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Name: Joshua James Mendez 

            Date Performed:  May 6, 2021

Year and Course: 1st Year BSN   Date Submitted:  ____________

Subject title: Microbiology And Parasitology Code number: 9231

Name of Professor: Angeli Emborgo Score: ______________________

Exercise no. 6

                             Microscopy: Technique and Maintenance


      Routine optical and mechanical maintenance of compound microscopes can ensure that your
microscope works well for years. Compound microscopes should generally be serviced after about 200
hours of use. 

For most schools, this would be about every three years, possibly more frequent if the microscope is
used multiple times each day.


At the end of the experiment, each student will be able to:

 a) know and understand the importance of microscopy technique and maintenance in Microbiology.

b) demonstrate knowledge on the different technique and maintenance of a compound microscope.

c) Know and familiarize the proper care for a compound microscope.


              Laboratory Manual

              Microbiology Notes


The proper technique and maintenance of the microscope.

 I. The Microscope

  a) Identification of the steps on how to take care of the Microscope. 

II. Post Laboratory Analysis

      a) Answer the questions related to the laboratory activity.


      a) What are the ways and techniques in taking care of the Compound 

         Microscope ?

 With good handling and also with care on keeping it clean and safe at the same time. Having
maintenance regularly, cleaning the different parts of the microscope and placing it on a safe place and
covering it with dust covers to prevent dust to enter the parts of the microscope.


   b) Explain in your own words, the Microscope storage and maintenance

 The microscope repair details given below is not intended to substitute any existing instructions
supplied with your microscope, and it is much advisable to you have your microscope serviced on a
regular basis by a trained microscope technician. A user's manual should be included with any
microscope. Before making any changes to your microscope, always refer to this user's manual. When
doing some repairs on your microscope, never overtighten or use coercion. Metal sections of the
microscope can be damaged as a result of this. Hold the dust mask on the microscope while it is not in
operation. This alone will help the microscope last longer. And if the microscope is held in a drawer, the
dust cover can be used to protect it. And if it is sealed, do not store a microscope without eyepieces.
This will cause dust to build up within the eye tubes, making them difficult to clean.



A microscope is an essential piece of laboratory equipment, but it is often overlooked, misunderstood,

or ignored. If you need to move the microscope, do it from the base and support arm; if you pick it up
from the stage or eyepiece holder, it will become misaligned. Keep the microscope in a dry, draft-free
location where it will not be knocked, pulled, or muddy, and where nothing will fall on it. Keep the
microscope in a dry, draft-free location where it will not be knocked, pulled, or muddy, and where
nothing will fall on it. Ascertain that the microscope is level with the table or bench.

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