SuperHero Digest

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Short Fiction Stories

Super Hero Digest

In Tokoshi city lived a weak and half-nerd boy
called Arthur. He was studying 7th grade at
Tokoshi public school. He got bullied by Kanji
10 times a day. His father Haruto was a
software engineer in Pedows and his mother
Elizabeth was a housewife. At the dinner time,
he will discuss the bullying but his parents tell
him to be strong and brave and fight him back
but he tried and lost with him many times. One
day, he went to search for the old comic books
that he had read many times in the storeroom
so he can sell them and make money to buy
new comic books. When he went searching
around the boxes he found an old cool
smartwatch so he wore it suddenly a hologram
appeared saying “It has been very long after
you turned off the watch Haruto” Arthur's jaw
dropped and when the hologram saw him his
jaw dropped too. Arthur asked, “Who are you
and what are you doing in this watch?”.

The hologram said “I am Godfray and I am not
stuck I am like a personal assistant which can give
powers and do not tell anyone except Haruto is
he your father right “Arthur said, “He is my father
and How do you know my dad and what powers
are you talking about?” God fray said that he and
his dad defeated night wing a supervillain that
attacked 20 years ago and he came far away from
his homeland and turned offed me so no one can
track the powers and come again to earth to get
the powers. In the evening, Arthur whispered to
his father “Come to my room alone at night at
12:00 I want to talk about God's fray” His father
was shocked about his knowing about god fray
and also angry for touching his stuff. At 12 am His
dad Haruto came and asked “Where is god fray
and how did you know about him? Did you go to
my secret lair? or Did you find him in the
storeroom in my stuff?” Arthur said quietly
“Don’t speak loudly or mom would be awake! I
found him in the storeroom when I was searching
for my old comic book to sell and I found this
watch lying near my comic books so I wore it
when I wore it turned on and It asked about you
and I can’t remove this watch and what secret lair
are you talking about?”

God fray said Hey Haruto How are you and I
found your son wearing the watch so until he
saves the world he is stuck with me and
someone tracked me so he should become a
hero or else you should come out of
retirement. Haruto said that he is fine and said
that he can’t be a hero again and his son Arthur
should be the hero because destiny chose him
and blustered about our secret lair. Then they
went to Haruto's or Bulletproof‘s secret lair and
His dad said that “When he was his age he
found god fray in the road and it was broken
down into pieces. He was lucky that his father
was a clock mechanic and taught him to teach
how to mend and repair watches. When I
completed repairing him he turned on and
BOOM! He gave me powers I had a new look
and I was strong and I could practically jump
like a kangaroo and also I had some weapons.
Everyone called me Bulletproof so I went with
and it is your time to be Bulletproof. Then he
became the next new legendary hero.
Pink Phoenix

Dad, let's go to the playground said, Elina.
Sure Sweetheart said Elina's dad. Dad, can
we take the car and mom can come too?
Sure, Let's go call her. In the car, John
lookout said Elina's Mom. Bam! Mom! Dad!
Please Wake up please I am scared. Then
she heard the sound WEE-oow-WEE -ooow .
She knew that sound. It was the sound of
the police so she called for help. The police
asked what her name and age were. She
said her name was Elina Johnson and she
was three. So when she was placed in a
foster home they hated her like a king
cobra that was going to bite them. So when
she was 5 she discovered that she had a
900 IQ so everyone came to her for doing
their homework. On her birthday she ran
away from the foster home. Then she was
kidnapped after 2 days. Someone saved her
from them. He was a boy whom she met
once in class. He didn't say anything to her
and brought her to a secret place.
They told her that they knew about her
IQ and wanted to be the next protector
of The mystical lucky charm that grants
them power beyond the psychological
universe and it must only use it for good
and Elina is the rightful successor. She
accepted the request and trained for 10
years and became The "Pink Phoenix"
One-day Charmtaker (a bad guy ) wanted
the charm and started attacking Earth so
In the name of Pink Pheonix using The
mystical lucky charm, she fought him
and became the Amazing Pink Phoenix

Once there was a teen scientist
name Hydo Walter who lived in a city
called Ramzilla He was very good at
Hydrology and Chemistry. His
parents were not too rich or not too
poor. They were a middle-class
family. His father was a taxi driver in
Yuber and his mother was a part-
time restaurant waiter. Hydo was a
friend of a chemist named Checra
Newton. He allowed him to do
experiments and Hydo gave him
ideas that gave the chemist some
local awards. Once he had a science
fair. He thought to make a Water-
powered suit since Coper Man was
famous. When he was making he
made an energy source that is
powerful to give living beings
awesome power.
First, he tested with different animals it
was a success he thought this
experiment could give him the best
science college scholarship. But he
knew that many evil people want it so
when he started to destroy the
Hypower ( that is what he called it ) an
earthquake begins the Hypower fell on
him and gave him powers. He was first
scared then he knew what the chemist
says "Great power comes with great
responsibility" so first, he tested his
powers were all water-based attacks
some of his attacks are Water beams,
Water jets, Water blasts, etc. He gave
himself a superhero name called
Hydropulse. First, he wore a helmet,
sunglasses, a mask, and some
waterproof clothes to disguise himself.
One day when he was testing his
powers he made a cool protective suit
The Chemist knew who was " Hydropulse and
was jealous of him so he tried new
experiments and now he was crazy and one
time an ant fell on a very dangerous chemical
fell on and the chemist did not know this and
the ant bit him and in that night he got some
powers and with that powers, he swore
revenge on Hydropulse. He named himself
Flamewheel and the next week he started
attacking the city Ramzilla so he would come
out to fight him. All was going according to
Flamewheel's plan to capture him and take
away his powers but Hydropulse was always
Calm and careful so he disguised him as a
normal citizen and knew what he was doing
and captured him in his own trap and took
away his powers and send him to death for
hurting people and Hydropulse saved the
Earth from many villans.

The end

Graphic Girl
There is a young brilliant girl named
Maya. She was best at drawing. She
studied in 3rd grade. When she was
roaming her neighbourhood to see a
yard sale to buy some books or go to a
bookstore. She saw a yard sale but no
one went because the lady who lived
was very rude but she went she saw a
fancy drawing pad she bought when
she drew a cat the cat appeared in
front of her when she erased it the cat
vanished. She was surprised but she
was more shocked that her brother
Krishna saw that. He grabbed and
drew a basketball it did not come and
when he erased it did not come too.
He thought Maya was the chosen one
to use the pad so he thought that she
was born to be a hero (he knew that
because he was an addict to
He told her sister to make a promise
to not tell anyone about the pad
because now she was a hero or
heroine (Maya liked heroine better).
Her brother named a superhero name
called Graphic girl and he asked her
to draw a secret lair to keep
superhero stuff her brother became
her sidekick named Idea bro. First,
she saved some robberies and helped
some people but one day the yard
sale women's evil relative who was a
scientist wanted that pad for a long
time but she never gave him. The
relative made a weapon that is
indestructible and a chemical that
destroy everything he fused both of
them to take a powerful weapon to
take the pad from her.
He named himself Jetty Ruler. When
the fight started the villain destroyed
half of the city. Then Idea bro told her
to draw the same weapon like to make
a fake one and touch him it is a
temporary solution when he turns into
ashes take the weapon and erase the
fake one so the damage will be fixed
again he will come alive again but the
weapon will not be with him and you
can hand him to police and the
weapon will be in a safe museum. The
graphic girl did the same thing that he
said and won. She still is fighting many
villains and helps people.
The end.

( This story is inspired by my sister )

Red Shinobi
In a hidden ninjutsu village, many
shinobi (ninjas in Japanese) trained
to earn the old mythical staff that
passed for generations. One day a
very hard-trained shinobi, Jacob
earned the staff but he was not
happy to get the staff. He only
trained to find who killed his mom
and teach him a lesson but when he
thought again and accepted it
because he could use the power of
the staff. Koliret another
hardworking shinobi wanted the
staff badly. After getting the staff he
went to New York where his mom
died he knew his name and address
everything. He thought him a big
lesson and gave him to the police
while going back to the village
Koliret dressed as a villain and
named himself The Shinobi to
obtain the staff

The fight went on for 1 month. But

suddenly he remembered that the
legendary shinobi told him that
thinking of legend will help you to
fight. He called the legendary
shinobi the fight lasted for a year
because he used the latest weapon
and new moves. But the legend and
Jacob used a legend move named
Roogend move and defeated
Koliret after defeating the villain
legend disappeared and Jacob
thought he should help more
people and went to new york and
named himself Red shinobi.

Thunder Quartz
Once all the elements lived
together. Those Elements are Fire,
Earth, Wind, Water, Lightning, and
the super epic rare element
Crystal. These elements give their
powers to Eumans .In a
Googleplex, only 1 in 10000000
years is born and got the crystal
element. They are immortal when
they reach the age of 15 also
when they reach 15 their power
gets combined with other
elements. This is the story of a
boy who got a crystal element to
master. Once there was a boy
called Sammy. He was born to be
a crystal master. He always went
to his loneliest school called
Crystalopedia. Because Crystal
elements are very rare and
He always wished to be any other
element so he could spend time
with others. He was always
protected by some powerful
robots. So no one can kidnap him
to use his powers and stay in the
crystal master's lobby in the
middle of the crystal mountain.
When he turned 15 something
surprising happened he was
fusioned with Lightning. Lightning
and crystal master never existed
on that planet. He trained for two
years to master the Lightning
element. He stole the fire-powered
spaceship and went to Earth to test
his powers. He named himself
Thunder Quartz and fought some
robbery as a superhero.
When he was in his civilian form his name
was Sammy Quartz. One day when he was
making a clone machine so that it could
help him while fighting and as a civilian.
When the clone was ready it became evil.
Sammy did not know this. He told his
friends the clone was his long-lost brother.
The special thing about the clone was it
was able to control all elements except
Crystal and Lightning. One day when
Thunder Quartz was fighting a robbery
suddenly he got shot by fireballs. The
clone dressed as a villain and called
himself Element Master. Thunder quartz
and element master had a big fight. The
city was mostly destroyed but the police
safely evacuated the people there.
Thunder quartz was bleeding in the last
moment of the fight. Finally, he used his
ultimate move Thunder crystal and the
clone was destroyed. The people were
happy and the people built a statue of him
for saving the city. That is how Thunder
Quartz became a legendary hero.
The Fantastic
Owl Boy

Cherrio was an orphan who lived in an

orphanage named Chandi Mandi
Orphanage with his best friends. He
loved his friends so much he will do
anything they say. His friends also
loved them and they loved each other
live siblings. One day when Cherrio and
his friends went to the mall. His friends
were missing. He asked the mall
manager to show the CCTV camera he
saw that his friends were kidnapped by
a group of kidnapers when he went to
restroom. He informed the police about
his friends. But 5 months passed the
police did not find a single clue. He
decided to go to a crazy scientist who
can help him. When he went to his lab
he was not there so he searched for
him while he was wandering the found a
secret room. When he went to the room
suddenly an owl came but he did not
care he mistakenly pressed a button.
The owl's power is transported to
Cherio. He got scared and ran
away. When he went home he
learned his power and controlled
his power. For a few days, he
practised and made a dress to
fight villains. He named his moves
like Iron Wing, Wing Shield, Feather
shot etc. He kept his cartoon hero
as inspiration and always
remember his dialogue " If you
want to be a hero then learn
responsibility " He found his
friends and gave punishment to
the kidnappers. Now he is the
great Owl boy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you want more
stories vist
Jai krishnaprasath is born in 2009 and
published 2 books in Bribooks started
his blog on August 28 2021. He lives in
Tamil Nadu, India with his family. He is
the creator of Short Fiction Stories.

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