pm)
Case Study 100 Sunday
(11:59 pm)
Lab Assignment 100 Sunday
(11:59 pm)
Written Assignment 100 Sunday
(11:59 pm)
Live Session 100 -
Module 3 – Opens on Monday at 12:00 am, Closes on Sunday at 11:59 pm.
Read the following chapters from the book - Linux Pro 5 - -
Chapter 03 - Installation and Localization
Chapter 04 - Boot and Shutdown
Discussion Thread 100 Wednesday
(11:59 pm)
Case Study 100 Sunday
(11:59 pm)
Lab Assignment 100 Sunday
(11:59 pm)
Written Assignment 100 Sunday
(11:59 pm)
Live Session 100 -
Module 4 – Opens on Monday at 12:00 am, Closes on Sunday at 11:59 pm.
Read the following chapters from the book - Linux Pro 5 - -
Chapter 05 - Graphical User Interfaces and Desktops

For all technology and course-related concerns, please contact our 24/7 Personal Support Center:
Copyright © 2023 EC-Council University. All rights reserved.
Course: Linux Networking and Security

Chapter 06 - Software Installation

Discussion Thread 100 Wednesday
(11:59 pm)
Case Study 100 Sunday
(11:59 pm)
Lab Assignment 100 Sunday
(11:59 pm)
Written Assignment 100 Sunday
(11:59 pm)
Live Session 100 -
Module 5 – Opens on Monday at 12:00 am, Closes on Sunday at 11:59 pm.
Read the following chapter from the book - Linux Pro 5 - - -
Chapter 07 - User and Groups
Chapter 08 - Disks and File System Management
Discussion Thread 100 Wednesday
(11:59 pm)
Case Study 100 Sunday
(11:59 pm)
Lab Assignment 1 100 Sunday
(11:59 pm)
Lab Assignment 2 100 Sunday
(11:59 pm)
Written Assignment 100 Sunday
(11:59 pm)
Live Session 100 -
Module 6 – Opens on Monday at 12:00 am, Closes on Sunday at 11:59 pm.
Read the following chapter from the book - Linux Pro 5 - - -
Chapter 09 - Hardware Installation
Chapter 10 - Processes and System Services

For all technology and course-related concerns, please contact our 24/7 Personal Support Center:
Copyright © 2023 EC-Council University. All rights reserved.
Course: Linux Networking and Security

Discussion Thread 100 Wednesday

(11:59 pm)
Lab Assignment 1 100 Sunday
(11:59 pm)
Lab Assignment 2 100 Sunday
(11:59 pm)
Written Assignment 100 Sunday
(11:59 pm)
Live Session 100 -
Module 7 – Opens on Monday at 12:00 am, Closes on Sunday at 11:59 pm.
Read the following chapter from the book - Linux Pro 5 - 0 -
Chapter 11 - System Monitoring
Chapter 12 - Networking
Discussion Thread 100 Wednesday
(11:59 pm)
Case Study 100 Sunday
(11:59 pm)
Lab Assignment 100 Sunday
(11:59 pm)
Written Assignment 100 Sunday
(11:59 pm)
Live Session 100 -
Module 8 – Opens on Monday at 12:00 am, Closes on Sunday at 11:59 pm.
Read the following chapter from the book - Linux Pro 5 - 0 -
Chapter 13 - Cloud and Virtualization
Chapter 14 - Scripting and Automation
Chapter 15 - Security
Discussion Thread 100 Wednesday
(11:59 pm)

For all technology and course-related concerns, please contact our 24/7 Personal Support Center:
Copyright © 2023 EC-Council University. All rights reserved.
Course: Linux Networking and Security

Lab Assignment 100 Sunday

(11:59 pm)
Live Session 100 -
Module 9 – Opens on Monday at 12:00 am, Closes on Sunday at 11:59 pm.
Research Project 60 Sunday
(11:59 pm)
Live Session 100 -
Module 10 – Opens on Monday at 12:00 am, Closes on Sunday at 11:59 pm.
Final Exam 100 Sunday
(11:59 pm)
Live Session 100 -

There are scheduled weekly discussion questions. Your comments/responses must be clear,
concise, and complete. You are also required to respond to your classmate's responses each week.
Make sure to exercise professionalism when responding to other students' online posts.
• The first initial discussion is due by Wednesday (11:59 pm, MST)
• A reply post(s) to other student(s) posts is due by Sunday (11:59 pm, MST) the same week.
• No discussion responses will be accepted after the weekly Sunday due date.

• The final exam evaluates students’ skills and academic achievements in this course.
• Students must read each question carefully and depending on the questions answer
• Students will get only ONE attempt to complete the assessment.
• Students should refer to the syllabus or contact the instructor with any questions about the
final exam.
• Students enrolled in the courses are expected to have the necessary hardware and software,
and internet access to take the final exam.


Students can expect the instructor to:
• Respond to all course messages within 48 hours of receipt at the latest.
For all technology and course-related concerns, please contact our 24/7 Personal Support Center:
Copyright © 2023 EC-Council University. All rights reserved.
Course: Linux Networking and Security

• Provide instructor contact information on the syllabus.

• Actively facilitate class discussions.
• When communicating with your instructor, please include your first and last name, as well
as the course title and number in the communication. You should use course messaging
tools to communicate with your instructor.


Different academic and professional disciplines use various methods for citing sources of
information. This is done so that ideas are properly attributed to their author and so that others can
easily find and refer to the information to help with further study or research. To ensure consistency
and precision for students and instructors, the College has chosen the APA style as the standard
documentation and citation style to be used in all courses.
APA format was established by the American Psychological Association. It is used widely in the
social sciences and other research-based fields, and it is one of the most universally applicable
documentation styles because of its ease of use. The APA style provides for clear references in the
text and at the end of the document. By using APA as the common style in our classes and
assignments, the College seeks to streamline the documentation component of the important
information literacy process. For additional information on the use of APA style, refer to the
Library Resources page on the Student Portal.


This course uses a combination of readings, discussion, written assignments, and quizzes to
facilitate and reinforce the students learning. A course project will also be used to assess
comprehension of overall course topics.
• Readings: Check your course schedule for assigned readings and due dates.
• Discussion assignments: There are scheduled weekly discussion questions. Your
comments/responses must be clear, concise, and complete. You are also required to
respond to your classmate's responses each week. Make sure to exercise professionalism
when responding to other student's online posts.
• Written Assignments: Written assignments can take many forms. In some instances, you
will perform research on a particular topic and report back on your findings. In others you
will be asked to analyze behavior you have experienced in the workplace.

Regular class attendance is important to achieving learning outcomes in the course and maybe a
valid consideration in determining the final grade. Students taking courses in any format at the
University are expected to be diligent in their studies and attend class regularly.

For all technology and course-related concerns, please contact our 24/7 Personal Support Center:
Copyright © 2023 EC-Council University. All rights reserved.
Course: Linux Networking and Security

In order to comply, EC Council University is providing the following procedural guidance to

faculty when filling out your non-participation rosters. A student attends an online course (or the
online portion of a hybrid/blended course) by participating in class or otherwise engaging in an
academically related activity. Examples of such activity include but are not limited to:
1. Contributing to a discussion thread.
2. Submitting a written assignment or working draft; working through exercises.
3. Taking a quiz or exams
4. Viewing and/or completing a tutorial
5. Initiating contact with a faculty member to ask a course-related question.
Such academically related activities are readily tracked and documented through the University
learning management system, email system, and in some cases, publisher websites. Documenting
that a student has logged into an online class or website is not sufficient, by itself, to demonstrate
academic attendance by the student.
Not having access to a working computer or any other technology-related excuse is not an
acceptable reason for failing to submit your work on time.
Refer to the site for more information on the Student Rights & Responsibilities.

The practices of courtesy and respect that apply in the ordinary classroom also apply online and
require even more attention. Here are some guidelines and tips:
• Stick to the topic: When you are in a discussion thread, keep your ideas focused on the
ideas being discussed. If you want to express a new idea you might put in a new subject
title or start in a new thread.
• Subject titles: Name your postings with a title that lets people know what the message is
• Keeping it short: You don’t have to share everything you know about a topic. Keep your
message short enough so that it can be read on a single screen and without scrolling.
AS SHOUTING. Try to avoid it! This is the one we encounter the most. Everyone wants
their view to stand out and some people, perhaps less accustomed to chat on the web, don’t
realise that far from emphasising their point writing in capitals can detract from it, putting
people off before they even read the content. I guess it’s a bit like writing in red!
• Share the floor: Not everyone can get online regularly or has the confidence to post ideas
often. Bear this in mind and try not to dominate the discussion. Give others space and time
to reply so everyone has an opportunity to be heard.
• Reply to messages: When you’re responding to someone’s posting directly, you might like
to include all or part of the message you’re replying to in your own message. Use the
“reply/quote” function to do this.

For all technology and course-related concerns, please contact our 24/7 Personal Support Center:
Copyright © 2023 EC-Council University. All rights reserved.
Course: Linux Networking and Security

• I think it would be positive to suggest that when replying this should be done in a friendly
tone and users should seek something to praise before making criticism. Of course, this
will not always be possible but, just as this is effective in face-to-face communication, it
does wonders for constructive discussion in a forum.
• If there is nothing to praise just a statement to acknowledge the legitimacy of the views of
others goes a long way.
• Check it’s ready to “Send”: Re-read your ideas and tidy up the punctuation, sentences, etc.
When you’re satisfied, hit “Send”. Never hit “Send” when you are responding in anger;
draft it in a word processor and sleep on it.
• Flaming: “Flaming,” or flying off the handle and ranting at someone else is unacceptable;
it’s the equivalent of having a tantrum, something most of us wouldn’t do in an onsite,
face-to-face classroom. When flaming escalates into a heated discussion or “flame war”, it
is very offensive to other readers. Avoid saying anything that may offend another person.
If you see it happening report it to your lecturer, tutor, or subject coordinator.
• Plagiarism: Plagiarism, cheating, and other violations of ethical student behavior are
serious actions in a learning community. You should expect to be treated accordingly.
These rules were adapted from the following sources:
Crozier, M. (2021, May 5). Netiquette – How to Mind Your Manners Online. Bang the Table.

Basic requirement for employment in any organization is regular, on time attendance. EC-Council
University students are expected to be on time and in regular attendance for all courses. Workplace
etiquette also requires a notification to be made if an absence is necessary. EC-Council University
students are expected to notify the university if an extended absence is necessary. It is the student’s
responsibility to contact the instructor to get missed information, course work, and assignments.
Students are expected to participate weekly in all classes. Substantive online activity, including
commentary in the discussion section of the online classroom, posting of required assignments and
course quizzes and exams in a timely manner according to the posted due dates is required.
First-Week Attendance: Students are expected to meet the attendance requirements in their
course(s) on or before the 6th business day after the start of the term. Completion and submission
of a gradable assignment will be required to fulfill the first week attendance requirement in all
courses. Students who have not met the attendance requirement in at least one scheduled university
course within 6 business days of the start of a term may be administratively withdrawn from the
Course Attendance: If a student has not attended a course within 21 days of their last date of
attendance in that course he or she may be administratively withdrawn from the course. If the
student has not attended any courses within 21 days of their last day of attendance, he or she may
be administratively withdrawn from the university. Upon withdrawal, the student will be subject

For all technology and course-related concerns, please contact our 24/7 Personal Support Center:
Copyright © 2023 EC-Council University. All rights reserved.
Course: Linux Networking and Security

to the universities refund policy and will be assigned grades according to EC-Council University
course drop policy.


Students may submit assigned work up to seven days after the stated deadline. A 10% grade
penalty is assessed for work up to 24 hours late; an additional 10% penalty is assessed for each
additional day the work is late. In some cases (such as late discussion postings), students may be
asked to complete an alternate assignment for equivalent point value, minus any applicable
penalty. Online discussions conclude at the end of the current week/chapter. Discussion posts made
after the end of the current week/ chapter will not be accepted. Instructors may waive the late
penalty or time frame in the case of extenuating circumstances as determined by the faculty. In
some cases, certain activities, such as labs and exams, must be completed at the designated time
and therefore cannot be made up. The instructor should apprise students beforehand of any such
activities. In no circumstances may students submit work after the last day of the course unless an
incomplete grade has been requested and granted beforehand.


An “I” indicates an incomplete grade and is a temporary grade for a course which a student is
unable to complete due to extenuating circumstances. The student must request an incomplete from
the instructor prior to the last day of the Term. An incomplete may be granted to a student at the
end of a Term at the discretion of the instructor under the following conditions:
1. An incomplete form is completed by the instructor that identifies:
a) The work to be completed
b) Qualifications for acceptable work
c) The deadline for completing the work is seven calendar days for the term.
d) The grade to be entered should the student not complete the work by the deadline (the
calculated grade).
e) Instructors will have one week for grading, recalculation of grades, and processing of
all documents required. Incomplete records will be maintained in the student’s file.
2. Incomplete records will be maintained in the student’s file.
3. The student’s Dean must be informed of all incompletes granted by instructor. Incompletes
will be granted rarely, and instructors will take the following into consideration when
granting an incomplete:
a) The work to be completed must be regularly assigned work, identified in the course
b) The student can reasonably be expected to complete the work by the deadline.
c) The student’s grade will be substantially improved.
d) The student has demonstrated a commitment to completing work in a timely fashion.

For all technology and course-related concerns, please contact our 24/7 Personal Support Center:
Copyright © 2023 EC-Council University. All rights reserved.
Course: Linux Networking and Security

e) Granting the incomplete is truly in the best interest of the student.

f) By completing the work, the student is able to demonstrate their ability to meet the
course objectives.
4. Allowing the student extra time compensates for events or conditions not within the
student’s control (e.g., illness, emergencies, etc.).
5. Incompletes may not be granted only for the sake of improved cumulative grade point
average, nor will they be granted to allow students to make up “extra credit” work.
6. Incomplete grades must be completed within seven calendar days of the last day of the
term in which the course was attempted. An incomplete grade not completed by the
deadline will be changed to the calculated alternate grade designated by the instructor on
the Incomplete Form and will be included in the cumulative grade point average. The final
grade awarded for the course is included in the calculation of the cumulative grade point


As a model of the highest ethical standards and as an institution of higher-learning, EC-Council
University expects its students to conduct themselves with a certain level of honesty and integrity.
Students of EC-Council University are expected to uphold the very highest professional and
personal ethics and embrace opportunities for engaging an honest intellectual inquiry by practicing
academic integrity. Academic integrity is the commitment to five fundamental values: honesty,
trust, fairness, respect and responsibility. The purpose of this policy is to clarify the universities
expectations with regard to student academic behavior and provide examples of academic
misconduct. Misconduct is a violation of the academic integrity policy, whether intentional or
unintentional, and includes all forms of academic cheating.
• Academic Misconduct: It is a violation of the Academic Integrity Policy, including all
forms of academic dishonesty. Including but not limited to acts that may result in creating
an unfair academic advantage to the student or others.
• Cheating: Distributing or receiving answers or information by any means other than those
expressly permitted by the instructor for any academic exercise. Examples include:
o Copying answers, data, or information for any academic exercise from another student
in which the student is not expressly permitted to work jointly with others.
o Impersonation: Assuming another student identity or allowing another individual to
complete an academic exercise on one’s own behalf.
o Using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, texts, devices, notes, information,
or study aids to gain unfair advantage in any academic exercise (i.e., assignments,
discussions, tests, quizzes, papers, labs).
• Collusion: Knowingly assisting, attempting to assist, or receiving assistance from another
student or students to commit academic misconduct, or conspiring with any other person
in or outside of the University to commit misconduct.
For all technology and course-related concerns, please contact our 24/7 Personal Support Center:
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Course: Linux Networking and Security

• Destruction, Theft, Obstruction, & Interference: Seeking to gain unfair academic

advantage by destroying, damaging, or stealing equipment or products of any academic
exercise; or obstructing or interfering with an instructor’s materials or another student’s
academic work.
• Fabrication, Falsification, Forgery: Deliberately falsifying, altering, or inventing student
records, information, or citations. Forgery is the act of imitating or counterfeiting
documents, signatures, and the like.
• Plagiarism: It is the act of representing an individual’s or organization’s words, thoughts,
or ideas as one’s own. Examples include:
o Using information (a paraphrase or quotation, in whole or in part) from a source without
attempting to give credit to the author of that source.
o Using charts, illustrations, images, figures, equations, etc., without citing the source.
o Using an academic exercise (in whole or in part) purchased or copied from a
ghostwriter or paper/essay mill.
o Copyright infringement or piracy, including the use, alteration, or duplication of media,
software, code, or information when expressly prohibited or where copyright exists or
is implied.
• Violations: Students who violate the Academic Integrity Policy (commit academic
misconduct) are subject to corrective action in order to deter future misconduct and to hold
students accountable for their actions. Academic Integrity violations and corrective actions
are documented and cumulative; corrective actions may be increased based on a past
disciplinary record, the severity of the violation, and the impact upon the academic
community. The University reserves the right to dismiss a student from the University for
academic misconduct; students who are dismissed from the University because of
academic misconduct may not re-enroll. Students who commit Academic Misconduct also
run the risk of harming future educational and employment opportunities.
• Appeal: A student found in violation of the Academic Integrity Policy may appeal a
finding of misconduct using the Academic Appeal Policy located in the catalog.


1. EC-Council University takes measures to verify the identity of the students who are
applying to the University, completing courses, and taking proctored exams.
2. Students access their courses and reference materials through our secure online learning
management system, where they are required to enter their username and password.
Students are responsible for the safeguard of their individual credentials.
3. EC-Council University implements student identity verification in several ways to ensure
proper ID.
• A Valid Government issued ID is required with the admissions application.
• Login credentials are required for the online LMS portal.

For all technology and course-related concerns, please contact our 24/7 Personal Support Center:
Copyright © 2023 EC-Council University. All rights reserved.
Course: Linux Networking and Security


EC-Council University seeks to create an accessible university community where students with
disabilities have an equal opportunity to participate fully in all aspects of the educational
experience. EC-Council University recognizes its obligation under the Americans with Disabilities
Act of 1990 and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and commits to the success of its students and
faculty by prohibiting discrimination on the basis of disability and requiring reasonable
accommodations to qualified disabled students in all programs and activities.
Students with disabilities do not have to self-disclose or register with the University
Accommodations Coordinator, although the University encourages them to do so. Students
seeking academic accommodations or adjustments must contact the University Accommodations
Coordinator to request such services. Students who are unsure who to contact should check with
their Dean or Academic Advisor.
For more information on student accommodations, please reference the Accommodations Policy
in the Catalog.

For all technology and course-related concerns, please contact our 24/7 Personal Support Center:
Copyright © 2023 EC-Council University. All rights reserved.

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