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Student Book

Welcome to Reading Rocket o4

Meet the Chorocters o6

.4== Study, Study, Study o9

'+..!t{S. Fiction

Thanks, Mom and Dad! 13

Nonfiction - Science

,, ;$i The SeagullWho Didn't Like Fish


Wow, That's Loud! 21
Nonfiction - Science

"*S& Wave Riding 25


'* The Statue of Liberty 29

Nonfiction - Social Studies

'*{{$i!{z. Lucy the Gymnast 33


Tugboats 37
Nonfiction - Lifestyle

#{+!{*g-H My New Neighbor 41


'"-t/'q&{S=ffi Surfing 45
Nonfiction - Sports
,.l{,s{tl !,-*::i Drumsticks

.- -ulit t4 , ei New Zealand 55

Nonfiction - Social Studies

., ryr|{ q,{ f i
Walking the Dogs 59

,- l.riF'l! ii The Spiny Anteater

Nonfiction - Science

:Hsl{--- l Singing in the Elevator 67


"jtrir-:gj Making a Movie 71

Nonfiction - Lifestyle

-l#t{lr.:J Noodle Time! 75


{qi{ rS *i Cakes for Breakfast? 79

Nonfiction - Lifestyle

.:qry{J9 -si Ski Patrol 83


. fxitf{ ei Love of the Old

Nonfiction - Lifestyle
fl:asy-to-Follow Lesson Process:Three Stages of Reading

fl TheCumulative Reading Skill Practice

following reading skills are practiced and consolidated throughout the series so students
can become better readers.

pl Cumulative Vocabulary Practice

Target words are practiced 6 times in the student book and the workbook. This cumulative practice will help
students to memorize the new vocabulary.

fl engaging Stories with Cotorful lllustrations & Animated Audio Recording

S!4ine is he sNn ot il nq @ax waves Tday I is rcDUgr !]l
3ro!ild ihe wdld bui t bes. if tu',a MaDv vears btol a

* Engaging stories motivate students to read.

Mh su&rs !s Mrds rod6 fis daiiic and i turgh$, brt r ff€ pd
thry were nrade oI wdd Sr,M.ds h&e gor€. a lol salltr h; shirk ilg
tom a nreter3 dovin to 2 Be&B sin.o hr ]ffi llis chnAe has alt@red
* Colorful illustrations help students to understand.
soi6rs rc p6trffi afrarro fids suoh as iunrF anc 3@ de0.e6 nnns

M6r sude.i nde waves tor enioynrenl aid i1ne5s, but sore srdqs &v6
bsom. prdessbnab ,hey Md. in o'nFnrions io. Dr* oonry Ober s Students can listen to the audio recording of the reading passage.
su*e6 ov€ danger .ad tfev hae sdrfd h!@ 10 20 wa!.s M1h th6

MEhy &.hos iM have a su, sc&d Mere lru .an &m b sud. Look i.r i + Cute characters appeal to students.

+ Carefully graded non-fiction passages help students to build

academic reading skills.
Part A.Warm up
The warm-up section helps students prepare for reading and
understanding the passage.

The new target words are introduced in this activity.

Port A. Main ldea

This question asks the student to identify the main idea
ofthe passage.
Part B - Part D, Reading Skill Practice
* Identifying feelings and attitudes
* ldentifying details
* ldentifying cohesion: pronouns
* Making inferences
* ldentifying cause and effect
" Understanding the order of events (sequencing)
. ldentifying facts
, Compare and contrast
u Problem and solution

Part A. Word Practice

Here the student has their first opportunity to review
the target words.

Part B. Discussion
This section asks students to contribute personal opinions to
an in-class discussion.


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*#l{rj Study, Study, Study 09

Thanks, Mom and Dad! 13

,-q,qqq{ ti The SeagullWho Didn't Like Fish 17

*.*l$q{--g Wow,That's Loud! 21

';lk$ff.*C Wave Riding 25

The Statue of Liberty 29


..-{!!tt{,. f i Lucy the Gymnast 33

,-k{tr# Tugboats 37

-.{&egg*-g My New Neighbor 41

.-{ryt{le*sl Surfing 45
#| k-jB** *$i.**.*g,ws&**m*
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Warm Up falt about the subiects you study at school.

T What's your favorite subject?
3 What is your classmates'favorite subject?

3 Look at the subjects below. Which subject is the most popular? Why?
.. _ _____: i


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j.,, j . , r &&r


I fiLrq ; i*,t-Li
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@FB*'% i4 ir,"rii.**,lii..,i
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") .
-,*tJ-\"- *14 ii

i /.a

::.;rli New Words Write the word next to its definition. Use the words in bold from the
story on the next page.
a measure of time, 60 minutes

H something you study at school

B to win a point in a game or test

6 in a way that is easy to see, hear or understand

s 75"/"; mainly

ffi 10 + 2-5
;-1;.*glii.: t:ffiE
S&w& $&w& Sew@
"Oh no," said Lucy. "l have a test tomorrow."
"No probleffi," said Dad. "l will help you."
\ur7 I
"OK," said Lucy. "lt's a math test." I

"A math test?" said Dad, "Hmmmm, I don't think
'-/ /
fi/ '-
s I can help you with that. How about talking to your Mom?" --;))-

"Yes, I can help you, Lucy," Mom said, after Lucy asked her.
" Math was my favorite subject when I was at school. "
"Really?" asked Lucy.
"Yes, I used to love finding the answers to the problems. What is your test on?"
t* "Well, it's mostly on division," said Lucy.

Lucy and Mom studied together for an hour after dinner. Lucy could understand division
much more clearly after t&xat.
'1Cool! Thanks, Mom. l'm sure I will do well on the test tomorrow."

The next day, Lucy scored 89% and she gave her mom a big hug. @€
ts "A\A,/w\ru, ask me to help when you have a science test," said Dad. 'I
hun qurz!
O:What did one
"l want to be popular tool" math book say
to the other?
;"'is*"*iiJ*-t, A: I have a lot of
2. During Reading
$ fUain ldea Circle the main idea of the story.

#. Lucy's mom is popular. drp. Dad helped Lucy with science.

-r Mom helped Lucy with math.
Math was mom's favorite subject. &fiu

$ eroblem and Solution Complete the diagram.

. Lucy had a test.

. lt was mostly on

. Mom helped Lucy.

. They together.

. Lucy 89"/".

. She gave her mom a big

$ taentifying Feelings circte the correct answer.

1 Before studying, Lucy found division easy / difficult

2 Lucy was worried / happy

3 After studying with Mom, Lucy was ready / worried

4 Lucy scored 89%. She was happy / sad

5 Lucy was sorry / thankful

6 Dad is proud / jealous . He wants to be popular too.

iilrli:i;1,.1 Rocket,

S O"t"ils circle the correct answer.

1 What do you think Dad's favorite subject was?

d#. lt was science. fu- tt was math.

2 How did Lucy feel when she said, "Oh no, I have a test tomorrow."?

#F' She was excited. fu" Sne was worried.

3 ln line 12, what does that refer to?

str" math test dF- studying together with mom

3. After Read-ng
S Word PractiG€ Choose and complete the sentence.

subjects mostly divi$1on1,,.," hour clearly scored

1 I waited for my friend for an , from 2 o'clock to 3 o'clock.

2 The students in my class are girls.

3 Please speak louder. I can't hear you very

4 l'm studying three : English, math and science.

5 A: Can you do ? B: Yes, I learned it in my math class.

6 Brazil two goals against France in the soccer match.

S Oiscussion Write the answers and talk about them with your friends.

I Who helps you with your homework?

2 How often do you have a test at school?

3 How do you feel when you have a test?

S. $*ffi&*ffiexmd$rxg

ffi Warm Up Tialr about the familv photos.

T Who are the peoPle in the Photos?

? Do the children in the photos look like their parents?

B Do you look more like your mother or father?

l'/!l rr,1r /,

ffi New WordS Write the word next to its definition or below the picture. Use the
words in bold from the story on the next page.

t to stop something from happening

& to make something different

J 6

paint their fingernails or wear makeup to make themselves look different. It is easy
to change these things, but there are some things you can't change. For example,
have you ever tried to change your height?

;' Your height is an example of something that is genetic. Genetic means that it was
given to you by your parents. Skin color, eye color and hair loss are also examples of
genetic differences. Hair loss? Yes, some men and women go bald because of

Do you want to go bald? Probably not. Maybe in the future it will be possible to

"r change the genes that you were born with. Ylris could prevent conditions such as
baldness. My father is bald with hairy ears. I hope they can prevent that!

: 15$w*rd* @ 6
r Read tlris!
Can you rollyour
r tongue? Not
everyone can.
, When you go
home, check if
. your parents can
1 roll their tongues.

2. During Reading
s nnaln ldea Gircle the main idea of the story.
#* Changing your height #" Going bald

Genetic differences d" Changing the way you Iook

$ Craphic Summary Gomptete the diagram.

I height

2 color

3 color

4 hair loss 1= going


$ oetails t check ({ l.

1 You can change your hair color.

2 You can change the genes that you are

born with.

Some men and women go bald because of


You can prevent conditions such as lr


@ Oetails 2 Gircte the correct answer.

1 What's an exarnple of a genetic difference?

{;,, wearing makeup f#, hair loss

2 What does genetic mean?

+,1i" lt was given to you by your parents. .fu. lt can be changed easily.

3 ln line 10, what does this refer to?

rf , the genes that you were born with {it- changing your genes

3, After Reading
$ Word PractiG€ Choose and complete the sentence.

fingernails makeup changed height bald prevent

I My mom puts on before she goes out.

2 My dad is going . He doesn't have much hair.

3 Cut your . They are too long and sharp.

4 She's not tall. She is of medium

5 | wanted to go to Japan, but I my plan. I went to China instead.

6 They are developing a medicine that could the disease.

$ Oiscussion Write the answers and talk about them with your friends.

I How tall are your parents? How tall are you?

Mom: Dad: Me:

2 Do you want to go bald? Why or why not?

3 Do you want to change your hair color? What color do you like?
G = Fr**ffiead*mg

=j$ Warm Up Look at the picture and talk about seagulls.

T Where do seagulls live?

3 What do seagulls eat?

B Do you know any other facts about seagulls?''i-

arbage i
'. Squld
..-\q 1

"1 I
'* € x |.'\ ';'ix'.. :
1'l'\. ';?-.:,:;.ji! !
r i
r r1-
;- rS"'

New Words Write the word next to its definition or picture. Use the words in bold
from the story on the next page.

T-- -dp
- _ to ask someone
*__ attempt
to come to a party or a meeting


4 not living Grammar


s -*-
--- -** good to eat; delicious cry - cried i

S clever

:1r,;.::',J. ::.::.ri

'.Tfie Seagult ltfflo fl.idyt"'* Like ftsfi

Sharon Seagull is a very strange seagull because she doesn't like fish. On Thursday,
her friends tried to invite her out to lunch.
"There's a yurnmy dead shark at the beach, " John said at 1 1o'clock.
"Would you like to go and eat some?"
"No, thank you, John," said Sharon. "l don't like fish."

At 12 o'clock, Ronald tried.
"There're some tasty fish heads at the beach, " he said.
"Would you like to go and eat some?"
" No, thank you, Ronald, " said Sharon. " l don't like f ish. "
John and Ronald just shook their heads.

Suddenly, John had an idea. (John was a smart seagull.)

" l heard that the worms under the big pine tree are very tasty, " $.le

said. "Would you like to go and eat worms, Sharon?"

"Sounds great," said Sharon. "l didn't know you boys liked worms."
"Aww\Ay', we're hungry seagulls," squawked Ronald and John,
"We'll eat anything | "

148 w*rds :?

,F -ql

&ead this! I{
The Little Gull is the smallest kind
$ c rC
of seagull. lt is 29 cm from billto
tail. The Great Black-backed Gull € ---- \)
is the biggest. lt is 76 cm from
bill to tail.
f,*'., J
2, Ourfimg Readfimg
@ ruain ldea circle the rnain idea of the story.

€"+ * John Seagull is a smart seagull. il'"6 The three seagulls eat lunch together.

The seagulls eat a dead fish. ,#

{.€ o Sharon Seagull likes worms.

S Cause and Effect Gomplete the diagram.


Sharon Seagull doesn't

I She didn't want to eat a


2 She didn't want to eat some O Sharon, Ronald and John ate


@ oetalls t who said what? check ({ l.

Shliiirn,,,',, ,.,,ftd,nald,

I There's a yummy dead shark at the beach.

2 There're some tasty fish heads at the beach.

3 No, thank you. I don't like fish.

4 Would you like to go and eat worms?

5 ! didn't know you boys liked worms.

6 We're hungry seagulls. We'll eat anythingl

It+:;:iiir+; Rocket,

$ Oetails 2 Circle the correct answer.

1 Why is Sharon Seagull a very strange seagull?

#$. because she doesn't like fish fu. because she doesn't eat with her friends

2 How did John and Ronald feel when they shook their heads?

m, They didn't want to eat squid. fu. They couldn't understand Sharon.

3 In line 12, who does he refer to?

m. John #. Ronald

3. After Reading
$ Word PractiG€ choose and complete the sentence.

invited dead try ,, .,,r':sttort worms tasty

1 Heisa student and a fast learner.

2 My houseplant is . How about yours?

3 The food at the party was very

4 l'm not sure if I can help you, but l'll

5 My friend me to her birthday party.

6 Iive in the ground.

@ Oiscussion Write the answers and talk about them with your friends.

1 Do your friends like the same food as you?

2 How often do you eat fish?

3 What did you eat for lunch today?

" a;Ti..

S. ffir&*ffimmd$mg

$ Warm Up toof at the picture and talk about it.

t Which sounds do you hear every day?

New Words Write the word next to its definition. Use the words in bold from the story
',.;rli on the next page.

to make or think of something for the first time

ffi not quiet, making a lot of noise

B something that really matters

# to find the size, weight or amount of something

5 a mountain that sometimes shoots fire

s to see how things are different or similar

WsWV?ttwYs Lswd!
The world we live in is often very loud. We hear loud sounds every day. What is the
loudest sound you have heard? We measure the loudness of a sound with a unit
called the decibel. The decibel was named after Alexander Graham Bell, the same
man who invented the telephone. By using decibels we can compare the power
of different sounds. Some loud things that we might hear every day are trucks,
airplanes, trains, and rock music. Here are some loud sounds measured in decibels:

? 3*dffi
Train horn

It is important to be careful around loud sounds. lf a sound dmead

tlris! "B

hurts you, you should put your fingers in your ears. For really Protect your ears! Be
careful of power tools,
noisy places, you should wear ear protection, such as ear planes, loud music, and
plugs or ear muffs. oio you HEAR THAT? busy roads.

rai**.*i- ;
2. During Reading
$ tVtain ldea circle the main idea of the story.

#" Alexander Graham Bell's invention &. How to measure loud sounds

#" Our noisy world d. How to protect your ears

$ Craphic Summary complete the bar graph.

rsiii:.!f /tO0




aa 250



Rockconcert Train horn Aircraft engine Blue whale Rocket engine


S Compare and Contrast Circle the loudest sound in each pair.

1 #* Rock concert &. Train horn

2 #
ffi* Rocket engine &. Aircraft engine
3 #* Blue whale humming fu. Volcano erupting

4 #o Train horn &. Aircraft engine

5 #u Blue whale humming &. Rock concert

Re*din6 Rocket,

$ O"tails clrcle the correct answer.

I Which is a loud sound that we might hear everyday?

il, - an airplane engine fu. a volcano erupting

2 What should you do to protect your ears?

,$#" wear ear plugs $,+, wear earrings

3 ln line 10, who does YOU refer to?

*r- the writer fr. the reader

3, After Reading
$ Word Practic€ Ghoose and complete the sentence.

___rry9 __i_1Ty"tgJ_ __ ry9199* _ Jrt?IflL_ yg]g":o- _-- '9TP-?'-: -

1I the table with a ruler.

your answers with your classmates'answers.

3 A: Who the telephone? B: Alexander Graham Bell.

4 Some shoot rocks and fire.

5 I think happiness is more than money.

6 I can't hear you. The music is too

$ Oiscussion Write the answers and talk about them with your friends.

1 What noises can you hear right now?

2 Do you listen to loud rock music?

3 What is the most beautiful sound that you have ever heard?
<ffir", {@fhr

€. Ps'tr*ffiemdEs'?w
* Warm Up falr about beach activities.


l New WOrds Write the word next to its definition. Use the words in bold from the story
on the next page.

-__ at all times, every time

H a piece of cloth that you use for drying yourself

.# *.__" good-better-( )

4 ,_ -alittle<( ) < very

s not interesting

# happening fast

mffi e & *,9

Www ffi#ffiew
"Hurry up, Dad!" said Brian.
"l'm coming," Dad replied.
"Have you kids got your towels?" asked Mom.
"Yes, Mom !" Brian and Lucy said together.
"OK then, I think we're ready, " Mom said happily, as everybody got into the car.

As always, the drive was long and boring, but when they got to the beach it looked
really beautiful.
"Wow, can you see the waves?" asked Mom. "They are quite big today."
"Yeah | " said the kids. "We can ride our body boards ! "

: {.}
Everyone jumped out of the car. Brian and Lucy raced each other to the water. The
waves ran over their toes and they called out to Mom and Dad.
"Hey, it's really warm!"

Brian and Lucy waited for the best wave to ride. When the wave was just behind
them they jumped onto their body boards. "Swish, " went the 6Read this! 6
:** wave as it carried them quickly to the beach. Ocean waves are made
by the wind. Sometimes
"WoW that was cooll" said Lucy. they travel for thousands r

Brian laughed. "Yeah, let's ride another onel" he said. of kilometers and get
.*very large.
i l64wordc
2. During Reading
t $ utain ldea circle the main idea of the story.
#* Brian and Lucy's family went to the beach. &. The beach was beautiful.

I &a Brian and Lucy's family was getting ready. d- The waves were quite big.

Graphic Summar! Gomplete the chart.

. The drive was and

. The beach looked

. The waves were
. The water was really
. Wave riding was :

Details 1 Match and write the letters.

waves t)
1 The ,)<.
{) . b, rap-ed=gflch ,oltr,,thg.wate[*r;, . .:,.,",:;,.,;,.- ,

{) .,,,f .,, said,,, 'The w aveg*are,quJtg, F"&, h d ay- .,

Mom hi

,i,:;.i i:i l:,-il:t::,i;jr";i":i"tt.;I:tliii.,ir:!i:r+ir: j':i:Ur;il
,] *."d, parr,ied,.BIlan.aE-d, Lue'),tt]e aeh., .

(.J ',. .,.I=,4.F,,9,y9-r Br=i4n=and.Lucy's.,lpe$!..,.+'-,;:.. . . .,

3 Brian and Lucy H.

,.,,,f .,,.welted, for .the. be$t.,uav.e !,e.,.[!d.,:€-,,..,,,..,.,.,,,,...,.,..,

fie*ciing Rocket ,U
$ Oetails 2 Gircle the correct answer.

I What did Brian and Lucy do when they got out of the car?

m. They ran to the sea. fu" They jumped onto their body boards.

2 How did Lucy feel when she said, "Wow, that was cool!"?

d$" She was cold. fu. She was excited.

3 ln line 15, what does it refer to?

#. the wave #. body board

3, After Reading
$ Word PractiG€ choose and complete the sentence.

towel always boring.,',',. ;r;- quite best quickly

1 lt's warm today, but it's not hot.

2 He's a good student. He does his homework.

3 This is the movie I have ever seen!

4 I washed my hands and dried them on a

5 Come on! Run as as you can!

6 The lesson was so . I almost fell asleep.

$ Oiscussion Write the answers and talk about them with your friends.

1 Do you like going to the beach?

Why or why not?

2 Have you ever ridden a body board?

3 Which water sports do you want to try?


.* Warm Up toof at the picture and talk about the statues.

t Match each statue with its name.

E Do you know where these statues are standing?

S Do you know any other famous statues?

a ! a a

Statue of Liberty Venus de Milo Christ the Redeemer The Thinker

New Words Write the word next to its definition. Use the words in bold from the story
on the next page.
Grammar Tip
t a present a

one baby - two babies

k the price of something

s an area of land with its own people

4 an object, sign or picture that has meaning

s a building for learning about history

$ a copy of a person or an animal that is made of stone or metal


tiqtlte o'i l-iberiy
The Statue of Liberty is a famous statue in the United States. France gave the
statue to the United States as a gift in October, 1886. lt is a symbol of friendship
between these two countries.

The statue is a 46 meter tall woman made of copper and steel, and she stands on
an island in New York Harbor. She is holding a torch and a book, and wearing a

crown. lf you buy a ticket, you can walk or take an elevator to the top of the
statue. From the top, you can see all of New York.

When France first gave the Statue of Liberty to the United States, there was no
place to put it. Today, the statue stands on a pedestal. This pedestal cost a lot of
money, and it took a long time to build. The Statue of Liberty had to wait eleven
months before it could be put together. There is now a museum in the pedestal.
You can visit it to learn all about the Statue of Liberty.
'$?5 w*rds

!*.* "
urd" you i(mowJ
The Statue of Liberty is very big.
It's height from base to torch is 46 m.
The length of each hand is 5 m.
The length of the index finger is 2.44 m.
The Iength of the nose is '1.48 m.
.The length of the right arm is 12.8 m. $
\* \q-
!l! ,
2. Dur-ng Reading
$ tvtain ldea Gircle the main idea of the story.

fuSa How to visit to the Statue of Liberty &*

!L#e The history of the Statue of Liberty

#.. Things to see in New York -*

$#u Friendship between the U.S.A. and France

$ Craphic Summary Labelthe picture.


. t,t

' .'j'.1::

bsok -_*vnet..s
....: .



$ oetails t check ({ l.

True False

1 The Statue of Liberty is a famous statue in France. i:l ''"'i


2 The pedestal is 46 meter high. ri

3 The statue is made of copper and stone.

4 There is a museum on the top of the statue.

5 People can go to the top of the statue.

6 The statue is a symbol of friendship between France and the U.S.A.

Fi*,:*ir:+ Rocket,

S Oetails 2 Gircle the correct answer.

1 What is the statue holding in her hand?

#. a crown and an elevator $s. a torch and a book

2 Where does the statue stand?

{ff. lt stands on a pedestal. f#. lt stands in a museum.

3 ln line 12, what does it refer to?

#- the Statue of Liberty fl*" the museum in the pedestal

3. After Reading
$ Word PractiG€ Choose and complete the sentence.

statues gift symbols ii '' ir:::': country costs museum

1 lt's my friend's birthday tomorrow. I want to buy a

2 Australia is a very large

3 This cell phone $1 00.

4 +and-are for plus and minus in math.

5 We saw some famous paintings at the art

6 ln the park, you can see some of famous people.

$ Oiscussion Write the answers and talk about them with your friends.

1 Do you want to visit the Statue of Liberty?

2 What's the most famous statue in your country?

3 Why is it famous?
aI tFB-* FE**ii**
I E E I rat--Eia-ia'I!i#Htrffi

F:= Warm Up toof at the picture and talk about gymnastics.
T Have you tried gymnastics before?

E Can you do any of these gymnastic tricks?

* Do you want to learn these tricks? Why or why not?



=#* rM'"*,.-A

o, '',

-,) ffi ,M'* &-

.\ - '. --

.+ *-=S:'canwheer
ll \ i ,!, .r t --t' fl
*& New Words Write the word next to its definition. Use the words in bold from the story
on the next page.

T hard, not a liquid or a gas

tr to send air out of your throat with a loud noise

*B bending easily without breaking

€ the air you take in through your nose or mouth

tr from one side to the other side of something

# this is a word that you use to make another word stronger,

or to say that something is surprising

&exry &&ee Wrmraws&

She could even walk on her hands. But there was one move Lucy couldn't do. lt was
the back handspring.

Lucy was flexible and strong. She worked very hard, and was a good student in
gymnastics class. She had many skills, but she still couldn't do a back handspring.
She was scared of getting hurt. She thought she would fall.

When the rest of the class was practicing back handsprings, Lucy pretended to be
sick. She pretended to cough and she sat in the back of the classroom. Her teacher
saw her and went to talk to her. He knew that she was scared.
TS "l'll help you," he said and put his arm across her back.

His arm felt like a solid bar behind her. She didn't think she would fall. Even if she did,
her teacher would be there to catch her. She took a deep breath and sprang. She
didn't falll Lucy did a back handspring!
ri-,,f 'r:t'i1'PJr.:ri!.1a1 Fun Quiz!
r;li;lilri;ii;a i;.;;;;LF:iu;;J
i A:Why are gymnasts

, so cool?
B: Because they have

G&manv fans.
,l- 2. During Reading
Main ldea circle the main idea of the story.

I r,. The teacher helped Lucy with a back handspring. dp, Lucy was strong.

.*., Lucy was scared of getting hurt. /1 Lucy could do a cartwheel.

@ eroblem and Solution complete the diagram.


Lucy couldn't do a back handspring 1xz;

helped falllxzl
She was scared of getting
arm hurt back
She thought she would

$olutian E**ult

The teacher Lucy. O She did a

He put his _.*_------ across her She didn't

l. Details 1 Grrect ({ l.

Tfue False

1 Lucy could walk on her hands.

2 Lucy didn't work very hard in gymnastics class.


3 Lucy really was sick.

4 The teacher knew that Lucy was scared.

5 Lucy didn't fall! She did a back handspring!

6 The teacher put a solid bar behind her.

iE+:*dii:r; Rocket 2
@ O"t"ils 2 Gircle the correct answer.
1 Why couldn't Lucy do a back handspring?

*r. She didn't have the skills. t, She was scared of getting hurt.

2 How did she feel when the teacher put his arm across her back?

,{:t, She was worried. 1.\ She felt safe.

3 ln line 10, who does you refer to?

{},, Lucy i,t, Lucy's teacher

3. After Reading
S Word Practic€ Choose and complete the sentence.

even flexible coughed across solid breath I

1 The river is 200 meters

zt a lot when I had a cold.

3 He didn't laugh. He didn't smile.

4 Take a deep and relax.

5 Dancers need to be strong and

6 Water becomes when it freezes.

ffi Oiscussion Write the answers and talk about them with your friends.

"l Have you ever pretended to be sick? lf yes, when and why?

2 Are you flexible and strong?

3 lf you want to be a good gymnast, what do you have to do?

..11 Warm Up toof at the picture and talk about it.
T What's happening in the picture?

ft Can you guess what the small boat's job is?

S Do you know what the small boat is called?

New Words Write the word next to its definition. Use the words in bold from the story
on the next page.

very strong, with a lot of power


* the person who is in charge of a ship or an aircraft

69 good and helpful for doing something

E to get more of something

# knowing about something because you have seen it or done it

Tugboats are special boats. They are small and powerful, and they have a special
job to do. When a big ship comes into the harbor, the tugboats push it and pull it
into the dock. Tugboats can also tow ships that have broken down, and they can
fight fires with their powerful water cannons. Tugboats are very usefu!!

The captain of a tugboat has to be skllful to move the big ships safely. For the
biggest ships, two, or even three, tugboats will work together. lt is dangerous
work because the big ship is much heavier than the tugboats, e| r.'1

S:*n flrrizi
and il could pull them under the water. The captain also has to n: Wnat kind of ship
can never sink?
know every danger in the harbot such as rocks, shallow areas
B: Friend-ship.
and waves.

&id yorx X*stow?

Would you like to be a tugboat captain? First, you need to gain 'Tug'means'pull
some experience on a tugboat as a captaih;s assistant. After something hard and
learning atlrthe skills of rthe job; ttou:m,ight:have,:6 .lh6ngs,'to '

becorne a,Capt€in,,too!'"

16S words
f"{. }

&!l, .-
2" Klwrf;x'*g KeadXx'ng
$ tVtain ldea Circle the main idea of the story.

,r.,1. What tugboats do il'r, How to become a tugboat captain

,i,, Special boats in the harbor ,: Danger in the harbor

S Craphic Summary Match and write the letters.

{b} a have to be skillful to move the big ships safely

{} b push and pull the big ship into the dock

t] c fight fires
d tow ships that have broken down

dl e need to be a captain's assistant first

Tugboat captains d\
1, 1 f have to know every danger in the harbor

iJ g are small and powerful

@ Oetails t Complete the diagram.

H-1;- r,,::-.,-::-'.i
1 You need to work as a captain's

i You need to gain


assistant before you become a captain.


2 The big ship could pull the tugboats The big ship is much

under the water. the tugboats.


3 The tugboat captains have to be fney need to move



@ Oet"ils 2 circle the correct answer.

1 What do tugboats do?

m. They push and pull big ships. a" They find danger in the harbor.

2 What do you need to do if you want to become a tugboat captain?

,:$, work together with other tugboats r:' gain some experience

3 ln line 8, what does it refer to?

#. the tugboat d*. the big shiP

3. After Reading
$ Word PractiG€ Choose and complete the sentence.

powerful useful captain .,, . gained experience skills

I lf you want to do this job, you have to learn some

2 This car has a very engrne.

3 I have a lot of knowledge at school.

4 My teacher has ten years of teaching

5 My uncle is a . He's in charge of a ship.

6 A dictionary is for language learners.

$ Oiscussion Write the answers and talk about them with your friends.

1 Do you want to travel on a ship? Why or why not?

2 Have you ever seen a tugboat?

3 What are the dangers for ships at sea?

1t a fiFrln*ffiFe*er*iarm
a * Ext-siswgBl-{*s=3f

:. Warm Up falt about your best friends.

'E Who are your best friends?

E What do you do together with your best friends?

B Do you write to your friends?

Ifty hest fbien*

;{Jr;tr- a-i:rrt;;:* oi y",..," t**:i frlEnd:

+ $J6r*e:



+ [;st;ke*.

':-. New Words Write the word next to its definition or below the picture. Use the words
in bold from the story on the next page.

unhappy because you are not with other people
a person who lives near you

5 #


ffip ffimwffiweWffi#wm
Last weekend, a new girl moved in next door. She had long hair and glasses. lt
Iooked like she was the same age as me.

I saw her throwing a tennis ball in the air and catching it. Then I saw her reading on
her front porch. After that, I saw her listening to music with her head cupped in her
hands. She looked lonely.

I had a great idea. First lfolded a piece of paper into the shape of a basket. Next, I

picked some grass and put $t inside. Then I filled the rest of the basket with candy
and flowers. Finally, I attached a card that said;

\Abt'come: ta tira,'ne1$br,haod I
' ' 6_6
Ra..l fhi(l
1ltopeyou,wiil,,corn,,,*,' ,

CVer to my hcuse Sometime. Koreans sometimes use the

word " neighbor-cousin "
because neighbours often
become friends, and
sometimes they become as
close as cousinsl
G @

I left the basket on her doorstep, rang her doorbell, ran away and hid behind a tree.
I* She opened the dool picked up the basket and smiled.

We became good friends after that.

I l$4ur$rdr ,i
2. During Reading
$ ftnain ldea Gircle the main idea of the story.

d8* Lucy made a flower basket. fu. Lucy was a lonely girl.

#* Lucy wrote a card to her friend. #. Lucy made a new friend.

Sequencing Number the sentences in the correct order.

Lucy left the basket on her doorstep.
i :
Lucy filled the basket with candy and flowers.
I ; The girl opened the door and picked up the basket.
i I The girl looked lonelY.
I _-j The girl moved in next door.
:- --:
. ; Lucy folded a piece of paper into the shape of a basket.

$ tVtat<ing lnferences Gircle the correct answer.

>> What kind of person is LucY?

r,r. friendly fu- kind *. thoughtful #. all of these

$ Oetails t write the past tense of these verbs.

t have ha-d 2 see

3 put 4 Ieave

5 ring 6 run

7 hide I become

G+l*tiir:t; Rocket,

$ Oetails 2 Gircle the correct answer.

1 What was the great idea?

t#, playing together with the girl fu. making a basket and giving it to the girl
2 How did Lucy feel when she left the basket and hid behind alree?

r.;f. She was bored. +}, She was excited.

3 In line 7, what does it refer to?

#* the basket #- grass

3. After Reading
@ Word Practic€ Choose and complete the sentence.

lonely folded basket till attached neighbor

'l I was very when lfirst moved to this town.

2r the card to the present.

3 Please this glass with water.

4He the letter and put it in the envelope.

5 She is my . She lives in the house next to mine.

6 The was full of fresh fruit.

$' Oiscussion Write the answers and talk about them with your friends.

1 What is a good way to make friends?

2 What do you do when you feel lonely?

3 Do you have many friends in your neighborhood?

i: - S*** ffi**'J[**

'1 Warm Up Look at the picture and talk about surfing.

E Can you surf? lf not, do you want to learn to surf?

k Why do you think people like surfing?

* ls surfing popular in your country?

,iii New Words Write the word next to its definition. Use the words in bold from the story
on the next page.

to try to win a race or competition


d go to many places

s something clever that you have learned to do

& to do something

s of the present time

ffi the time before now


Surfing is the sport of riding ocean waves. Today it is popular all
around the world, but it began in Hawaii. Many years later, a

Hawaiian man called Duke Kahahamoku made surfing popular in

California, U.S.A. Soon after, it became popular in Australia, and
$ today it has spread to beaches around the world.

Modern surfers use boards made from plastic and fiberglass, but in the past
they were made of wood. Surfboards have gotten a lot smaller too; shrinking
from 4 meters down to 2 meters since the 1960s. This change has allowed
surfers to perform amazing tricks, such as jumps and 360 degree turns.

t* Most surfers ride waves for enjoyment and fitness, but some surfers have
become professionals. Yhey compete in competitions for prize money. Other
surfers love danger and they have surfed huge 10-20 meter waves with the
help of jet skis.

Many beaches now have a surf school where you can learn to surf. Look for it
'; next time you are at the beach!
Fum Quiz!
167 words O: How do you know
the ocean is friendly?
A: Because it wavesl

,tflt*..'."" - ' -""-"

. ,:r#lJ(
2, Xlxxr8mg KeadXmg
$ fUain ldea Gircle the main idea of the story.

*?, There are many surfing competitions. ;1t" lt's fun to ride waves.

{:, How surfing started and developed. #. lt's easy to make surfboards.

@ Craphic Summary complete the diagram.

Paragraph i
*"**--j-- *
Topic i
i *-*':*-----

It is the sport of ocean waves.

It started in
1 ; Surfing
It is now all around the world.

; i Past: made of .---.--___---.-- I meters long

2 Surfboards :

)t i Now: made from _ -
and fiberglass / _ meters long

i Most surfers do it for and
3 i Surfers I

i Professionals compete for .----_-


Many beaches now have a surf school.

4 i

Surf school
You can to surf there.

(l Oetails t Gheck ({ t,

Tkue False

I Surfing became popular in Australia first.

2 In the past, surfboards were made of wood.

3 Modern surfers use longer surfboards.

4 Some surfers compete lor prize money.

5 Most surfers love danger and surf 10-20 meter waves.

l:i+.:;irj i i ;t.: Rocket 2

S O"t"ils 2 Gircle the correct answer.

I How are the modern surfboards different from the old surfboards?

*r. They are shorter. #- They are made of wood.

2 Today surfing is popular all around the world. How has it spread?

#. Australia-California-Hawaii &. Hawaii-California-Australia

3 ln line 11, who does They refer to?
d.F,, most surfers &" professional surfers

3. After Reading
$ Word PractiG€ Choose and complete the sentence.

spread modern past :: tricks performed compete

1 We learned about the in history class.

2 They the rumor around the school.

3 The magician showed us some card

4 Soccer teams from many countries to win in the World Cup.

5 The dancers beautifully.

6 The new library building is very

@ Oiscussion Write the answers and talk about them with your friends.

1 What skills do people need when they surf?

2 Do you think surfing is safe or dangerous?

3 ls surfing popular in your countiy?

-"v_rrlll_*si Drumsticks 51

New Zealand 55
.*Ltt{l: -li
.-UIlt-I;,, -g Walking the Dogs 59

."I{rll-!g*jj The Spiny Anteater 63

,,trqit !f , ;,i Singing in the Elevator 67

. t+rtlf vi Making a Movie 71

Noodle Time! 75
Cakes for Breakfast? 79
"_g#{ {g__*ej

Ski Patrol 83

Love of the Old 87
=€ s s &-E@es.*ws#"m
Warm Up falt about the musical instruments in an orchestra.
'E How many instruments can you name?
.'?, €
ri! €

H Do you know the sound of each instrument?

B Which instrument do you want to play? Why?

i New Words Write the word next to its definition. Use the words in bold from the story
on the next page.

T something you say to make people laugh

Gramrnar Tip
& deciding which one to have burn - burnt

"F to say the true message of something

4 a person who makes music

5 one more

# to spend time with

Brian played the drums in the school orchestra, and he was usually very happy with his
choice. There were many good things about playing the drums. Brian thought that drums
made a very cool noise, and he loved having lots of different drums to play. Brian loved the
"boom" of the bass drum the most, and it sounded great when he played all the drums in
the drum kit.

Another reason Brain loved the drums was that drumsticks were very light. He felt sorry
for the trombone and saxophone players. Yhe6n instruments were heavy. Brian only had to
carry his drumsticks, and he was very happy about it.

However, being a drummer also meant listening to a lot of bad iokes. Other musicians
loved to make fun of drummers. For example, just last Tuesday, Brian saw his friend Theo
in the hallway at school.
"Hey Brian," said Theo. "What do you call someone that hangs around with
musicians?" -d&
Fun Quiz!
"l don't know," said Brian.
O:Why did the chicken
'is "A drummer," Theo replied. play the drums?
A: Because it had
"Whatever, Theo!" said Brian. "That's not even funny." ;,, drumsticks.
:rd @
Brian thought about his drumsticks in his bag and he smiled. Theo tr.lii

played a cellol


II-Z. During Reading
6 Main ldea Circle the main idea of the story.
Brian can't read music. f,s, Theo made fun of Brian.
Theo plays the cello. *3" Brian plays the drums.

$ Compare and Contrast Look at the pictures and discuss the questions.
1 What sounds do these instruments make?

2 Which instruments are easy to carry? Why?

3 Which instruments are hard to carry? Why?


i H


Details 1 write the answer.

l" 1 Who makes fun of drummers?

2 What was Theo's joke?

3 What instrument does Theo play?

Ft*,:rr. i*r; Rocket,

$ Oetails 2 circle the correct answer.

1 What was the third reason that Brian chose to play the drums?

:r. The drums made a very cool noise. :-: Drumsticks are very light'

2 How did Brian feel when Theo told him a joke about drummers?

;t He was angry. - He was not angry'

3 In line 7, what does Their refer to?

:' the trombone and saxophone players' :r: the drummers'

3, After Reading
$ Word PractiG€ Choose and complete the sentence'

mean another musician joke hang around choice

1 Can I please have cookie?

2 She told us a and we all laughed.

3I with my friends after school.

4 "l don't understand, what do you ?" he asked.

5 My uncle writes music. He is a great

6 We have no . We just have to do it.

$ Oircussion Write the answers and talk about them with your friends.

I When Theo made a joke, Brian thought about his drumsticks in his bag and smiled.


2 Do you think a musical instrument shows the player's personality?

3 Which instrument is most like you? Why?

\\, ,/
:;iir.. t;=:::'--"1 --/,

'=E: \
:-' d hf*Ys'qf {X a* 1t {p} -;r, i

,.:,.,1 Warnr Up toof at the pictures below and talk about them.
G Which country are the pictures from?

E Where is this country?

B Have you been there? What do you know about this place?

-;:, New Words Write the word next to its definition. Use the words in bold from
the story.

t to make someone remember something

& why you do something or why something happens

# to put things into a bag before you go somewhere

4 to make someone or something ready

s to go to live in a new place and stay there

s sunshine, wind, rain, cloud, hot day, cold day

.1i., '

,ri. I

#, #fi $ $-ff ff.#"

aWwwffww$wm# .1i:


New Zealand is far away from everywhere. lt is 18,000 kilometers from London, .:l

14,000 kilometers from New York and more than 9,000 kilometers from Seoul. lt i;


is even 2,000 km from Australia. Because it is so far away, New Zealand was :,il
one of the last countries on earth to be inhabited*. The Maori people arrived in ,'j:


New Zealand about 800 years ago, and European people settled in New Zealand r:l:


in the late 18th centurY.


"Zealand" a Dutch word meaning "Sea land." When the Dutch explorer Abel


Tasman arrived in 1642, the new land reminded him of a place called "Zealand"
in the Netherlands, so he named iv NewZealand.

Because New Zealand is alone in the ocean, the weather changes very fast. lt
can be cloudy in the morning, raining at lunchtime, sunny in the afternoon, and
raining again in the evening. For this reason, if you visit New Zealand you need
to be prepared. Make sure that you pack an umbrella, a jacket and a T-shirt
because you will need all threel ,.li}!d ymax q,.1,


t?4 word* The Maorinamed New

Zealand "Aotearoa"
which means "The Land
s &mhmfuitsd: to be lived in
of the Long White
During Reading
Main Idea Circle the main idea of the story.

#* New Zealand weather #. All about New Zealand

g" The Maori in New Zealand d. How to visit New Zealand

Graphic Summary Complete the diagram.

(18,000 km)

I settled
arrived.,; "
arrived. , in New Zealand.
-- -*-T
gF =-
800 years ago 18th Gentury

$ Oetails t Check the correct tense ({ l.

1 New Zealand is far away from everywhere. iL- lir- *-**.-*-i,*------***..-J

ii i

---**-i r****
2 You will need an umbrella, a jacket and a T-shirt.
L,-- **,'''*-,*J
1,_-----.-i t--*-i

3 European people settled in New Zealand.

4 The weather changes very fast.

5 Abel Tasman named the new country.

fie*ding Rocket,

ffi O"t"ils 2 Circle the correct answer.

1 Why is New Zealand one of the last countries on earth to be inhabited?

t,!t, because it's far away from everywhere i'r, because it's a new country

2 Why do you need to be prepared when you visit New Zealand?

;,rr. because it rains a lot '. because the weather changes very fast
3 ln line 9, what does it refer to?
i:t New Zealand .: the Netherlands

3" Af*er Reading

ffi Word PractiG€ Choose and complete the sentence.

settle reminds weather reason preparing packed

1 What was the like in France?

2 He left England and went to in Australia.

3 Have you your suitcase?

4 ls there any why you were late?

5 Mom is dinner in the kitchen.

6He me of my cousin. They look alike.

ffi Oiscussion Write the answers and talk about them with your friends.

1 Do you know where New Zealand is?

? Have you ever visited another country? lf yes, where?

3 what are the things you need when you travel to another country?
a f * -5*ssrrt:z 'r€/
ffi Warm Up toof at the pictures and talk about them.
G Do you have a dog? lf not, do you want to have a dog?

# What do dog owners have to do?

S Have you ever walked a dog?


ffi mew Words Write the word next to its definition or below the picture.
Use the words in bold from the story on the next page.

E how you feel Grammar Tip

tie - tying die - dying
H nearly but not quite

s feeling angry because you cannot do what you want to do

4 5 s

,# 'd
Did you know?
r The SPCA is a group that
' helps animals in danger. You
can find a lot of information
, about taking care of pets on
their website. ls there an
SPCA in your country?
* @

Ww#&wwW&ffiw ffiwws
I didn't want to take the dogs for a walk today. I was in a bad mood.

My mom likes to help homeless dogs. She has found many since I was a little
boy. One was found in a trashcan. One was in a basket outside our back door.
Rufus, my favorite dog, was Iying hurt by the side of the road.

, We now have six dogs. The biggest one is almost the size of a pony, and the
smallest one can sit in the palm of my hand. Walking them is very difficult, but it's
my job. I have to do Xt.

I put a leash on each of the six dogs and led them down the block. They ran
around me in a pack. They licked me and barked. I was feeling frustrated.

;t: l[sp1, Rufus looked at me from the sidewalk. He held his paw up to me. He
wanted to shake hands with me. I think he knew I was in a bad mood. I shook his
paw and smiled.

the dogs isn't so bad!

Walking th

: 17S urords
2, E!*xrf;ng Readlmg

@ tvtain ldea Gircle the main idea of the story.

Brian doesn't like dogs. ffFn Brian's mom helps dogs.
Brian had to walk six dogs. g"f. Rufus is Brian's favorite dog.

S nroblem and Solution Gomplete the diagram.

Brian didn't want to take the dogs
.:. H" yr 1n

The dogs ran him.

They him and

He was feeling

Rufus wanted to

Brian Rufus's paw and

Brian thought walking the dogs

@ Oetails t Who does/did what? Match and write the letters.

a likes to help homeless dogs.
1 Brian
i: b wanted to shake hands with Brian.

c has to walk the dogs.

2 Brian's Mom
d was lying hurt by the side of the road.

1' € has found many dogs.
3 Rufus
{iH f put a leash on each of the slx dogs

fl{s;g!r:r: Rocket,

S Oet"ils 2 Circle the correct answer.

I Where did Brian's mom find Rufus?

$#, by the side of the road &'" outside their back door

2 How did Brian feel when he shook Rufus's paw and smiled?

r#. He was still frustrated. fu, He felt good.

3 ln line 7, what does it refer to?

i:r. helping the dogs $;r, walking the dogs

3, Aften Readlng
ffi Word Practi(€ Choose and complete the sentence.

mood lying almost ,,,licking barks

, frustrated

'l It's six o'clock. I have to go home now.

2 She is on her bed and trying to get some sleep.

3 I couldn't understand French so I was in France.

4 The dog always at people it doesn't know.

5 The child is the ice cream.

6 A: What's wrong with Tim? B: I don't know. He's in a bad

ffi Oiscussion Write the answers and talk about them with your friends.

1 What do people in your country usually do with homeless dogs?

2 Are you in a good mood today?

3 Why do you think people have pets?

q :*ffi

t - Frm*ffiem#Eaeffi

€.$ Warm Up Look at the picture and talk about the animals. ,M
'E Have you seen these animals?
\E rl
ft What do they have in common?

& Talk about the special features of each animal.

# New Words Write the word next to its definition or below the picture. Use the words
in bold from the story on the next page.

t to go away from someone or something

? covered with a kind of glue that can stick to things

l" F-, {
qn . rryryryt$#:i:;iiri''":"'' :".'r" r"r:r

Spiny fufteuier
A lot of very strange animals live in Australia. The spiny anteater, or echidna, is
one of the strangest.

The echidna is short, small and covered in spines. lt has a long thin nose. lt
uses its nose to sniff" for ants and worms. lt uses a long, sticky tongue to lick

' up. Echidnas are very slow animals, but their sharp spines protect them
from animals that want to eat them.

Unlike most mammals, spiny anteaters do not give birth to live babies. lnstead,
they lay eggsl The echidna only lays one egg at a time. When the egg hatches,
the baby is called a puggle.

Whlle the puggle is very little, the mother carries it in a special pouch on her
belly. After the baby grows bigger, the mother digs a special home for lr,'. Then
she leaves to hunt for food. She only comes back every five daysl You probably
think she is not a good mother, but it works just fine for the echidnal

t 4# w*rr{s

,- ., _,rr,,.,t.,:r
tO Smell
:..:: ::r..t: :ii,,.a.i:,; :t : tiajlti.i .:

The echidna and the

platypus are the only
living mammals that lay
eggs instead of giving
birth to babres. !ri
2. Duning Reading
$ tvtain ldea Gircle rhe main idea of the story.
$,.Sa The echidna looks strange. *#. The echidna is a strange animal.
Echidnas are mammals. &do Echidnas are not good mothers.

$ Craphic Summary Gomplete the diagram.

i .
lono and nose
spines I

r. .

to them from other animals

USe it to _ for ants

13 --..-..+
[---] Lc hl&yra
sticky sniff carries sharp licks protect thin puggle pouch

@ oetails t write the answer.

1 Echidnas don't give birth to live babies. What do they do instead?

2 Why does the mother echidna leave her home?

3 How often does the mother come back home?

lfu.lrii*q Rocket,

S O"t"ils 2 Circle the correct answer.
1 What is a puggle?
r,a. a special pouch fu- a baby echidna

2 ln line 5, what does them refer to?

*w. echidnas #, ants and worms

3 ln line 11 , what does it refer to?

ffi. the baby fu. the mother

3. After Reading
$ Word PractiG€ Choose and complete the sentence.

1A is used for tasting and licking.

2 My hands are very because of the glue.

3 Hens eggs.

4 This book is very . lt only has 10 pages.

5 That knife is very . Be careful!

6 She's going to at 10 o'clock tomorrow.

@ Oiscussion Write the answers and talk about them with your friends.

I Do you know any other strange animals?

lf yes, what are they? Why are they weird?

2 Name three animals you can only see in Australia.

..-. rt;.!&


t, Pre-ReadEffiq

$ Warm Up took at the pictures and talk about the things people are afraid of.

Are you afraid of any of these things?

R What else are you afraid of?

S Do you try to overcome your fear? lf yes, how?

ffi ruew Words Write the word next to its definition or the picture, Use the words in bold
from the story on the next page.

B can't move, trapped

Grammar Tip
d, really, in fact make - making take - taking

d all people

4 a piece of work that you do at school


SwWwW gw &&w ffi#wwffiwm
Brian didn't like elevators. When he was inside an elevator, he always felt sick. Then he
would imagine the elevator getting stuck or falling down, and feel even worse.

One day, Brian had to take the elevator to the seventh floor of the public library. He
was looking for a book for his science project. He didn't want to take the elevator, but
he had to. Walking up the steps to the seventh floor would be too slow. He decided to
try the trick his friend had told &t6rm-singing in the elevator.

The door opened and he walked into the elevator. He started to sing his favorite song in
his head. The elevator went up to the third floor. People got in and out of the elevator.
On the fifth floof everyone got out. He was alone in the elevator, so he sang loudlyl
r# Singing in the elevator was actually fun! He forgot
Read thls! 's
Archimedes (287 BC - 212 BC) i
about the elevator getting stuck or falling down.
was a Greek mathematician,
engineer and inventor. He was He got the science book from the seventh floor. Then,
very good at designing new
machines. lt was reported that he he got into the elevator again while whistling his
built the first elevator in 236 BC.
favorite song.

rrc r,yarJs


2" Durimg Readimg
@ tVtain ldea circle the main idea of the story.
q.T- Brian borrowed a science book. *:r. Brian sang in the elevator.

$:" Brian likes singing. ff" Brian likes walking up steps.

@ eroblem and Solution Gomplete the diagram.

Brian didn't like elevators. He felt inside the elevator.
He would the bad things that could hapPen.

First, he his in his in

Solution r'--
: , the elevator. Then he sang when he was alone.

He forgot about the elevator getting or

@ lAentifying Facts Gheck ({ l.

1 Brian took the elevator to the seventh floor.

2 The elevator cable was breaking.

3 Brian walked up the steps and it was very slow.

4 Brian was alone in the elevator on the fifth floor. i!

5 Brian was stuck in the elevator.

6 Brian got into the elevator while whistling. ii

il*+tjir:ir Rocket,

$ O"tails circle the correct answer.
1 Why did Brian have to take the elevator?
#. Walking up the steps would be too slow. fu. He didn't like the steps.

2 How did Brian feel when he got into the elevator again?

#* He felt sick. fu. He felt good.

3 ln line 6, what does him refer to?

#, Brian fu. Brian's friend

3. After Reading
$ Word PractiG€ Ghoose and complete the sentence.

get stuck public praiBet,,r.l. ,steps actually whistle

1 I thought it was going to rain, but it was sunny.

2 Smoking is not allowed in places.

3 My friend can my favorite song.

4 Don't crawl under the car. You might

5 Don't run down the . It's dangerous.

6lhavetodoa on a famous person, so I need some information.

$ Oiscussion Write the answers and talk about them with your friends.

t How do you feel in the elevator?

2 Do you imagine bad things like the cable breaking or getting stuck?

3 What would you do if you got stuck in the elevator?

{ " Fre*Read*rcg

@ Warm Up Loof at the picture and talk about it'

1 What are the people doing in the picture?

2 Can you guess each Person's job?

3 Which is the most imPortant job? WhY?

S ruew Words Write the word next to its definition. Use the words in bold from the story
on the next Page.

{I to pretend to be someone else in a play or film

a hard working and careful

3 another word for film

4 a person who controls a film or PlaY

5 the written words that actors speak in a play or film

6 to prepare a book or film by making corrections and changes

JW*fir# inE u t\4ovie
Making a movie is hard work. The first thing you need is a good story.
Then you have to write a script. After you have a script, you will need
some responsible friends to help you out.

lf you are the director, you need to find people to act in your movie. You
also need a person to help with sound, and another person to work the
camera. Other people can help to hold lights, do makeup, and build sets.

When you have all the people and things you need, you can start to shoot
your movie. lt will take time, but it will be fun. Everybody works together
to make it great.

When the shooting is over, you need a computer to td.. q**

Did you know?

edit your movie. Some people think editing is the best Movie, film, einema
part of making a movie. This is when your story starts and motion picture
all mean the same
to come together. When you finish thing. "Movre" is
used more commonly
editing, you can show your movie to
in the US. "Film" is
your friends and family. used in the UK.

All you have to do now is watch the movie and relaxl

T73 w*rds
2. Dur-ng Reading
$ rtaain ldea Gircle the main idea of the story.

d6* How to make a movie fu. The director's job

6"" The best part of making a movie d Working together with your friends

$ Craphic Summary Complete the diagram. Use the words below.

Write a _ from a good story.

You need and other people to help with sound,

and building sets.

the movie.

the movie.

$ Oetails t circle Before or After.

editing, you can show your movie to your friends.

shooting, you need to edit your movie.

you shoot the movie, you need to find actors.

you write a script, you need a good story.

you have all the things you need, you can start to shoot your movie.

${*,adi** Roc*,,
ffir O"tails 2 circle the correct answer.
1 What's the first thing you need when you make a movie?
e$,, good actors dr. a good story

2 What do you need to do when you finish shooting the movie?

#. show the movie *-r. edit the movie

3 What do you need when you edit your movie?

#t, a computer fu. a camera

3. After Reading
ffi Word Practic€ choose and complete the sentence.

movie script responsln-l'b'.. ,r: clirector acted edit

I The tells the actors what to do.

2 He's a famous actor. He has in many movies.

3 They need a person to look after their baby.

4 We read the for the school play.

5 Do you want to see a this weekend?

6 You should your writing before you give it to the teacher.

@ Oiscussion Write the answers and talk about them with your friends.

1 How often do you watch movies?

2 What kind of movies do you like? Why?

3 Do you want to try making your own movie?

ffi Warm Up Look at the pictures and talk about hiking.
How often do you go hiking?

H What do you take when you go hiking?

S How do you feel after hiking?


ffi New Words Write the word next to its definition. Use the words in bold from the story
on the next page.

3 to say that you are unhappy about something

d" not happy or healthy

B to move your head down and up again quickly

4 the part of the year between summer and winter

5 to make liquid flow out of or into something

ffi something special that makes you happy


Last Saturday, Mom, Dad, Brian and Lucy went hiking up a mountain near their house.
"We will see the beautiful autumn leaves, " said Mom while they were driving.
"Yes, that's right, " said Dad.

Brian and Lucy just nodded.

i "Can we eat noodles, and drink some cocoa?" Lucy asked.
"Yes," Mom sighed. "You can do that too."
"Yay!" said Brian and Lucy.

When they got there, they hiked all the way up the mountain and Brian and Lucy didn't
complain at all.
i+ "Well done, kidsl" said Dad, "You are very good hikers."
Brian and Lucy smiled.
"Can we have some noodles now?" they asked.

Mom reached into her backpack and pulled out two cup-noodles and a thermos" of hot
water. She poured the hot water into each noodle cup and handed them to Brian and Lucy.
:ii "Remember to wait for 2 minutes," she reminded them. 16 6:
, Kead this!
Australians call hiking'
Two minutes later, Brian and Lucy started eating. Mmmmmm ! "bushwalking." New
What a treat! Brian and Lucy didn't talk. They just munched their Zealanders call it
"tramping." ln lndia and
noodles. Nepal, it is called
"You poor kids, " said Dad, "didn'tyou have breakfast?" "trekking." ln the UK, it
is "walking" or "rambling."
"We did, Dad, " said Brian, "But hiking makes us hungry!" d,
2. During Reading
$ naain ldea Circle the main idea of the story.

$"* + Brian and Lucy were strong. fu. Brian and Lucy like noodles.

#* The family saw some autumn leaves. d. The fami[ went hiking.

S Craphic Summary complete the diagram.

Brian and Lucy were

They ate

all the way up.

at all. I


$ Oetails t Match the beginning and the ending of the sentence.

1 The family hiked all the way...

? Mom reached...

3 She pulled out two cup-noodles...

4 She poured the hot water...

5 She reminded Brian and Lucy to wait...

6 Brian started eating his noodles...

ilt*,:riirirj Rocket ,1
S Oetails 2 circle the correct answer.

I Why were Brian and Lucy hungry?

#* because they didn't eat breakfast

*$. because they had hiked up the mountain

2 How did Dad feel when he said, "Well done, kids! You are very good hikers."?

{.l. He was shocked. #. He was surprised and proud.

3 In line 6, what does that refer to?

+.t. seeing the beautiful autumn leaves $*. eating noodles and drinking cocoa

3. Aftor Reading
S Word Practic€ Ghoose and complete the sentence.

autumn nodded cornplalned : treat poured poor

I We had pizza for dinner. lt was a

2 She about the weather because it was raining.

3 "Do you understand?" asked the teacher. The students

Sandy! She's very sick.

5ln , the leaves begin to fall from the trees.

6 She orange juice into my glass.

$ Oiscussion Write the answers and talk about them with your friends.

I Why is hiking popular?

2 Do you like cup noodles? Why or why not?

3 What is the highest mountain you have climbed?


ffi Warm Up Look at the pancake recipe and talk about pancakes.
t Do you like pancakes?

2 Have you tried pancakes with jam, butter, ice cream or fresh fruit?

3 Try making pancakes at home. Don't forget to ask an adult first!


t'ru.. AiA the pr;l&,


7.Mix |1te r-r<a2 .

\\e +'tg*r ard tre e5t. a.nd^ mix'i-o a Srnonft, ba-l*e'

i*R"Ii7l :i*,'.. 1,,


*. ?*u, rn *u Ln$le' 3. Yrt {!e o;/

and" ooo;' ;nfo lhe frvana
cf I

ffi trtew WordS Write the word next to its definition. Use the words in bold from the story
on the next page.

1 more than what is usual

3 to give food or drink to someone

3 to put one thing together with other things

4 a piece of writing that tells you how to cook

one of the things you put in when you cook

s smooth, with no bumps

ffiw&w &r&rsw$rtrffi$&ff
They're delicious! They're sweetl They're round and flat! They're pancakes!

Pancakes are seen all over the world, but every country has a slightly different kind.
Many people eat pancakes for breakfast, but they may also be eaten as a dessert. Some
countries even cook their pancakes with extra ingredients to make them good for dinner.

North American pancakes are made from a sweet batter and are usually cooked in a frying
pan. They are usually served with butter and syrup, but sometimes they are topped with
fruit. North Americans usually eat their pancakes for breakfast.

ln Europe, pancakes are often very thin. The pancakes can be served with honey or syrup,
or they can be filled with fruit or ice cream. There are many different kinds of pancake
recipes. These pancakes are usually served for dessert.

ln Asia, people often eat the sweet pancakes seen

in North America and Europe, but they also make
special pancakes for dinner. These pancakes
sometimes include meat, seafood, and vegetables.
They're not sweet, but they're very tasty.

Any time of the day, pancakes can be a delicious



- Did you know? s
I A pancake race is a popular r

event in England. ln a pancake

race, each runner carries a
pancake in a frying pan. All
runners must toss their
r pancakes as they run and
them in the pan.
w^catch G
2. During Reading
$ tVtain ldea Circle the main idea of the story.

dB* How to make pancakes fu. The best pancakes in the world

#* Different kinds of pancakes d Different pancake recipes

S Craphic Summary complete the diagram.

j . made from a sweet
1 Pancakes in
. served with and syrup / topped with fruit
i North America

. seff€d for breakfast

. often very
. served with or syrup / filled with fruit or
. served for

. special pancakes with meat,


, and
. not sweet, but very

. served for

$ Oetails t Gheck ({ l.

True False

1 Pancakes are only seen in a few countries. )

2 ln Asia, People make sweet pancakes for dinner. I

3 Pancakes are usually round and flat.

4 ln Asia, people don't eat the sweet pancakes.

5 Every country has a slightly different kind of pancake.

6 !n Europe, pancakes are often very thick.

Itr*#in.; Rocket,

$ O"tails 2 Gircte the correct answer.

1 Some pancakes are cooked with extra ingredients for dinner. What are they?

+8. honey, fruit, ice cream $#. meat, seafOod, and vegetables

2 Who usually eat pancakes for breakfast?

,fs- North Americans &- Asians

3 ln line 3, what does they refer to?
{lr*o many people fu. Pancakes

3. After Reading
$ Word PractiG€ choose and complete the sentence.

flat extra ingredients $erved recipe includes

1 Can I have the for this soup? lt's delicious!

2 A table has a top.

3 Breakfast is from 7:30 to 9:30.

4 Bring some clothes. It will be cold tonight.

5 This book some grammar exerclses.

6 The for this cake are flour, butter, sugar and eggs.

S Oiscussion Write the answers and talk about them with your friends.

1 Which style of pancakes do you like: North American, European or Asian?

2 Do you often eat pancakes?

3 Which special ingredients would you use to create your own pancake?
S. Pr&*Kemd&mg

ffi Warm Up Look at the picture and talk about it.

'l Can you ski? Have you been to a ski resort?

? What are the dangers at a ski resort?

3 Have you ever seen ski patrollers?

&* w\,-

ffi ttet Words Write the word next to its definition. Use the words in bold from the story
on the next page.

knowing about something

a to rest and be calm

3 a small place where people live

& in fact; truly; very

s to have fun;to like something

6 a day or days when you do not go to work or school

My Aunt Kerry and Uncle John are ski patrollers. They live near the top of a
mountain. Their job is to help skiers who are hurt. Aunt Kerry and Uncle John love
their job, but sometimes it is dangerous. They have to help people when the
weather is bad, and they must also be aware of avalanches*.

A good thing about their job is the place where they live. lt is beautiful, and the air
is very fresh. When summer comes, Aunt Kerry and Uncle John enioy hiking and
mountain biking close to their home. But, after a long winter they really want to
enjoy some warm weather. So, the first thing they do is to take a holiday at the
beach !

'u After a hard day of ski pat rolling, Aunt Kerry and Uncle John are cold and tired.
They relax in the sauna at the ski resort. They are
hungry too, but food is expensive at the resort. They
usually do their shopping in the village near the
mountain, and cook dinner at home.

Would you like to be a ski patroller? Keep practicing
* avalanche: skiing, and you could get a job like my aunt and
the fast movement of
snow down a mountain uncle's !

196 rtuords


; x{*
i r'.' I

# ,".
2, During Reading
S tVtain ldea Circle the main idea of the story.

s#" Aunt Kerry and Uncle John's holiday

fu. Aunt Kerry and UncleJohn's life as ski patrollers

#u How to become a ski patroller

#. Why ski patroller is a dangerous job

S Corpare and Contrast Comptete the diagram.

Aunt Kerry and Uncle John's job:

The job ir good. The job is dangerous.

. The place where they _ is beautiful. ' Sometimes they have to help people

. The air is very in bad

. They enjoy and . They must be aware of

rn summer.

They love their job.

$ Sequencing Number the sentences in the correct order.

ffieadinr: Rocket,

$ Oetails circle the correct answer.

1 Where do Aunt Kerry and Uncle John live?

$iil. in the village near the mountain #. near the top of a mountain
2 How do Aunt Kerry and Uncle John feel after a hard day of ski patrolling?

{}, They are relaxed but hungry. *r. They are cold and tired.

3 What's the first thing they do when spring comes?

,$, take a holiday at the beach d:r. enjoy hiking and mountain biking

3. After Reading
$ Word PractiG€ choose and complete the sentence.

aware enjoy really r: holidays relax village

1 I live in a small in the mountains.

2l playing the piano.

3 We usually go to the beach during our summer

4 l'm hungry! I have to eat something now!

5 At night, I by listening to music.

6lwas of the problem, but I couldn't do anything about it.

@ Oiscussion Write the answers and talk about them with your friends.

1 Do you think ski patroller is a good job?

Why or why not?

2 What do you want to be when you grow up? Why?

3 Do you want to live near the top of a mountain?

*. ffiK&*Kwmd&mw

ffi Warm Up Talk about the antique items in the picture.

Would you like to buy these things?

x Which do you think is the most expensive item?

? Do you like old things or new things?

ffi ruew Words Write the word next to its definition. Use the words in bold from the
story on the next page.

T to think that something is true or right

I beautiful;very nice

3 table, chairs, beds

4 the time that will come

J having a good life

s with a value of; good or useful enough

wf,&&w #gW
::rtlxt -ir.:r:'.:!:,:

rffihen most people decorate their houses, they think about all the
): e A ft l- :-l- 1^l^l^
new furniture they want to get. A soft couch, a wide table, or -

matching set of chairs are lovely things to have. Many people feel
that buying new items means that they are successful.

i However, there are some people who don't want new furniture.
, YheSr like old furniture. ln fact, the older their furniture is, the better it
is. This furniture isn't called, "old furniture." lt's called, "antique
furniture." Antique furniture is usually one hundred years old or older.

People who collect antique furniture are willing to pay a lot of money
tn for it. Believe it or not, some people will pay millions of dollars for a
Did you know? piece of furniture. An auction at the famous Christie's auction house
Furniture is an :
sold an antique secretary (a writing desk) made in
uncountable noun.
So, you can't say 1760 for over twelve million dollars!
"two furnitures,"
you have to say
"two pieces of
The next time your mother tells you to
urniture. " ri take your feet off the table, you should do
k$.d as she says. Maybe she is protecting your
investment for the future. Who knows,
O: What is the
most valuable someday the furniture in your house may
type of ant?
A:An ant-ique.
be worth millions of dollars too.
188 w*rdr
2, Xlurimg KeadEmg
@ tVtain ldea Circle the main idea of the story.

Some people collect antique furniture, ,5" Old furniture is better.

Your furniture may become valuable. .d. Most people like new furniture.

@ Craphic Summary Gomplete the diagram.

100 pay someday decorate worth collectors

Paragraph 1: Most people their houses with furniture.

I There are some people who like antique furniture. Antique furniture is
Paragraph 2 ,,

, usually years old or older!

ParagraphB . Antiquefurniture are willing to _---.-.-- a lot of money for it.

the furniture in your house may be millions of

Paragraph 4
dollars too.

ffi Compare and Contrast Complete the diagram.


Many peopl* ; Antiqua callecters

1 They like _-_-- furniture. 1 They like ...---__---- furniture.

They feel that buying items * They think the _ the

means that they are furniture is, the .-*-- it is.

3 They are willing to a lot

of _ for antique furniture.

i::i,,,;,:r.iii:t Rocket,

@ Oetails circle the correct answer.

1 What do many people want to do when they decorate their house?

*. They want to buy new furniture. *,r,, They want to buy antique furniture.

2 The older the furniture is, the better it is. Why?

sr- Older furniture is cheaper. Older furniture is worth more.

3 ln line 6, who does They refer to?

*t. people who are successful $:t. people who don't want new furniture

3, After Readims
@ Word Practic€ Ghoose and complete the sentence.
furniture lovely successful believe future worth

I He worked very hard and became a businessman.

2 Nobody knows what will happen in the

3 They bought some for the new house.

4 That's a dress. You look so beautiful in that dress.

5 This house is one million dollars.

6 A: I didn't take the money. B: I don't you.

S Oiscussion Write the answers and talk about them with your friends.

1 Are you interested in antiques?

2 Do you know anyone who collects antiques?

lf yes, what do they collect?

3 Which furniture do you prefer for your room, new furniture or antique furniture? Why?
Word List
T+} Words from Book 2 are in blue. Write the translation in the blank.


.ypil-Q-z-",} ability i. ae unit 0Z .i bald

i. nr unit 01 ] about
' P?-!li1"l9 "j bark (v)
i" P1"-Utt9-5-,j acorn i'qayryl__o-9."r basket

{" az unit 07 j aGross st unit 14 become (became)

t sa unit 16 j act

i..-*.sni!-0"9""., beetle

i.",-?3Jll,.,!.-5-r actually 81 Untt 0/ begin

l/$t 17j admire i ee unit
a-_*-*".*.-- -**_'_-.J
20 l believe

i-"-ql_m$11,..f air-conditioning 1" Bz unit 05 .1


i-pq J_Q_": almost i- 91!st-91..,: blind


;;-n1 ;.,t17-i atons i ar unit 12 i bold

i et unit 04 .i already i*P"3_ylllt_0-9-"r' borins

sz unit 05 always '" El ylilpg..i brain

t'-__"_- ""_- "-_--'*'* \
nt unit.20 amazed et unitO2 break

ee unit 11 another i re unit 07 _: breath

G;;iiiit-i artist

ez unit 09 : attach i ar unit 19

i call

i.,ei ylid"j attack BRun[ g.g_' captain

F?._y*4!.,17_. autumn t_91-1]I!:l_8..i carry

.'",qi-111n:, .: aware rq t4!t oQ- chanse

i3i_H1rrt"9"9_": chemical

81 Unlt U5 i background i-_93-,111i1_t_1_-i choice

i er unit 02 i balance . sr unit 13 choose

i. ae unit 01 ) clearly {'-x-:'ritil..; division

! .- ._
81 Untt 1/ "
,i clothes i nr unit 17 i dress (v)
;. 81 unfi U5 ] collect o'-
81 Untt 0/ 1 during

i ez unit
04 j compare

nz unit 10
compete edit

L:3_Hti!_l_z*, complain embarrassed

L sr unit 0t ll continue enjoy

i na unit 06 ] cost eYen

I 82 Untt u/ i cough exchange

t_ggv$ 9"9*i country (countries) expensive

i nt unit 02 ; create experience

{ at unit'15 }
\.'"-"-.'*.***l crowd extra

I nr unit 06 i

r*n-qnl9"9-,] curious ( nr unit 14 i fairy tale

i at unit 14 ] famous

a-;, fiifm
a,',-,,,-*'*,^*# i dead I at unit 14 l favorite

er unit 15 I decide nr unit 01 feather

{ er unit 08 } defense i et unit 02

i female

i et unit 06
...*.*..'"',"-,.-.',.-**.*l I desert . 81 Unlt U/ , fight

{ at unit 04 i different 't Aa unit 09 j filt

l""p-::"yil! !9-j direction i g*l*_9_9; finalty

t._**"lil_]9-"i director u"PAg* j 0_2. fingernail

fteadinE Rocket,

ir:rdlff fix |!, gd.g{ important

i sz unit 18 i
flat ez unit 18
' include

i ez unit
07 J flexible {--r.3-Ysil-9-j ingredient

i-gaylil-99.,: fold i-p-.t-urit 1-Q .]

i 81 untt u5
, forget , ee unit 04 ,

i ae unit 13
'a.*.--,.-,.".",*-----*.-"-,'r1 frustrated i. gl ynr! og ; invite

{. ar unit 04 i fur i-P-1" unit 19.) iron


i nz unit 20 ! furniture
L""E? yl}_t ?9 1 future i--ql y"-li!- 1"-a-; iob
at unit 15 ,

i."pp_H!ll"_q_9_.i sain ii se unit 11 : joke

i,*ry*q$ _0_9_.
j geography

--qljl.l9; set stuck ipr d[ i* kind

: 82 unit 06 gift o
o . ez unit
14 ' Iay

i. nz unit 11 ,; hang around i_-F"?__y"il1-.11,": Ieave

{ at unit 09 ,} headache az unit 13 _ lick

I =. tr^iini":
gt ,Lt! _ol ., haarnr
heavy ii. Elc unit 1e
nz rrnit 13
, lie (lyins)

i_"p:,ylit 91_: height rl["q_9_-i life

history I sa unit 09 J lonely

holiday i sa unit 04 j loud

i"_p:._qilt _o_1,.; hour { sz unit 20 j lovely

i-p-,-11"ii ro obiect

Bz unit 02 makeup et unit 20 ocean

I sr unit 09 i massage r. ?l "Y"!i1"."|-9 ,i onlv

i "qnylit l-t .; mean (meant) .' B-1Ylil,:o-3- overseas

Bz unit 04 i measure
/ " "'
i' st unit 16 ,. meat l- B2.q!!1J.?. pack

, nr uni1 !_! .: medium i at y,l["!9...' pain

i et unit 06 j million . nr unit 10 .r painting

: 82 unit 10 ,. modern

q,gg il11ii ; mood - 81 unit 16 ', pay

:., y1i!-0,_5,; perfect

i sz unit 01 . mostly 82 unit 10 , perform

i rz unit 16 .: movie r et unit 09 i pinch

nt unit 15 : musical instrument et unit 07 : poem

unit 11 ': musician sz unit 17 poor

se unit ,, pour
' 81 unit 17 : need : powerful

I sz unit 09 .i neighbor ' nl unit 15 : practice

. g3"ypit lz,: nod :. el unit 20 r pray

i ?? -11lj!
12 .r prepare

g1 unit _0-p , press

ffi***is^r{i Rocket,

{ ea unit 02 } prevent i_fA$[ ta"; settre

i sz unit 15 i project
-g_t_r4i! !z .i shape

i sz unit 15 ,1
|*-Ulil* sharp

. et unit 13


u F? g!it9"pJ quicktY i,-Pl_Ul'"!_ 19_i simple

L aa unit 05 i guite i"\**-.--.-.--..,,-.-,


st unit 12-r'] , ,

o-* i
er unit
-- -.,
) skate-park

t qt""unffZ,) real {-P3-g$I"99-} skill

{-P3Jl'!19-.,} really r, sz unit 03 ;1 smart

sz unit 12 1
reason ri az unit 07
i solid

L.:3ir_{,1_q"J recipe i-g:l ltrllgji spend

{'**:Jr[ 1-9""i relax L*mssil9"J spread

r"*Pa-tln*i?; remind {\.",--*,-.-----/
er unit 18 } square

{ ar unit 03 ll reply (replied) ;

Az unit
06 I statue

{ er unit 20 } rescue i ez unit 15 i step (n)

{ ez unit 16 i responsible i sz unit 14 ; sticky

l"s:*qn"[:3"] return i nt unit 11 ] still

i nr unit 01 j story

I nr unit 11 ) stylish

i nz unit 16 j script { ae unit 01 subject


i ei;ffi-o4-] 1 ra unit 20 j successful

{""ryJ-nll JP-,j i-gLvilt lg; suddenly

i:l_qd_rp-j survival , *i 91',100,: unusual
i__P-1" y111.1_3_"J swerr at y1!t 16 use

i ee unit 06 J symbol i nz unit 08 i useful

/**.*-.,'''-.-*-.-..-.-. -\
r p1 q1jl-1-2_-j usually

i. nr unit 04 ,: take care of

i, nz unit 03 .j tasty i.3-3 "qfitl.-e-_
j villase

i.:-t"gut 11i thin

I ar unit 20 ,i thirsty I er unit 07 i wall

er unit 14 thousand i er unit 18,1 washing machine

i"" n: throush .'B_Ly1jl-1__3.-j wear

i ez unit 14 , tongue i-f"q Un$.i"a; weather
{" pf_U,11-_q-_i tools -pr _unit
08 weird

{ ar unit tg .} toward l,,P-.?_y$l9j whistle {whistlins}

l. ea unit 05 ,; towel i_;i y,liioo,, witdtire

{.- at unit 16 ,-; trade i" sr unit 18 .i wipe

i er unit 06
\-**,-'-..-..,-. --..--,,*-j
: tradition

i ez unit i 10 trick ; ne unit 20 _i worth

i aa unit 03 j try {tried}

L-"n-uit9-g",i twice

Geading Rocket2
lullJllil[[lililll urfirfiflrfir
tsBN 978-89-5635-347-0

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