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How to Be a Spy Kid Co-authors: Updated: Views:

361 January 30, 838,993
Author Info 2020
Last Updated: January 30, 2020 References Approved
1 Creating a Spy Team
Spying may be fun and exciting, but it's not easy! A 2 Training as a Spy
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good spy kid is hard to find. To be the next 3 Establishing Mission Protocol
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Creating a Spy Team

1 Organize your team. Spying is safer and more fun with two or more people. Your
teammates can back you up and can help complete your mission faster (with the right
group, of course!). If you decide to be alone, that’s okay, too. Secrets can definitely be kept
a lot easier when it’s just you.
If you do decide to form a team, you should have one teammate who knows a lot
about technology, such as computer shortcuts and knowledge of gadgets. The tech
member can also make maps, plans, charts, and notes about the secret mission.
Being clever doesn't hurt either. If you have a friend that’s great at thinking outside
of the box and is quick on his or her feet, add them to the mix.
Sometimes it's good to have a teammate that's strong, like for heavy lifting or hard
tasks that involve strength. But don't let just anyone into your team; you need
skilled spies, not grunt men.
Having a younger sibling is always helpful too, because they can usually out cute
any foe you might come across- or to infiltrate the enemy's hideout, because they
are smaller and a lot more trustworthy because of their age.


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2 Set up a hierarchy for your team. Make sure each of your members has a purpose.
They'll feel like they're a valuable part of the team, too, if they have a specific role.
Here’s the basic positions you should have filled:
A captain who is in charge of the team
A vice captain to help the captain make decisions and take their place if they are ill
A tech person in charge of the computer, surveillance equipment, and maps, etc.
A few general spies who go out in the field to do most of the spying Related Articles
Make sure there are other spies at the base ready to back you up on your mission.
Also, have another spy at a computer to write things down and get and record


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3 Equip your team members with your spy gadgets. Remember, being a spy team
means helping each other through thick and thin. If you have a few gadgets to your
name, dish them out evenly. The more successful your team is, the more successful you
and the mission are.[1]
Everyone needs a way to report back to the base. It could be a cell phone, a walkie
talkie, or even just a whistle – if they get in trouble, someone can come running.
They also need whatever devices would help them debunk their case, like a

4 Get the right gear and equipment, too. For a successful mission, you need
equipment. The bigger your team is, the more you’ll need communication devices,
too. Consider taking the following with you on your next mission:[2]
Cell phones
Video equipment
iPods and other communication devices
Walkie talkies


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Training as a Spy

1 Practice using your gadgets. Do several practice runs in a different location than
the actual mission to test and get used to your gadgets and clothes. This way, you will
know the shortcuts and limits of your equipment. It can also help you predict what problems
will likely arise.[3]
Make sure everyone knows how to use the devices and is comfortable with them. If
someone doesn't like using the computer, for example, send them out into the field.
You want them doing a job they like, after all.

2 Dress the part. Two things to consider: you either want to go totally spy-worthy or
totally incognito. It’s more fun to dress like a spy, but sometimes it makes more sense
to blend in. Which is appropriate for your next mission?
You might need special clothes like gloves and boots to make your missions
possible. Wear dark colors, and don’t forget hats, too.
If you don’t want to be suspected of being up to no good, wear your ordinary
clothes. That way you’re just a few kids having fun.

3 Learn to code data. Encrypt your written messages with a simple code. They can be
as simple as substituting a letter for another or you can use numbers for letter or
makeup entirely new symbols that correspond to the alphabet. An advanced method (and
harder to decrypt) would be to flip the word backward and substitute the letters. You might
even want to write the code in invisible ink.[4]
Why is this useful? You don't want anyone figuring out your classified information,
right? Should someone (like a pesky sibling) "accidentally" go through your stuff,
you want them not to suspect anything. Or if they do suspect something, you want
them to have no idea what they've seen.

4 Practice escaping from places. A locked room? Not a problem. A tree? Easy. A
crowded room? Don’t even worry about it. You and your spy team can escape from
just about anywhere – including sticky situations.
Never use elevators – if you get trapped in one, you’re trapped. Stairs allow for
more exits.
It will be easier to escape places (and to sneak into them) if you learn how to pick
Work on ways to talk your way out of things, too. Practice being confronted by a
parent or someone with authority and use your sweetest words to talk your way out
of it.

5 Get used to talking in different voices. This could also help with disguising,
especially if your mission is in public, you’re around people you know, and you need
to talk to your team. If you can disguise your voice, no one will suspect it’s you.
This will mainly be helpful if you're using cell phones or walkie-talkies. Code names
are a necessity, too!

Establishing Mission Protocol

1 Choose your mission. For example, you might figure out where your guardians hid
something, figure out the password to a friend’s club, or find out which neighborhood
dog has been dirtying your dad's prized lawn. There's no mission too small, either.
Don't know of a mission? Keep your eyes and ears peeled. You'll hear someone
complaining of something or talking about a problem they have they need solved.
That's when your team can jump right in.

2 Gather intelligence beforehand. Scout out the surroundings of your mission's location
for any hiding spots or escape routes. Make a map and take notes, denoting where
everyone will be posted and what they will do. Just like the Boy Scouts, you should always
be prepared.[5]
Make a backup plan or two. When plan A and B go terribly, terribly wrong, your
team still knows how to handle the pressure with plan C. And be sure that whatever
happens, everyone stays safe!

3 Station each member at their posts. Each member should have a communication
device, preferably with headsets, as to minimize noise. When everyone is ready,
commence the mission. They all go to their spots and begin their career as a trained spy
Make sure they all know the rules. When can they go to the bathroom? When do
they switch posts? At what time is everyone meeting back up and where?

4 Don't be seen or heard. Have a good hiding spot for each member, such as a large
tree, bushes, or boulders. Also, you can inconspicuously have a teammate casually
stroll by, with a book or something in hand. Don't do this too much, though, or it will seem
If you're incognito, dressed as a normal kid, make sure you're acting normal, too.
What would a normal kid do at the park? He or she probably would make noise,
laughing and playing around. You can also be suspicious by being too quiet.

5 Cover your tracks. Make sure you and your teammates don't leave anything behind.
Destroy any footprints on dirt or mud, (and destroy any accidental fingerprints if you
notice some). All papers at the scene should be recycled and definitely no clothing or
anything else personal left for curious eyes to find.
Cover your digital tracks, too. Delete any text messages, emails, or phone calls
made about the mission. Though it's likely no one will see these, it's always better
to be safe than sorry.

6 Rendezvous after the mission with your team. There should be a meeting place
after the mission to gather information from each team member. The team should
then brainstorm, determining if another mission is necessary or if this one can be
considered case closed.
If members don't show up, return to your posts and try to find where the missing
member is. If necessary, get out of spy mode and go looking for them openly. Have
one or two people stay at the base in case they come back on their own.

Keeping Your Spying a Secret

1 Store any information in a secure place. The last thing you want is all of your
retrieved intelligence and data compromised by a non-spy discovering what you’ve
found. Make sure you put it in a place no one will think of to go but you. But you also want a
place that's easy to remember.
Try a locked box or a password-protected computer.
Are there are secret locations in or around your house, like under a loose floor
board, that no one knows about but you? This also makes good storage space.

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