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APPSC Departmental Tests Nov 2020 session 09th Aug 2021

Participant ID 21306337
Test Center Name SVR Engineering College
Test Date 09/08/2021
Test Time 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Subject 81 Paper Code

Section : 81 Paper Code

Q.1 As per para 292 of APPW D Code, Measurement Book is the original record of actual
measurement or count, it may have to be produced as evidence ____,
Ans 1. Before Higher authorities

2. In a Court of Law

3. In Vigilance enquiries

4. In ACB enquiries

Question ID : 25627725521
Chosen Option : 2


Ans 1. 1 and 2 are correct

2. All are correct

3. 1 and 3 are correct

4. All are wrong

Question ID : 25627725565
Chosen Option : 3

Q.3 In case of monthly paid workman, "average pay" means average of the wages payable
Ans 1. 10 complete calendar months

2. 12 complete calendar months

3. 6 complete calendar months

4. 9 complete calendar months

Question ID : 25627725572
Chosen Option : 4

Ans 1. 1 and 3 are correct

2. 2 and 3 are correct

3. 1,2,3 all are correct

4. All are wrong

Question ID : 25627725563
Chosen Option : 1

Q.5 Within _________ of the submission of the Monthly Account for March, a consolidated
certificate in respect of balances, _________, should be forwarded to the A.G in Form
PWA 46, Annual Certificate of Balances.
Ans 1. 2 months, including cash

2. Six weeks, other than cash

3. 2 months, excluding cash

4. Six weeks, including cash

Question ID : 25627725542
Chosen Option : 4

Q.6 The sale proceeds of Lands etc., are to be regulated as per_________

Ans 1. Para 80 of APPW A Code

2. Schedule-II under Para 71-A of APPW A Code

3. Schedule-I under Para 71-A of APPW A Code

4. Para 75 of APPW A Code

Question ID : 25627725582
Chosen Option : 2

Q.7 Expiry of sanction for temporary Establishment, the P.A.O may admit the pay bills of
temporary establishment for a period of ____
Ans 1. Six months

2. Two months

3. Three months

4. One year

Question ID : 25627725525
Chosen Option : 4
Q.8 Non-Government works are further classified as
Ans 1. Deposit works and Takavi works

2. Deposit works, Local Loan works and Takavi works

3. Loan works and contributory works

4. Deposit works and Local Loan works

Question ID : 25627725518
Chosen Option : 2

Q.9 Works of Construction/repair the cost of which is met, not out of Government funds,
but out of funds from non-Government source are called_________
Ans 1. Non-Deposit works

2. Deposit works

3. Commercial works

4. Contingent works

Question ID : 25627725549
Chosen Option : 2

Q.10 Appendix-XVI of P.A.O manual contains

Ans 1. Work charged Establishment

2. Guide for scrutiny of sanctions of claims relating to works expenditure

3. The duties and responsibilities of DAO(W)

4. None of these

Question ID : 25627725599
Chosen Option : 2

Q.11 Special repairs and periodical renewals of road works are categorized under
Ans 1. Repairs

2. Original works

3. Partly original works

4. New works

Question ID : 25627725516
Chosen Option : 1

Q.12 The G.O Rt No 266 Finance (HR-V-TFR-A&L-EWF) Department dt.15-02-21 has granted
certain Covid Relief measures to contractors subject to some conditions, for all the
existing agreements in force this relief will continue upto _________or till closure of
the contract whichever is earlier.
Ans 1. 11/30/2021

2. 12/31/2022

3. 12/31/2021

4. 11/30/2022

Question ID : 25627725595
Chosen Option : 2
Q.13 When the final debt or remittance head of a transaction cannot be ascertained at once,
the transaction should be classified temporarily under "P.W deposits" if a receipt, or
under "M.P.W.A", if a charge. Quote the authority
Ans 1. Para 245 of APPW 'D' Code

2. Article 12 of AP Accounts Code Vol.III

3. Para 172 of PW 'A' Code

4. Article 84 of AP Accounts Code Vol.III

Question ID : 25627725515
Chosen Option : 2

Q.14 The percentage recoveries made on account of establishment, tools and plant and
accounts and audit charges _________ should be prepared embracing all Government
as well as Non-Government works
Ans 1. Three schedule dockets

2. Single schedule dockets

3. Two schedule dockets

4. Four schedule dockets

Question ID : 25627725541
Chosen Option : 3

Q.15 Buildings when fall vacant which were not in the register of PW Department shall be
handed over to the custody of
Ans 1. Social Welfare Department

2. Revenue Department

3. Endowments Department

4. Police Department

Question ID : 25627725550
Chosen Option : 2

Q.16 No religious edifice should be destroyed or injured in the execution of works without
the full and free consent of the persons interested. Quote the authority.
Ans 1. Para 201 of APPW D Code

2. Para 189 of APPW D Code

3. Para 119 of APPW D Code

4. Para 191 of APPW D Code

Question ID : 25627725594
Chosen Option : 2

Q.17 A register of miscellaneous properties should be maintained in _________ each sub-

Ans 1. Form 48

2. Form 49

3. Form 51

4. Form 54

Question ID : 25627725578
Chosen Option : 2
Q.18 Who is the internal checking authority for the claims arising in the project and other
offices as per chapter 18 of PAO manual

2. Resident Audit officer

3. Divisional Accounts Officer

4. Director of Accounts

Question ID : 25627725579
Chosen Option : 3

Q.19 A register of check-measurement should be maintained in each division

Ans 1. Para 298 of D Code

2. Para 295 of D Code

3. Para 296 of D Code

4. Para 293 of D Code

Question ID : 25627725544
Chosen Option : 2

Q.20 Private cash should not mix-up with the public cash or account _________
Ans 1. Para 130 of Public Works Account Code

2. Para 180 of Public Works Account Code

3. Para 164 of PW Account Code

4. Para 96 of PW Account Code

Question ID : 25627725553
Chosen Option : 2

Q.21 As per Article 74 of AP Accounts Code Vol.III, The percentage deductions for security
deposit made from the contractors' bills should be credited to the head _________
Ans 1. Public works Deposits - Cash Deposits of contractors

2. Public Works Deposits -Other Deposits of Contractors

3. Public Works Deposits -Miscellaneous Deposits of Contractors

4. None of these

Question ID : 25627725597
Chosen Option : 2

Q.22 The stores of the PW department are divided into

Ans 1. Stock or general stores and tools and plant

2. Stock or general stores, tools and plant and road metal

3. Tools and plants and materials charged direct to works

4. Stock or general stores, tools and plants, road metal, and materials charged direct
to works

Question ID : 25627725548
Chosen Option : 2
Q.23 ____ can be further classified into (1) Productive and (2) Unproductive as per Article
26 of AP Accounts code Vol.III
Ans 1. Irrigation works

2. Navigation, Embankment and drainage works

3. Both 1 and 2

4. All Minor works

Question ID : 25627725517
Chosen Option : 3

Q.24 A disbursing Officer has to satisfy not only himself, but also the Audit Department,
that a claim which has been accepted is valid, that a complete proof of the payment
which it supports, and that an account is correct in all respects. Quote the authority.
Ans 1. Para 70 of APPW A Code

2. Para 90 of APPW A Code

3. Para 95 of APPW A Code

4. Para 84 of APPW A Code

Question ID : 25627725586
Chosen Option : 2

Q.25 The passed bills should be sent to the cash section through a bill transit register
(BTR) in Form_________
Ans 1. P.A.O.30

2. P.A.O.31

3. P.A.O.32

4. P.A.O.33

Question ID : 25627725558
Chosen Option : 2

Q.26 Levelling instruments required for ordinary purposes, purchases should be made only
from firms approved by the Chief Engineer
Ans 1. Note under Para 342 APPW D Code

2. Note under Para 342 of Works Accounts Code

3. Note under Para 392 of Works Accounts Code

4. Note under Para 345 APPW D Code

Question ID : 25627725555
Chosen Option : 2

Q.27 As per ID Act, Unless otherwise notified by the government, an award is enforceable in
_________of its publication
Ans 1. 30 days

2. 45 days

3. 60 days

4. 90 days

Question ID : 25627725556
Chosen Option : 1
Q.28 The sale of usufruct of trees, grass etc modalities are covered by the Rule as
envisaged vide
Ans 1. Para 344 of D Code

2. Annexure III of APPW A Code

3. Para 40 of AP Accounts Code Vol.III

4. Para 216 of D Code

Question ID : 25627725510
Chosen Option : 2

Q.29 The Proforma accounts of each workshop will be prepared annually in such form and
in such details as may be prescribed by Government in consultation with the
Accountant General. State the relevant Article
Ans 1. Article 177 of A.P. Accounts Code Vol.III

2. Article 182 of A.P. Accounts Code Vol.III

3. Article 179 of A.P. Accounts Code Vol.III

4. Article 180 of A.P. Accounts Code Vol.III

Question ID : 25627725536
Chosen Option : 2

Q.30 Section 25-H of Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 states _________

Ans 1. Illegal Lockout

2. Illegal Strike

3. Re-employment of retrenched workman

4. None of the above

Question ID : 25627725573
Chosen Option : 3

Q.31 The total cost of a work or sub-work in estimates divided for purposes of financial
control and statistical convenience is known as
Ans 1. Sectional expenditure

2. Partial Debit

3. Sub-head

4. None of these

Question ID : 25627725514
Chosen Option : 2

Q.32 No compensation shall be payable to an employee in respect of any disease unless

the disease is directly attributable to a specific injury by accident arising out of and in
the course of his employment
Ans 1. Section 4(9) of Workmen's Compensation Act

2. Section 5(9) of Workmen's Compensation Act

3. Section 3(9) of Workmen's Compensation Act

4. None of the above

Question ID : 25627725534
Chosen Option : 3
Q.33 According to Indian Contract, a person making the proposal is called
Ans 1. Promisee

2. Proposer

3. Promisor

4. Proponent

Question ID : 25627725588
Chosen Option : 2

Q.34 The Arithmetical accuracy of the entries in an M.B relating to bills sent for pre-audit
should be checked cent percent in the division office -Quote the Authority
Ans 1. Para 540 of APPW A Code

2. Para 194 of APPW D Code

3. Para 238 of APPW A Code

4. Para 68 of AP Accounts Code Vol.III

Question ID : 25627725501
Chosen Option : 2

Q.35 The words "in full settlement of all demands" are filled by the payment officer in the
bill, when the payee is illiterate, or is unable to write beyond signing his name. State
whether the action of the officer is
Ans 1. Correct

2. Not Correct

3. Cannot say

4. Irregular

Question ID : 25627725507
Chosen Option : 3

Q.36 In the accounts of works, all outstanding or anticipated credits, which have to be taken
in reduction of final charges are treated as
Ans 1. Properties

2. Liabilities

3. Assets

4. None of these

Question ID : 25627725583
Chosen Option : 2

Q.37 As per 3-2-3 of PAO Manual ____ is responsible attached in attending the routine work
of dispatch and incidental work such as verification of enclosures etc., not involving
audit check?
Ans 1. Superintendent

2. Senior Assistant


4. Junior Assistant

Question ID : 25627725529
Chosen Option : 4
Q.38 Section 25-D of Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 explains _________
Ans 1. Continuous service

2. Compulsory service

3. Break-in-service

4. None of the above

Question ID : 25627725574
Chosen Option : 2

Q.39 As per Article 183 of Account Code Vol.III Form P.W.A.19 is to be used for _________
Ans 1. Advice of transfer Debit/Credit

2. Advice of transfer Material

3. Advice of transfer of account

4. Advice of transfer cash

Question ID : 25627725546
Chosen Option : 2

Q.40 The methods of calculation of wages for payment of compensation under Workmen's
Compensation Act are defined_________
Ans 1. Section 2

2. Section 3

3. Section 4

4. Section 5

Question ID : 25627725568
Chosen Option : 4

Q.41 As per P.A.O manual 13-4-1, review of Project Estimate Registers, entrusted to ____
Section in Director's Office
Ans 1. Co-ordination Section

2. ITC Section

3. Admn. Section

4. None of the above

Question ID : 25627725524
Chosen Option : 2

Q.42 Transactions connected with interest Bearing Securities do not pass through the Cash
Book and consequently the regular accounts of the PAO/APAO. However a register of
receipt and disposal of these securities should be kept in Form _________
Ans 1. P.A.O.40

2. P.A.O.43

3. P.A.O.30

4. P.A.O.33

Question ID : 25627725559
Chosen Option : 2
Q.43 Rules regarding the Establishment of Divisional Accounts Officer are given
Ans 1. Appendices-2 and 3 of APPW A Code

2. Appendices-2 and 4 of APPW A Code

3. Appendices-2 and 8 of APPW A Code

4. None of these

Question ID : 25627725543
Chosen Option : 2

Q.44 Which Section of the Industrial Disputes Act prohibits financial aid to illegal strikes
and lock-outs.
Ans 1. Section 25

2. Section 20

3. Section 26

4. Section 28

Question ID : 25627725591
Chosen Option : 2

Q.45 Estimates for special repairs remain current till the completion of the repairs in the
same manner as estimates for original works. Quote the authority.
Ans 1. Para 319 of APPW D Code

2. Para 131 of APPW D Code

3. Para 132 of APPW D Code

4. Para 139 of APPW D Code

Question ID : 25627725593
Chosen Option : 2

Q.46 The bailment of goods as security for payment of a debt or performance of a promise
is called_________
Ans 1. Pledge

2. Guarantee

3. Mortgage

4. Hypothecation

Question ID : 25627725590
Chosen Option : 3

Q.47 Section 55 of Indian Contract Act, 1872 discussed_________

Ans 1. Time frame of contract

2. Reciprocal contract

3. Breach of contract

4. Contingent contract

Question ID : 25627725571
Chosen Option : 1
Q.48 A lockout declared in consequence of an illegal strike or a strike declared in
consequence of an illegal lock-out shall not be deemed to be _________
Ans 1. Legal

2. Illegal

3. Regular

4. Irregular

Question ID : 25627725569
Chosen Option : 2

Q.49 While reviewing the Measurement Books in division office, at least ____ of the entries
in the selected M.Bs be reviewed
Ans 1. 10%

2. 25%

3. 50%

4. No fixed percentage

Question ID : 25627725505
Chosen Option : 2

Q.50 Every rule made shall be laid, as soon as may be after it is made, before the State
Legislature, state the section in which it was mentioned in Workmen's Compensation
Act 1923
Ans 1. Section-32 of Workmen's Compensation Act, 1923

2. Section-30(3) of Workmen's Compensation Act, 1923

3. Section-33(3) of Workmen's Compensation Act, 1923

4. Section-34 of Workmen's Compensation Act, 1923

Question ID : 25627725532
Chosen Option : 1

Q.51 There are 7 categories of bills received in the Project PAO's office - quote the authority
Ans 1. Chapter 6-4-1 of P.A.O Manual

2. Chapter 7-4-1 of P.A.O Manual

3. Chapter 8-4-4 of P.A.O Manual

4. Chapter 7-4-4 of P.A.O Manual

Question ID : 25627725575
Chosen Option : 2

Q.52 In case of A.S/R.A.S pending at Government and urgency payments are to be made on
_________ in Form P.A.O 67 in respect of bill other than final bills to the extent of 25%
of the value of each contract countersigned by the _________
Ans 1. Provisional Basis; Chief Engineer

2. Provisional Basis; Engineer-in-Chief

3. Provisional Basis; Executive Engineer

4. Provisional Basis; Superintending Engineer

Question ID : 25627725560
Chosen Option : 1
Q.53 The standards for the computations of arrears in terms of mandays is prescribed in
_________ of PAO manual.
Ans 1. Appendix-VIII

2. Appendix-II

3. Appendix-III

4. Appendix-V

Question ID : 25627725580
Chosen Option : 2

Q.54 Which of the following Sections of the Indian Contract Act relate to payment of
compensation for loss or damage caused by breach of contract?
Ans 1. Section 95

2. Section 58

3. Section 65

4. Section 73

Question ID : 25627725589
Chosen Option : 2

Q.55 Which one of the most important records of the Dept. as per para 162 of Works
Accounts Code
Ans 1. Classification of expenditure

2. Contract ledger

3. Imprest

4. Cash book

Question ID : 25627725576
Chosen Option : 4

Q.56 As per the Section 25FFA of Industrial Dispute Act, 1947 given a notice to close down
any undertaking shall serve ____of time
Ans 1. Ninety days

2. Thirty days

3. Sixty days

4. One hundred twenty days

Question ID : 25627725527
Chosen Option : 3

Q.57 A register should be maintained in P.A.O office, for each division to record the
estimates sanctioned by Divisional officers. Separate folios should be set apart for
each _________ each entry in the register should be attested by the _________
Ans 1. Minor head; Superintendent

2. Minor head; P.A.O

3. Detailed head; P.A.O

4. Detailed head; Superintendent

Question ID : 25627725564
Chosen Option : 2
Q.58 As per Para 71-A of works Accounts Code, the classification of transactions in
Government accounts shall have close reference to _________
Ans 1. Function of the Government

2. Programme of the Government

3. Activity of the Government

4. All of these

Question ID : 25627725600
Chosen Option : 4

Q.59 Every person is competent to contract who is of the age of majority and who is of
sound mind and is not disqualified from contracting by any law ____
Ans 1. Section-6 of Indian Contract Act, 1872

2. Section-11 of Indian Contract Act, 1872

3. Section-12 of Indian Contract Act, 1872

4. Section-10 of Indian Contract Act, 1872

Question ID : 25627725531
Chosen Option : 2

Q.60 All corrections in accounts which may be advised by the A.G on his auditing the
documents should, after verification, be carried out in all relevant records in red ink
and attested by the dated initials of the_________
Ans 1. Executive Engineer

2. Divisional Accountant

3. Superintending Engineer

4. Cashier

Question ID : 25627725539
Chosen Option : 2

Q.61 Fatal accident should be reported to the Commissioner within _________

Ans 1. 7 days

2. 24 hours

3. One month

4. Not necessary

Question ID : 25627725567
Chosen Option : 2

Q.62 The mistake should be corrected by drawing the pen through the incorrect entry and
inserting the corrected one in ____ as per Article 84 of Account Code Vol.III
Ans 1. Normal blue or black ink between the lines

2. Red ink between the lines

3. Green ink between the lines

4. None of the above

Question ID : 25627725533
Chosen Option : 2
Q.63 All revenues realized shall be credited to the Consolidated Fund of the State and shall
not be applied for meeting any expenditure which can only be incurred against a grant
voted by the Legislature. Quote the authority.
Ans 1. Para 97 of APPW A Code

2. Para 91 of APPW A Code

3. Para 89 of APPW A Code

4. Para 79 of APPW A Code

Question ID : 25627725585
Chosen Option : 2

Q.64 Obstruction of work by a concerted refusal under a common understanding of any

number of persons who have been so employed to continue to work is_________
Ans 1. Dispute

2. Layoff

3. Strike

4. Lockout

Question ID : 25627725570
Chosen Option : 3


Ans 1. Both statements are not correct

2. Both statements are correct

3. Only statement 1 is correct

4. Only statement 2 is correct

Question ID : 25627725537
Chosen Option : 2

Q.66 A P.A.O admitted one work bill without insisting the validity of the BG and without
deducting 2.5% FSD in a final bill which was submitted after completion of the defect
liability period
Ans 1. The action of P.A.O is not correct

2. The action of P.A.O is correct

3. Can be done either way

4. No rules available on this issue

Question ID : 25627725596
Chosen Option : 1
Q.67 The expenditure on procurement of special tools and plant required for a specific work
was debited by the E.E to the minor head "Tools and Plant" -
Ans 1. The debit is correct

2. The debit is incorrect

3. Cannot say

4. EE was given powers to debit any head

Question ID : 25627725519
Chosen Option : 2

Q.68 List of occupational diseases are noted in _________of Workmen's compensation Act
Ans 1. Schedule-I of W.C. Act, 1923

2. Schedule-III of W.C. Act, 1923

3. Schedule-IV of W.C. Act, 1923

4. Schedule-II of W.C. Act, 1923

Question ID : 25627725557
Chosen Option : 2

Q.69 Errors subsequently noticed need not be corrected without formal Transfer
Ans 1. Para 135 of Works Account Code

2. Para 115 of Works Account Code

3. Para 215 of Works Account Code

4. Sub-Para(b) of Para 195 of Works Account Code

Question ID : 25627725554
Chosen Option : 3

Q.70 As per the consequential amendment to Para 117 of Department Code in respect of
EPC works what is the provision towards contingencies may be made for the Estimate
above Rs.10 crores and upto Rs.100.00 crores _________
Ans 1. 0.05% maximum Rs.10.00 lakhs

2. 0.25% maximum Rs.20,000

3. 0.20% maximum Rs.1.00 lakh

4. 0.10% maximum Rs.5.00 lakhs

Question ID : 25627725562
Chosen Option : 1

Q.71 Intermediate payment, other than a final payment includes

Ans 1. Secured advance

2. On account payment

3. Advance payment

4. All of these

Question ID : 25627725513
Chosen Option : 4
Q.72 The Account of T&P should be maintained for the twelve months ending with
Ans 1. September

2. December

3. June

4. March

Question ID : 25627725503
Chosen Option : 1

Q.73 A realistic period for execution of the work is assured and strictly adhered to - "Time is
the essence of Contract" This was mentioned in APPW D code with reference to
Ans 1. Payments on K2 agreements

2. For payments on Hand Receipts

3. L.S. Contracts

4. Written Understandings

Question ID : 25627725508
Chosen Option : 3

Q.74 The list of documents to be reviewed during inspection has been prescribed in ______
of PAO manual.
Ans 1. Appendix-XIII

2. Appendix-IX

3. Appendix-XI

4. Appendix-X

Question ID : 25627725581
Chosen Option : 2

Q.75 No pay should be passed and paid for a Government Servant beyond date of attaining
the age of Superannuation or on the expiry of a term of extension of service
sanctioned by competent authority
Ans 1. Para 6-3-1 P.A.O Manual

2. Para 6-4-1 P.A.O Manual

3. Para 3-6-1 P.A.O Manual

4. Para 3-4-1 P.A.O Manual

Question ID : 25627725551
Chosen Option : 1

Q.76 The lease agreements of the Government property should be written on stamped
paper and cost of stamps are to be borne by the lessee. The agreement _________
Ans 1. Shall be registered

2. Registration of the agreement not necessary

3. Shall be registered for major agreements

4. All of these

Question ID : 25627725545
Chosen Option : 1
Q.77 The officer responsible for realization of revenue at the earliest opportunity, when the
T&P is disposed off, is -
Ans 1. The Divisional Officer

2. The Superintending Engineer

3. The Sub-divisional officer

4. The Assistant engineer

Question ID : 25627725520
Chosen Option : 1

Q.78 It is a general principle that Government bear their own risk and do not insure
Government property, except in the case of goods intended from abroad, insurance
charges are payable by Government only when the purchases prices includes cost,
insurance and freight of the goods - state the authority
Ans 1. Para 343 of AP Departmental Code

2. Para 353 of AP Departmental Code

3. Para 363 of AP Departmental Code

4. Para 323 of AP Departmental Code

Question ID : 25627725566
Chosen Option : 1

Q.79 Unless otherwise altered by the A.G, the last day for the submission of March
accounts by the divisional officer is
Ans 1. 15th April

2. 25th of April

3. 10th May

4. 20th of May

Question ID : 25627725538
Chosen Option : 3

Q.80 State the information available in which Para about Destroying of the various records
of the Circle and divisional officers included in Appendix-XV of A.P. Public Works
Department code after the periods specified therein.
Ans 1. Para 89 of Department Code

2. Para 84 of Department Code

3. Para 90 of Department Code

4. Para 99 of Department Code

Question ID : 25627725561
Chosen Option : 2

Q.81 The Accountant General is authorized to call for additional accounts, books, etc., from
the divisional office, considered necessary for further elucidation of the monthly
accounts received by him
Ans 1. Para 88 of APPW A Code

2. Para 86 of APPW A Code

3. Para 72 of APPW A Code

4. Para 97 of APPW A Code

Question ID : 25627725587
Chosen Option : 2
Q.82 As per Indian Contract Act, a promise made without any intention of performing it, is
Ans 1. Cheating

2. Deception

3. Fraud

4. Insult

Question ID : 25627725598
Chosen Option : 3

Q.83 As per Para 5-2-3 of PAO Manual, each item of expenditure is covered by either general
or Special nature and sanctioned by competent authority or not should be observed

2. Divisional Officer

3. Director of Accounts

4. Divisional Accounts Officer

Question ID : 25627725552
Chosen Option : 1

Q.84 All Transfer entry orders should set forth such explanation of the correction or
adjustment proposed as Establishes clearly the correctness and necessity of the entry
Ans 1. Article 91 of AP Accounts Code Vol.III

2. Article 94 of AP Accounts Code Vol.III

3. Article 109 of AP Accounts Code Vol.III

4. Article 100 of AP Accounts Code Vol.III

Question ID : 25627725535
Chosen Option : 2

Q.85 The details of receipts, issues etc of T&P are noted in the T&P register of the division
concerned. This register usually contains
Ans 1. Only one part of the Register, with continuous entries

2. Maintained in Four parts separately

3. One part for each month of the Financial year

4. Divided and maintained in Three parts of the register

Question ID : 25627725502
Chosen Option : 4

Q.86 Every irrigation, navigation, embankment or drainage work for which capital accounts
are kept should, until ____ years after the date of closure of its construction estimate,
be classed as productive subject to the expected yield of return as per para 375 of
APPW D code.
Ans 1. 10 years

2. 5 years

3. 25 years

4. 20 years

Question ID : 25627725509
Chosen Option : 2
Q.87 Loss of Absolute deafness as per Workmen Compensation Act is ____
Ans 1. 20% of loss of earning capacity

2. 40% of loss of earning capacity

3. 50% of loss of earning capacity

4. 100% of loss of earning capacity

Question ID : 25627725528
Chosen Option : 3

Q.88 Any pages left blank in MB as inadvertently must be cancelled by_________ as per
para 294 of Works Accounts code.
Ans 1. Straight lines

2. Crossed lines

3. Diagonal lines

4. None of the above

Question ID : 25627725577
Chosen Option : 2

Q.89 Transfer entry books shall be preserved for a period of ____

Ans 1. Three years

2. Thirty years

3. Two years

4. Twenty years

Question ID : 25627725522
Chosen Option : 3

Q.90 Who is competent to deal with losses of M. Books, survey field books, levelling field
books and log books of Government vehicles
Ans 1. Executive Engineer

2. Superintending Engineer

3. Chief Engineer

4. State Government

Question ID : 25627725547
Chosen Option : 2

Q.91 Whenever any difference of opinion arises between the A.G and departmental officers
on replacing the existing forms in codes and manuals in rendering accounts to Audit,
the matter referred to
Ans 1. Public Accounts Committee of the State

2. Finance Minister of the State

3. Comptroller and Auditor General

4. A Committee constituted for the purpose

Question ID : 25627725511
Chosen Option : 3
Q.92 A Divisional Accounts Officer of a division is required to made a percentage check of
M.Bs used in the division as authorized by
Ans 1. Para 216 of D code

2. Para 296 of APPW A code

3. Annexure VI of APPW A code

4. Para 238 of APPW A code

Question ID : 25627725504
Chosen Option : 3

Q.93 The completion report is utilized as a revised estimate as per the provisions laid under
Ans 1. Para 285 of Departmental Code

2. Para 216 of AP Public Works Accounts Code

3. Para 215 of Departmental Code

4. Para 219 of AP Public Works Accounts Code

Question ID : 25627725523
Chosen Option : 2

Q.94 Form 64 (pwd vi-26) is used for

Ans 1. Schedule of works expenditure enclosed to the monthly account

2. Submission of list of dockets missing during a month

3. To explain the variations in SST of a month

4. For making petty payments to contractors

Question ID : 25627725506
Chosen Option : 1

Q.95 Chapter 7-9-8 of PAO Manual all anticipated credits on account of sale proceeds of
material and plant closed or abandoned works should be watched through _________
register which is maintained in PAO's Office
Ans 1. Special recoveries register

2. Deposit Register

3. Material watch Register

4. Deposit refund Register

Question ID : 25627725540
Chosen Option : 2

Q.96 A payment made on a running account to a contractor in respect of work done or

supplies made by him and duly measured is known as
Ans 1. On Account payment

2. Payment on account

3. Both 1 & 2

4. None of these

Question ID : 25627725584
Chosen Option : 3
Q.97 It is waste of Public money to prepare detailed Plans and Schemes for which provision
of funds is unlikely to be made as per ____
Ans 1. Para 90 Departmental Code

2. Para 97 Departmental Code

3. Para 100 Departmental Code

4. Para 86 Departmental Code

Question ID : 25627725526
Chosen Option : 2


Ans 1. i only

2. i and iii only

3. i and ii only

4. All of these

Question ID : 25627725512
Chosen Option : 4

Q.99 State in which Section it was mentioned," it is the duty of every employer to maintain a
muster roll and to provide for the making of entries therein by workmen who may
present themselves for work at the establishment at the appointed time during normal
working hours"
Ans 1. Section 25A Industrial Dispute Act 1947

2. Section 25-D Industrial Dispute Act 1947

3. Section 25-F Industrial Dispute Act 1947

4. Section 25-H Industrial Dispute Act 1947

Question ID : 25627725530
Chosen Option : 2

Q.100 Repairs may be divided into two Classes: 'Ordinary' and 'Special'. Quote the authority.
Ans 1. Para 133 of APPW D Code

2. Para 331 of APPW D Code

3. Para 313 of APPW D Code

4. Para 185 of APPW D Code

Question ID : 25627725592
Chosen Option : 2

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