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Music and Sound Effect

Advert 1
Apprenticeship Academy
I chose this song to play in my advert because it fits in well with the enrichment that is being
advertised to students. Apprenticeship enrichments involve you being paid as well as
learning so the theme song is about money. Even though this is an old song, it would still
appeal to the target audience as something they are interested in is money. The target
audience group 16-19 year olds would listen to this advertisement and want to learn more
from the fact that a famous singer's song about money is being played in this specific
I also chose to add a money sound into my advertisement to emphasise the whole point of
the advertisement is that you will be earning money whilst learning.

Advert 2
I chose this song for my advertisement as I think this is a very upbeat, motivated song to get
everyone up and ready for the enrichment. Another reason I chose this song is because it is
the type of music that 16-19 year olds would listen to.

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