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Name Aegee Cedrick F.

Manicao Date 04/19/23

Course Code GEEL 1 Living in the IT Era Instructor Sir Alejandro Sotelo

Living in the IT Era

(Assignment #4)

Instruction: Answer the following questions.

1. What is the impact of ethics in a person’s values and attitude?

Ethics for me is a very important aspect in our every day life, specifically in our values
and attitudes as a person of a community and country. It serves as guidelines on what
values and attitude s to portray to create a positive outcome. It is a building block for us
in order to achieve and have a better personality not only as a person ourselves but also
as a human being who is a part of the world we live in. Ethics also helps us in making the
right decisions on every situation that surely create a positive impact or outcome and
avoiding unjust outcomes. Through ethics our values and attitudes will be honed to stand
and do the right thing. Ethics basically what guides us to tell the truth, keep our promises,
or even help someone in need. It basically drives our values and attitudes to become a
positivity contributor not only for our own selves but also for others. And through ethics
we have a basis on what to follow on how to improve our own values and attitude to
become a better person that you want, we want, they want or basically what everybody
wants. Ethics is very important aspect for us not only for our values and attitudes but also
for us as humans who lives in this world.

2. Give example or scenario that may apply in each ethical principle.

 Beneficence It refers to an act of charity, mercy, and kindness with a strong

connotation of doing good to others including moral obligation. A person’s duty to
act in the best interests and well-being of the patient, client, or resident.

Scenario: A part of the country is struck by an earthquake and basically the people who
are affected needs basic necessities in order to survive like food, water, shelter and
clothes. As a good citizen you have donated your unused clothes, some food and hygiene
kits for them to use to at least survive for the following days.

 Less Harm A person’s duty to do no harm, to protect others from harm, and to
maintain one´s professional competence. It is like beneficence except that it can
be applied to situations in which neither choice is beneficial where a person should
choose to do the least harm possible and to do harm to the fewest people.

Scenario: One day you are going to a store to buy some snacks you saw a man harassing
a girl, you can see that the girl is in a bad situation. So as a good citizen you must help
the girl to get out from harm and help her to escape from danger.

 Respect For The Autonomy A person’s duty to respect and promote individuals
‘decision for themselves or apply to their lives in achieving what they believe to be
in their best interests that includes respect for privacy and confidentiality.


Scenario: You saw your friend feeling disappointed and down, you ask him why but he
said “Sorry bro but I can’t share it to anyone”. Now as a good friend you must not question
him any further about that because it is obvious that it is confidential and private so you
just comfort him and give him his own privacy.
 Justice All persons involved, being of equal moral worth, should be treated fairly.
Ethical decisions should be consistent with the ethical theory except there is a
situation that provide an excuse and justification for an action.
Scenario: You are a restaurant owner, and a lot people goes to your restaurant everyday.
One day, you saw your staff kicking out a person in ragged clothes who wants to eat in
your restaurant, he had money but because of his ragged clothes your staff didn’t want
him to go in. Now to promote justice it is your responsibility to scold your staff or even fire
him for displaying a bad action specifically discrimination and let the man come in. Justice
and fairness is for everyone after all.
3. Differentiate the forms of ethical theory.

 Deontology - The deontological class of ethical theories states that people should
adhere to their obligations and duties when engaged in decision making when
ethics are in play. This surely means that a person will follow his or her
responsibilities or obligations to another individual or society because upholding
and doing one’s duty is what is considered ethically correct. For example, a
deontologist will always keep his promises to a friend and will follow the law itself.
Anyone who stick to deontological theory will manufacture a very consistent
decisions since they will be based on the individual’s set obligations and
 Utilitarianism – This particular theory are based on one’s capability to foresee the
consequences of an action. If one is a utilitarian, the choice that capitulate the
greatest benefit to the most people is the one that is basically ethically correct.
There are two types of utilitarianism, act utilitarianism and rule utilitarianism.
Act utilitarianism subscribes precisely to the definition of utilitarianism—a person
performs the acts that benefit the most people, regardless of personal feelings or
the societal constraints such as laws. Rule utilitarianism takes into account the law
and is concerned with fairness. A rule utilitarian seeks to benefit the most people
but through the fairest and most just means available. Therefore, added benefits
of rule utilitarianism are that it values justice and includes beneficence at the same
 Virtue – This theory particularly is very distinct from other ethic theories in that it
looks at a person’s individual character, not necessarily his actions. When
perceiving or observing an unethical position, the virtue theory considers the
person's reputation and purpose for carrying out the act. For example, If a high
school student is temperate, modest, witty and intelligent and plagiarized on a
class writing assignment, the virtue theory would analyze and assess if the
student's past personality characteristic and interpersonal skills in order to decide
whether the student is truly guilty or not.


 Rights – In this particular ethical theory the rights set forth by a society or
community are secured or guarded and given the highest priority. Rights are
considered to be ethically correct and valid since a large or ruling population
endorses them. Every Individuals may also have the right to bestow rights upon
others if they have the ability and resources to do so . For example, a person may
say that her friend may borrow the car for the afternoon. The friend who was given
the ability to borrow the car now has a right to the car in the afternoon. And that is
how the rights ethical theory works in the society and community itself.


Subject: GEEL 1 Living in the IT Era Score_____

Deadline of Submission: April 21, 2023

Grading Rubric for


Criteria 5 4 3 2 1 points
A complete Good solid Explanation not Explanation is Misses key points
response with a response with supported or unclear
detailed clear explanation lacked
Shows complete Shows Shows moderate Response shows Response shows a
understanding substantial understanding of some complete lack of
of the questions, understanding of the problem, understanding of understanding for
Knowledge in mathematical the problem, ideas, and the problem the problem
the topic ideas , and ideas, and processes
processes processes.

Requirements Goes beyond the Meets the Hard meets the less requirements Does not meet
requirements of requirements of requirements of submitted the requirements
the problem the problem the problem. of the problem
Timeliness Submit the Submit the Submit the Did not submit the Did meet the
problem a head problem on the problem beyond problem deadline
of time schedule the scheduled



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