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Cae sh-2

TopetFachor nlienng entveprenewrship

Case shudyt
Sam antha s a 2u yeay oLd vecent colae goae
Csto has alunygs had a pasltn oroY baking- eehe uank
to Stoyt her balkeny buiness bt
Cuhere to Stavt.
She has
Gniled budet and no eopeene
on businew margement. Tdenhy Gnd explain foctors
that cud mpoct Somanth's Mergence

Samanth is a vecent gvadnte coho coants to

eltahlish her
baling busne bot Contused
how or uhere to
begin bec ause she hag a estrekd
budg nd
Enploy eea foctors hot on help her entrep
-veneuial path.

Toctoro Tnluenog entreqyeneurship


'actovs Socfal

Personal -D nvronmet
) personal tuctos t
te epener hang the Qual'ty c immense
mnen napiraion
maturity hafdung itathe, Vsk talkinay pertevevant,
persiashe and proacfu
Sorne of tho personal

the tniRtotor i of the Rmportant qalihy

enttepiener Cho takes the Piitatve bA Coming op cSith
the dea to the busine and planing
toNn he ideo into YeaGty
2) Risk- taker
Tt a the poces ot Tdentireeyalyatng and
oUt the polent+ol pporturntte
ard steqfes that nay help to QUr busines.
3)Persistence t
entepepeuy to remnin
Sleadast, -focused and soufen ofened napile of
It means shoing up gin and
make .

TL S the aiGty to conine. A persusie

entrepen eur is not abe to connce customes to
buy bit alzo reale shon netuork onnecRon cth
5) broafve -
thio the qwaty enbepneur hat
einaluy mofutle to Porose ther n venture

n fo-Ene balis.
Payeholofcal tactort8
he entepieneor have the tnan hree pyrhrlicat
factoys 4hat ave offecing them
Nerd achievemert
withreo ct status reapect
-- hofves
- cther
DlocU5 of ontrol
to toke isk
wlnqea to
Toorance .

akea thodt people wrth

he theDYq tatea
heed achieue mext ave Several
iskt sirnoale them
Visks and thoe
to qveeler etfort,

According to iagen, ot some pofnt ny

groups erpenence Vadleal oss Of tatu.

tBigen abtbuled -the othdrool ot Status espeet

a group to the gena et ertopenoskip

Tntrepenorship strex the motves ot the

entrepreneur. Cole. the opinfon that besdes
Cuealth entrepreneur pouer,prestiqe,
Secuñty Servfce to
Some of he OLher
Locus of Conbrol
Tthis means that
he enbeprereur tol
he Can Conbrol Kis oun ite and
e no frfluneced by the foc tors ke bck, fae
o wUnew to take vskt
the elvepreneuYS oho Can take o moderae
feks Can eann
hgher vetuw On

Socal bctors t
Social fctos Can go a long coay in enoUnging
en bvepenerehip.

the tacBoy încudes sine ot faiy type

econorc Stetus.

Bockayound et anly fo manfochofirg poiad

Source Rhdustia entepreneurehip.
2) Educationt
Edu cotfon enables to understanc the ot
egups tim the bagic
tn the
ond eqsfps
knewladge and BfUs to deal ctn da-.toyday
)-AtAtude of the Sotfety t
t related aspect to thee is the aHk ot
the Soiety towGYds enbreprenewrshBp
Certafn soiefe encourage Gnnovalton cund
Nesovs ke
approve entepreneUs acHon and
Certein Sofekea not tolere he entre
u) CultYal vawe t
to acRon. En trepren euia
Mofves mpel men

proper oives
qooth eares and ettoiment: of
mest int
Economfe ctovs enteprencUVskib
Ad immedf înfieens

Raw matel

Captfat of the e t inpovtet

hctow ot prodocon tr the esthshemet.
copttal eci titteN Ror the ahec
to bhg toetther the (a, mcine and Yauw mt

2) LabouY t

alo efect entrepreneorship.

the cuatyy rodher than

iiwences the emegencg Yecth et cntrep
Rau materfalat
of the basic
-or rodoctEon. gvediens vaued
the ne
needt any
emphasis foY
atrblfshinq n
The Cneprencur must hawe to mantrin
tine (ast tnoledqe aboot m nd Saie
)Ias buctuve
Ex pansion of
preauppesses 1cperg
and tronaporteton foctiks.
It hot Ody help to rloge the tnayke
but expand the hoions of buined
SEnvivonmental factot
Enironmental fectors in busines ove the contiong thot
Osfst n a busines amvonment,
the maor enionmen tal ctors ke
b Soal and cture.
Potscal foctrt
he sobsafes, shenes, poties and Soppot Pouid
on a Corg way to de lda Veqavdng
by government g
the setng up entipig.
) Leqfalatont
fornaiGes d bor buus ae
Vavious leg the estbt'shapent of hsiren
inpovtart to

dekevmines demand nd
The skcuke ot ecoonY -the sale ot netmt
leads to deiding
for the busincs

ndng opton,
op (eet
awaiaity ct
The velefrg
Source entepenenie.
ence on
kkermines the hatore, type ond eotey
ot voducs and Seniceo offered.
So thex the ve tctró that iene
the husine and ast Sara becming
Successful entveprenar

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