Hotel Rwanda

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Crystal Joyce Peregrino


Hotel Rwanda

The most striking scene for me is when Paul Resesabagina, the hotel manager of 4 star hotel in
Kagili pay for his family other Tutsi people who are their neighborhood for them to be able stay
alive and not killed by Hutu policemen. And when they are going to leave the hotel because their
family is be one to those family who got approved by the UN, Paul decided to let his wife and
children’s to left while he chooses to stay with the people who will stay in the hotel because they
still not approved by the UN. Even though he knows how it is dangerous to stay in the hotel he
can't leave those Tutsi people. And also, when Paul uses all of his money and other things that he
had like; his gold necklace and watches so that he can have a food supply for all of the people
inside his hotel.
The first scene that I found to be an entirely new perspective for me is when Paul is talking to his
wife about their neighborhood who got arrested and he said to his wife that "Family is all that
matters." He said that because he just wants to protect his family first but then when he saw that
their house is full of their Tutsi neighbourhood who are hiding because the Hutu will kill those
Tutsi he just let them to stay will them. His wife treats their neighbourhood as their family that

why he also treat them as a family also. He didn't leave them behind instead they invited him to
their hotel.
The second is when Paul is seeking help for the UN and they are willing to give help but when
they found out that he is a black they left them in the hotel and decided to not help the people
who are in the hotel. They refused to help and left them behind that hotel. Paul also talked to
Rwanda Army and ask for help. But after all what he did for them like they let him stay in the
hotel, give all their needs and treat him as a friend, they still betray him. But Paul Resesabagina
didn't give up and still pursue to seek for their help. He offered all the things that he has and the
speak with Rwanda army general for the help for them to be able to leave the hotel with the
protection of the Rwanda Army. I realize in this part of story that don't give all the things you
have and don't easy trust people even if who know them because they still turn their back once
they wanted to.

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