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Crystal Joyce Peregrino

Social Credit System

The most striking scene for me is when I heard that 2030 will be people controlled by the
government by tracking every move and controlling everybody's access by lacking it down like
money and other things that people need to survive. I found it the most striking scene because for
me people will not going to have a private life since the government will easily have access on
every thing that people will have in their life. It will be easy to the government to control, spend
and used people's personal money and information.

The first scene that change my perspective in life is when the narrator talks about the pillar
number one where surveillance is about possibility of requiring a new form of identification that
the World of Economic Form is suggesting that every people in the planet should have a new
form of identification was digital id. For me I don't like this idea and it's a bit alarming because
the government have a possibility to control all our access including money. It will be easy to
the government to control every person lives by the used of identification id.
Then second, is about the second pillar where the finance is the topic. I found it a new
perspective for me because it will change the persons life if it will be happened. Since, the
government will be the one who owned and control every people lives. Everybody lives will
change it into the worst because we, people will not going to used their money freely because the
government will control on how we going to spend it and they will track.

The last is about scoring were the last wef's hypothetical plan is how the government ranking
every human being life. I found it new perspective with a negative sight because the government
should not rank every people life based on how they leave. It will be easy to judge the person
based on how they leave and it is not fair for every people on how they judge because they don't
have a good kind of life that the government want. I found it new perspective because it is easy
to jailed every poor people and they will not have the chance to protect and defend their self
because they don't have better life.

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