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 Konulardanbiriniseçerekistenilenparagrafıaşağıyayazınız. DahasonradosyayıYazma-Ad-
Soyadşeklindeyenidenadlandıryaparaksistemdeindirdiğiniz yere tekraryükleyiniz.


Choose ONE of the topics below and write a paragraph.

Topic 1: Write a paragraph about “advantages of using the internet”.

- Before writing think about the uses of the internet

- Which use is more important?
- Which one is the least important?

Topic 2: Write a paragraph about “a job you want to have some day”.

- Before writing decide on a job you want to write about.

- Look at the list below and decide which of these things are the most important to you.
- Daily activities, people you work with, pay, benefits, Schedule, location, goals of the job, other.

Topic 3: Write a paragraph about “how you became interested in a hobby or a skill(for example,
painting, cooking, cars, computer games, sports, etc.)” Think about the answers to the questions
below. Use them in your paragraph.

1. What is your interest? Describe it.

2. When did you first become interested in it?
3. Where did you first become interested in it?
4. How did you learn about it? Did someone tell you about it? Did you read about it?
5. Why are you interested in it?
6. How important is it to you today? How much time do you spend on it?
Topic sentence 3 pts ____________

Supporting sentences (at least 4 sentences) 4 pts ____________

Concluding sentence 3 pts ____________

Use of language and vocabulary 4 pts ____________

Mechanics 2 pts ____________

Content and Organization 4 pts ____________

TOTAL: 20 pts ____________

Chooseyourtopicandwriteyourparagraph on thenextpage
Topic 2: Write a paragraph about “a job you want to have some day”.

I want to be an academician some day. The most important thing I look for in my working life is alone time
to think about things and do research. secondarily, what I care about most is the people I work with. i
would love to work with people who ı can talk for hours about a concept for all this, life in academia seems
to be suitable for me. After all this ı care about goals of my job and benefits.ın my view konowledge
networking and is pretty important

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