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Activity (Padlet)

Assume that you have been asked to make a summary about all the topics that you have learnt
recently under ITC2340 Computer Applications for Managers subject. To do this task you are asked to
collaboratively develop a Padlet using Padlet Mobile Application.

1. Download the Padlet mobile application to your smartphone

2. Sign up to the Padlet Mobile app using your Gmail account or USJ Microsoft account.

Use the following credentials if you are using USJ Microsoft account.
a. Username- your registration (Ex- )
b. Password- Password that you used to login to ITRC computers

3. When you sign up, you can choose to get the basic plan (free) or Pro (upgraded)

Select the “Basic” free option to continue using Padlet.

The dashboard is the first screen you see after signing in. It has buttons to create, join and view
already created Padlets, a list of all Padlets that you have made, shared, visited, liked, and

4. Make a new Padlet

Click the pink Make button to create a new Padlet. Instead of starting from scratch, you can
use a template and start with the right formats for your intended use. (use the shelf template)

5. Adjust Settings
a. Change the title, a description, and a wallpaper, and change other appearance
settings using the settings options (for the title, you can put your name and the subject
b. Enable the allow viewers to comment on posts option
c. Save and return to the created Padlet

6. Add content and publish

a. Add sections for each main topic you have learnt (example: Database, Web Presence,
Collaborative tools)
b. Create content which contains texts, images, YouTube videos, Files, URLs, locations
and GIFs
7. Share the created Padlet
a. Add two of your friends as members to the padlet ( who has already created padlet
i. Change the permissions (one member should be able to only read and the
other one should be able to edit.
b. Change the visitor permission to read only.
c. Share the created padlet using the link (Post the copied link in the zoom chat)
8. Join an already created Padlet
a. Copy the padlet link that one of your friends posted in the zoom chat to your mobile
b. Click on the join button in the dashboard and paste the url copied from zoom and
c. Add comments to padlet posts your friend has created.
9. Remake a created Padlet
When you click "REMAKE" in the top of any Padlet, you'll be given options for how you want
your copy to look.

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