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Write a formal e-mail (150 words), choose between:

1. Making an enquiry about an aspect/problem related with your future ERASMUS stay. You
have not being assigned to the University selected.

2. Ask for an appointment to review an exam you have unexpectedly failed. The
teacher could have mistaken you for another student.

Dear Ms. Sanchez,

I am contacting you due to the exam marks that had just been uploaded to the virtual
Campus. I was very disappointed when I found out that I had failed the exam. You might
remember that I was one of the last students who left the class and you even mention how
much I had written. However, when I entered into the notes of the mark it mentioned that I
hadn’t answered half of the questions on the test, which I found impossible to be as I
completed the entire exam.

Nevertheless, I’m not saying that my exam deserves the highest mark, but I am suspecting
that there may have been some mistake in the marks as the student who goes before me on
the list said that he didn’t answer half of the questions and somehow he obtained a very high

If it’s possible I would kindly like to arrange a meeting with you to see the errors that are on
my exam to see what might have happened.

I am looking forward to hearing from you soon,

Claudia Scheele

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